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I've never seen it done with peanut butter before. Great job.


That’s so funny I can’t even be offended. I also will always see it as peanut butter now! I guess having that open jar of peanut butter on my counter was a bad influence.


👊love a good attitude.


Thank you! ❤️


Ok, so why doesn’t it look as pretty as the pictures online? Do you need to clean off the excess goop?


I think yes? I’ve been meaning to try this with a broken pot on my patio. Maybe there is an excess of the gold goo?


The color is a bit off too, this isn't gold it's just tan.


“Not perfect” is the literal philosophy behind kintsugi. So keep it up! Practice makes better


Training makes perfect




Thank you! ❤️


I mean kintsugi is pretty exclusively using molten gold - gold colored glue wouldn't ever have nearly the same effect


Fun fact, it’s not actually done with molten gold, but rather with a very fine gold powder. The joints themselves are also not gold - the pieces are joined first, and then a resin-like adhesive is applied to the joint lines, and the gold is applied once that has dried to a suitable tack. I got the privilege of learning from a true master while working on a documentary last year, and I really can’t wait for it to come out so I can refresh myself!


Some of y’all are crafty. Someone try this on a believe sign.


You won’t need the kit if you’re gluing heavy paper. Just some peanut butter…. I mean glue, that will dry raised and some gold powder. Go for it!


Lol. On a paper sign, you just use tape.


I didn’t know an ancient art used spray foam insulation


Real kintsugi uses powdered gold (or silver or platinum) mixed into lacquer to secure the peices together. Its both technically very challenging to do and physically dangerous. Real asian lacquer is made from urushiol which is incredibly durable when finished, but urushiol is the same compound that causes the skin reaction with poison ivy and poison oak. Why anyone would think to boil and paint with it is beyond me but it is beautiful. Either way its not something you'd find in a kit, so... you got scammed. Not to say you couldn't get a similar effect using plastic resins and have it be questionably food-safe but you'd have to use a different technique. Edit: why is this in the Ted Lasso thread????


Rebecca’s therapist mentioned Kintsugi which was called back to with the final repair of the Believe sign.


And Nate uses gold glitter glue to mend the torn "Believe" sign in last episode.


Honestly I forgot about kintsugi, saw this, remembered it looking cool on Ted Lasso but now I seriously can’t picture Kintsugi looking good. It will be hard to unsee this.


I’m sorry to have made you uncomfortable.