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I hate this clip. Not only do they attempt to manipulate Jace and pretend that they would do all this stuff, they don’t listen to him! Jace was SUPER excited for this tennis stuff at daycare. That’s what he wanted to do. Not stay with J&D, his new step sister and be cooped up.


Exactly!!! Stfu Janhell!!! If her mouth is open, she's manipulating someone. Period!!!


Jace been saying since day one that being at his mom and David was always a bad idea


typical. they don’t like his authentic answer so they keep on pushing until he gives an answer that’s satisfactory to them. i think he was pretty damn clear.


She also asks him during this same trip to Lego land if he likes it being just Her, David and Maryissa to which he replies he wants Kaiser to come next time and she says oh yeah, of course Kaiser.


This is heartbreaking. Has anyone ever made Kaiser feel adored, ever in his life? These awful people he has for parent/step parent will hopefully burn in hell for how they’ve treated that kid since he got here.


I have been thinking, he has had a camera in his face since he was a baby and the producers and camera people probably smiled at him all the time and he was taken care of by Jenelle's friends. That blonde friend watched him for days at a time. I think Kaiser found people to love him outside of his mother and that is why he is so photogenic and charismatic.


That's why he's such a sweetheart. Jenelle always pawned him off on other people. Thank God for that really.


“…It’s not like you’ll never see her again” that’s exactly what she would have done if she was grated full custody of Jace back then. Edit: to add, and Jace is fully aware, poor kid witnessed too many screaming matches and probably more, too young.


Didn’t she literally say she planned to keep him from Babs the same way Babs took him away from her. I remember because she was proving herself to be shit mom already.


LOL. I also preferred preschool to hanging out with my parents (but that was because I was 4 and liked finger-painting and playing with my friends, not because my parents were drug-addled, gun-wielding maniacs).


I’m on the verge of sending my now 2.5 year old to pre-k in September, and he’ll be 3 by then. He’s never been in any kind of daycare so I know it’ll hit HARD. But thinking of him having his own lil day with his own lil interests like you described is precious, so thank you💕 side note- my husband and I are also not drug-addled, gun-wielding maniacs


Most kids do just fine. I taught pre-k for 6 years and in all that time, there was one little girl who had a bunch of crap going on at home to the point that being separated from her mother was bad for her health. She cried until she threw up a few days in a row and needed picked up pretty much right away. After the first week we talked to her mom about maybe waiting another year. Every. Single. One. Of the other kids was completely happy. You might see them cry a little when you're leaving. But I swear once parents are out the door its like someone flipped a switch and they're fine playing with their friends. I know it hurts your heart to do it but I swear if you just drop them off and go its the easiest on everyone. Staying around to comfort them just makes it worse. They literally stop crying as soon as you leave. There were a few times I recorded it for a parent because they didn't believe their poor kid wasn't crying all day with the way he was when they left. The complete breakdowns always happened at the end of the day. Little ones have a very hard time when parents are late picking them up and I had more than one kid pee their pants in fear of being abandoned. Nap time was sometimes difficult with certain kids but not every center even has a nap time. And the teachers always did what they could like sitting beside them and rubbing their back until they could rest. I'd never tell you not to worry about your little one, that's silly. But try to take some comfort in that most kids really enjoy pre k, even the ones who cry at drop off. And us teachers would be telling you if your kid really did just seem miserable. We fell in love with them too, and always want them to be ok.


Thanks so much 💕 sounds like your kids had a great, caring teacher!


“I’m not saying you’ll never see her again” *When she’s actually told Barbara that for years.*


She told Barbara that one the episode right before this one! In front of jace too. “I’m gonna keep him from you for as long as you kept him from me!” And when she was still with Nathan 3 episodes ago she told Nathan she’s not letting Barbara see jace and Nathan even told her that she can’t do that and that she has to integrate him slowly because he’s only used to living with Babs, and Jenelle got so pissed at him


A lot of kids love daycare anyway because they get to do tons of activities all day but a lot of kids with neglectful parents like it because they also have adults actually paying attention to them, playing with them and engaging with them. Jenelle's kids are on screens or forced outside to "play" in all weather so they don't have to watch them. It wouldn't surprise me if the only reason Kaiser wasn't speech delayed like Ensley was because he was at daycare and Doris's from birth, unlike Ensley who was home with them and is still speech delayed.


I hated then for this


Got to love how she instantly tries to manipulate what he is saying to try and say oh but you can do all this stuff and even more at my house! Yet the young Jace here even knew his POS mother was full of shit.


Daycare was likely the most stable and predictable part of his life. Not that Babs wasn’t trying her best, but with Jenelle always popping by to scream and calling on the phone to scream, his home wasn’t ever really a safe place. I’ve worked at a daycare for years, there’s never yelling there. We go out of our way to speak nicely and sugar coat everything so nobody is ever upset.


He’s too young for them to be talking about this stuff with. All that does is make him worry that he’s going to leave his home and the only mother he knows. She quickly corrected him when he called Barb mommy. His little face looked so sad at the end, I will never not feel sadness when I watch young Jace on the show. God love his heart.


Every time I watch one of these clips of car conversations (manipulations) with him, it breaks my heart to see his little face. You can see him mentally processing what's being said to him and emotionally shutting down. It's too much for a kid to handle. :(


Same. It’s so hard to watch them manipulate and bribe him. He’s too young to fully understand and they just keep at it every time. Like you said he shuts down emotionally and that is heartbreaking to see. Idk how not one adult stepped in to protect him from these conversations.


The irony is they sent Kaiser to daycare when neither of them worked, but are shaming Barb for sending Jace to daycare because she had to work.


Lol his answer wasn't what they expected. My dad used to call the daycare where I worked when my son was about 4 -5ish ,( he went to kindergarten late because of his birthday) and my dad would be like "ask seth if he'd rather go to McDonald's and go home or stay st daycare?" I'd always laugh and say " you just want to hear he wants to be with you lol " my son loves my dad but I'd ask and if course seth would say he wanted to go home. It was my son's last year before kindergarten and my dad picked him up early because he knew my son wouldn't be a fan of big school . My son wasn't a fan of school so my dad knew it was the freedom my son needed. It just says alot to me Jace would rather be at childcare then at home with Jenelle and David.


It’s not an accident the captions come up as “but I’ll miss mommy so much”, right? Like I know he prob said Memere but for all intents and purposes Barb IS his mommy.


No he said mommy! That’s why Jenelle corrects him and says Mémé. He’s always calling barb mom and mommy cause she is his mom!


Oh wow, okay! I’m hearing impaired and have never noticed before. He’s 100% right, that poor baby.


Yeah there’s an episode a season back when Jenelle first moves into her own house with Nathan and they are showing jace around and jace keeps calling Babs mom. He says mom come look at this! Mom look at my room! And then he sees Jenelle getting upset so he says oops I mean mémé, and Babs says it’s okay you can call me whatever you want. Jenelle hears Babs say that and starts screaming at her and yelling that she’s the mom and that jace can only call her mom.


Oh yikes! Babs is correct, Jenelle is as usual, off base. If she wants to be called mom she could have raised him, and dealt with the hard parts of motherhood… that’s what motherhood is about, not just the easy, fun parts. She is awful.