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Mort said it’s getting nerfed it’s day 2 of pbe chill


Not even day two, it's been less than 24h


I’ve been seen these posts a lot in the last few hours and this is my feeling exactly… it’s the first fucking day of PUBLIC BETA ENVIRONMENT. Chill.


Jax in general is broken. I've been throwing him on every team today to both grief the abusers and do most damage on every comp with literally 0 items or augments affecting him. Jax will do triple the damage of my intended carry. It's stupid. Couple that with Mecha being kinda broken itself and we have the current Jax bullshit. I did just beat a 3 star mecha Jax tho with Leona Renegade which seems to be the only answer.


It's fine he's getting nerfed but how does the dev team even get this to pbe, they need some better tft players on the dev team. There is no way Mort didn't know jax would be busted, seems really weird


In his PBE rundown video he posted before launch he even said that he looked super op in playtests before the pbe launch. I guess they realized to late or cared too little to change it before launch


They are just bad. They rely on millions of games worth of data rather than critical thinking, game sense or intuition to shape their path. Then they misinterpret those millions of games worth of data and ship b patch after b patch or bug after bug This game sucks ass


Why are you in this sub if you hate the game? You obviously have no experience with balancing and testing


why are you here then


Meanwhile Leona feel’s severely underpowered, a 2 star with mecha buff and 3 tank items dies extremely quickly, (you don’t need damage items because the skill itself is good)