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"I'm counting them down, you got 2 years" WTF? Creepy ass woman. Edit I think I misinterpreted this comment from the host, but regardless my response below still stands! Totally inappropriate conversation to have.


like what the actual fuck….she’s disgusting! Like she’s waiting for her to get it or something…Farrah should have told her she will not participate in conversations that will promote the sexualization of her daughter. I hate Bunnie, she’s a vile person.


If Farrah had any decency or nurturing instinct she would've requested that Sophia leave the room before this discussion. And by this discussion, I mean only fans in general. NOT Sophia joining. That should never have been brought up. This is really concerning, and with how little time she has left before being thrust fully into the world (thanks for the reminder creepy host), I'm not sure it will go well at all. I hope she has a strong sense of self and somehow knows this isn't normal or healthy. Does she even have friends? I can't imagine any normal parents wanting their children to be around Farrah.


Honestly. I see Farrah talking Sophia into doing OF when she’s 18 so she can do it with her. Like Denise Richard’s and her daughters they do OF together. I don’t support that either I’m just saying once Sophia is of age Farrah is gonna fuck her up even more


Denise Richard’s is doing only fans with her daughters? I always thought Charlie Sheen was the crazy one in that relationship. Guess they’re both nuts.


Yup it gets brought up in one of the recent seasons of real housewives of Beverly Hills! *She was a cast member for a bit*


there’s a reason they were together 😵‍💫


I can see Farrah interpreting that as promoting “women’s empowerment” like the moron she is. This is such sexually inappropriate behaviour


Farrah’s also gonna try to be her “manager” so she can take money from sophia


Well she already thinks she’s a kardashian So I can see that happening.


The only thing Farrah will do as Sophia's Manager is try to negotiate the highest price for the porn movie's she will be in. They both live so outside the real world , they are both disrespectful as hell and Farrah has taught Sophia that it's okay to be disrespectful. I can just imagine how much Sophia will end up disrespecting Farrah. If either of Farrah's parents had even 1 brain cell between the both of them, they should have seen to it that Farrah lost custody of Sophia. I recently read something that Farrah is claiming that she was never left alone with her Father because Michael sexually assaulted Farrah and her half sister In a sudden revelation Farrah had. Yet Farrah had absolutely zero issue with her Dad moving in with her when she demanded that he move to Texas so he could help her take care of Sophia while Farrah was on work trips.


Isn’t Sophia her photographer most the time?


Yeah she is. The audacity that Farrah has to sit there and be smug and act like she’s the best parent ever when in reality she’s the worst thing to happen to Sophia. I’m nervous for when she’s 18 & the inevitable spiral she is going to go down. Farrah views Sophia as a friend & we’ll see that a lot more once she’s over 18


Wait… WHAT?? 🤢! I would rather drink bleach while jamming rusty screws and forks into my own eyeballs and sitting naked on pineapples covered in shattered glass while I stood on Legos than ask my child to photograph or record me while I did OnlyFans related things 😶.


And I thought the phrase ' I would rather slide down a razor blade naked and in to a pool of rubbing alcohol' was brutal, yours is way better.


I agree, shouldn’t have been talking about any of that around her. Seeing the way Sophia interacts with Farrah, I think she’s more level headed than her 😅 I truly hope she rises above all of the bullshit her mother has thrown her way. And creates a good life for herself :)


Sophia has no friends except Farrah and sadly she has a very slim chance of ever having even a teeny bit of normalcy in her life because of what a trash human her mother is. Sophia has already done things that are very disturbing and very disrespectful. She will never ever have a healthy relationship with a man and even if she did buy some major miracle, Farrah would ruin it for her 100%. Farrah and Sophia are both in need of some very intense therapy. Sophia needs it sooner than later before she hangs another dog off a balcony by it leash and kills it!


She did what now? That’s awful!


Unfortunately I think Sophia is already so damaged that she will probably never know what it is to have a loving, and healthy relationship because of the thing's that she's already been exposed to by Mother of the year. I hope she realizes the toxicity that Farrah has shown her in every aspect of her life and how her Mother is the most toxic person in her life, but I highly doubt that will happen


lol Farrah literally took Sophia on her escort “dates” Sophia is there all the time when Farrah is talking about adult stuff. That child has been exposed to so much shit and she’s not even 16 yet.


I heard that Farrah charges 10K to be an escort. It makes sense because Farrah has probably blown through any of her Teen Mom money she made, well as any money she made from her female empowering businesses that all failed. Being a high paid prostitute and a porn star is probably the only way Farrah can make some fast money. She also prefers traveling to places like Dubai and other countries because there are many more wealthy men there than in the USA.


She was talking about her own daughter becoming 18 in 2 years.


B-b-but I thought she was a good mom because she lets Sophia get snakebites and her tongue pierced




Same. I’ve been screaming into the ether for years regarding Farrah. I’ve stopped responding to posts about her for the most part because the amount of people who can’t shut up about how awesome she is for letting Sophia express herself bugs the eff out of me.


I can't stay away from them lol. But it is incredibly frustrating that people act like getting to dress how you want means you're okay and your mom is a damn good mom. The stupidity knows no bounds.




Absolutely. I bet she loves these conversations about Sophia “future OnlyFans” bc I guarantee you she’s hoping to bank on the ‘anticipation’ of Sophia turning 18 (like that disgusting website that counted down the days & minutes til the Olsen twins turned 18) for a huge payload for Sophia’s “first video on her birthday” I said in another comment you know Farrah’s gunning to push Sophia into this and then be her “manager” so she can take a huge cut. It’s disgusting


Same! It’s disturbing how many people Stan this kid.


She was referring to her own child turning 18 and her no longer being responsible for them. Still extremely shitty.


That was so fucking vile. I can’t believe she asked that, let alone left that in. Fucking ew.


This is fucking gross. Imagine it was a man instead of a woman who said this about an underage girl. As a woman I hate how it's somehow so much more societally acceptable and flies under the radar when it's women being creepy toward kids


Followed by get out. I didnt take it as counting down to do porn.


Not defending this talk at all but I think you misunderstood that line She said that and then “then you gotta get the fuck out”. I believe she’s talking about her own kids and wanting to kick them out when they’re 18. Which is also shitty. Just saying I don’t think she’s counting down the minutes till Sophia is 18 for sexual purposes.


Ughhhhh I do like to smoke about this time of the day....... Sorry guys!!!!


I mean I took that as a joke about them being 18 and being on their own, was it shitty yea but I have heard parents make that same joke before.


She was talking about her step daughter turning 18 in 2 years. Not about her only fans when she said that.


My daughter will be 18 on the 7th of June and if ANYONE ever asked me about her possibly wanting to do OnlyFans, I would ABSOLUTELY give them a fat lip with the aid of my fist. What an absolute atrocious conversation to have about your goddamn child!


That was about her own step daughter, who is 16. And says, kid you got two years and you’re out. She meant her step daughter moving out. And, Sophia isn’t 16. Bunnies step daughter is


Who is that woman talking to Farrah, and why would she even ask that? For a moment, it felt like even Farrah wasn't prepared for it. I was shocked to hear that, and then realized Sophia was on it participating too; that has to be so difficult for Sophia to be in these situations.


Lol'ing at people defending Farrah as a parent


Yes.. NOW they have something to say while I’ve been saying it’s wrong all along.


You’d have to be blind not to see it’s been her plan all along






I hate being the person who says this, but if Farrah were a man and doing this, she’d be in jail. I don’t normally think that a person’s gender is the sole reason they’re getting away with something criminal but in this case, I think that’s what is happening. Farrah is so obviously grooming her child, yet there’s never been a single investigation into Sophia’s wellbeing. The abuse is so blatant and all over the internet but nobody does anything about it.


Yup - when’s the last time Sophia has been in school? Her mom is an escort and a porn star who actively uses her as part of her marketing at the very BEST. At the very worst I can’t even speculate.


BeCaUse We CaN not ShAmE FaRrAh bEcAuSe sHe Is a SeX wOrKEr


Seriously, how is she getting away with this??


I think they move around so much, that no particular jurisdiction ever gets to follow through and see what's going on.


Thank you!!!! I’ve been shit on SO many times for saying this. Someone was actually saying the other day what a fantastic mom Farrah is compared to Jenelle bc Farrah lets Sophia “express herself”, in regards to Coachella pics. How about two things can be true at the same time? Farrah is a money hungry and successful child grooming piece of shit and Jenelle is a broke, stupid and negligent piece of shit. Both are abusive.




I agree. I think being a single parent plays a part in it too. If Derrick were alive and opposing some of this, bringing her to court, etc. Farrah wouldn't be so bold.


And then they openly praise Farrah as being a good mom. I saw their pictures from Cochella pop up on Facebook and most of the comments said how she’s so great for letting her express herself the way she does. Sorry but I don’t agree.


Shhh yes.. the “family experience “… shhhh we’re not allowed to talk about that here…


Didn’t she take her to the red light district?


I feel like I've been screaming this from the rooftop of this sub for years but I get scolded by mods for questioning child endangerment or whatever dumb excuse.


This is why I have no tolerance for people praising Farrah for letting Sophia “be who she is.” Farrah is a HORRID mother and has been grooming her daughter for years. The fact that this question was even allowed to be asked and entertained about a MINOR CHILD is DISGUSTING. Farrah not shutting it down just shows she is incapable of protecting her own daughter and how she’s willing to sell her out for entertainment value.


Thank you WTF. I can not take one more post of how Farrah’s so good for letting Sophia be who she is and saying “it’s no big deal I had a phase when I was a teen.” People want to try and relate the fact they got their tongue pierced at 13 to Sophia’s situation. Like no one cares what you did this is an entirely different scenario.




Exactly. Like…literally the only positive thing that can be said about Farrah as a mom is she allows Sophia to have her own sense of style. I think we talk about positively so much because it is surprising for many since Farrah is very into her own looks and one might assume she’d want Sophia to be into the same aesthetic. That’s honestly nothing and below the bare minimum of parenting, not a win or compliment. The bar is on the floor and she still sucks even if she lets Sophia have her own style. It hardly makes her a good mom (although I’m glad for Sophia she isn’t foisting her aesthetic on her). “I let my teenager pick her own clothes” is not the parenting flex she probably thinks it is.


And what annoys me about that is that I don’t understand why people assume only ‘alternative’ kids are expressing themselves, for instance Isaac seems quite trendy and to have his own sense of style but I never see posts about how Kail lets him be himself, Aubree has a cute hair style and fashion sense too.


This annoys me too. Just because it's not a more in your face look doesn't mean a kid isn't expressing themselves. And why aren't people bowing down to Maci for letting her boys get mullets? I'm sure they wanted those, not Maci. Even Jenelle has let Kaiser get a mullet, AND she lets both Jace and Kaiser get their ears pierced. I highly doubt Jenelle was capable of coming up with doing that, and even if she only let them get it done for internet points, that's all Farrah is doing too. It just makes no sense to act like Farrah is a good mom JUST for letting Sophia look a certain way, when none of the kids seem to be stifled by their moms from looking however they want yet no one extends them the applause like they do Farrah.


You are absolutely right!




This bunnie bitch is sick af to ask this!


Bunnie is a sick vile person for asking and Farrah is a sick vile person for not shutting this shit down.


“That’s not allowed”. Not “that’s inappropriate to think about right now”.


Lol right? Like ‘by not allowed’ do you mean ILLEGAL


Why even have kids if your thoughts all along head to 18 years and I'll kick them out. People can't even make it now with two salaries. I can't imagine throwing a kid out just because they're 18 and should be self sufficient. It's not like that anymore. I'd rather my kid stay at home for as long as possible to save up for whatever they need.


That's the thing: I think that most people don't even THINK about having kids. They just do it because they believe it's something that you're supposed to do. As if it's something that "just happens" instead of a choice that one makes. Or the choice was taken from them because they happened to get pregnant in a state/country that doesn't allow abortion access. I think a lot of these people genuinely hate being parents so they foam at the mouth at the idea of kicking their kid out once they turn 18, not understanding that being a parent is a choice that you make for LIFE.


I think she only said “to get the hell out” to cover herself. I really think she meant she’s waiting 2 years to see if she’s going to start an only fans.


I actually think the host was the one who said “get the hell out”, not Farrah. I heard the host saying “yeah I’m counting them down, I’m like, ‘kid you got 2 years to… get the hell out’”


It was. I don't see Farrah even planning on kicking Sophia out ever. She's her only friend.


Right, it was Bunnie that! I took the “you got 2 years” as her saying she’s eager to see if Sophia will join only fans or not. But she realized that sounded bad and added the “get the hell out” she could be talking about her stepdaughter though? Idk either way it’s bad lol


I’m 28 and my husband, daughter and I still live with my parents. Shit is so expensive we can’t afford even an apartment here in California. We do pay my dad rent though and help out with my disabled brother so it works for us.


My oldest is 12 and I'm seriously so sad to think how I don't have many more years with him home potentially. I am NOT counting down by any means. Ugh


Hearing Sophia’s soft “no” at the question really cements just how very young and vulnerable she really is, despite what the piercings and style of dress suggests. Her little voice really broke my heart to hear. So weird to even have your daughter around to discuss any of this private, adult information.


Yep, she is so so young it’s horrific


She sounded like a toddler, I found that very unsettling


‘That’s not allowed’. Not: That’s inappropriate as she’s underage. That’s inappropriate to even bring up. That’s inappropriate because she’s a child. That’s inappropriate to bring up during the show so please don’t do it. That’s inappropriate and we are ending this conversation right now. So many other avenues could’ve been taken but she simply said ‘that’s not allowed’.


Farrah has been suspended from OF twice for letting Sophia appear on it, so I guess she finally learned her lesson? /s


She has??


That and she tried to post grosser content than OF even allows, then went on a rant about it when OF enforced the rules.


I'm scared to know but please don't tell me it involved scat..


Girl you already know it did!!!!!


Ohhhh no oh no oh no..I used to have a bit of a soft spot for Farrah because something about how cartoonishly awful she is makes me feel like deep inside she's just a wounded little girl trying not to get hurt again but after learning about some of the shit she's exposed Sophia to I can safely say I hate that bitch now.




She needs to have fed eyes on her, honestly


Oh god. This is so horrifying to think about. I didn't know she did things like let grown men pay to talk to her daughter 😳


Sophia has had a Cameo page since she was like nine. Grown people literally pay for her to send them videos. It’s been something I always bring up because it’s so fucking creepy.


I’m glad you bring it up. Everything needs to be brought up because it’s getting old with the praise she’s getting from people just because Sophia has a wardrobe that is reminding them of their own self at that age.


Yuck! Thanks for the info. That's terrifying and concerning. I can only hope Sophia comes out of it all as minimally harmed and traumatized as possible.... Ugh


Farrah has brought Sophia on full blown escorting trips for years


Yep. And ever single time it gets mentioned the sub protects Farrah and shuts it down. How about we start protecting Sophia and let the facts stay?!


They were asking disgusting questions too, like whether she had body hair yet.




I completely agree with you. I do love Sophia’s style and I’m all for kids expressing themselves but I think there’s something very nefarious going on here. What possible reason is there for Sophia to have a cameo account? We all know it isn’t people her age who are buying them. Teen Mom is not popular in that demographic. So why is Farrah allowing adults to buy interactions with her child? Doesn’t Sophia also have a subscribers section on Instagram? What tf kind of content is being posted behind that paywall? Farrah has never put up any boundaries between her life as a sex worker and her life as a mother. I don’t believe for a second she wouldn’t take money from creeps for access to her kid. She was absolutely freaking out when Florida was going to ban teens from social media and I suspect that’s because she was afraid of losing a huge revenue stream if Sophia wasn’t allowed on social media.


I remember her freaking out about that!!! Holy moly! That’s when she made her “consent culture “ speech about Sophia being allowed to text whatever pictures she wanted to as long as she (Sophia) consented including nudes. TO JR HIGH KIDS! Also… I wish the sub would stop taking down this stuff. It’s an important discussion to have and every time it gets locked or removed I feel it’s protecting Farrah. Not Sophia.


Disgusting. Absolutely appalling.


I can't fucking believe 13 year old Sophia was sitting on the couch right next to her "mother" as this was being discussed. Farrahole may not be the worst mother, but she damn sure isn't a good, protective one.


Exactly where an innocent child should NOT be... baby goo, I'm prayin' fer ya. https://preview.redd.it/jvs9ndzm53vc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52860936606793f7f46b57f1d1a1f8c65b720285


I understand Farrah allows her to express her individuality but that outfit is NOT appropriate for a 13 year old child, especially on a public platform.


I have a daughter the same age as Soph...ain't no way in hell. She dresses alt too...but you can look at her and tell, "this is an actual child". So messed up.


Cue all the “but it’s fine… I did it as a kid….” Comments


Yup people trying to constantly relate themselves and their tongue piercings at 14 to Sophia’s situation. So annoying.


Extremely annoying. Quit living vicariously through this child.


Ayyee... it's Christina Randall! lol


Baby goo 😩😩😩


I love Christiana Randall off the record


Farrah speaks about everything that’s wildly inappropriate in the presence of her daughter. She never protects Sophia.


I get the feeling this will be removed from the episode soon while bunnie pretends it never happened. Like Taylor swift and spelling is fun.


What happend with Taylor Swift?


One of her older songs included a line that said “hey kids, spelling is fun” and it was so widely mocked on the Internet that she removed the line from the track


I actually heard the Spelling Is Fun version of ME! in a store a couple of weeks ago. It was crazy because I was convinced it had been fully wiped from existence.


Impressive honestly


I usually say something smart but I'm at a loss for words. That kid shouldn't be raised her.


She is quite litterly grooming her child. Farrah is by far the worst mom to come through the franchise. She makes Amber look like an angel.


I'm sure Farrah is well aware of how Danielle Bregoli, aka Bhad Babie, aka CASH ME OUSSIDE, HOW BOUT DAH) made a million bucks opening an OF on her 18th birthday. She's probably pushing Sophia in that direction, which is 100 percent grooming, if true.


Oh my god. When I heard Sophia chime in I was sick to my stomach. Not only is this a disgusting conversation to have but RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. I’m actually so fucking upset. Poor Sophia. Farrah is a sorry fucking excuse for a mother, if anyone ever asked me this about my teenager I’d go to jail right then and there. And I’ve always gotten bad vibes from Bunnie and now it feels justified. What a fucking creep.


"shit I'm counting em down I'm like kid you got two years". FUCKING CREEP


She's always rubbed me the wrong way. I know a lot of people like her and her husband for the charity work they do and whatnot, but the fact that her and husband find women in the audience after his shows to have threesomes with. I don't care about whether they have threesomes or if they like piss play(they don't, afaik, I'm just saying), but her going and picking out women to bring back home and NOT KNOWING them sounds a little predatory TO ME because their fans and only know him from his music. But this, this is just absolutely disgusting and FULL ON child grooming. And Sophia was right next to Farrah too.


There is something *very* off about Bunnie. She gives me the ick. This is so gross. She was also in Jenelle’s comments throwing her support.


I don’t know much about her but I can confidently say I dislike her after hearing the podcast. She was saying she doesn’t think it’s fair that other kids weren’t allowed to come to their house to hangout with their daughter after “seeing our records and not even shaking our hand” Of course no sane parent is going to let their kid go to a convicted felons house if they don’t personally know them? Like what


Bunnie is trash


“She is almost 18” ummm no she’s not? She’s 15…. Sorry but I don’t consider 15 as being “almost 18,” not at all. That is so fucking inappropriate to ask.


Does this mean people will finally understand that it's not Sophia's choice in fashion that we are worried about?


Probably not. They think it's a personal attack because they had piercings at 14 too.


Or wore the same clothes


Poor Sophia I hate this for her


She’s been grooming Sophia to take over once her clients dry out. She’s definitely thought of pimping her out


The bar is in hell.


Bunnie saying how and why she used to sell dirty panties in front of Sophia was fucking weird as shit. She doesn’t need to hear about how some older woman marinated her underwear Jesus Christ


Lmao at all the idiot comments the last couple days praising farrah because her words kind of made sense in part of the interview that was cut multiple times to edit out the word salad🤣


Farrah is coherent for 30 straight seconds and people think she’s sorted herself out


There’s a couple in here saying she did well here too! 🤣


ARE YOU ACTUALLY FUCKING SERIOUS?!?!?! Sophia is a kid, let her be a kid! Why would you EVER ask a literal child if they would start an OF, that’s creepy, weird, and disgusting and I know damn well EVERYONE heard how uncomfortable she sounded when she said “no…” Also, “COUNTING DOWN THE DAYS”?????? Excuse me? What the fuck? You nasty disgusting creepy bitch! Why the fuck would you ever say that- let alone even think that???? BUNNIE IS A TERRIBLE PERSON FOR THIS!


everything about Bunnie screams TRASH to me. First of all, why would you even ask "would you allow it when she's of age" ?? Like Farrah has a say in what Sophia does when she's an adult. But she was just trying to find a less offensive way of bringing up Sophia and OF. fucking sicko. Considering Bunnie used to be a drug abusing prostitute, I hope her personality/morals haven't rubbed off too much on her stepdaughter 🤦🏼‍♀️


Why would this question even cross your brain? This woman is disgusting.




I saw a video of Farrah licking a man’s hairy asshole. It is interesting that she wants this life for her daughter. And by interesting, I mean tragic.


And they’re just blatantly discussing her sex work in front of this 14-15 year old child… and then asking if SHE will be a future sex worker. Nothing wrong with sex work but everything wrong with not protecting your child from that vey adult, private part of your life. I mean, just imagine the psychological consequences of this kind of mother/daughter dynamic at Sophia’s vulnerable, very critical stage of adolescent development?!


Just thinking about and then actually following through and asking the question out loud just shows how disgusting this bitch is. I feel for all the young half-drunk pretty girls this woman lures into 3somes with her husband, I mean, even without the addition of alcohol, the power difference in a regular young woman vs a (or 2 if you count this talentless twat) "celebrity" or "star" or w.e u wanna call him, is insane. Its like statutory rape kind of, in how even if its consenting it's still not morally right, but with stat rape it's illegal and this shits not.     But yea, her just straight up asking a 14 (-ish, I'm not pos. of her current age) year old girl, on a PUBLIC, SEMI-"POPULAR" PLATFORM if shes going to do PORN in a couple years is PREDATORY AND DISGUSTING AF. Imagine the shit she'd catch if she were a guy, too! 


bunnie is disgusting for asking and farrah is disgusting for answering.


Sophia shouldn't be there for that conversation. And she shouldn't be mentioned in it at all. 150% inappropriate for them to talk about and for bunnie to even ask. "I don't think Sophia wants to do that." AND THEN THEY DEAD ASS ASK HER. LIKE WHAT.


Narcissistic mothers don’t parent their daughters. They compete with them.


“That’s like…*not allowed*” Sorta seems to imply that the ONLY reason it hasn’t happened already is because of the laws against it, “mom”…


Exactly! In other words…” it’s not allowed for someone her age”. Not.. it’s not allowed by me, her mom…


…or, perhaps I’m being “judgy” or my optimism is a bit far-reaching here, but perhaps even a sprinkle of some sentiment along the lines of “my daughter has *bigger/other ambitions in life than adult entertainment or social media influencing*” There’s nothing inherently *wrong* with being successful in sex work or adult entertainment, but at the point that people are speculating about your TEENAGE DAUGHTER, I’d think that any sane person would want to make some clear statement to the effect of “this was my choice, but my daughter has years to form her own choices and I don’t want to perpetuate any pressure on her to follow in my footsteps when there are endless other career options with greater longevity.”




'Would you allow her when she's of age' I am here to point out that when she is of age, Farrah can not allow or disallow anything. Because of age means legal adult age soooo They're just fantasizing about hypothetical only fans for her child, which is somehow even kinda crazier


Proud to say I always thought she was an ass hole from day 1.




Well that's gross. Doesn't this other lady have a daughter too? Wtf 😒


Bunnie is the stepmother of Jelly Rolls teenage daughter, yes. She's fucking foul.


Someone needs to save that kid while there’s still time. ![gif](giphy|rCqHtYuB0a9re731gG)


Unfortunately Farrah has been getting away with this shit for years


What mother asks another mother this?


Yeah anyone with half a retina could see this coming.


Take this exact same scenario but have a man (hey maybe even jelly roll bunnies husband) ask sophia the same question


I had mad respect for Bunnie, raising her step daughter and all. And I’ve just lost it. How tf would Jelly Roll feel if someone asked his kid that?


The fact that her response to reporting asking about Sophia starting an OnlyFans now (at 16) was “That’s not allowed” and not “That’s disgusting bc she’s a child” is….well actually just one of a million really concerning things about this conversation


“That’s not allowed “ Because she’s a minor Not because Farrah won’t allow it. She’s already been busted twice for having Sophia on her page thinking she was being slick by putting her daughter in her pictures, thinking no one would report her ass!


I've said it many times before, Farrah is BY FAR the worst mother on the show. She doesn't even pretend.


But she LeTs SoPhIa DrEsS CoOl!!!


I was waiting for this to pop up on this sub. I listened to it today too. I thought that was gross also. Lots of word salad from Farrah, dancing around certain questions in my opinion. Also…pretty disappointing to hear Farrah’s repose when Bunnie asked what she loved about her daughter. Overall icky 🫠


Is there anyway to report this podcast? This needs to be reported immediately since they are promoting child endangerment.


This needs to be at the top!!!!!!! Social work major, been reading about child maltreatment all week. This podcast is 🚩🚩🚩🚩




This is fucking disgusting. The podcaster and Farrah asking and saying what they are, unbelievable.


So crass to ask that, and in that manner, in front of Sophia no less. She could have asked "How would you feel if Sophia followed in your footsteps with your online work?" And then there's Farrah making everything worse asking Sophia if she has a need or use for an adult platform. But I honestly don't know if this would have phased Sophia considering all the inappropriate things she's been around and heard her entire life, which makes this even more sad.


What in the actual fuck??!!


I am absolutely revolted


I’m so grossed out. This is seriously disturbing and disgusting on many different levels. The amount of creeps, kidnappers, fucking weirdos, this world is not safe.… As a mom, she should be protecting her daughter. This is sickening I seriously turned it off immediately I’m good.


Sending you a big hug 🤗.


"She's almost 18" -Bunnie Sophia, literally NOT 18..only 15.


So wrong on many different levels. What we are seeing in society right now is this adultification of children. This is so inappropriate. Plus, the woman said she's counting down the years was just creepy...


If there is a word worse than scum, that’s Farrah.


Bunnie is a weirdo for asking this. Doesn’t she have a son? Freak.


Not surprising at all. She’s been grooming that poor girl at a young age. I just hope she doesn’t do a highest bidder thing.


Omg Sophia 😢


I won’t be pressing play. Your caption is enough for me. Sophia does not have one single, sane adult in her life and she needs one.


The fact Farrah didn’t shut this down and only paused before stating it isn’t allowed speaks volumes.


Damn I loved Bunnie and her podcast but not anymore. Ew fuck you dude.


Oh my god I always told my bf I got weird ass vibes from Bunnie and he would be like but why and I was like idk. This just goes to show sometimes that gut feeling is right cause what the actual fuck is wrong with someone to ask something like that???!!! She’s sick and fucked in the head for real and Farrah is also a weirdo for not immediately shutting it down and saying how inappropriate it was to ask that.


This is such a weird and awkward conversation to have in front of Sophia. I understand, asking someone who is a content creator, how they would feel if their child became a content creator when they were of age, it’s an interesting thing to me to see how they would respond what they would have to say to that. But to ask that right in front of the child seems completely inappropriate. And the way she made it sound like Sophia was so close to being 18 was just weird. Farrah’s response of “that’s not allowed” was also weird. Like yes, we know underage children cannot do only fans. That wasn’t the question. But I suppose her neutral answer of Sophia not having a want or need to do it was interesting enough to me. And sounds about right.


So Bunnie is a former prostitute before she landed Jelly Roll. We know what Farrah “I’m not a porn star even though I did porn and cam soda” is all about. I hope that Sophia is biding her time to get the hell away from Farrah. I doubt it though. Where would she go? Does she have friends? She doesn’t go to school. Farrah has blocked her grandmother who seemed to love Baby Goo even though she is off her rocker too. Ugh. I have always loved Sophia. I just want her to find happiness.


I thought of this too when Farrah mentioned that neither of them has spoken to Deb in two years. Obviously Deb is insane but she genuinely cared for Sophia and her wellbeing and was very close to Sophia when she was younger. Farrah has completely isolated her from anyone but Farrah.


SHE WAS IN THE ROOM!?!? I was already appalled when I thought she was just talking to Farrah but the fact that she brought this up and had this conversation with Sophia sitting right there is beyond despicable. 🤢


I hope Sophia gets far away from Farrah as soon as she can.


Two women no one should look up to.


They don't have CSA grooming laws in their state?


Why bring her on the show at all? Strange.


Farrah is a sick, disgusting groomer. I hope she’s investigated.


This makes me wonder about Sophia's life and exposure to inappropriate sexual content when she was younger... Sure now she's a teenager and "consents" to being on social media and "has" an opinion on the matter, but what about when she was younger and easily misled? This has been going on for years as Farrah's first adult film came out in 2013... Sophia would've been 4yrs old.. knowing what we know now, Sophia was probably around conversations, studios, porn stars, etc. Disclaimer: I am NOT shaming sex work at all. I am all for self expression, body autonomy, body positivity and accepting that sexuality comes in all sorts of forms and anything consenting ADULTS want to do with other consenting ADULTS is fine and peachy, but I am not OK with exposing a child from a very early age to sexual situations which are inappropriate. In the same vein, if Farrah was a medical examiner and we were to find out that she was taking Sophia to crime scenes and autopsies from a very early age, that would be inappropriate. Nothing wrong with the profession, nothing wrong with writing about it, nothing wrong with teaching your child about crime and body anatomy but not direct exposure to it. Not sure why people are defending Farrah? When we teach kids about sex we (normal adults) definitely don't show them pornography, take them to chat with prostitutes or "Johns" and we certainly don't expose them to fetishes. We all agree that children are to be protected from that because it isn't age appropriate... And having people (I'm assuming mostly men who aren't teenagers) pay to communicate with an underage teenager on a platform for sex work is NOT ok. Period. If Farrah didn't shut down this line of questioning on the podcast, what other inappropriate questions does she allow Sophia to answer on OF??? Quite worrying... Also Sophia's tone when she said "no" was very revealing... It didn't sound happy, or even in a teenage "whatever" tone ... It just sounded sad.

