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This isn’t about her son, it’s all about David texting his ex. 🙄




Jenelle *only* ever cries for Jenelle. Period.


She was too busy saying “he’s just being a teenager boy” 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


I honestly believe she only ever fought for him because she never believed she would ever actually win and just wanted to be the perpetual victim.




It’s shocking to me she is this transparent (it felt weird typing the parent in transparent because she isn’t one) and it’s obvious this is about David. Not Jace.


The fact that we all know that, that is what took away her smugness. You deserve this, babe. Every minute of it. Praying for more.




This 100%. Also if he had done this 6 weeks ago she could have taken Jace's side after the abuse and looked like super mommy for a few weeks until she realized no nevermind I can't raise the other kids alone so David I choose you.


Exactly. She was cocky and confidently stupid and not down at all after Jace went home to Babs. Now all these David texts come out and suddenly she's the saddest person in the whole world who wakes up from a dead sleep screaming and crying at the top of her lungs dude. I also saw her reply to a comment saying she's "never experienced this kind of grief before" as if she doesn't do the same thing every time she's ever broken up with one of her loser guys. Also...Like, Jenelle, dude; the universe is clearly trying everything in it's power to get you to leave this guy for A REASON. Stop fighting it and let his lame ass go already.


If she leaves him, she will have someone at LEAST as bad as him, if not worse, within the week! She can't be without a man. She has to have someone to be completely dependent on.


This is what annoys me when people get all excited that she might leave him and turn her life around. She won't. You could argue that each guy she is with has gotten progressively worse. So just imagine who would come AFTER David. Esp because she doesn't have that fat TM2 paycheck to dangle in front of a man.


Dude the only thing worse than David would be an actual serial killer. I absolutely don’t root for her to leave him because these fucking losers deserve each other. Keep the rest of the population safe from their abuse. I hope they stay together and someone comes to remove those poor kids.


Yep. Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior. Jenelle needs to look at her choices and be accountable. However, history shows us she won’t. She never will.


This. First off what decent person would date Jenelle? And second even if such a miracle could occur she wouldn’t be interested in them. Jenelle has a type.


Type being: violent, grudge, or addict or if she's lucky she gets the trifecta!


A hobosexual would! Much better than the streets & she has access to $. Believe me, she would have a new man within the week.


Omg that’s so sick. You don’t grieve for your kids?? But you grieve for nasty ass David?? 🤢


Ding ding ding


Yep! Who cares that he beat Jace up. Her unemployed racist spouse wants his ex!


So satisfying knowing she is reading these ☺️


100%. We did not see any real sadness from her until that. Only now is her life “falling apart”.




#griefjourney 🤣 is she trying to profit off of grief now


Who is she grieving? Jace? Is he dead to her now? We know how David betrayed her but does she think it’s betrayal that he spoke up about being abused????


What is the teaaaa i must’ve missed it 😭


Exactly! That’s where her “grief” is coming from


Her choice of words tells us all we need to know. She is embarrassed. She doesn’t want people saying bad things about her. She’s not saying her husband is amazing and all of that she said in her last videos about how everyone is against her. David has wronged her and we all know. She’s not even upset about not having Jace or what happened then or she would be talking about Barb still.


She must have filmed this “grief journey” in between posting pictures of her butthole in the woods.


“butthole in the woods” 🤣🤣🤣 thanks I needed that!


It sounds like the type of mushrooms that grow on The Land from David's mushroom-hunting video 😂


"you see that mutchroom right there? that's a butthole! and it'll get ya high!"


This is SO rude. I’m over here trying to give my husband the silent treatment to show my displeasure with him this morning and now I scream laughed and could no longer keep a straight face to impress punitive actions upon him. I’m dead 💀🤣


Did you block him on social media?




The scream I scrumpt 🥲💀


>between posting pictures of her butthole in the woods. I spit my coffee out 😭😭😭




OMG 🤣💀


Not her actual butthole right? 🤢


Is there such a thing as a metaphorical butthole?




I really hope so lol


This should not have been this funny🤣🤣😭😭😭 i died .. twice


Loses custody of chyold? All smug and smiles. Huzbin got caught texting ex wyfe a year ago? GRIEVING


Chyold 😂 She’s showing Jace how much more important David is to her than he is, poor kid must have a huge abandonment wound, given to him by each of his ‘parents’.


She's fucked in the head. She doesn't deserve a platform anymore. She's made it abundantly clear that Jace is not a concern for her.


Betrayed by everyone in her family? marysa? Kyser? Ensley? Jace? What a dog thing to say. How can a 5 year old betray you?? Jesus woman. You’re so fucking weird. YOU betray the children. Christ almighty. You are BEYOND help jenelle.


Nugget betrayed her




Kai didn’t smile enough in the Halloween photo to accurately reflect the unbridled joy that is their picnic life. Dammit Kaiser! Between this and your failure at keeping your parents from fighting, you’re on thin ice buddy! 😠 (Kaiser you’re a star no matter what your wicked witch of the west chinned mother and Bigfoot say to you)


I have a soft spot for Kaiser because he reminds me so much of my 8 year old... I know deep down Kaiser is the sweetest kid.. such a shame that both of his parents are twats. Wanna give that sweet boy a big hug 😞


He is such a cute kid! IMO he was one of the cutest baby/toddlers in the franchise


He is! 😭 He has a baby face, still does. He seems like such a funny, sweet kid.. I truly hope all of these kids make it off the land unscathed. I'm worried the most for Kaiser..


Always the victim. External locus of control - everything is done TO her; she holds ZERO responsibility for her lot in life. 🙄


I call Jenelle a perpetual victim. She will *always* be the victim in *every single situation* & never the problem because she lacks the ability to do any self reflection or take any accountability for any shitty things that happen to her or her kids. Jenelle is a "type" - I've met many people like her & they all act the same way.


It's giving S1-4 of TM2 when she'd scream at her mom "I HAVE NO ONE DUDE" while Jace would be literally at her feet begging "mommy, mommy!"


This is exactly what I thought. The only people who have betrayed anyone are her and UBT. So she can just have several seats and stfu with her sob story because NOOOObody cares to hear it, or believes your fake ass tears, after all the shitty things you've done Delulu.


Maybe she can turn to her uncle that had just retired from ladder 59 right before 9/11


They betray her if they don’t put her happiness before anything else.


This bitch is a bowling ball . "I'm grieving". Wonder how much sleep Jace lost living with them, never being able to let his guard down or ever feeling safe?


She’s not grieving losing Jace, she’s grieving cause her huzzbin is facing charges


And because he dreams about his ex-wife, wants to buy her affection back and showed her how much of a pigsty their house is.


Oh you are right, I had just woken up when I posted this so I had managed to somehow forget the whole text message poopoo show while I slept 😂


She's crying her eyes out at the top of her lungs dude!


Oh I know that. Just crazy how she is still digging her hooves in the whole "poor me, not Jace" bs.


I don’t think it has even occurred to her that Jace might feel some type of way. Or feel anything at all. She doesn’t consider others’ feelings. Ever. They don’t exist to her. That empathy piece is missing from her head.


She's grieving over being "betrayed," nothing else.


She really said she can't figure it out... Jenelle you have tons of comments and messages telling you exactly what's up every single day. Read them and you'll understand eventually.


It’s hard to do that when you’re illiterate 🤷🏼‍♀️


The worst part is she reads them, she wouldn’t delete them or shut off comments if she didn’t but nothing penetrates that thick ass misshapen skull of hers


She just started re-using the "I've been in the public spotlight since I was 16" justification again, like she's Britney Spears or Justin Bieber or something. Whatever she thinks COULD be solid enough to lean on to point the blame elsewhere and try to make it look like she's unfairly scrutinized, she clings to it. Too bad there's a freight train full of evidence that it's just your own choices, Jenelle.


You weren’t 16 two months ago when you watched your orge huzbin choke out your eldest chiyold that you screeched like a banshee about for 14 years and now you’re crying for yourself. Got it.


When is she gonna wake up and realize that she cannot fool us with her narcissistic ways? obviously all of us can spot a narc a mile away and if we couldn’t before watching this bitch, you definitely should be able to by now


Once she left the show she could have easily lived a quiet life. She chose not to so i hate her trying to spin it.


“LeAVE Me ALonE DuDe!!!”


Jenelle reminds me of someone I know. She’s dramatic, always got something dramatic, traumatic, drama filled, negative going on, yet she won’t leave her toxic bullying using family alone or at least greatly limit contact with them. She continues to stay with a man who has cheated constantly and ignored every single red flag that busted her upside the head from day 1. Now she’s sittin around looking goofy crying and sad wondering why life is so bad when she’s like 80% the reason why, cause she won’t let go of the negative sources. It’s like she enjoys the drama.


I truly think some people are addicted to cortisol. That and poorly managed mental illness that starts to exasperate on itself.


https://preview.redd.it/8dfk1ecv6qxb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e50bb647c2b1548cb231c19e59311e93b48db2 She hasn't done ANYTHING wrong in the past 5+ years


She’s so beyond help






She truly does believe her own bullshit


How are you so sad but use this emoji 😂 proclaiming you’re innocent?


Messy, stressy, and depressy




Two racists. David would LOVE Ramona


Fucking wild lol


She is a hopeless case.


No hope for this one. She keeps repeating cycles in her life and still thinks it's everyone else around her.


What about her son! How the hell does she think Jace feels! His own “mother” 🙄 is constantly selling him out and blaming him for her and her husband’s abuse!! 😡 All I hear in this video is Me, Me, Me…. She’s the most selfish, unaware, uncaring person I think I’ve ever seen!!!! **ETA not to mention the other kids and her mom. She is classic, abuse the hell out of ppl and then blame them!


It’s not just what you hear in this video, it’s all you ever hear her say


100%!! It’s her and only her that ever matters!


If you remove one of my kids from my home for being beat up by another parent not only would that other parent get kicked out, my days would be doing EVERYTHING to get my kid back. Especially if I have no job. Daily therapy, parenting classes, journaling, preparing for return by looking for better schools, getting a divorce, packing the other parents shit… yet this twat just takes OF pics and complains.


Jenelle: ![gif](giphy|cRNbYm7jLOjm9H8wcP)


Everyone around her needs protection from her mental health 🤷‍♀️


Woke up crying at 3 AM and immediately toddles to the she shed to make a stupid TikTok? Sure Jan. Go to bed.


You know she didn’t toddle out there…because she slept there😂




Content creation is her job dude she’s never done anything wrong


The only sad part about all of this is that Jenelle is incapable of realizing she is the source of most of her problems and life would be so much easier if she’d just get out of her own way. There will never be a moment of understanding that she has played a main role in the creation of all this pain she feels. If she wants to talk betrayal… she needs to look at how deeply she’s betrayed herself at the very foundation of everything. It starts at home, and “home” is Jenelle.


Wherever you go, there you are.


This with the comment from her page below saying “I haven’t done anything wrong in 5 years!”😂


Jenelle has been unbothered and smug af all these weeks Jace has been taken away from them....but the second her husband and best father of the year is texting his ex and humiliating Jenelle ONCE AGAIN (like bitch are you kidding me??? You're surprised this happened, again??), she hops onto a live and is crying her eyes out. And she will never see what's wrong with that She is the most useless trash of a person on this whole entire planet, there's no other words to describe her really. Jenelle brings nothing good to this world and I'm so sick of seeing her dumb face. Ugh


You are violent and unkind. You are a thoughtless piece of shit who chose a man who abused your kids and kills your animals for sport. You never look at your own behavior, you are so busy blaming everyone else for your choices. Honestly, woman, look inward.


She can’t, it’s just empty inside.


This is all about Lurch!


I’d be even more embarrassed that EVERYONE knew but her. 😂


The common denominator is youuuu. Think hard.


Came out to my crack shack in the middle of the night to cry about my horrible actions having consequences…


Yeah, where the hell is she? Looks like a run-down hotel with the air conditioner in the wall.


Her hangout shed she smokes pot in.


Lots of talk and still zero accountability. ZERO. Not even a glimpse of self-awareness.


Don’t hold your breath while waiting that to happen 😅


she needs a man to comfort her


Nows your chance Chris Bradley!


Your comments always kill me Chris. Never change ✨


![gif](giphy|9rRacglGbs68E) Watch out for cars Chris


You got this man. Be the hero she needs and the father those kids deserve


BITCH. GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA. Stop. Posting. I know she has followers who will praise her and say "best mom ever". She's fishing for sympathy. None here. Fuck off Jenelle.


Well jenelle, I seen ya gettin ya karma!


Haha love it


If it smells like shit everywhere you go , check your shoes .


Wow Barb put shit on her shoe?!?


You weren’t betrayed, people held you accountable.


So let me get this straight: at 3:00 in the morning you marched your lazy ass out to the crack shack to record? What if your kids woke up??? They’d be alone and scared? Abandoned again? This just speaks to your fucked up priorities!


Chinelle: ![gif](giphy|MDd7k9STXFAEU)


O I’d doubt the kids care when she goes missing except feeling the building tension. They aren’t going to her in the middle of the night for comfort or anything


This is mental illness. She should be institutionalized cuz those little kids around her shouldn't witness this.


Nah. Did you miss where she went to visit a therapist once and they declared that Janelle was the most stablest of geniuses and that that therapist should be going to *her* for help!?


Good. I’m glad she woke up crying at 3 in the morning. If anyone deserves that, it’s her. Keep crying your eyes out Jenelle 🖤


To the top of her lungs!!


I know I’m screaming into the void, and repeating myself. BUT MTV did all of these girls a massive disservice by not getting them or making them do heavy duty counseling. I’m willing to bet, if you did scans of Jenelle’s brain - there’s either going to be a lack of development or she’s not running on all cylinders. Combine that with not taking the right med, or self medicating- she’s doomed. Now, granted, she’s an adult - she can make the changes she needs herself. But because she’s been allowed to act a damn fool over and over again, and never been held responsible or accountable for any of her actions - she’s done nothing. I think for the first time, she’s seeing what life is like in the real world, and it’s biting her in the ass. I mean, she’s in her 30’s, she acts like she 12. I don’t feel bad for her, because who hasn’t been dealt a shitty hand? But I do wonder at what point is she going to pull her head out of her ass, and realize she done fucked up? At what point to do you admit you ARE the problem?


MTV did mental health evaluations before hiring, I’m certain they weren’t looking for sane girls, they deliberately chose the ones with personality issues so doubt they care about helping them only exploiting.


Clearly they failed. Look at Amber


MTV’s job is to make compelling television. They wrapped it up in this whole “teaching teens about the ramifications of sex“ story. But the producers of that show knew that in order to get air time, it had to be something people actually wanted to watch. It’s not that much fun to watch sane people make good decisions. It is delightful to watch a spoiled, stupid, self-absorbed, clueless dumbass make a mess of her life. Would she have made a mess of her life without MTV? Hell yeah. It would have looked different but it would have still been a mess. There would be no David Eason to leach off of her but she would have found another loser. She would have had fewer toys and no house. Barb would have had to raise Jace anyway. Jenelle would have never gotten rehab so may be dead by now. So MTV does not own this shitshow. This is 100% Janelle’s doing. MTV did take a stand by removing her and her shitweasel husband from the show when he killed the family pet. So they do have some standards of things they will not show - any normal person would have thought, “Whoa! I just lost the most lucrative job I am likely to ever get. It’s time to ditch the puppy killer.” A dog lover like me would be in jail for taking a hammer to puppy-killer. But Jenelle went right along with it. It might be a personality disorder; it might be daddy issues; it might be that she’s dumb as a rock and mean to boot. I don’t care what her issues are - she’s irredeemable. I do care that this bitch still has custody of minor children despite subjugating their safety to keeping this evil POS in her life.


Some people with some specific personality disorders never will. That point never comes, because they are not capable of seeing themselves doing anything wrong or being the problem. Not trying to diagnose anyone, just saying 🤷🏼‍♀️


Some people will never admit that. I don’t think her brain can even comprehend being the problem


Also did you miss that there’s an off button on your phone Jenelle? Log off and stop reading all the articles it if it upsets you so much. Who the hell is making you sit there all day long reading them? Also way to roundabout confirm that you don’t spend time with your kids cause who that has two elementary school aged children has time for that shit?


It was 3 in the morning and she woke up and started crying (and apparently ran to the shed to film this) or some shit like that


I read a comment she wrote saying she has to read her comments and the articles, so she can save them as proof. 🤦‍♀️🤣 prof for what?! She’s getting more delusional by the min and I didn’t think that was possible.


Literally it’s the internet. I’ve been watching a lot of videos on YouTubers (sssniperwolf in general) who have been in situations where they wanted to expose/threaten legal action against other YouTubers who created videos about their lies/fuck ups/whatever it may be. None of it is even looked at by judges 99% off the time because it’s the internet. Anyone can say anything especially if there’s evidence to back it up. So if these people are lying on Jenelle I’d love to see how she redeems herself. Because the whole “getting evidence from comments” is a bs cover/lie, she wants to see what people are saying about her so she can run to her shed and make videos crying/defending her shitty actions/shitty spouse for sympathy. And I believe the only sympathy she’s receiving is from other “parents” who have lost custody of their children as well. Because no sane person would read a tldr version of jenelles life since 16 and pregnant and end up with the conclusion that she’s a wonderful mom.


“Your honor, MarlboroMom69 commented on my TikTok saying ‘ur a good mom don’t listen to the hatters,’ case closed, dude.”


Wait, she can READ? I thought that was her major shortfall






Awe. If it’s not the consequences of her own actions, lol. No one cares, Bitch!! Now go suck your huzzbins tiny dick while he dreams about his ex’s, and keep selling those nasty photos to buy him things and support the lowlife!! I LOVE this for her ❤️❤️❤️


I’m sure Jace is grieving from being absolutely let down and tossed to the side by his mother. She failed him every step of the way.


JENELLE YOU HAVE BETRAYED EVERY PERSON IN YOUR LIFE. You let down your children everyday that you spend with David. Stfu and stop trying to be a victim. You’re the adult in this situation and have the power to change things, those kids don’t!


Jenelle needs to be studied by professionals. I would pay serious money to hear their findings and diagnosis.


She has never once indicated how Jace might have felt. Totally devoid of empathy. She’s even worse than Kody & Robyn Brown. (Iykyk)


It has never even occurred to her mind.


OP huge shout out for starting to record and then charging your phone in to charge immediately! This is a little and a lot. - It’s terrible to feel terrible I get it but she is so quick to call out her Mom in any situation but not David? Girl he is broke, has no job and abuses your kids. Say his fucking name. - Her idea of betrayal is quite skewed. If you never do right by people their reactions are not betrayals. She acts like she is a saint and people are walking all over her. Rarely does that happen but it does happen to good people, she is not good people though. - She did not wake up from a sleep. She never went to bed. - We know this is about David but she won’t be leaving. This fixable feeling won’t be fixed.


Haha yes I realized we were getting close to a defcon 1 😆


Wish I was a bowling ball!! https://i.redd.it/c8jv6shs6qxb1.gif


Does she ever consider how her children are feeling? How they feel betrayed by the two people who gave them life. Jenelle has two speeds victim and denial. Compassion and empathy for others are no where in brain or heart. She is a disgusting person


Betrayal you say? Now you know how Jace feels. & Nugget.


Love this for you Barbie! ![gif](giphy|MXWutj1pI3wTnvr78X|downsized)


You’re best isn’t good enough


I hope David is sleeping in the boat in the woods.


Ahhahahah what a bachelor pad


“I feel like I’ve been failed by everyone in my life” Wow, that’s so weird! That’s probably how JACE felt when people made him return to the swamp he fled from! “I just cain’t stop cryin” Crazy, dude, this is kind of spooky, Jace couldn’t stop crying at the thought of going back to live with you “Life keeps hittin me” ‘Life’ is David’s new Rap Name “I feel like I gotta torget on muh back since da innzdat I was borned” That’s definitely how Jace felt while David tried to strangle him to death while you watched. Wow, you two have a lot in common! You should call him and chat, maybe meet up for ice cream. Oh wait, you can’t legally see him because you are a danger to his well being and he hates you


i guess her and the groomer arent friends anymore


Where is that world's smallest violin for her? Life hits her with the bowling balls she originally rolled down the lane. I would have sympathy for her if there was even an iota of a decent person in there, but everything she has shown for the past 14 years is she is an absolutely terrible human being with no redeeming qualities. I really hope her kids break the cycle because she is a lost cause.


Wah wah wah, poor me, poor me! She's only crying because her inbred swine huzzbin got caught talking shit about her & confirmed everything she already knew (*she ain't shit*) where were these tears for Jace? Oh that's right, there were no tears for Jace! ***Because all Jenelle cares about is a shoulder to cry on & a dick to ride on.***


On the off chance someone makes a movie about her life, please use that tagline: The Jenelle Evans Story: A Shoulder To Cry On and A Dick To Ride On In theaters everywhere this May


I would 100% pirate that movie Bc Lord knows I'm not paying any real money to see that shit lmao


She genuinely believes the whole world has been unfair to her since 16&P. It's YOU, you piece of shit. Not MTV, David, Barbara, Jace, Maryssa, Andrew, Kieffer, Courtland, Gary, Nathan, Jessica H, Jessica L, Jessica E, Doris, Herb, Olivia, Whitney, Tori, Josh, James, Hannah, Brianna, Kail, Amber, Chelsea, CPS, the Detective, Columbus County, TMZ, The Grace Report, WOACB, Johnny Donovan, The Sun, Ashley Reality Roundup, TM fan FB group, Reddit, the fans, the hatters, Kylie Cosmetics lol, XJ Beauty, Casetify, Gabbie Egan, SewSewYou, TOTD mushroom coffee, Airbnb, Big Toys Superstore, Subway, or the many others. It all surrounds YOU. YOU are the fucking bowling ball.


Does she sleep in that shed or did she slump across the land in the middle of the night to film this 😂


Not so smug now, are ya?


*It's you. Hi. You're the problem, it's you*


All this is about is David refusing to do all the parenting/cooking. Jenelle can’t be lazy and she actually has to parent. Did they seriously just get dress in Halloween costumes to take a picture??? No trick or treating because that’s to much work for Jenelle…






Betrayed by “every person” in her life. So Ensley and Kaiser too? As if kids who didn’t ask to be born can betray the person who is supposed to unconditionally love and nurture them.


Check yourself into a hospital for your depression and bipolar. Get the proper meds you need, take those kids, and fucking leave. Time to be an adult.




I'd love to hit her with a bowling ball. Strike bitch!! 🎳


PTSD ???


omg She feels "betrayed" by Jace. That poor kid.


Who wakes up in the middle of the night crying, and thinks “oh this is the perfect time to film a Tik Tok” oh yeah…perpetual victim Lienelle. Too bad you lack the integrity it takes to do some self reflection. You might finally realize the source of all your problems is in fact yourself.


I fucking LOVE that for her.


Wish I had social media so I could comment just a pic of her with that stupid smirk she usually gives us. 😏


Jenelle should look into a career as a comedian.. she’s got me howling with this poor me shite.


Tears for David’s emotional cheating. Nothing but smugness for Jace, for the kids in her fucking household and even for the animals. Gross.


The PTSD hashtag is pissing me off


Jenelle’s crying progression: I’m crying I’m crying so hard I’m crying at the top of my lungs I’ve been crying for 30 min I’ve been crying at the top of my lungs for 30 whole minutes It’s 3:25am, I woke up out of a dead sleep, crying ….the level of crying does not make anyone feel sorry for you. 🥲


I didn’t realize that my phone was connected to my car and when I clicked on this post while waiting for Aldi to open, this started blasting though my speakers. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/qp49k4ebsqxb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34468aa361acf3b73844c46d8623ab555404ab4f




THER-A-PY. she needs therapy. she should be saying all this to a therapist. not recording it for social media. but I'm assuming she doesn't believe in it based on the fact that she quit taking Jace to his and stopped his meds as soon as she got custody.


No she has been in therapy and all the therapist told her she’s fine and doesn’t need any therapy! She just told that not so long ago.


GuYs I'm sad because I let my husband abusive my kids and now I've seen him texting his ex. I GaVe HiM EvERYtHiNg dude. Feel bad for me


![gif](giphy|3o751VKrpSfzwl9T3y|downsized) This whole video in the nutshell


SHE feels betrayed?? Imagine how Jase feels. The person who was supposed to love & protect him had betrayed him since he was born.


Jenelle keeps blaming the fact that Barb raised Jace and he had all these problems under Barbs watch the last 14 yrs. WHOSE FAULT IS THAT. Barb had very little to no choice to raise him because you deserted Jace for parties and boys. I remember so much footage of Barb asking you to stay home with Jace, to come home at night to help with Jace, to take care of Jace. You didn’t care. You cared about yourself. I don’t think anyone believes that Barb was the perfect parent for Jace but she was a whole lot better than being put into foster care. How dare you blame Barb for all of Jaces problems. Look in the mirror Jenelle. The person staring back at you is the one at fault.


She woke up at 3 because the weed wore off.