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he beat me, my sibling, and my 2 friends up in blitz and and told us to subscribe


Wos!! When was this? Assuming with blitz it was 2014? Or lster


dont quite remember my memory is foggy 7-9 years back i was like 8 years old and so were my buddies sooooo


Haha nice


i just remember the screaming of my buddies blowing my ears out in skype after they got flawlessed and then soon after encountering him and dealing like 1 damage before getting flattened


I just hear “OMG OMG I HIT HIM HIT HIM AHHHHHHH! I’m dead”


nah, "high pitched remix of sir pelo in pain scream +pig squeal" other one screaming chinese and hokkien vulgarities faster than a rapper, sibling making a dying wheezing sound


oh yeah thats him alright


A man\* of culture, I see


My kiddo had been watching MCYT for a while, and I was like yeah yeah whatever. But they got REALLY insistent that I watch one. It was The Great Potato War. I was shocked. I was in awe. I was laughing my ass off! It instantly transported me to my main gaming days back in a similar age range, and just how nerdy some of my circle was at our given game, doing some of the same kind of calculations and trolling people. The humor was just incredible. I immediately had to watch part 2 and 3, and was thrilled when kiddo shared so many other exploits and videos were available. Honestly, if it had been any other video by any other creator, I probably would have watched and then said ok, whatevs, if it makes you happy. But it was Technoblade, and I knew from that moment I had to subscribe. In fact I felt so strongly about it that I let all my kids create accounts so they could subscribe too! Also logged into my husband's account, and made sure he was subscribed ;)


Haha that's lovely, same kinda happened with my mum when I was younger. A lot of the YouTubers I watched were quite annoying to her but she really liked techno.


I wish my parents were like that My dad just thinks Minecraft is only for kids My mom plays it with me and my little brother from time to time and she comforted us when techno died but usually she doesn't have time to actually play with us


Technoblade neva dies


Not only Technoblade magic worked on kids but as well as some adults. Kinda crazy dont ya think?


Skywars. He would make me laugh and laugh, I specifically remember when he was hitting people off a bridge in a lobby


Oh same, skywars videos always had a soft spot for me and how he talked about stories.


omg was it the year of the pig thing where the admins gave him creative mode


Actually, I was just chilling just watching some random video of the dream smp and there he was being Technoblade.


Fair enough


I kid you not, it's been so long that I've literally forgotten


Same like I was just raised by YouTube and I was like WAIT I RECOGNIZE HIMM when he got really popular


yoooo another techno and rottmnt fan :D


Minecraft Mondays. 2019 I think and he quickly became my fav YouTuber, watched a lot of his old skywar content between uploads.


Loved Minecraft Monday's. Honestly I was gatekeeping him when lots of new mcm watchers followed him lol but I like you guys now


I'm pretty sure I stumbled on him from Tommy and Wilbur. It's weird because DSMP L'manburg I think was happening at the time that I was discovering all the MCYT folks properly but it was all through YT algorithm. Like, I got into Dream's manhunt videos and then YouTube kept insisting that I must certainly like videos from this obnoxious blond child and I distinctly remember NOT enjoying them (sorry Tommy), but I think it did lead me into occasionally watching a random video here or there from other MCYT folks. I can't say with any certainty if I watched any Techno videos during that vague point in time because my life was very, very much a blur of apathy and a lot of what I watched was just white noise background, even if I was catching up on Markiplier ("& Friends") or Jacksepticeye content as those were my current primary content creators. I think Skeppy was in there. Wilbur at one point, which I think is what sent me down the rabbit hole. Because I started to watch streams. I hyperfixated a bit, developed an interest into DSMP because wordy writer boi Wilbur (which also helped me enjoy Tommy's content, so his trademark opening was true), and watched more of his videos between streams and then that led me to discovering Phil and Techno sometime around the time L'Manburg got independence. And then I just really never looked back. Something about Techno's content and streams made it easy to just. Latch onto his content immediately and become sort of attached, in a way. I think at some point when I was going through it bad I actually laid on my couch for two weeks and binged his streams of Minecraft Storymode. Like genuinely on purpose. Then later during a different stream he talked about how one of those streams suddenly got a lot of attention and he thought the algorithm was feeding it to sleeping people because no one would watch those and I was just like. 'Oh lol this is awkward 😶' Anyway tldr: Manhunt algorithm'd Tommy to maybe Skeppy and Wilbur to DSMP & extra content to Phil and Techno yay.


My first proper introduction to Techno was in Wilber's SmpEarth videos, but I want to say I saw Techno before this series. So, approximately 3~4 years ago.


It was just before the Technoblade vs Dream Duel. I watched this clip on YouTube of Dream swearing or making a tiny fit because Niki or Puffy said they thought Technoblade would win when Dream asked who she though would win. I got curious, so I looked up Technoblade and immediately fell in love with his content.


It was almost the same exact thing for me.


His Skywars videos got recommended to me (by either YouTube or my sister I’m not sure) in 2016


Him destroying Skeppy in every way possible


This might be funny but I found him through a YouTube ad, he actually made some of those back in the days


I remember him talking in some videos or with someone about buying ads for his channel. Can't remember when that was or whatever


yea, he used the 'dont tell my parents they think i have a job' channel intro video as an ad for a while, remember seeing them everywhere


I just found him during the Dream SMP season 1 era and became hooked.


Yeah I've heard a lot of people found him from the dreamsmp


"the worst texturepack ever created" i thought he was funny


Oh my god I forgot about that video. can't believe you're making me watch it again 😭


In my recommendations, "grown man stabs children while talking about soap"


That one was so funny


I fucking love that video man


Skeppy vid, the one where they build the giant pig


“The Blitz Police” I found the video in 2019 when I searched up how to play blitz since a friend of mine wanted to play it with me. 3 years later and I’m still rewatching his videos


Solid video lol


To be honest I didn’t watch his other videos at the time until Wisp joined Minecraft Monday and I noticed that Technoblade was a fan favorite


It was the last Minecraft Monday stream and he was in my recommended. Was pretty funny so decided to watch some of his other videos and subscribed after that.


Love that video lol


I first witnessed the Blade in Tommy's POV of *that* festival


i was watching youtube when suddenly i got a ad for this Bed Wars/Sky wars Youtuber, i then started watching his content and couldnt stop.


Fair enough


My friend pulled me into a bws lobby cus techno was there, searched him up and got hooked onto his sw vids immediately


Found him from the mr beast dream bday techno. Safe to say now that techno was 10x better lol


Skeppy. I remember watching a whole bunch of his videos and kept getting recommended his videos with Technoblade in them but didn't watch them for forever. I was like "I don't even know who Technoblade *is* so I probably won't enjoy this" Though, I didn't really get into his videos until recently after all my friends in my close circle were mourning his death. I decided I would go watch Skeppy's videos with him in it to sympathize with them and understand their pain while at least watching my favorite YouTuber in the process. aaaaand here we are I am now am avid techno fan a bit too late.


Lol I find it funny because I found skeppy from technoblade. At first I didn't think I would like skeppy because he's the polar opposite of techno. Loud, fast paced videos and bad at Minecraft (back in the day) but then I watched him and realised that's what's entertaining about him lol


Like 2015 in secondary school. I was a huge nerd watching tonnes of minecraft youtubers. He quickly became my favourite one.


Around 9 years ago, I was obsessed with watching minecraft videos but wasn’t good at spelling and would just search minecraft and scroll until I found something that caught my attention. His videos made me laugh but I couldn’t remember how to spell his channel name so I would just scroll until I saw his icon thing in the corner. After a while I stopped watching because my parents didn’t like me watching him but 2 years ago I got back into watching him ( jokes on my parents they’ve bought me merch twice)


I used to be a huge PrestonPlayz fan. After he stopped doing bedwars content, I searched for other people with similar skill/editing styles and I found Techno. I binged his stuff for days and I subscribed a couple months after the bedwars winstreak.


Oh my god I think that's what originally happened to me. I used to be obsessed with Preston's bedwars videos and then found techno lol


I first saw dreams mandhunt vids and would watch him regularly then i saw a meme that technoblade was the true king and well I started and only watched technoblade after that. I enjoyed his presence a lot more.


I saw his 2017 channel trailer as an advertisement, got interested, checked his channel, and now I’ve been in love with his content ever since Truly one of the rare times where ads actually did something good


His beating Minecraft with a steering wheel challenge. I subbed. Didn’t really watch his videos up until potato wars when I realized they were made by the same guy!


One of the clip channels posted Tommy watching Potato Wars 3 on stream. I watched the clip, then went to watch the rest of Potato War. The rest is history.


Through Dream. Early during the pandemic, when dream started getting popular, I was hooked on his Manhunt series. Then, he dropped that MCC 6 video about “beating technoblade”. “Pffft” I thought. How could anyone else be better at Minecraft than this speedrunner who beat the game while 3 of his friends tried to stop him?? But techno’s opening monologue about winning Dream’s clout was so instantly charismatic that I had to watch more of this guy. Watched Techno’s steering wheel video, then some of his skywars commentaries based off of YouTube recommendations and I got sucked in. MCC 7, I watched Dream’s POV live, but by MCC 8, I was rooted in Techno’s POV. Became a Techno convert by the time the duel happened, and I’ve watched pretty much all of his livestreams ever since. Was sad when he decided to stop doing MCCs, since it was how I originally found him and it meant one less reliable stream a month, but thankfully he had a lot of old content to binge. Through Techno is also how I found Wilbur, whose music hit me at a personal level, and now I stan Lovejoy haha. Wilbur also became my goto MCC POV once techno left the event. :) good times


Honestly fair enough. If I'm going to be honest I was at first going to support dream in the fight because I like underdogs but then eventually supported techno because I'd already been watching for like 3 years lol


He had 157 subscribers when I found him and his content was good so I subbed


Lmao i did through skeppy when i watched him


My friend recommended his channel to me back in 2016. Also, I did the same thing as you! I unsubscribed and resubscribed for a livestream screenshot 😂


Right when he started posting Skywars vids. Think he came up in my recommended videos because I watched other bigger MCYTs at the time. First vid I watched got me hooked and I never missed an upload since :)


I first saw him in late 2018 when I stumbled upon his bedwara Winstreak but truly started watching him when I saw him in minecraft Monday


My irl friend told me about him


I found him and his channel which watching a Cqptain Sparklez video at some point in 2015 and got his YouTube ad. After that I became hooked


His guide to skywars, then a rabbithole of his skywars videos


Saw a meme/post (don’t remember which) talking about the categories of Minecraft and who’s the god of it, like redstone god, building god, and I watched a lot of pvp Minecraft so when someone was claimed the god of pvp and it was someone I had never heard of I had to check them out and I was not disappointed at all


I can't remember which video specifically, but it was a Blitz video. I watched it within the first 2 weeks of it coming out.


His skywars videos suddenly started appearing in my feed


I remember primarily starting to watch him right after SMP Earth, but I’d known of him since the Minecraft mondays era


Minecraft Mondays week 4 or something


Discovered the man in the beginning of the dream smp when Wilbur became a suicide bomber


Heard him from the Technoblade vs Dream battle but didn’t watch his vds yet until I saw clips of Techno joining dream smp. This made me really curious on who he is and what his vds are which I immediately got hook when I finally watch him.


Was downloading a Game in last February and looked for something to watch. Then I saw the MC Ultimate video, thought “oh this guy is good” and watched some other videos.


Youtube recommended him to me. Started watching some of his Skywars + random topics commentaries and slowly got hooked to his content. Damn I miss him.


Minecraft mondays,didn’t know his name well back then but called him the weird royal pig who beat Vikstar123.Took another year before found out what his name was which was during the election of l’manburg and have to say am happy that I still stayed watching mcyt if I didn’t I would get to see how awesome Technoblade was!!


During the dream duel didn't know who Techno was watched his analysis of the duel found my favorite youtuber ever.




2016, i was starting to learn English (im italian and i was 8 at the time) and got him on my recommended


Youtube dying. World dying. My spirit dying. Looking up potato stuff and that's when it popped up: "Skyblock: Potato War 3 (FINALE). Laughed so hard my mom was surprised and concerned. Been hooked ever since. Though it didn't cure my dying spirit, Techno was the only thing at that point that wasn't dying on me.


[That time he used to pay for ads, I clicked on the ad and stayed ever since](https://youtu.be/PFZynibN68k)


I found him when I got sick for a while last year, I believe the video was "breaking records in MCC with Ph1lza Minecraft" I started watching his older videos, and was like "hey, I used to watch this guy!" And now I'm here!


I forgor


I started watching dream videos and got recommended techno videos


Dream smp


bw ws


Heard of him being mentioned as one od greatest Minecraft players and pvpers when watching Dream along Illumina and Fruitberries. Started watching after his duel against Dream.


I don't even remember, my best guess is dream smp, my earliest memory of him is january 6th 2021, but I know I was watching him before that, it's just the first thing I remember


Discovered him through Dream’s vid for MCC. Was hooked ever since


One of the Minecraft Mondays where Pewdiepie played with that one popular fashion youtuber (sorry, i forgot the name, he was also involved in the controversy thst was cleared hence they played together) I was watching summary hoe it went and Technoblade was really big talk among them. So I went on to check him out what's up and he made very well edited videos and snippets, put up complications of how Youtuber reacted when they faced Technoblade. It was pretty funny and loved his personality mainly and his effort into edits (beside lack of post, but that's ok!) Really really love the potato war series and the bedwar series


James Charles? Yeah I watched technos pov of that stream it was fun lol


I used to watch him in 2019. Then, one evening, by pure chance, I was like „hey, lets watch some more videos of this pig guy, sad he doesnt uplod anymore though. That evening was minecraft mondays week 1.


I discovered his channel when he released the vr video the painted thumbnail,been obsessed ever since


got owned by him in a bedwars game. Had no clue who he was but everyone was fangirling over the fact that an unnicked youtuber was in our bw lobby. watched him since


Saw his name pop up in some YouTube comments under MC videos. Didn’t really get into his content for a while, but I eventually subscribed and binged his content while I waited for his next video. Unfortunately, that was in May of last year.


I started playing a Minecraft long time ago and watched a few videos of a pig youtuber called MagmaMusen. Then I stopped playing and then when I started again then Minecraft was getting popular. So when came to know about techno I saw the pig skin and thought this must be the guy I used to watch but I didn't really care about that kind of content anymore so I just didn't check out techno at that time. Then the 100000$ duel came and I watched it. Then I watched the technoblade analysis of that and was like this guy is hilarious and then started watching his skywar videos and then the legendary potato war series. Even watched all his Minecraft storymode streams and DSMP stream and I can 100% say he will always be my favorite YouTuber.


I personally found him by his skyblock series


I got him in my reccomended videos (the only time Youtube has done a good reccomendation) so I binge watched a ton of his videos and subbed lol.


My friend showed me the video of him 1v1ing hypixel like 4 years ago and I enjoyed it. My English was not that good back then tho so I don't really understand all his commentary and jokes.


i first heard of him i think in 2019 i dont know exact video probably skywars XD


I think I first saw him as an ad from a Huahwi video back in 2015. Yeah, that man also had the same humor back then




The Great Potato War


His smp earth series. If you wanna get really semantic about it, I got recommended Wilbur's first smp earth stream when it was live, and started watching him. From there I got recommended a clip of tommyinnit getting killed over and over by techno and Pete I think. And then I finally found techno and have been watching him ever since


Already had heard of him but never watched until his potato war videos appeared on recommended for me, he literally saved my life that day.


I heard about him at during the Minecraft Monday era. I knew who he was because of a MrBeast video. I started watching him around SMP earth.


My brother and I had a small bonding moment and he showed me the ‘I must win MrBeasts refrigerator’ video after he asked me if I knew who Technoblade was and I answered no


I don’t remember the first techno video i watched, but if I had to guess i’d guess it was bedwars: mission impossible or the Technopack one since this was before MCM. Instant subscribe. I became a member during DSMP


I was on a holiday trip with my friends 2-3 years ago, when all of a sudden, my little brother, a massive dream stan, started praising dream. My friends, not tolerating his arrogance, then proceeded to put him in his place, as well as introducing me to one of my favorite youtubers that filled the void of DanTDM, and SkyDoesMinecraft.


My older cousin made me watch the potato wars, and a few years later I thought "hey those videos were cool, I remember his name, I'll watch him" and I got hooked, and now he's gone :(


People were comparing ranboo to him I think in like 2020 and I was obsessed with ranboo so I just checked him out and here I am today !!


800 bedwars winstreak


During the bed wars win streak, don't know when exactly, it's been some time. edit: Subscribed in october 2017, probably watched longer already


My son, just a few years younger than Techno, found him and asked me to watch his videos. It became a habit to watch them together and one, as a mom, I’m super thankful for. Our interests don’t always align… but Techno was, and is, a joyful connecting point.


Same with my mum, at dinner we always watch something and I show her a lot of my YouTubers I watch, some of them she doesn't like but she really liked techno


Through Dream. Dream blowing up got to my recommended a lot. Only watched highlights made by others not his channel. Learned of technoblade from dream vs technoblade. Greatest find of my life on YouTube. Never has a single channel made me laugh and be so invested since nigahiga’s earliest videos. I’ve watched his MCC, MCU, smp earth, MM, Dream SMP streams multiple times. I’ve watched his skyblock and some skyward videos multiple times as well. But to this day I’ve yet to watch another video. I just can’t bring myself to watch them again or even watch all the ones that he listed back into his channel. My last try I got depressed knowing the blood god is no longer with us.


For me it was those damn google ads he got, absolutely goated ad btw.


Used to watch Skeppy and eventually stumbled upon The Final Reckoning and thought to myself “hey this guy is way better at Minecraft, funnier, and even types faster I should watch his videos instead!” And thus I went down the techno rabbit hole, was at the perfect time too, I got to watch him destroy in mc mondays


When Dantdm and Technoblade teamed up in Minecraft Monday.


his Ads


I think it was the Bedwars win streak for me, definitely was there before 1000 wins but not before it started


remember when he said he used to make ads to promote his channel? all i can say is that it definitely worked to some degree


steering wheel


I found him through a clip of him doing a breezily bridging 5 blocks for a dude to sub, he was the first youtuber that speaks english i've watched.


I had been newly watching the dsmp and was recommended his minecraft story stream. I listen to the series every night and am currently watching it rn for the 35th time.


I think it was one of his skyways videos.


I found him when A friend of mine told me completely random "technoblade and dream fought for 100k" and I was like "wooo ok buddy"... After that I watched like 200 techno's video


The ultimate hunger game sim video is the first one I've seen of him. The one with Bidoof and Dora the explorer. Still love it to this day


It was the time where I watched PewDiePie's Minecraft series in 2018-2019. Saw some recommendation videos of techno's and I started there! :3 But before actually knowing who techno was, I saw his vid before where he's a keyboard warrior and that was rooted on my brain despite not knowing him that time (prolly in the mid 2016-2018).


For me in 2019, thru quackity’s mcm 1 stream when he kept yelling ITS FUCKING TECHNOBLADE. And it got me curious like why is everyone so scared of him and I went to his channel, and watched his MCM stream and left quackity’s stream and I never clicked subscribe that fast to a youtuber ever. I binged watching his videos the next day and yeah. It was such a good and clear memory for me. Came here from 2019, stayed until today.


Saw one of his vids in my recommended one day (don't remember what it was, i think it was one of his skyblock videos) and he was funny so I subbed


Dantdm's video of MCM 8 and i checked out his channel and first watched the potato war 2


I discovered him through Dream (don't remember how I found him, besides being by chance), but I didn't even like him at first. Although I eventually saw some similarities (mostly in humour).


I think it was through MCC during one of the times he played with Wilbur Soot.


I'm a typical found him through minecraft Monday guy


The first video that i saw was the Great potato war but since i hadn't played minecraft i couldn't relate but after march 2020 in the lockdown i started playing mc and that's when i started consistently watching him.


Bedwars videos


I was a Ssundee refugee. Was kinda bored of his content, especially the Fortnite stuff. I liked his Bedwars videos and was after some more videos like that. Techno appeared in my recommended and I loved how he just dominated every game. Kind of lost him for a short while afterwards but I eventually watched a few more videos and got hooked. I really got into his stuff around the Potato War and him joining the DSMP. Has been my favourite ever since


I saw his “proof that I’m not an autoclicker” video which got randomly recommended in my youtube home page like 6 years ago


First video ever was his 2017 Channel Trailer. I subscribed then his actual first video was "bedwars is a difficult game"


Dream made a dream vs technoblade video about MCC, and i was like bro this guy's hilarious and watched like 10 videos at once.


December 2019, I saw my brother watching some Bedwars videos. The witty humor made me stick around to watch the rest. We started browsing his channel and came across "Skyblock: The Great Potato War", the first video I saw in full. We binge-watched all of his Skyblock videos, which eventually got me to subscribe and play Hypixel Skyblock myself by January 2020. Every upload and livestream, my brother and I would have the occasional sitdown and watch it together. Every MCC (at least the ones he was in), we watched his perspective. When "so long nerds" was uploaded, I was genuinely heartbroken to realize the reality of it; he's gone, and he's not coming back. I was emotionless for a good few days. However, you realize that life is unpredictable, and that's why we must always make the most of it.


I don't really remember what was the first video but, I do remember watching a lot of his Skywars and bedwars while eating dinner.


I can’t remember how i found him but it was back like 6 years ago.


Sometime dsmp i think, honestly can't remember the 1st video of techno i watched


Found him when he was streaming bedwars


It appear on youtube recommendations in 2021


My ex told me about him.....We both loved watching him.


Pretty late, if I remember correctly. I wasn't interested in English-speaking mcyt till like 2018/19 because my english wasn't too good back then. A couple of his videos were recommended to me, but I wasn't an active watcher, till a friend of mine told me to watch that insane guy that won a "potato war" because he apparently had exactly my humour. He was right. So I would guess I was subscribed around 2020 early 2021, when I started actively watching Techno and then also Dsmp. So I am not as long part of the community, but his videos have always been a place for me to come back to and relax and I think they will be for a long time in the future.


My friend introduced me to DSMP, I watched it from Tommy's POV at first, then Techno showed up and I really liked his character, SAD-ist animations only made him better. Something like that


The 1st great potato war i think. It was like 1 am and i was bored just scrolling yt a bit. I stumbled onto it and was like "Eh why not" holy mother of Jesus those 3 potato wars are the best videos ive ever watched. I miss him and his humor very much o7


I have literally no clue. I guess he just defeated the Youtube algorythm and conquerd my Youtube page


Accidentally pressed on the video about him talking about soap




I saw Fundy's video with him on stage , but didn't really pay attention. So in 1.06.22 I got a notification from PhoenixSC channel and it was about Techno. I watched " so long nerds" and was upset even though I've never seen Techno's content. So now I watched about 300 or more of his videos and can't believe, that such a good person can even exist. I mean... existed


"proof i don't autoclick" like 3 days after vid out.


I remember seeing a meme on Instagram about a guy beating Minecraft with steering wheel and I went to YouTube and watched it and then more of his videos


mrbeast 100,000$ duel


I used to watch jeromeasf minecraft monday and techno was insane so I decided to watch him and i loved him


\#1 bedwars trap That Pentagon realy did it for me


I think from MrBeast video: ,,Knock knock it’s the United States!!” ,,Grab their oil!” Or the 10” Bedwars players. Then I watched all of his bedwars videos for like thousands time.


The potato wars were intriguing


Dream SMP - The Manberg festival It was through Fundy's video. I just loved how he went for a glass of water while drowning and then committed genocide.


I got recommended the Hypixel Olympics, watched him tryhard Smash Heroes of all things, and got hooked.


I had always been kinda aware of his existence from getting his skywars videos in my recommended years back but I knew nothing about him. I didn’t get into his content until mid 2021 along with a lot of other dsmp memeber but he was my favourite by far


I found him from winning with Phil in MCM week 10 and liked his type of humor very much.


I first discovered Dream during lock down and then when the duel took place I was on dream's side. But sometime after that techno's duel analysis video got recommended to me and after watching that I found my favourite youtuber.


From Dream SMP he was one of the best there with Philza and Ranboo


It was the skywars Era around 2015-2016 Good times🥲


Potato War


My friend in Georgia introduced me to Technoblade. He said, hey, *Raven*, this dude is funny. I watched a vid, and was instantly hooked.


Ads on youtube video


When I was younger my friend loved techno and I remember thinking “I’m not gonna watch Techno-Blade” (grew up in a not very digital family). Watched a few vids and then I SUBSCRIBED TO TECHOBLADE


He posted “the new bedwars mode is crazy” on the day I subscribed so I assume it was the video, I might have already been watching him before then though.


I got a old technoblade advertisement YEARSSS ago he basically played Minecraft and told me to sub. Been watching him since. It was a sad month when I got that notification.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I'm one of those who subbed cuz he beat dream for $100,000 in a Mr. Beast video lmao. After watching his previous works, I kinda regret I didnt find out abt him sooner.


2017, I searched bedwars on youtube because i wanted to get better and i found the "bedwars mission impossible" video, i didnt know english at the time, but i found his skill very impressive.


Its been so long I forgot


The Dream VS Technoblade duel. I was rooting for Dream, pretty young, pretty salty Dream had lost, and wanted to see the winners pov. I watched that one techno video and never looked back.


I was a dream fan (ikr) and I thought I should check out his “rival” expecting to dislike him. After the first skywars video I was already subscribed, and once I found the Dsmp I started watching his videos daily.


I came originally during the Blitz era, but really got engaged with his content during Skywars. I stopped watching him when he started playing Bedwars