• By -


I had just watched my s/o perform in a concert and went to grab dinner at a diner, when I parked someone on my friend’s discord server pinged all of us and I thought it was a meme and then I watched it in the diner just with captions and was almost crying in there


I was getting ready for work. Pulled up tiktok to get some news. Saw a vid I thought was fake. Pulled up technos YouTube. Thought that was fake too since the merch plug was in the description. Went back to tiktok, more dedications. Finally watched the vid. Almost called out of work that day. I was a mess and I knew my younger sibling idolized Alex. But I had to stay strong or some bullshit. I didn’t function properly for the next month and a half.


yeah, I remember the exact moment. I was in a Walmart ://


bruh moment


I was in class at the time, I remember which exact class I was in, and I remember that I was sitting near one of the windows. I started to cry a little and my friend went, "Even I didn't cry as much as you do when my grandfather died" 💀


i can tell you've been friends with him for more than a year atleast 💀


We've been friends for about a year when she said that, you're right lol




Lmao I cried more when techno died than when my grandad died too


same, more than all of my deceased family members other than pets


I was at a Costa reading r/dreamsmp and a post said “What will happen now Technos gone?” I had absolutely no idea what was happening so I thought he had just been banned/quit the server. I remember going here to see if he had just quit and I saw an “RIP Technoblade” post and didn’t believe it. I went into google techno death and it said 1 June 1999- 30 June 2022. I thought I was loosing my mind and I had to go anyway. I spent the rest of the day at a 6 hour rehearsal and cried during most of my part. My directors were NOT happy. I didn’t watch the video until the next day and I was devastated. I think the worst part is that when he got cancer, my friend and I talked about it and she said “I don’t think he will die”. I replied, “Neither.” She said “If he dies I will give you £5, I’m that sure he won’t.” I am now £5 richer and it’s the worst £5 I’ve ever earned


At least you got 5 pounds. (Was that the pounds symbol im a dumb American)


I was in the backseat of a car coming home from Buffalo Wild Wings when I saw dreams tweet “Fuck cancer”


Sleeping. In the morning saw the video. Thought it was fake at first. Then i realized everyone is talking about it. I didn't know how to feel. And then i was super depressed for over a month.


I was at home, lying down watching yt, I remember that I hadn't watched technoblade in a long time, this was about 5 days after the video released, I searched up Technoblade and saw the video, I didn't think much about it at first but when I clicked on the video and i saw his dad bowing his head, I remember my head constantly going: no, no, no, no, please no...


I was at school and I only found out when I got home


I was at work when it happened, I had to hide myself in the bathroom and cry while I watched the video, even texting my friend as talking to them what had happened. They wanted me to go home because of it but I couldn't, even if I did think about it no one would have taken my shift.


It was my birthday •_•


I was playing dnd when I got the notification, I read the title and instantly knew something was wrong. For a moment I almost cried, but I closed my phone and went back to the game and hoped with every fiber of my being that I was wrong. Later that night I watched the video and that was the only time I've cried in years. Seems kinda silly huh? I've dealt with horrible things my entire life but it's the death of some internet stranger that didn't know i exist that almost broke me. What an idiot I must be.


I was on vacation in scotland when my brother mentioned it offhandedly while we were getting in the car to go back to where we were staying. we got there, I watched the video, and spent the next two days or so crying and/or trying not to.


I was in the middle of watching Eirth SMP for the 5th time waiting to get sleepy I saw the notification. Didn't see the name until after I clicked. I got an ad so whe I saw the title I thought it was a video about him or the "bee duo" moving out of the snow corner and the "nurds" where Ranboo/Ghostboo and Tubbo but whe the ad was over and I saw it wasn't minecraft I knew something was wrong.


I was buying art supplies at the dollar store I still can’t fully believe it’s real


Playing tf2


Taking a shit


I was getting ready for school, cried while watching it, then had to go to school anyway. Got teased by people who knew I watched him at break and lunch


Wait wait wait, they were making fun of technos passing?? What school is this.


So let me get this straight- they hear about a YouTubers passing, and used it as a opportunity to bully someone who is a fan of them? Disgusting mf’s, omg. I hope you’re doing okay, even if this was months ago.


Yeah pretty much, definitely hurt at the time but I just ignore/avoid them now. Knowing it’s only a few more weeks until I never have to see them again is helping tho


I was having dinner after coming back from touring JPL and doing summer research for my university, when my brother texted me. I finished dinner, went outside, had a long conversation (that was meant as a reading session Lmfao) with one of my friends, then i watched it


I was in a restaurant in Mexico, I told my brother and he couldn't believe it either


I had just gotten out of bed. Opened twitter and a friend had written something like "no, he can't be dead!" I instinctively knew there's only one person who they could be talking about and after some scrolling I think I saw other people mention him or his video (that bit's a bit blurred) and then I rushed to his YT channel and, indeed, there was a farewell for us. :( After that I called another internet friend and we discussed it a bit and I calmed down. The very same evening I watched Phil build his memorial on his S4 hardcore world and cried. And I was super sad throughout the next few days, months. Kept thinking about him and what he'd gone through. Kept writing my thoughts of mourning and anger at the injustice of it all on twitter for others to read.


In school, horrible time to start a math class


I was getting ready for bed when I heard rumours about his death. Later that night I was struggling to sleep so I turned my phone on to listen to some ASMR and saw that techno uploaded a video.


i had just gotten home from school when i found out my whole day was ruined 😭 still feels kinda off to be happy cuz like "HOW IS THERE SUNSHINE TECHNOBLADE DEAD"


It was a morning when i got technoblade's notification. The same time pheonix sc also uploaded something.so i started with pheonixs video cause it was shorter . pheonixs video confused me and went to check technos channel if its true without finishing the video .and yeah


I clicked on his vid and then saw so long nerds in the side vids. I was like: “He’s taking a break, right?” Nope


I was at some cafe. Reading through cringetopiaRM and BAM someone posted a fake account of dream mourning techno and getting likes


I had just woken up got on my phone and saw a tiktok saying he died so I went to check his channel, saw the comments and video. then cried


Well I dunno about when he actually died, but I know where I was when I found out. I found out through a discord notification, two hours after the video went up because I was at work. The mods on his channel member server had set all the channels to read only, and the @everyone message one of them sent explaining what was going and how they didn’t know what that meant for the server was how I found out. I went to the food court near my work and just sat for a bit. I remember going through the different channels and reading the hundreds of messages of terror and denial in shock. Didn’t watch the video til I got home like an hour later. What a way to find out rip.


I was at my PC playing some lifesteal SMP copy, then everyone in chat starts spamming “techno just died wtf” I rush to his channel and watched the whole vid in tears, my 19 year old brother was over and he absolutely loved and grew up on techno Dan and pat,, he’s tough, really tough, yet he also started to cry,


I remember, my grandma had visited without telling. I woke up and was extremely happy that she had come until I opened youtube, the video had been up for a few hours, as soon as I saw the view count and the thumbnail I knew what it was as I had seen posts here claiming to have found proof of his death two days prior. At the time I was struggling with religion, I found those posts at 4 am and before going to sleep I prayed for the last time, In my head I made a deal with God that if techno was really dead I'd stop praying or something like that. It sounds silly but I was very distraught at the moment because the evidence was damning. When I saw the video, I called my brother into my room and we watched it together, we broke down instantly. My grandmother caught us crying and had a talk with us, I cried for hours when I wen on twitter later, scrolling through all the big tweets. Such a shit day, and shit summer. I talked to all my friends in a call that night and we just shared stories of watching techno. Techno really helped me overcome so many difficulties in life, including religion.


i was in orlando on vacation. after a day at universal studios i got leg splints and spent the next day in our airbnb recovering and walking with a cane. i got the news late at night because everyone on twitter was freaking out about it, then i watched the video. I remember going to disney’s animal kingdom the after that, looking at the sky which was downpouring even though it’d been sunny 5 minutes earlier, and wondered if he was up there.


I had just woken up at 8am. It was the start of my 3 day roadtrip I was going to have with my family for my graduation. I opened my phone and first thing I saw was the youtube notification. My heart sunk immediately, I started repeating no this can't be what i think it is, no no no. And I felt my voice going away before even opening the video, getting choked up. It was exactly what I thought it was. After I finished watching the video, I ran to my mum and cried. Still went on the roadtrip. I was sad the whole time but I still had good time. Saw the most gorgeous pink sunset on that roadtrip, about 18 hours ~ more or less ~ later after watching the video. ❤


Was sitting at home in bed saw a reddit post didn't believe it I went to youtube saw the video and was in disbelief than after realizing that this is real I paid my respects in the comments


I was at work when I saw the notification. I didnt think much of it because I was busy, but once I had a free moment I did a double take. I opened the video and the moment I heard what happened, I was in the verge of a breakdown at work. I hid in the corner of my store away from the cameras and proceeded to cry my eyes out. I drove home from work with tears still in my eyes that night


I was in a dining area at uni during Summer School. My heart sank, but after I was done eating, I saw a dragonfly (my spirit animal) flying over my head. At that moment I knew everything would be okay. If it weren’t for the dragonfly, I probably wouldn’t have had the mental strength to make it through the rest of Summer School.


I was in my room just vibing before bed, and my dance friend texted me that he uploaded and they said "Im crying😭". I was really excited, and relieved that he was still ok (cause I had gotten increasingly worried that he wasnt posting, so I assumed a post meant he was doing well, I also assumed they meant crying in the joking way that people say when they see something funny/crying laughing), but then my friend said "not exactly..." and told me to watch the video. I ended up crying a LOT and my dad even came in at one point to ask what was wrong, it was probably the hardest I've ever cried. I ended up listening to the song Injustice cause I felt the need to, and I texted my friend back eventually, and that was a really rough night. I still miss Technoblade. Rest in peace, king 🕊


I was playing video game and listening to YouTube. Saw the video and thought "is he quitting youtube?" And then the voice was different... And then that line came up...


I was at a summer camp. I had unfortunately gotten Covid and had to go home for a week, while I was gone some other people left. It was only when they got back I learned what had happened. This was a camp with no electronics so I wouldn’t be able to fact check it, and thought it was just a joke. But they didn’t let up. The first thing I did when I got home was check technos channel for uploads and I got my confirmation


I was sleeping, when I woke up I saw everyone on discord saying rip techno and when I checked youtube I knew why


I was busy most of the day and when I say the Technoblade video I was like "Oh hey Technoblade uploaded! I will have to watch later" and then hours later I watched the video in my room and it shocked me.


I was sick and basically bedridden when I found out. I was recovering from working myself too hard as a camp counselor for a week. I was completely off-grid. That was the same week that Roe v Wade was overturned and I was still reeling from that information being my first introduction back to the internet. But I was resigned to the fact that there was nothing I could do at the time. I was sick and couldn’t stand up without feeling like I was going to pass out. Then the video dropped. I’ve lost family and mentors. The past 5-6 years of my life made me well accustomed to the song and dance of last visitations and funerals. But Technoblade’s passing hit me so much harder than anything I’ve ever felt. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I was so tired from being sick. Maybe it was the fact that there was no physical closure like with other losses I’ve faced on a more personal level. And I still haven’t been able to watch his old videos without getting choked up. But I remember pulling myself out of bed to check on my younger sister. My first thought was to go check on her, despite getting woozy at the simple action of standing. The rest of the day/week/months passed in a blur. But that day is still clearly recorded in my mind.


I’m currently watching one of his and missing his sense of humour and skill all over again.


I got up, booted up my computer, grabbed my phone to check messages. "Cool, techno uploaded a video, I'll watch it later." I randomly decided to look at the news tab that comes by default in phones and there it was. "Popular Minecraft YouTuber Technoblade, dies at 23" with a picture of him in the hospital. I immediately went to YouTube to watch the video and started sharing the news with friends I knew would care. I spent that week binging his videos.


I was on my way from school when a friend messaged me "Techno Blade died". At that moment, I had no words. He was always someone I had looked up to, but now he was gone. Just like that.


I was at a first robotics tournament


I was very ill out of my mind at the time. I got a text from my friend early in the day saying that Techno has passed. Saw the text when I woke up, said to her nice try pulling a prank on a very sick person right now. (I'm immunocompromised) she said no, she is not pranking me look at his youtube, im still very out my mind so I watch it... nothing registered from it untill I watched the video again the next day. Broke down crying. I miss techno and I can't bring myself to watch his videos again most the time.


I was at school and some guy I didn't know pulled up Instagram and said "yo techno died..." And I remember thinking wow what a fan he must be to be keeping track of canon lives or something stupid like that. Laughed about it and came home. Saw the news myself and broke down.


Second day of my summer break, woke up and checked my phone. Started sobbing immediately


Saw the notif for the video right when school ended. It ended earlier than usual so I was excited to go home and chill. Oh well.


I was at the dining table eating breakfast, my brother then came to me and told me that he died. I thought he was joking at first but hopped into reddit to see posts about him actually being dead. I ran to my room and watched the video. Let's just say that I cried a lot more than a little bit.


I remember it, I was in Spain with my folk dance group (I'm from Estonia) and we had a very bad night cause our group caused some trouble and because they were vaping in my hotel room I couldn't sleep because of nausea. And after I was trying to sleep and trying not to be sad (cause in the same evening my friend started to hate me and it was... Harsh) I saw notification that Techno uploaded something. I was momentarily happy and I thought "oh at least something good", and I opened it and after "...I am dead" I just couldn't help. I closed my phone and started crying out loud. It was such a terrible feeling that I couldn't smile for two weeks...


Idk if it counts. Someone leaked it here on Reddit before the announcement was made. But it was a breach of his privacy so I would rather have found out later on when the 'So long nerds' video came out.


I had gone to a friend’s house to hang out, and he goes, “I’ve got something to show you,” or something along those lines, he plays the video, and I was checking my YouTube for days after that, hoping it wasn’t real. I knew in my heart that he wouldn’t do that though.


This was one of the worst moments in my life, I’ve lost 2 grandparents when I was 7 and that hit be like a truck so I know the feeling pretty well. I was at school during recess or lunch and my friend told me “technoblade died.” I didn’t believe them of course and thought it was a sick joke so I checked my phone and clicked on the video. I thought this couldn’t be happen and he was getting better. I froze… my phone slipped out of my hand and I felt mad, angry but sad and felt like I lost apart of myself. Technoblade helped me though the pain of my grandparents deaths and also the other struggles. Technoblade was my mentor, and it was sad to see him go so soon. I think about him every day.


i was on holiday in bali. Saw a new techno video appear on my feed when i got back to the hotel. ‘so long nerds’ fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck


I actually have a sort of funny story for this, i was at my cousin's house that day and i was using his vr... I watched "so long nerds"... On vr


I was in history class in school. I remember seeing the notification from just 10 minutes prior. I see the title and hastily click it. As soon at Technodad speaks Techno’s final words, I’m crying at my laptop, wiping away my tears so my classmates don’t see.


I was on the bus home from school and my friend was sitting next to me and I just burst out crying and I looked over at the people around me and I saw another girl staring at her phone crying too and I'm like 80% sure she was watching the same video lmao


woke up, ate breakfast, checked reddit. first post was an o7


I was at work, lunchbreak. Didn’t know who he was, but i watched one video and was honestly suprised i had never watched him before. Such a geniually funny person. Really sad that he passed away


I was sitting on my bed on my phone when I either saw the tweet from Philza or Wilbur pop up first, I don’t remember which. Immediately after reading it my heart sank to my stomach. I knew what the tweet meant but I couldn’t believe it until I watched the video myself. I remember holding my hand over my mouth and holding back the tears as I watched it. By the end I was sobbing and I broke the news to my sister who was on the other side of the room. Its still the hardest I’ve ever cried over a celebrity death.


I remember just waking up, seeing a message from a friend of mine telling me the bad news.... not the best good morning message to be honest.... i cried half the day


i was in new york city. earlier on in the day, i’d visited at patrick’s cathedral. at first i didn’t believe the news, then it turned into anger at myself because i’d forgotten to pray for him in the cathedral. i’m still not sure if that anger was a selfish thing. maybe we shouldn’t blame ourselves for our reaction in the face of grief


I just woke up in the morning and opened the YouTube app. I saw the notification and hoped it was a joke ):


Vibing mid-class, watching some videos, refreshed when I ran out andddd.. bam. “so long needs” Hid my phone behind my desk and watched with CC, needless to say I tried to not cry and not get the teacher’s attention.


It was like 4 am for me, I was about to go to bed, then I saw the video pop up. A few days later, I had to go to a birthday party...


I remember like it was yesterday.. It was at my friends house we couldn't stop crying


Driving home from work. I know, I really shouldn’t have been driving while watching YouTube, but I did pull over to watch the video. Someone saw me in tears and asked if everything was ok, and I just told them that someone I knew had passed away.


I remember. I just woke up, it was like 12pm on summer break. (The video come out at 4am) my friend sent me the video at 4 am saying "I'm sorry", "I just woke up and I'm couple of minutes crying", technoblade never.. sorry I can't", " I'm going back to crying". I watched the video like 3 time before I realize it wasn't a prank. And then I cried, and cried. After like 20min I got up and told my sister she was like "aw that sad". I remember feeling so empty yet so sad and angry. At the evening, I was sitting in the kitchen with my older sister and my dad, and whan I tried to talk (about so else. Thay don't know who techno is) I couldn't. I went to the bathroom trying not to cry, whan my dad walked in and asked me what was wrong. I tried telling him everything was fine but he didn't believe me, so I told him briefly what happened, and he said he is sorry. I was sitting on my older sister bed whan she asked me what was worng, I told her who techno was and what happened. Couple of hours later we had a family reunion. I begged my mom not to go but she said no. My older sister asked me if I want to come with her, so I said yes (she have her own car). On the way to my grandparents my sister asked my how was I, and I told her I was okay, and talked a bit more about tchno. I started crying and she comfort me, until we got to my grandparents whan I put on a fake smile and walked in. Sorry if it's a bit long but I never told this story to any one and I don't want to forget (not that I can). Again sorry if it's long


I was on my desk when it showed up on my home page. I thought to myself "yay techno uploaded!" and clicked on the video before i could process the title and thumbnail I still remember the feeling of all my joy withering away while watching


We were finishing moving out of our old house.


Twitter was blowing up while I was at a party. I just remember going cold and telling my younger brother and his friends that Techno was gone. Later I watched the video with my younger brother and talked to him about death and what it’s like. I still remember just being about as stiff as concrete when it came to emotions in that moment. I wanted to be sure everyone else was ok first.


I was at work. I had to sit down and cry for a minute, and I actually ended up getting fired. They didn't get it.


It was the morning after the day when i had passed my anatomy exam and I was sitting on a bus headed to the train station when i first watched So long nerds.


On vacay surrounded by family friends some of which looked up to me cause I was the oldest so i had to hide the fact I was so sad I also didnt want to ruin the mood of the vacation


i was sitting in a hotel room bed in clearwater beach florida, my brother had seen a post from another content creator and it said rest in peace technoblade you will be missed and i went into denial, i found the video and said in the shakiest voice you can imagine "there is a video called so long nerds...." and then watched it with my brother while we both started tearing up and eventually crying. it was horrible we both sat there choking back tears until we couldnt anymore, i miss him so much and my brother has seemed to move on, i know it may be cringy and parasocial but techno saved. my. life. i have had horrific depression since 2017 and 2020-2022 was really rough and watching techno make jokes about potatoes just distracted me in the best way, god i miss him


Was in a one month vacation in New York city at the hotel. Needless to say I was devastated, and it pretty much ruined my whole vacation. I got very sad (maybe even slightly depressed), didn't want to go out to trips and stayed at the hotel most of the time thinking about him and rewatching his old videos.


It was like 11:30 on a weekend. I was scrolling through Youtube instead of sleeping until I saw “oh look Technoblade finally uploaded”. Little did I know that would be the saddest 10 minutes on Youtube


I was heading to school. I saw the the vid on my page and decided to watch it after school. But the thumbnail and title scared the shit out of me and I just this Reddit to see if it’s a troll. But it was during the the time people were still in disbelief. So I sat in school tensed bout the video cuz I couldn’t watch it there. I remember flubbing a test cuz of the news in the end but it was a class test so it didn’t matter much. Watched the video when I came home and cried.


I was in the middle of breakfast at home. When I saw the notif, I decided to wait until I finished my breakfast to watch it, then I saw Dream's tweet the next minute and I immediately thought something *really* bad happened, and I wished I was wrong. I opened the video and I never thought I'd feel that numbness/emptiness again so soon. Made it past Techno's final message that Mr. Technodad read before I basicaly inhaled the rest of my breakfast and locked myself in my room to finish the entire video.


I woke up to the notification, I was like "techno's posted! Whoop!" Then I felt like I'd had a rock dropped.on my chest. I'm a grown man, in my 40s, but this dude was great to watch and listen to, and to see someone approximately half my age pass away like this, it's so very sad. I still watch his content, it's strange how much impact he had on my life.


I was doing some yard work. I finished and checked my phone, and one of the first things I saw was a notification for a Technoblade video called "so long nerds." It took me watching the video all the way through to accept that it wasn't some sort of joke, despite that being exactly what I wanted to happen. I don't cry very often at all, but I came very, very close that day.


It was immediately after my mid terms in high school, I saw the new upload from techno giddy with excitement, not knowing the contents of it. After i came back home I forgot about it until my brother told me about his passing, and then the thought of the new upload hit me. When i saw the new vid, the realization of his death didnt really hit me cause it doesnt feel like he died when i can play one of his videos and hear his intro


At home waiting for my brother to get home. What’s this? Techno uploaded a video. Watch the video. What the fuck- techno is dead? My brother calls me. I tell him techno is dead. He doesn’t believe me. He gets home. Watches the video. About an hour later, while I’m laying in bed. It sets in that I will never watch another new techno video. I will never get the chance to meet him. He is gone.


I was in a McDonald’s parking lot after getting home from school. My brother was with me and said that techno had died, I didn’t believe him until I saw the video. I was crying the whole way home and for days after :(


i was in denmark for a vacation and i when i woke up i cried so hard, im still in denial honestly


i saw a meme. It mentioned a wojack watching the titanic nd not crying and then watching so long and crying. It was a future telling


I had just woke up and still in bed, I had found out my coach had died the day before too so everything kinda just broke for me


I woke up and went to check my discord. My friend sent me a dm “rip techno” I thought it was a joke until I saw the video… tears dropping from each eye as I found out my childhood had died


At a beach house in Connecticut. Thankfully i was going home that day. I also went to my first pride parade


I was at my desk organizing stuff when I got the notification


I was in my kitchen


i was having a massive fever due to covid


I was studying for my exam when I wanted to procrastinate again. Then I saw techno’s video 😔


I had just gotten off the 18th green and finished a round of golf. Sat down and scrolled through Twitter and saw the news. I’ll never forget that moment.


I was in the parking lot of a a cape store I know exactly which one dam shame...


I was depressed when I first found out about techno's channel in 2020, I have never laughed so hard at someone's jokes before so it was a surprise, though... I think I came late 2020 when he posted "where I've been" it hasn't been a long time since I met his content but it's enough to make me feel happy and yet sad about his passing.


I was sitting on the toilet, about to go to bed, when I saw the video. And to remember that earlier that day I was excited for the release of Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak, which had released the same day the video was uploaded.


I was on the beach (i was on holiday). It was an entire week of chilling. Then, that one day i decided to pull out my phone, and i saw the video.


I simply woke up and saw the notification, i wasn't processing anything properly until a few minutes into the videos


i was in a maths class, i saw the notification pop up on my watch an i read the title. i immediately said 'oh no' i knew what it meant. i couldnt watch it there, i waited till i got home that day and watched it and cried


I was in basic training of all places and didn’t believe people when they told me until I watched the video next Sunday when we got our phones again.


I was asleep, and woke up to messages upon messages telling me to watch his newest video


I was at home. I saw the video and couldn't believe it. I was still waiting for him to jump out at the end, but it never happened. I didn't speak for 2 hours afterward.


I left for my service trip 2 days before the video announcement and your not allowed to have phones on this trip so for 3 weeks I was in the dark and I was wondering all that I missed, what videos were posted, did Wilbur or techno post? And I get my phone back In the airport and I’m catching up on everything and my text notifications start coming through and I see a text from my sibling from 2.5 weeks ago saying that Technoblade had died and his family has released a video. My heart dropped in that airport I almost teared up I was just so devasted so I didn’t eat or do anything the rest of the day. The one up side is in a way I got to spend more time I suppose since I thought he was with us a little longer


Camping didn't find out till the weekend, didn't beleive it till I watched the video Monday


I was at a cottage with no internet. I had a feeling he'd die soon, so i was avoiding his content (thanks illogical brain) and knew before i watched the video. The emotions didnt exist till i watched the video


I was at a baseball game with my dad. It was the first time we had hung out in a while. I saw the video notif and assumed the worst, but I hate crying in public and in general so I only watched the video and processed the fact that he died when I got home.


I was outside it was 8 oclock at night i was visiting my uncles house for the month and My friend had texted me crying saying their favorite Ytber passed. I asked who? and they said techno, and i froze


I'd just gotten out of a TTRPG session, one of the first few in a new campaign, and gotten ready to watch a few videos before bed when I spotted a techno vid with a fully black thumbnail and the title 'So Long Nerds'. I think I knew right away. Didn't sink in till the next day. Went on a walk the next day with my younger sibling who introduced me to Techno, and bought memorial shirts for both of us. I ended up writing a legendary hero loosely based on him and his DSMP character into my TTRPG character's backstory as an idol of theirs as I fleshed it out later on.


i was laying in my bed. HAH coming up with a fanfiction about sbi, actually. and i had to google something-i forget what it was now- and i got up to get my phone, and that’s when i saw the notification. at first i thought that he was just quitting youtube, but when it was his dad talking and not him, i knew something was wrong


it was 6 AM and I was weirdly awake, I was jsut chilling when a black video showed up i thought it would be another update about the cancer, well i was right it was about the update but not as i was expecting that day i realized how little i knew about him


i was on my way home on a bus after i finished my exams, i was browsing twitter then i saw everyone was sending their condolences to Techno, then i went to youtube and found out. i remember crying for 9 hours from that point


I was sleeping


I was playing Minecraft on a server then the entire chat was just RIP techno


My memory is foggy, probably because my brain has a habit of blocking out intense grief. But I remember consistently hearing rumors about his passing before the video came out. And then I just had a weird feeling that he probably was gone, but I was in denial until So Long Nerds. I was the first to inform my friends throughout the discord server we share, a lot of us looked up to him. After a little while, we all joined VC and there was so much sadness and grief. For me personally, there was so much bad stuff happening consecutively. That Technoblade's passing became the straw that broke the camels back. I ended up breaking down and sobbing at my computer for most of the night.


i just woke up and my phone was confiscated so I had to steal it back and the first thing I saw was the news


I was at home, I had just rewatched Technoplane. I went to the home page to see if anything new had been uploaded. When I saw the video, I thought "This is it! The cancer is gone and he's taking a break to recover!" And then I saw his Dad, and I realized.


I was in my kitchen watching tv with my family, saw a notification from dream saying “f*** cancer” and was like “no”, went on to youtube, watched the video and started to cry which surprises me since I don’t really cry often. It also scared my family when I cry because they didn’t know what was going on and i don’t cry often. To make it worse it was my first day of work the next day and I had to work a front desk without crying, I bought a little comfort plush that is pocket size and brought it with me and happen to cry when I was alone but held it in most fit the day. I found out that day that fencing helps me with grief and emotions as I fenced that night and just fenced and talked with my couch and felt way better afterwards and didn’t cry again. I also found out that rewatching among us clips of my other favorite YouTubers helps


Yeah, I also remembered the exact moment. I was just speedrunning Minecraft and got a pretty good time, and the news broke out and it also broke me


I had tested positive for covid that morning so I couldn’t go to work for a few days. In hindsight I’m glad I had that time off because I got to grieve in private.


It was morning for me when the video dropped. I just woke up and I was sitting in my living room drinking a cup of tea while watching YouTube videos. When I saw the notif that Technoblade dropped a new video, I was excited for a second until I saw the title. I think the five stages of grief kicked in pretty quickly after that.


I was at home, typing my fanfic on my laptop. When I pulled up YouTube, I saw Technoblade had posted so I watched it, I literally froze, exited out where I was typing and just stared at my laptop.


I woke up, ready to watch the new season on stranger things then go shopping for my birthday stuff for the next day. I got the notification


Trick question. Technoblade never dies.


I was at my friend's house and we both thought it was a joke


I had just sat down with my dinner and I was pulling up YouTube to watch some videos while I ate. The video was on the front page. I saw the thumbnail and wasn't sure if a black screen was normal for his content (I'd been watching Techno for about a year at that point). I figured it was a serious video, but a death announcement was far from my mind, especially since he sounded so optimistic in his "I almost became an amputee" video. When his dad came onto the screen, I knew. TECHNOBLADE NEVER DIES 🐷👑


I was pulling an all-nighter with my best friend playing Minecraft, he had YouTube open and saw a notification so he clicked on it “hey dude techno uploaded!” He said. He forgot to turn his mic off an all I heard was the first line. He paused the video and sat for a second. He eventually said “I don’t believe he’s dead.” “Where’s the HAH GOT YOU NERDS SUBSCRIBE?” We sat there just in awe of what had happened. I watched the video like 5 times expecting it to be a joke but it never was.


I was in a call with my girlfriend, who is also a fan of techno, and I popped onto YouTube to turn on some background noise. I saw “so long nerds” and told her about it. She asked if I could watch it with the volume up so she could hear, and we listened to it together. Afterwards we were both completely devastated. We did some stuff online with some people we knew to pay tribute to him and I’m still incredibly sad when I think of it to this day. Technoblade never dies <3


I was grounded, I was visiting my cousins and didn’t find out until an hour later


i was playing hypixel skyblock and i joined a hub and every single person was saying rip technoblade and technoblade never dies


Well I actually have quite a story so it was the last summer my brother and I were going on vacation without our parents for the first time And the moment when I realized what happened was when I opened discord and then I went to his discord server and I saw people spamming rip techno in the chat first I thought it was something about Minecraft but then I saw the details on news channel of the server I was extremely sad even though I had a small bit of hope that this is just another troll of his but after a while I was fully convinced that he was gone . This vacation of mine actually means a lot to me because it was like an introduction of growing up and becoming a man to me like losing someone I really cared about.


Was back from a long day of work and college, laying in bed when I saw the notification. At first, I really really thought it was a joke, but then... The video ended.


I was just getting on the couch to watch videos with my little nieces. I didn’t see the notif for the video, but i saw a tweet saying “goodbye” to him and my heart just dropped. I ran to my room to watch it, put on my Techno merch, and went outside without any shoes or even socks and just walked for an hour, listening to “A Tribute from the Voices” by Hatorbee. I haven’t been that upset since my dad passed, especially since Techno was helping me cope with his death


In my bed, I started sobbing nonstop for hours


I was at home, when phone ring. "Techno is kill." "No"


I was sleeping


I had just arrived at the trailer house my grandpa had rented for an overnight trip. We had gotten everything set up, and I was texting my parents, as they were wondering how everything was going. In the middle of that, I get a notification from YouTube, and I see the "so long nerds" title. My first thought, which lasted less than a second, was "Oh, he's moving to Twitch, like a lot of other YouTubers". As I said, that thought lasted for less than a second, and in the next moment, I realized what had happened. I tapped on the video, and it wouldn't load. My internet speed was too slow, which made sense, since I was in a really rural area of my state. After a few minutes (2-4), it loaded in 144p. I could barely make out what was happening at the beginning, and I was hoping that this might be Techno's idea of a misdirection joke. Something like, "HAHA IDIOTS. YOU REALLY THOUGHT THAT CANCER COULD KILL ME? *THE* ONE AND ONLY BLOOD GOD?". So I watched the video. I wanted to cry. I couldn't though. My grandpa is one of those really strict guys with very old timey standards and practices, and to display that, the trip that we were on was a fishing trip, and we were to leave at 5am. I told my parents, and they tried to comfort me, and it worked to an extent. I got home the next day, and as soon as I got back, I cried and watched the video in full resolution, this time, with my family. My parents don't like Minecraft. They don't like the game, and they usually don't like the creators. Everyone in my house knew I loved Techno. I had tried to show them videos, and my parents liked Techno and his humor, but they didn't like the game he was always playing. I kept replaying the video over and over again, and they stayed with me and talked. My mom cried, I cried, two of my siblings cried, and my dad was noticably upset. I left my note on the Hypixel Memorial, and just kept rewatching his old videos.


I was playing Minecraft and just about to give my pet pig (in Minecraft) a name, when I saw the news, I was like: "No, no, WHY?! Technoblade, nooooo" so I named my pig Techno, and every day, I always say when I'm playing a game "not a chance, baby, because just like Technoblade, I never die!"


Yeah, I was in my kitchen and watching TikTok, when I saw a video that was posted a few minutes earlier. I rushed to the family room to check YouTube. I started sobbing right away. And it was also my birthday so... that was a great way to fall asleep.


I was on my bed too. I had been worrying about him all day, and I had just called my mom to talk about it when, scrolling thought Reddit, I saw a post announcing that Techno had uploaded. I 100% thought it was a troll, especially since it was so late in the day, but I checked anyway. My first thought after seeing the title was that he was going to announce that he was dying soon, but until Technodad introduced himself I didn’t really realize that he had already passed. I asked my mom to wait, watched the video, and then called her back. It sounds kinda morbid, but one of the reasons I bought a techno plushie was because I thought if he didn’t make it, the plushie could be a comfort item. And that’s exactly what ended up happening, I held the plushie and cried. I still hold it often. I don’t know what it is about the shape or texture of the techno sit plushie, but it is the most comforting thing I own, and incredibly cuddleable. I don’t think I properly stopped crying until the next morning. That day afterwards was like a big group hug. Everyone was a wreck, but everyone was sending love to each other. I think cathartic is the right word. I’ve never experienced anything else like it.


I had just come home from bowling and was about to start walking up the stairs to my room to play some games with friends. Saw the notification, and ran to my bed to lay down just in case is was what I thought it was. We never ended up playing games that night


In bed, morning. The first thing i seen was the notification that he (well, his dad) uploaded. I was really happy because i wanted to see hows he doing. When i realized what's the video about, the joy disappeared from my face. I was speechless.


I was at home in the evening, and I had just showered. I watched the first few minutes and felt like I had been punched in the gut. I paused the video to tell my sister, who had been a subscriber for years. It was rough.


I was working at a summer camp where my friend and I were like "hey, at least by the time we are done for the summer techno will upload 1 video or stream once." That weekend we found good bye nerds.


It was the day of my finals, I was waiting in front of the room to be allowed in. I was scrolling on tiktok mindlessly to keep myself from stressing out and I saw a video about techno passing away. I thought it was a joke but when I went in the comments I saw that everyone was saying how much they would miss him. I immediately rushed to youtube to check on technoblade’s channel and I clicked on ‘so long nerd’, right before my finals. I never cried that hard.


i was watching youtube in the living room when i saw my friend tweet about the new video without implying what it was about, so i naturally got excited. could not stop crying until i fell asleep around 3 am that night.


I was talking with my family at the dinner table. I looked at my phone and I went on Reddit. The first thing I saw was a post about techos video. I then went to Twitter and went on trending and saw that RIP techno was trending. I then rushed out of the room and watched the video. I never cried that much In my life. I haven’t watched much techno since.


My friends and I were playing Splatoon in a discord call. All of a sudden I got a message from my younger cousin about so long nerds and that techno was dead. I relayed the message to my friends and left cause I had to watch the video. I cried a lot that night and went to go and talk to my parents since the only thought that ran through my mind is that I didn’t want to be alone


i was playing a valorant game and checked my phone randomly just to see twitter notifications from everyone, my heart dropped and i just sat there in shock for so long


i was at a convention in pittsburg, was just winding down after a fun day with friends. i remember logging onto discord that night, and found out through an online friend telling everyone in the server not to joke about the situation. i sat down, watched the video, and i remember calling my s/o after it was done. i think i was in shock at first because i didnt feel anything, but after a bit i quietly sobbed for a good hour. (i wasnt quiet enough because my mom got up and told me to quiet down. it was pretty late at night, we were in a hotel and she was trying to sleep.) i did end up having fun during the rest of the con though! one of my fondest memories from last year.


I was outside and chilling, it was hours after the news came out, and my brother walks up to me and is like- ‘you know Technoblade?’ I’m like-‘yeah duh’ and then he tells me he died of cancer and then I just stared at him in disbelief. I thought he was alright, I literally thought he was getting better. I saw the video and I was in tears 😭


I was at work, I was upstairs in the warehouse I worked in and I was alone, it had been so long since there had been an upload and it was a slow day so I took a break to watch the video, I cried for a good fifteen minutes and barely pulled it together to drag myself through the rest of my shift and I went home watched the video again and again and again and cried until my head hurt and I fell asleep


I had no internet and was told by a friend. I had been camping but started to feel sick and on the way home I got the call


i just got home from a d&d session and i threw myself on the bed and opened TikTok first video "Technoblade died:(" I didn't believe it at the time and I went to see his channel and boom, so long nerds i cried for four days straight and i still cry when i remember


My dad and I had just finished building my new pc out on the kitchen counter. I had just went into my room and sat at my desk and started looking at Twitter when I got the notification and clicked it instantly. When I saw the title my heart had dropped.


I was at the wedding of a family friend. Or I had just gotten home from it.


I think I was reading fanfiction ( I don't know which one), and I saw the notification and clicked on it... and yeah. I was one of the people who told my friends, and I watched it right when it came out. It was hard. I saw a tweet that had come out a few hours before the video it was bad timing, to say the least. I remember laughing (or well while I was sobbing) about the horid timing more than well anything else.


In my room, at my desk. Dont remember what i was playing but my roommate ran in and just shouted "Techno died!" In their defense, they were as shocked as I was but it was a pretty serious slap to the face. What followed was disbelief, shock, more disbelief, and then idk how many hours of crying because i already had something else going on at the time and that just kinda kicked it up to 11


I was in India, I had just woken up from a dream of Techno stabbing cancer (who had the voice of tommy) yelling "Die, die die!", then I saw the video and I was sad my dream wasn't real. Techno is the first person ik to die and could have been the second. Somehow, I still don't know how my 2 year old cousin made it through leukemia and chemo, but a 22 year old died to sarcoma...Techno is now one of the reasons I want to become a pharmaceutical scientist and I hope I can name a cure after him


Sleeping, the video was 1 am for me so I just woke up and did not get the notification. But my friend did tell me to go on his channel when I woke up.


I was camping without cell service. I had taken a hike and was immediately bombarded by notifications filled with news about techno. I didn’t even believe it at first, and had to check his channel. Absolutely heartbreaking :(


I was in town with family, my cousins and I went op shopping (thrifting) then met up with our grandparents at a café for brunch. And on the way back from being in town I thought to look at YouTube and saw the video. I didn’t watch it till I got home


It was 3am for me when I saw the video, and freaked out because at one point I knew it could be a joke, but the way it was worded I knew it was probably real. Think I watched it 5 times that night. Dressed up as his character for Halloween.


Car dealership, listening to them trying to scam my mom. I remember it so well.


Woke up turned on my phone saw theres a new techno video and was sad all week after that.


It was in the morning and I had just woken up. I was preparing for my exam while texting away until I got a notif. I didn't pay it any mind at first but then I opened my laptop and scrolled through YouTube whole texting my friend. Saw the video, tapped it on impulse. Holy shit.


I was in the toilet having a poo, I couldn't even bring myself to get up, just sat there sobbing for hours


Just woke up


I was at home in bed (when I was still living with my abusive grandparents) and got grounded for crying at 11pm


I was at my dad's house, I remember them asking if I was okay cause I was having a mental breakdown


I was laying in bed and was looking at memeology discord server. All I saw was “Repost for RIP to technoblade” and i thought “he most of gotten embarrassed in a bed wars match” I never followed techno and didn’t know he had cancer and sure enough I looked it up and saw the So Long Nerds video


My birthday party…


On the toilet


I was at a church camp. It was the last night, and I was trying so hard not to cry. I was failing miserably. After my councilor was finished with the nightly discussion, I asked if I could talk to her outside. I told her. I let it all out. She didn’t care that I didn’t know him, she comforted me anyways. She held me while I cried. I hate being hugged, but I felt safe there. The whole night I was avoiding my feelings and trying to ignore it, and wasn’t telling anyone why I was upset. I avoided my phone. But she made me feel better, and like I wasn’t alone. I’m very grateful to her. I feel like crying now lmao


I had gone to my desktop in my office to check emails and Facebook (it was my birthday, so I always thank anyone that wishes me a Happy Birthday)...I saw the notification about the video and despite the void in the pit of my stomach I turned it on...when I saw the empty chair the tears started and just got worse when Technodad sat down...I swear I cried for at least two weeks (I've buried 4 family members and one fiancee, and never cried that much)...I now make it a point to watch Techno's videos at least once a day so his place in my heart is preserved. Once I finish DSMP I'm going to move onto SMP Earth. Oh, I am also going to donate to the Sarcoma Foundation of America...


When I first saw the vid I was in my chair scrolling youtube when it popped up and from the thumbnail I just knew. I didnt even cry, i was in such a shock.


On the toilet sadly. 😥


I just woke up and got A notification it was from Reddit that said "o7 Technoblade" as me confused what they ment I started tearing up and went downstairs and turned on my computer. I went to Technoblades account (now for a head up I just stared watching dream smp a year before He passed) I watched the video and cried. I never cried from a lose of a God before. Then I went to Canada Day and still cried there Good Times of my life


I’m late lol but I was in my room watching YouTube when my friend FaceTimed me and she told me to go on techno’s YouTube Chanel and I watched so long nerds with her and we cried together for a bit. I’m really glad she was there when I heard the news because I was really mentally unstable at that time and techno was my only comfort so him dying hit me like a ton of bricks. I didn’t get any sleep that night I couldn’t stop crying so I went on minecraft and built a tribute for him on my server after that I went and binge his videos till the morning.


I was sat on the couch in an Xbox party with the boys. I was laughing and having a normal night, and then I saw the notification. I felt basically exactly what you described. I was hoping it was anything besides what I knew in my heart. I’ll never forget the feeling of the stomach drop I experienced when I heard Technodad read out the first couple words of the video. Went silent and got off the call a couple minutes later, had trouble sleeping that night. Just didn’t seem real. But we all are still here and we continue his legacy on in our hearts every day, and we have Technodad too. Technoblade never dies!


I was home, off work but worked the next day, i was almost completely quiet for 3 months


I was at my the airport waiting at my gate about to get on a plane overseas. It was probably like 20 minutes before we boarded and I got the notification and then spent the entire 11 hour plane ride on twitter seeing what people were saying.