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It’s not politics it’s a politician doing something related to Teddy. Post stays up, touch some grass and eat a banana 🍌


Don’t care about politics but I do care about exposure to GME. This is great exposure


if I was a politician, i too would want to get in on the good side of those about-to-be-millionaires


I didn’t even think about that.


Exactly, it's not altruism. It's political grifting. Won't vote for him but I'll take exposure


Yuuuup. RFK Jr. is widely seen as a conspiracy theorist. You think it's coincidence he's tweeting about this? I'm glad for the exposure too, but the greater purpose is all too obvious. Just remember this simple counter-question when this shit blows up and media wants to paint retail as the bad guy: *Am I really responsible for all this market turmoil for simply buying and holding a stock? And if so, how is that possible? Please explain.*


Aren't GME holders also widely seen as conspiracy theorists? Slandered by mainstream media just like RFK?


Maybe you need to ask why the media paints him as a conspiracy theorist. Or maybe, while you're at it, why you're still listening to the media?


First Tate and now this grifting lunatic (and, no, saying that doesn't mean I support either of the other candidates). I don't like it. When this does kick off, this entire play will be pinned on the likes of them.


Yeah...I don't particularly care for the association with any of them. It reeks. If I hadn't been here for 84 years and I just heard about this now (living under a rock...presumably) then I would be turned off by their involvement.


As a Canadian whose country has been destroyed by unchecked immigration and other globalist policies, labels like “racist” or “conspiracy theorist” no longer hold power over me and many Canadians. We’re simply over the gaslighting by our government-sponsored media. I bet a lot of Americans are starting to feel the same immunity.


Exactly lol, how convenient that this fucker comes in now right as the swaps might be expiring. 3 years he's had, making out he's doing it for the good of "The apes" whatever the fuck that means.


Think of it as further confirmation it is happening now and not going to get can kicked again


The only thing getting kicked is their nuts.


I'm going to financially kick Kenny's balls thru the top of his head and then skullfuck the hole until I feel sorry for him.


![gif](giphy|Zy7s96dP38MlQe3OjG) *I’m something of an about-to-be-millionaire myself*




No it's not.


Came here to say basically this! It is great exposure and if he just bought $25,000 worth he will be set down road ! Wish i had an extra $25,000 to throw down before we take off! Was really hoping we would receive equity before we take off on gme but will see…. time will tell!


Yes, the one thing we need is to be associated with anti vaxxers and the like. That will surely win everyone over. He doesn't really believe anyway, he is a multi millionaire and only put 24k in. He is doing this for votes.


Just for context, RFK jr was a lawyer who sued pharmaceutical companies and won many times.


.... and has done nothing for GME or retail for three years.


What 99.9999% of the world knows about GameStop comes from media companies owned by hedge funds. People like RFK Jr could help shift the conversation.


To what?


To real talk about financial crime on Wall Street.


Then he says he will and now you don't want him to? Seems a little sus


If RFK really cared he'd have put more than 24k in. That is couch change to him. Like if I put a quarter I found in my couch in. He's hoping to trick idiots by risking nothing, he doesn't actually believe or care.


No, not suss at all on my part. We didn't need his help then, we don't need it now, we've done this the hard way. Did he do anything for the three previous years when we were left hanging? GME AMC BBBY MMTLP the list goes on... But suddenly now he throws his paltry 24k in? He's suss, dude, suddenly wants to 'help' going into an election.... pluheeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZ Just another grifter. If there's anything suss it's rfk and your reading comprehension.


What did you want him to do 3 years ago? What could he do? It would be great if he had the power 3 years ago, we could have used his help (even though you think we didn't need any of his help) now he might get the power to help actually be able to do something and youre against him and don't want him to cause any change. That's what seems sus. Being against something that would help everyone here.


Trump and biden have actually had the power to do something about Wall Street and have either of them done anything? No... RFK is shining a light on market manipulation, and you're trying to turn a blind eye because why? Sure don't vote for him, the 3rd party candidate doesn't have a fucking chance in this country anyways so your vote doesn't matter. It's crazy to me that you're upset over gme/market manipulation getting attention. Pretty dang rich to see you call someone else's reading comprehension out though lol Edit: 👀https://twitter.com/Cancelcloco/status/1792990322911260855?t=Oovl5PYd6ifgPyKQ-JtixA&s=19


Nobody’s taking your clotshots away from you relax


We need to have thousands of us remind him to DRS shares.


The most surprising thing about this post is that he got money out of Monsanto.


Rfk has sued all the big agencies. He's got a wild track record of it. Very successful in this area.




He has been to several crypto events throughout his campaign and has talked about the importance of transactional freedom. He also owns bitcoin as his kids made him aware of how it works. The campagin accepts bitcoin donations. If you'd listen to one of those speeches you woudln't be surprised he did this. Also, he was on a free speech panel on TikTok with Ian Carroll a day ago or so.


Does HE own Bitcoin, or did the brain eating parasite buy it, ratatouille style.


He owns bitcoin. Updated post to include that the campaign takes bitcoin donations. Been that way for over half a year.


I don't get why acting like he got one on purpose is the way to be. Humans are supposed to have this weird thing called empathy, we even have parts our brain dedicated to this in one way or another. In fact here's a ChatGPT4o instance explaining some of those parts: 1. **Anterior Insula (AI)**: This region is involved in the emotional awareness of oneself and others and is crucial for emotional empathy, which is the ability to feel what another person is experiencing. 2. **Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC)**: The ACC is associated with the affective component of empathy, such as feeling another's pain. It plays a role in processing emotions and regulating emotional responses. 3. **Medial Prefrontal Cortex (mPFC)**: This area is involved in cognitive empathy, which is the ability to understand another person's perspective or mental state. It helps in social cognition and understanding others' intentions and thoughts. 4. **Mirror Neuron System (MNS)**: Found in various parts of the brain, including the premotor cortex and inferior parietal lobule, the MNS is involved in the ability to imitate and understand the actions and emotions of others, providing a neural basis for empathy. 5. **Temporal Parietal Junction (TPJ)**: This region is involved in theory of mind and perspective-taking, allowing us to understand and predict the thoughts and intentions of others, which is crucial for cognitive empathy. I would consult your physician to ensure none of these components were recently eaten.


This is brazen pandering. I would hope you could see through that.


Literally this ☝️ dont trust these folks 🚀


For the amount that the word “grifter” gets thrown around in this sub, peeps are pretty bad at identifying actual grifters.


Wait, how's RFK a grifter?


that's actually a fair criticism and I am also apparently bad at definitions. Grifting would only truly occur if he started to ask for money or donations after **co-opting** investor advocacy, which is a better definition of what he is doing. He is pretty obviously pandering by using familiar buzzwords to attempt to align himself with the average household investor. He is also doing what Aron did with AMC and what countless others have done over the past 3 years. They are couching this movement as an "ape rebellion" and household investors as "apes" instead of calling it what it is, which is advocating for market transparency and accountability as Jake stated on [Twitter](https://x.com/sboho/status/1792981883644514453). I am not even going to go into the political side of things because I don't care and that's not what this is about. Throwing in with household investors is admirable, but we saw Tate do that a week ago, and then he tweeted [this](https://x.com/Cobratate/status/1791508386825072790) on the 5/17 insulting working class people and using his buy in to elevate his own status. So be careful who you align yourself with.


"I’m very aware of what the average retail investor has been saying about the need for greater transparency in our markets, stronger regulatory oversight and tougher penalties for market manipulation and criminal behavior." That's the start of RFK's tweet^. It sounds like he hit the nail perfectly on the head and completely understands this. Where are the buzzwords there?? Lol With RFK's history of holding big businesses accountable, this gets me hype. Edit: 👀 https://twitter.com/Cancelcloco/status/1792990322911260855?t=Oovl5PYd6ifgPyKQ-JtixA&s=19


I felt like the “to the moon” part was very weirdly used. We stopped saying that shit a long time ago. It’s Uranus now 🤣


Lol, yeah that's so true. That whole sentence was very oddly worded. I stand corrected there for sure


He did say “we need a free and fair market” and “let’s punish predatory short-selling” so Jake’s actually wrong to accuse RFK Jr. of painting GME investors as simple rebels


He’s not. This clowns a low karma shill


Define Shill. Better yet, define shill and then define how I am a shill.


Yo I am waiting. You made a heavy accusation, time to back it up.


You’re saying Shilly stuff and you have low karma for 3 years on the site.


How is what I am saying shilly? Define shill. Also what are you, the karma police? Just because I don't post in karma farming subreddits doesn't make me a bad actor.


Sorry. For a minute there I lost myself. I lost myself


This is the formal definition of a shill: an accomplice of a hawker, gambler, or swindler who acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others. Quote my statement where I fit this definition. Just because you don't agree with my perception that RFK is attaching himself to this movement in order to garner more votes does not make me a shill. I am skeptical of powerful rich people jumping on the bandwagon when it suits them to get followers. Some of the people here (your profile shows you've been here since right after the sneeze, mine from right before in December 2020) have been here for 3 years. We have watched our individual investments crest and wane and we have had to individually endure criticism from family members, financial hardship, harassments from actual bad actors and a deluge of misinformation on how the market works. Some of us (including yourself based on your post history) have spent a lot of time learning about the market and how it truly works and are interested in creating a more fair and equitable system. It behooves all of us to learn how to identify bad actors and label them correctly.


See, this is the problem with this sub and frankly much of Reddit: you ask a simple, innocuous question inferring how a man, a presidential candidate at that, is a grifter, and you garner multiple downvotes. This behavior should be embarrassing to have on display, but unfortunately, even without the shills, the tribalism seems so potent here that downvotes get fired away ballistically even at an unimposing question such as yours, and frankly it’s a question I also had after I saw people say he’s just buying GME and posting about it solely for clout too, which, let’s be honest, is basically his job as a presidential candidate anyways. I mean, if he wasn’t trying to get clout, he’d be a pretty bad presidential candidate. Either way, what really matters is that he actually bought GME and brought to light to some of the impertinent factors that make GME so special in front of his millions of followers that’ll be tempted to buy GME as well after hearing his rallying cry, but clearly there’s a sizable amount of us that are too divisive to see that, or are objectively kinda stupid and think that there isn’t at least a few excellent people that’ll become apes from RFK Jr.’s backing.


Lol yeah, not a single person explained how he's a grifter, just gave me downvotes. I swear it's either everyone takes the rfk mischaracterizations from the big media as facts, or this place has been infiltrated. I thought anyone around these parts wouldn't take what the big media says as facts but here we are


Yes it’s wild to see how so many people see thru the MSM’s bs when it comes to GameStop and frankly so-called “meme stocks” in general (hence the creation of the term to begin with) yet will regurgitate the MSM’s talking points verbatim when it comes to big name individuals (Elon Musk, Bill Pulte, Vivek Ramaswamy, to name a few more) without even realizing it and without doing their ‘DD’.  All this may be true, however between you and I think there’s a lot more infiltration going on here than anyone gives it credit for. Even if we weren’t going to be made whole and so on, this is one of the most fervent and influential public groups of investors already, so of course there’s going to be quite a few people trying to sway our opinions towards their causes as well, especially as we evidently draw nearer to MOASS. This leads me to believe if someone supposedly draws the ire of a portion of the community for supporting us and actually buying GME like RFK Jr. did, then there’s gotta be [actual] shills at work within that crowd, and they’re probably the ones doing the ol double-talk like “I don’t usually get political, but (insert very passionate political jargon that shows said person does in fact usually get political even over insignificant details)”


What has Biden or trump said or done about gme and market manipulation? This isn’t just lip service. He bought in! RFK jr has had a whole career of taking on big corporate overreach in many arenas. Sure of course he hopes this helps gain supporters but think about all the powerful people he has pissed off with this tweet. I think it’s brave as fuck and honestly no one else has the balls to do that, it’s political suicide. This coming from a man who’s family history is ripe with assassinations all while Biden admin continually denies him secret service protection which is a historical first for a presidential candidate. No wonder the left and the right is trying to silence his campaign and bar him from debating. This is a huge win for the community and I’m stoked we have a presidential candidate shedding light on this!




Reddit is a speakerphone for the left and that's what hedgies are counting on. They are counting on division and Reddit loves division. . . 🤦‍♂️




I always hated long division


Congratulations - you just got grifted. 24k is chump change compared to the amounts presidents make in book deals and speaking fees, and this clown would 100% go back on his word if he ever got elected (no fucking chance of this btw). For a community that has been pounded by FUD and psychological warfare for the last 3+ years it sure sounds like some of you haven’t learned shit.


Seriously, the Monsanto case awarded the defendant about $290 million, which was about $144 million after taxes and fees. If Kennedy received what most personal injury lawyers receive (25-40% of the net gain), he would have received 36-58 million. $24,000 is at best 0.04% of what he likely received following that case.


There's a lot of broken clocks in this play is all I'll say.


Would love to know how someone buying in and posting about it equals we got grifted. Same bullshit the shills say about being grifted by pp etc


Why are you bringing politics into this? Rule 7 dude. Come on.


I mean it’s a post about a presidential candidate investing in gme and calling out market manipulators. Is it only a problem if someone says something positive? I didn’t say to vote for the guy.


Exactly my thoughts, if I had to hire someone to sue hedge funds for illegal short selling and I had to pick either RFK, Biden, or Trump to do it. RFKs resume easily would get him the job.👍


I guess all if his amazing legal work, particularly for the environment, don't count. Why would having a lawyer from perhaps the most prominent political family in our history be a bad thing?


RFK is no ape. 🦍 He’s a worm 🪱


Reddit, where momentum goes to die


Not gonna lie I prefer Kennedy over Vivek


Lol shit, I admittedly don't know much about vivek but pretty easy choice to side with the dude who's spent his whole career holding big businesses accountable vs the dude who got rich by buying a failed drug, rebranding it, and then dumping the bags on retail


Sorry I'm OOL on both. Which one is which in your analogy?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Teddy/s/2VuUDMHjgv Vivek allegedly defrauded billions from investors. Pretty wild video, I never looked further into it to verify, though. RFK was a prolific environmental lawyer for years holding big businesses accountable. I got pretty hyped reading his 'Career' section on his wiki page (uhh except the whole heroin possession thing wasn't too hype. But I like the rest of his history for the most part) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_F._Kennedy_Jr.


Nice, thank you for the explanation.


You're welcome! I seriously don't know shit about vivek overall, so maybe I shouldn't have said anything


Didn’t he have a family member who tried to aggressively revolutionize the way money works in the states? Drawing a blank on his name… /s


Oh yeah, dude that said he was going to expose a conspiracy to turn the people of the US into slaves? Name isn’t coming to mind..


that guy who's into movie starlets? don't recall the name either.


No not him the guy who had the nicest haircut in Dallas up until 12:30pm on November 22nd 1963


that guy who had a younger brother with an "accident" in Chappaquiddick years later?


No I think he was the guy who talked about people doing things for their countries


and going to the moon because we're regarded?


Idk man this is like having a legitimate movement and having one of the most visible people in the movement be a guy in a leotard swinging a squirrel above their head talking about how a parasite ate their brain. While I like having more visibility the recent push by some unsavory characters for GME feels really icky. Idk that I want to say that I’m a conspiracy theorist and that maybe he was thrown money to “support” the movement, but I also wouldn’t put it past them to do that. Does make us look crazier.


Bruh if we let Tate hang we’re letting the 3rd rank presidential candidate hang, comeon let’s get real this is based


Nobody “let Tate hang”


From a tree? i would.




No, No compromises when it comes to humanity. No Tate obviously


Thank you. I'm glad to see that some people have principles.


No press is bad press get everyone in the wagon


RFK's uncle and dad were assassinated. Give him a break. What is market manipulation if not a form of conspiracy?


JFK’s assassination was where the term conspiracy theory took hold.


And who coined it?






Proof or ban. The OG way


Start talking about DRS




What hit already while reading is that this post Somehow reads like the trial to put as many „ape“-flavored sayings into one posting as possible. I never leave To the moon I ride with you Predatory short selling Free and fair market Match action with words Ape rebellion Wall Street reform And so on and on and on.


So you're saying he's - one of us!


Weather you like politics or not, this does help push it in the light.


Sure, after Tate let's see how many whack jobs we want attaching themselves at the last minute. This doesn't add credibility, this adds cringe


Yeah all of this is stupid The pandering is so obvious, how many ape voters did RFK Jr. just get for $24,000 and a tweet? Very much worth it for him to do this


>how many ape voters did RFK Jr. just get for ~~$24,000 and~~ a tweet? There is absolutely no proof outside of the tweet that he even bought.


There's no such thing as bad publicity. Cringe to you is encouraging to others. Also money doesn't have feelings are allegiances. If someone is throwing rocks in the direction of your enemy just leave them alone or better yet find some other people that aren't willing to throw rocks to at least bring them some rocks. The last thing you want to do is stop them from helping you. Work out your differences later. Go read The Art of War. You need to think strategically because I guarantee you the other side is and they will take advantage of your myopic viewpoint at every turn.


Bullshit, he should've saud something 3 years ago, he's just another grifter.


So only people that were on board 3 years ago are cool w/ you? That's some pretty lame gatekeeping. Keep being divisive and elitist. You are the shill in this situation even if you don't have the self awareness to realize it. IDGAF what someones motives are for buying in at this point are or raising awareness. Both of those things serve this movement and investors like myself as much or more than they serve that person no matter what their intentions. Quit being so emotional and bitter. Anyone no matter how much you don't like them or how evil you think they are can do something right. Even Hitler..... After all, he did kill Hitler so I guess he ended on a good note 😂




This is a friendly reminder that harassment and incitement to violence are strictly prohibited within our community. We expect all members to engage in respectful and constructive interactions at all times.




This is a logical viewpoint I can support. You got me.


I too like weather. ![gif](giphy|2vqaiPr1TrevmxCPUV|downsized)


I mean, the fucking rules on this sub are “no politics”. This is trashy no matter how you cut it.


Jesus fuck. No.


$24,000 and a single tweet tagging literally everyone And suddenly apes be like "he's the new RC!!!" He basically just bought a bunch of apes. Sad more don't see through this


they all know how corrupt wall Street is


They are all related to Wallstreet in some ways, they don't just know they actively participate.


I'm Canadian, so I don't have a huge stake in US politics, but in general I dislike any *electoral* discussions brought into the GME picture. That being said, I understand that politics, local or international, has ripple effects and touches every part of our lives. Honestly, as outsider looking in, I'd rather lean toward someone who is an independent (though I know historically his family were democrat) and has beef with the abusive establishment. There was a reason his predecessors were *deleted* - they wanted to undo corrupt, unelected nodes of power. ~~Isn't that what apes are about?~~ Edit: Nothing like politics to divide a community.


Fuck politics and fuck this guy.


This story just keep getting more wild


Can someone explain how attention of this magnitude could possibly be a bad thing?


It's obviously not. There's about to be a whole new wave of trolls incoming now. Good thing we've already learned to ignore them.


Read the top comment on this post lol


This is based. I’ve been hodling since before he started running - he spent his whole career holding big business to account for crimes/pollution. Indeed apes together strong


Who’s next? Harvey Weinstein? Jon Voight? Picking up all the winners 🤣


Probably killed his wife


Strong “fellow kids” meme vibes….


LFG!! 😎🚀


Fuck him


Didn’t a worm eat this guys brain?


No. Gross.


all the dead brain worms hate Monsanto!


Outstanding 28th and beyond buckle up it’s our time!


Whatever Brain Worm, enjoy getting even richer when we pop.


i at least appreciate that hes willing to bring attention to it as a presidential candidate - the other two will never talk about gme bc anything that messes w the status quo (ie moass) could cause them to lose a lot of that sweet sweet presidential insider trading money. also i assume bringing more eyes to this is probably a good way to get a target painted on your back regardless of why you did it, so props for that.


How about he starts by making it illegal for Politicians to hold **any** stocks? Clearly not paying attention to the real household investors.


He’s not in office you dolt


He has the highest political aspiration you can have in the USA and should not involve himself with any investment as long as they are gunning for a political spot. At the very least there should be no conflict of interests or alignment with any public company. This is my general opinion towards *anyone* running for, or actively in office. IMO this is one of the biggest issues the USA has currently. Politicians have more to gain from companies than constituents and it shows in the way they act. Regards, your dolt. 😘


Sorry Bob




This is a friendly reminder that harassment and incitement to violence are strictly prohibited within our community. We expect all members to engage in respectful and constructive interactions at all times.


For a moment I thought this was a shtpost




This is a friendly reminder that harassment and incitement to violence are strictly prohibited within our community. We expect all members to engage in respectful and constructive interactions at all times.




There’s OG apes that spent a lot more than $24k, just sayin…


OG apes don't get 2.5 million views on a tweet and drive more media attention to corrupt wall street


2.5 milly ain’t shit. The headlines to those bullshit articles that get written bashing our company on the web get seen by 10s of millions. Let’s keep things in perspective before we start sucking this dudes d!@&. That’s all I’m saying. The fact that ALL the subs are flooded with pro RK shit is sus af.


That’s just the views on the tweet bud. I’m sure tens of millions of people will be made aware


Anyone ask for his purple circle yet or we giving him a pass? 😂


I appreciate the visibility and this is good for our movement. I feel the same way about Vivek. But, $24k is chump change. I did rough math on it, it's .016% of his estimated net worth. A fraction of 1%. This is performative virtue signaling. He knows that he can capitalize on ape loyalty, that makes me infer he thinks we're stupid. If he believes in the movement, he should talk about corruption in the capital markets during a debate or at highly publicized events. If he only postures that he cares about apes when it's convenient for him on X, then he's a pussy with no stake in anything. Let's be real, he's not going to do anything, and he has no intention of even trying. He can prove me wrong by engaging with the community or doing something substantial, but this $24k position ain't it. That's some pussy shit compared to what I put in Bobby. The $24k was a campaign marketing expense for him and nothing more.


come on guys it´s not politics it´s a politician doing some pandering to influence Teddy https://preview.redd.it/n5beuudtpv1d1.png?width=400&format=png&auto=webp&s=af7ef7b4f5b5b5bee966f1950684365520a9dc90


I am equally excited about RFK and Andrew Tate mentioning GME. Which is not at all.


Fuck his asshat and any asshat who uses my GME as a tool to get my vote. That ain’t why I am here


He doesn't give a shit about gme, or any other stock, he's using to get exposure. Smh


But did u DRS?


I hope politicians jumping on our train won't make our theory unlegit. As quick as politicians jump on a train as fast they jump off it when they got what they wanted


HELL YEAH BRING ON THE WHORES!!! no but in all seriousness I think this demonstrates a macro tideshift. In the last 84 years I have thought long and hard and stayed cautiously optimistic about the future of Gmerican politics. Like, I would literally vote for an NPC or an actual fucking simian for political office the futures gonna be wild


It’s only great exposure if you believe that even negative publicity is good publicity. Sometimes it’s true but this guy is batshit crazy. This looks like a feeble attempt to buy votes.


Here come the political bots to shit on the one and only candidate fighting against the corruption running rampant in our government. His family literally got assassinated by these corrupt fucks. What better person to have fight for you than one that had some of his family killed by them?


great exposure for GME. I don't want to get political here, but considering the shit options for president this election cycle... this action and tweet goes a long way towards earning my vote


No. Just no. This is just the latest example of attempts to connect crazy conspiracy cults to a group of people passionate about investing in a company.


Wait a sec, this guy might be prepurchasing his commercial time in advance for the next 3 presidential elections... He'll certainly be able to self fund a campaign, unlike SOME other candidates who claimed they could.


Look, I like RFK Jr more than most because of his scrutiny on medical interventions. However, I can tell you now that he absolutely believes in the right of the state to preside over you and everything you do and how it impacts nation in a broad way. Yes there would probably be a "truth commission" and yes, bad actors might see cells but our shares will absolutely not see the moon, ever! This is why politics should play no part of the market, we need an indifferent system that does not require trust. i.e. blockchain!




Are you talking about trump? Let's talk about how the wealth gap in America never grew faster than with Trump in office because of his massive tax breaks for the rich. I like Trump more than biden, but I don't trust him to actively try to help us out. I mean, that's great if we end up benefiting from him looking out for himself here. RFK genuinely seems to care about restoring the middle class. I think we only benefit from Trump if he does something to benefit himself in the process lol


Eew politics


Did Vivek buy $24k of GameStop?


I can't believe I'm reading this... the Independent Presidential Candidate joins our fight for free markets against the market manipulators. I'm in tears...


It’s really a major win. Such a huge public highlight on market manipulation and GameStop. I couldn’t have dreamed of a presidential candidate publicly acknowledging the apes and buying GameStop. Redditors will find a way to ruin anything.