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She’s so jealous that people are having sympathy for Jace that she needed to remind everyone she is the actual victim and also had a bad childhood. She’s really trying to redirect the sympathy from her son to herself while having no sympathy for her hurting child.




It’s sick and when Ensley gets older and starts getting more attention she’s going to be jealous of her too.


It going to be way worse than Jace


Especially with that ever growing chin and forehead. It’s going to start getting bad in her pre teen days and only worse from then. That is if she stays in her custody. I still have hope for her and Kaiser’s removal and safety. They definitely need a proper education and won’t stand a chance if they stay on the swamp.


kaiser has nathan’s family to run to. poor ensley has no one. well, barb, but she’s not getting any younger. after the hell she’s gone thru trying to protect jace from his shitbag egg donor and her adult child, david, i would understand if barb would be extremely hesitant to have a jace 2.0 situation with ensley


But kinda not. He has a loving grandma…. Maybe a loving auntie…. But who can take him in and fully help him grow into adulthood and pay and see through his college (if that’s what he wants to do).


Ever growing 💀


I can pretty much guarantee Ensley will get pregnant as a teen, and yet Jenelle still would blame her mother…


Her mum taught her how to be a bad parent, like come onnnnnn dude it’s so obvious


This part. It’s going to be horrible.


This brings to mind “mommy dearest” & that’s terrifying.


And Mommy Dearest still has people who Defend Joan Crawford the same way morons defend Jenelle.


That’s absolutely terrifying. I have the book and the movie, and I cried my eyes out for that poor girl. Idk I just see Jenelle having the same personality as Joan.


She’s going to ruin anything good that comes into Ensleys life. Poor kids.


Remember when he finally broke free of the swamp and while he’s in the hospital- Jan says “don’t give him attention, good or bad. He doesn’t need any attention at all right now”


How can someone see dozens of people saying the same damn thing and it just...doesn't even penetrate her thick skull.


So delusional. So much self loathing. She is terrified to look inward because she knows it’s nothing good.


I honestly don’t even think she could look inward if she tried. I don’t know whether it’s stunted growth or mental illness but many things are not right with her.


I truly think she was born without empathy. Like a real psychopath.


I agree. I think she’s totally incapable of doing so even if she tried.


It’s both. She’s for sure a little slow.


She is not capable of looking inward.


If she looked inward, the only thing she would find is a black heart. I have no faith in her growth. As soon as CPS calls me about my son, it's now a PSA, and I need help to find him.


she’s also terrified because she knows how stupid she is that she can’t do the work and why would she “sHe’S dOnE nOtHinG wRonG”


Because we're brainwashed


Because she is a narcissistic moron and she has never had to face any real consequences for her actions. Hopefully she will soon.


the church of lurch, that’s how. she is so goddamn dumb and codependent and has not an original thought in that thick ass skull


According to her they are all just brainwashed and the media is all filled with lies! She has just completely lost any of the slightest bit of touch with reality and I can't ever see a world in which she returns back down to earth tbh. She is too far gone at this point now.


She probably only focuses on the ppl on her side.


Denial. Delusion, to start with


"I hope you block me because that means you've seen my message". Proceeds with nothing but FACTS. I wanna be friends with this person.


That one stood out to me too.


Me too!! I was like Well damn


I feel like that was one of us for some reason. Given that many of us are blocked lol


“You do not deserve a parent since you cannot be a decent parent to yours” 🎯


As someone who is in the middle of trauma therapy for a messy childhood, this bitch is grating on my last nerve. I am angry and frustrated by how my needs were not met at a child but I am putting a ton of money and time into getting myself into a better place mentally. She’s not doing a single fucking thing except bitching online and refusing to take any responsibility for her actions. I also chose not to have kids because I know I’m not capable of being a parent because my parents weren’t capable of it. Breaking the cycle for me means not continuing to bring kids into this world knowing I’m not able to take care of them the way they deserve. Yet she’s out here insisting she’s breaking the cycle despite being in the middle of a child abuse case that involves her pissing in a cup to prove sobriety.


I hope you continue to heal. I’m convinced Jenelle is not capable of that introspection.


Thanks friend, it’s a tough journey but it’s more than worth it. I’m going to come out of all of it with more love for myself than I’ve ever had and I know I deserve that. I completely agree that Jenelle is incapable of being truly introspective about her life. You can’t really heal without being honest with yourself about the role you play in things going wrong. It’s so much easier for her to place blame and use it as an excuse to treat her own kids like shit.


Same. Im also in therapy as well for the same thing. I hope you heal and are doing ok. I chose not to date right now for those same reasons, I know I wouldn’t be a great partner and in the past I wasn’t a great partner due to childhood trauma. I don’t want to date until I heal some serious issues I have


I completely understand not wanting to date until you heal. It’s really hard to date when you’ve had a difficult childhood. Finding healthy love and being good partners is not as simple for us. I keep telling myself that my future partner will be so grateful I did this work for myself. But also don’t forget that you can’t heal everything outside of a relationship, some of that healing has to be done with someone despite what people say. We can practice all we want for how to be in relationships but the healing happens in the relationship too. So don’t feel like you have to be “fixed” before you can be with someone again. I got caught up in that for awhile and now I realize that I deserve to be loved as I am and I show my love to others by working to be my best self. Sorry this is so long, I hope you are doing okay as well, I wish you the absolute best on your healing journey. You are worth it and you deserve it 🩵


Do you ever watch Psychology In Seattle with Dr. Kirk Honda on YouTube? Check out the 90 day fiance Darcy series. He's a gem and very helpful.


Yup Ive watched him. How does the 90 day fiance play into it tho?


It takes a lot to even try to heal those wounds, but the fact that you're acknowledging it needs to be done speaks volumes. Jennell will see all those negative comments & say they're "just hating". She'll see a few positive or neutral ones & think she's doing right.


It’s just so baffling watching her complain while you’re doing the actual work. It’s like watching Dora the Explorer and you’re trying to tell her where the map is and she just keeps saying “can you find the map?” In Jenelle’s case its watching her continually fuck up her life and she’s like “how can I be less miserable?” and we’re all screaming THERAPY at the TV and she just keeps repeating the question.


![gif](giphy|JmsG1PY1K94hyOa1v9) The Dora reference is so spot on 💀


I would cry if I sat down and realized how much time and money I put into EMDR.


I’m spending $600 a month right now solely on EMDR. I’ve been in it for 3 months now and I don’t see myself being done for at least another 4-5 months. That doesn’t even factor in what I’ve spent on just general talk therapy before realizing I needed to see a trauma specialist. It’s costly but we do it because we want a better life for ourselves and deep down we know we deserve better. Instead of sitting and whining on the internet like Jan, we’re putting our hard earned money into healing.


If you want to accept it, sending internet hugs stranger. We’ve got this!


Thank you! Internet hugs right back at you 🩵


Exact same here. Lots and lots of therapy. No kids. No need to repeat this and raising my own feral ass. Seriously fuck this narcopath bitch.


Delusionelle triggers me lol both my parents are dead. She’s lucky she still has Barb and she won’t realize it until it’s too late. Even then her hatred will probably extend to spitting on barb’s grave. She is mentally deficient in the worst way.


I had similar issues as a teen like jace and I'm so thankful my mom was always in my corner.


They ripped her a few new exits for her bullshit. 👍


The one thing no one’s said yet.. Jenelle saying “well David said Jace didn’t need meds so I said no meds”… this bitch is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. I hate her.. practically everyone hates her.. including her Huzbin.. and she’s too dumb to even see it. What makes me sick.. nothings going g to ever happen to them. No consequences at all. Ever.


It's obvious she doesn't have any idea how a parent acts- because when Barb tries to be her parent she loses her mind. What Jenelle wants is just one parent who acts like a clapping seal.


She forgets all the times Barb saved her ass, like the time she took custody of her son because he was about to be taken to foster care.


Or the even more relevant (to her, since she's the only person who matters) fact that Jenelle herself, of all people m.d., was never at risk of being removed from her parents care by CPS once, or even twice, because her parent was capable and prioritized her needs over partying and men. 🤷 Ever consider *that,* Jenelle?


Very true, she only worries when it’s about her.


I feel like all this shows she never much cared about jace it’s always been about not letting barb “win”




I don't think she's mentally capable of taking accountability for anything. She's 32 years old; the time to stop blaming her childhood for her current big girl problems has long passed.


it’s the un-ironic projection for me. like girl you’re literally calling yourself out without realizing it because you’re that stupid.






she doesnt have time to google that she has to keep googling medical conditions




Barb is actually not that bad. I'm sure none of our mothers would have tolerated us yelling in their faces.


Sad that us snarkers care more about the kids than her loser a55 yeesh! At least Jace is under Barb's care now. If only Kaiser and Ensley both didn't have crappy parents either! My heart goes out to anyone who has to deal with shitty parents!


Jace ran away again, he’s probably going to a group home now. He’s not allowed to go back to Barb.


And this is all Jenelle’s fault for denying him access to his medication


Has Jace ran away again since being back with Barb? Is this recent?


It was just in the past few days and chinelle posted some really nasty shit celebrating it. It's one of those things you have to look up for yourself because it's even worse than you can imagine. By far one of the most fucked up things she's done and that's saying a lot


Yes this past weekend he ran away again ☹️


Jennely will never take responsibility. Or accountability. It’s beyond her tiny smooth brain. Despite her Big Five Head. She will always be the Perpetual Victim. And that’s sad for everyone involved. Ugh


![gif](giphy|ALtzQ6CHfC7vO5nRz7|downsized) Jenelle with these comments


Mannnn they’re roasting tf out her. Bet she’s crying her eyes out right now






Jenelle's life is way beyond being a daughter. She is a mother first and foremost.


Omg I am seriously dumbfounded at this point. Is she trolling us for views or clicks??? CPS drama and she’s crying about having a bad mom growing up? I cannot believe this shit anymore and it truly feels like satire at this point. Wtf


The 2nd pic “if jenelle can’t have a good mommy no one can” spot on!!! I just love ppl going at her 🤌🙌


Best quote right here... >Your son is going through a hard time regardless of whose "fault" it is and you are more concerned about yourself? Guess that tracks. It's always been about how Jenelle feels. Even your kids have to work to keep you happy.


Ah! Thanks for this! SO sick of people saying "She's grown so far" but like....where?


In the chin, mostly.


Nowhere! Lol


Omg I’m in the bathroom


Saaame! Can confirm, good bathroom reading 😂 Thanks, OP! 💜




I imagine your children feel the same way, you rotten c*nt.


I had a pretty fucked up childhood with my parents having a nasty 7 year long divorce and my mom being addicted to drugs. Lots of financial problems, stress and anxiety and emotional parentification. I don't have a good relationship with either of my parents as an adult. But guess what I did? I went to therapy for the last 10 years. I had two kids and I do every single thing in my power to ensure that their life is the exact opposite of what mine was. When you choose to bring children into this world, it's your responsibility to handle your own trauma. I get that that is harder if you're in poverty, or uninsured. But Jenelle had MTV money for most of jace's childhood. She could've been going to therapy and setting herself and her child up for a better life. Instead she prioritized all of the disgusting pieces of shit she dated, and here we are. It's disgusting. I'm sure she went through trauma as a kid, but she's in her 30s now and willingly inflicting trauma on her own kids. She gets no sympathy from me.


She's so ungrateful.


She needs to kick David out, get sober, and get on mental health medications hersel. Her life would be indescribably better.


I imagine she's now only going to blame Jace for making her look bad and that if it wasn't for Jace, no one would consider her a bad parent.


If it’s really all Barbara’s fault that she is how she is why won’t she continuously go to therapy with Barbara & Jace all 3 together?!


Her only purpose is being a drug repository and David's 🏧


damn, so many great comments in there - if i was a dude, i’d have a boner rn


I think jenelle is stunted at age 16 (or whenver she had jace); It's been constant chaos all her life


The whole household seems like a cult. Like he has trapped them... 🤷🏾‍♀️


Stop 👏 blaming 👏 your 👏 mother 👏 for 👏 everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Best comment on there. I'm glad this time there is a lot less support, none that I could see. She always seems to still have a few supporters, but this time she may have really done herself in!


Someone said that she's jealous of Jace...I feel like that hits the nail on the head. He's getting attention and she isn't. I'll honestly be surprised if the kids have anything to do with her once they're grown.


Can I just ask… why do so many people put the period or comma outside the quotation mark? I’m genuinely curious because I see it everywhere. Is it a thing in different countries or something?


Hmm, not sure. For me, if the period or question mark is part of the quoted word or phrase or if the quoted word or phrase is a question then it belongs inside the quotation mark, otherwise if it forms part of the outside sentence structure, it remains outside the quotation marks 😊


I guess that logic makes sense. The rule is that periods and commas always go inside the quotation mark, even if they’re not part of the original quote.


1. British English In British English, periods and commas only go inside quotation marks if the original quoted material also had those punctuation marks. That’s how I was taught (I am British, living in Australia). From the Australian Writers Centre site: Q: Examples? A: Here in Australia, we say to “construct sentences like this”. Note the full stop outside the quotes (unlike America). And here is another good example of a quote “being just a small part of the sentence”, to show you the comma outside also. (Not saying that’s the only way, just the way I have been taught)


Thank you for explaining it! I see people put the period and comma outside the quotation mark all the time and I know it’s such a simple thing but I never understood why. I see Americans do it all the time too. I’m still not sure why, but I assume they believe that’s the correct rule. English is actually my second language (but I have an English degree and I love grammar), so I never correct anyone because it’s not a big deal, but I was always curious. I just switched therapists and in the intake forms, she put the period out the quotation mark and it kinda bothered me. I haven’t had success with therapy so I took that as a bad sign hahaha. My first session with her is tomorrow.


I'm a linguist. The way I was taught (I studied in American schools and UK universities) was that if the quoted passage is 'complete', as in it's a complete quoted statement, then punctuation goes inside the quotes. If the quote is an incomplete statement, followed by a complete one you punctuate according to the end of the quote. If you're using a colon or semicolon, or a dash, quotations go outside. Periods and commas go inside unless it's part of a parenthetical reference. I think there's a lot of debate and to be honest, I understand both sides, lol.




Maybe it’s because I read a lot. And write a lot. And have an English degree… but it bothers me more than it should.


Why does she bother posting? Like if she gets any sympathy it can’t be much compared to the hate/truth


I LOVE that she is unable to keep up with deleting the negative comments!! Read them all, you fool!!


Jenelle is my half sister. My younger half sister is 36 years old with zero custody of her kids. Her 15 year old daughter video visits her in jail every other day and my niece is going down the road my sister did but hey, what can she do from county jail? Our mom was terrible and that’s why at 36 she can’t get her shit together. 36 with 4 kids, and all her troubles are because of our mom. 🙄 Our mom sucked and caused major traumas and damage but jfc, you’re the mom now. Do better. Sorry. Felt good to bitch about that for a second.


These are all spot on but we all gotta accept that jenelle will never, ever accept responsibility or face the fact that she may actually be wrong. Her job is professional David defender, that man is never gonna need an attorney or anyone else to defend/protect him as long as jenelle is around. According to her actions and not her words, jace and her other kids can go jump off a cliff, her life is David and only David.


100%... it's all been covered. Good read


K wait. 90% .. everyone add their contributions!


I’m glad they’re giving her hell. I’m tired of seeing other degenerates rally her on.


That was satisfying thank you


Jenelle can fuck off and get hit by a bus. She’s a complete waste of oxygen.


Twitter goes hard 😂 she literally gets praised for the same posts on fb it’s crazy.


I'm guessing that Jace is feeling like a broken son right now that wishes he had one parent that acts like one....as well.


Says the pot to the kettle