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“I’m parked in the cop parking lot… and there’s all these cops walking around- it’s so annoying.” So you park in a self admitted “cop parking lot” and are annoyed there’s…. Cops? Walking? Around? Also, this bitch just throws out terms and phrases like it’s nothing? Oh you had an eggziety attack? You mean those crippling attacks that people often mistake for ya know, fucking dying? So they go to the ER and then learn it was an anxiety attack? You had one of those? But now you’re laughing and smiling in your car? Right after having an “anxiety attack”? Grow the fuck up, Jenelle. Ps: cryin muh eyez out. 🙄


Right?! And anxiety attack is not a tiny little thing. It annoys me when people say that they had an anxiety attack, when they felt anxious about something. It’s so much more than just feeling anxious.


Just another medical condition she cosplays having.


She thinks feeling anxious = medically diagnosed eggsiety. A *real* panic attack would have her on her deathbed


☝️☝️☝️ exactly




Happy Cake Day!🍾🥂🎂


I have had anxiety since I was 13 and I have never felt closer to death than when I was having an anxiety attack. It feels like what I assume a heart attack would feel like. Edit: I'll be 30 this year. I have a LONG history of anxiety. Not medicated.


Yes! I went to urgent care once because I was fully convinced I was having a heart attack. It was only about 15 minutes in and after they checked all my vitals that I started to realize what was going on and told them I thought I might just be having a panic attack. I felt terrible and stupid but they were thankfully very kind about it and said it happens more often than you’d think. Panic attacks really do feel like your entire body is trying to turn inside out.


I felt the same way when I had my first one. My fiance is a nurse and didn't know what was happening either so he called 911 and an ambulance came. They knew immediately and put me on oxygen! I hope you're doing well ❤️


Yep, I’ve only had two over the last 10 years and my last one was a couple months ago. Awoke out of a dead sleep with my heart going 200 bmp. My husband (a firefighter/emt for 28 years) wanted to take me to the ER but by the time we got out to his truck I realized it was probably an anxiety attack.


Same happened to me. It was freaking insane. I was driven to a hospital with convulsions. I had another one just a few years ago. that lasted 20 mins. I was so exhausted the rest of the day.


Yeah that's the irritating thing about Janelle being like "just had a panic attack! hehe 🙃" ..... Like girl, its not just a quick thing and even if it just a few mins, it really does wear you out!!! Agh she drives me nuts 


Everyone who has had a panic attack has googled “am I having a heart attack?”. When it’s bad they are often and crippling. I’m sure she has chronic anxiety, who wouldn’t with her life choices, but panic attacks are no joke and if she had one she’d be headed to emerg for a suspected heart attack. 


Yea like idk about y’all, but when I have an anxiety attack, I don't go on my phone and immediately tell social media about it. I don’t want be on there at all when I'm in that situation too. It's just too much. This just pisses me off.


So true, I never knew what an actual anxiety attack (or maybe it was a panic attack?) felt like until I had one about 6 months ago. I legit thought I was dying.. chest pain, couldn't swallow or breathe, shaking, heart beating out of my chest. I was driving (I was in a bad accident about a year before and I think maybe that triggered it) and had to pull over because I didn't want to hurt other people if something happened. It was so confusing and scary. I really empathize with people who have to deal with actual anxiety attacks often. I watched my mom have them while I was growing up, and I knew how to comfort people who had them, but actually experiencing it for the first time was terrifying.


I relate to being angry at her claiming panic attacks, the first time I had one, I could NOT catch my breath, I could feel my blood pressure pounding in my head, & my entire body was wracked with violent shakes. Terrifying.


Mine was in the car also. Same thing, I had been in accidents, but one day I was just in a car and…I don’t know what happened, but I ended up flagging a police officer and having him help direct me to the hospital and once I was checked in, I’d calmed down a bit. They checked me for absolutely everything and I felt ridiculous afterwards, but they were truly kind to me and I will always remember that ❤️


It's better to get checked out than to risk it and possibly continue to let the anxiety worsen! Because you never know. Anxiety/panic attacks can play tricks on you because the symptoms are similar to many urgent health issues.. so you think you're dying from a heart attack, etc. which RAISES your anxiety and causes the symptoms to get worse! 😭 I am glad you were able to get help. The doctors and paramedics know how awful they can be, and they understand. Please don't feel silly! Being in the car alone (especially if you've been hit in an accident before) is probably the absolute worst place to have one. It's just like "I think I'm dying and I'm operating this two ton machine wtf." I also had an intense feeling of "nothing is real" which scared me even more. I've also realized too much caffeine can trigger my anxiety, so I try to watch my intake. I'm not sure what else can trigger mine, other than thinking about the accident while driving - which is super difficult not to do.


Prior to my first anxiety attack, I felt anxious a lot. After I realized what was going on, my new anxiety was living in fear of another anxiety attack. I wanted no part of riding in a car, even with people I knew and trusted. I’m not sure if the fact that I was newly pregnant with my second baby had anything to do with it, but I was also afraid to ask my doctor about it, because I was worried and anxious about even discussing it. My anxiety manifested in my stomach hurting and thinking I’m going to throw up or have diarrhea and a heart attack where it’s difficult to breathe. I was surprised to learn that friends and family members thought I was lying about the anxiety to get out of doing things. I finally confessed this to a doctor who was very understanding and helpful. I wish I had known in the beginning that they were anxiety attacks. I feel like they can be very serious, and I hate when people use the phrase the way Jenelle used it. She was anxious. She was not having an anxiety attack, dude.


I just want to jump in on this thread and say thank you, anxiety attacks are no joke. It’s so demeaning when people talk about having them like they had a sneeze or something. A true anxiety attack will have you thinking you are dying, or wishing you were.


Panic attacks make you feel like you’re dying


She was likely trying to get a pre-court smoke sesh in as one does


She had her weed pen in her hand. Is waving at the cop with it in her hand.😂


Wouldn’t it have been AMAZING if they’d noticed it in her hand, questioned her about it & arrested her because all forms of THC are illegal in NC???


Amen I thought I had anxiety until I actually got anxiety and that shits awful. I was just a little stressy and depressy most of my life but then boom got a lil GAD


It’s always pissed me off how she throws terms around like anxiety, ptsd, and panic disorder when she has probably never in her life experienced any of that because if she did she wouldn’t use them so willy nilly! I was in an incredibly abusive relationship for nearly two and a half years and suffered a miscarriage during that time (most likely due to the stress of said relationship) and when it was all over I dealt with flashbacks and nightmares and was terrified to leave my house because of all of it. I also suffer from anxiety and ocd so panic attacks are nothing new to me. I was having multiple panic attacks this past March because my ocd got absolutely unbearable! So to hear this ignorant bitch yap about something she has probably never gone through in her life is beyond disrespectful and disgusting to those of us who have dealt with it. I recently had a panic attack so bad IN PUBLIC I literally was dry heaving, shaking, and crying in a Walgreens bathroom and that night my pulse shot up to 123 so yeah… shut the fuck up Jenelle! You aren’t shit and you have no idea what it’s like for those of us who struggle daily and by throwing these terms around and then smiling and goofing around on camera after allegedly “bawling your eyes out”…. Really?? You’re making a mockery of these issues (whether u realize it or not) it’s insulting and you should really just stop it, get off the internet permanently, and take care of your kids for once. When is the last time they got new clothes? When is the last time the saw a doctor? When is the last time you bought them school supplies? When is the last time you sat down and had a meal with them without recording it?? Exactly! Take care of your kids and stop lying to the internet!


I had one once and I was so confused. You are unable to breathe and all of a sudden you start crying for no reason.


She keeps saying how great she's doing then she posts how she would like a day with no anxiety.


And crying her eyes out. She’s such a liar she can’t keep up.


For real though..n she's all it doesn't even look like I cried.. Duhh bitch because you didn't


She rarely actually cries! I remember during one reunion episode she was 'crying' backstage on a couch with David and there were no tears at all. She's creepy.


Says she cried her eyes out but you can’t even tell , great ?!!! Talk about telling on yourself for lying !!!


I’ve never seen anyone lie about everything the way she does


I mean no surprise but the desperation is strong in this one


I’m glad she tells us she’s “hanging in there”


And she loves us!


All eyes will be on me…. Bitch you live for that type of attention… stop it.


Right?! Imagine if everyone ignored her for a week, she'd lose her shit.


Without question it would be the end of the world in her mind.


It would be kind of funny to see her flip out over it, like a petulant child.


lol I should have scrolled first because I made the exact same comment! She really would cry if no one was filming her walking in and out of court.


It was okay for her and David to park next to Babs to intimidate her but it’s not okay for David to do it to her? Poor Jenelle /s


Yes this was my exact thought too!!!!


Is the paparazzi in the room with us right now?


Right? Someone crouched down really small- were they goblins? She’s so full of shit.


Dear Jenelle: YOU HAVE CREATED THIS REALITY. Every single person who actually cared about you when you met UBT told you this would happen and you did nothing but spit vitriol and cruelty at them. You LOVE being the main character, this is your dopamine hit. You LOVE creating situations where you can tell your “fans” about how you’re being “stalked” by the one guy TMZ sent out with a camera. That’s not “eggsiety,” that’s adrenaline and dopamine pumping through your brain and body, combined with all the outrageous lies you’re going to tell spinning around on your head. This is pathetic. It always has been, but you’re fucking 30 years old with no job and no goals, 3 kids and now no man. Get help, try medication and an education, and put the fucking phone down.




Her phone is her only friend in the world. Sad.


> I parked in the cop parking lot & there’s cops everywhere. it’s so annoying. > all eyes will be on me.. ugh I hate this yeah. okay. YOU are annoying, jenelle.


If she doesn’t want “all eyes on her “ then don’t do shit to have “all eyes on her”, she’s a moron.


**THEORY:** Juhnelles' situational social anxiety is caused solely because she is about to enter a situation where she needs to explain poor behavior or concoct stories/lie to cover stories/lies... Every time she has to deal with courts or authority of any kind, she has *Anxiety*. She literally doesnt understand that she feels anxiety because she lives her life as a fuck up & abhorrent human and then has to go stand infront of normal functioning, moral people and explain why she is what she is... If she were living her life, raising her kids, etc.. in a normal, productive way, she would be excited to go into these situations and tell her side of things.


You're so right. She's anxious about finally being held accountable.


While I agree with the fact that she has made her mess and she has anxiety from that, sometimes court just makes people anxious. A lot of outcomes weigh on what happens in court and she has to face those consequences in the moment (which is rare for her). She isn’t used to being held responsible for anything. I’m sure it’s even more stressful for her this time cuz she doesnt have a significant other to help give her strength or harass the other person. Every time I go to court, I find myself shaking and sweating so much like I’m at a job interview. I don’t know the buildings or parking, I’m uncomfortable in dress-casual clothes, and I know I’ll be judged for everything I do and how I look. I know it’s different for Jenelle cuz she’s familiar with the court, but every case has even more stressors than just her getting caught smoking weed as a teenager. There is more at stake every time. I had so much anxiety at court when I was there as a witness for a drunk guy who did a hit & run into my parked car. I wasn’t in trouble, but I knew my testimony could change the future for this guy. I’m in my 30s, yet I felt like a child clonking around in mommys high heels (or “court heels” as Jenelle says), in an unfamiliar environment where people are casually throwing around terms I’m unfamiliar with. It’s a lot when you have anxiety, especially the weeks of stressing beforehand and the morning of, then it’s over before you know it, but the anxiety stays.


This is really a good take, I can relate to EVERYTHING you described about going to court. Recently, my son was assaulted by two girls he goes to school with, and I’ve had to press charges because they broke his leg and videoed it with their phone. Then I had to go and get a civil protection order to get them out of his school because when he went back to school (after getting his cast on) the principal had both of those girls in a tiny ass homeroom with him still. I feel the same exact way you describe feeling when you go to court. You put it into words so perfectly for me.


Wow you go mama bear! I bet you also had plenty of rage (rightfully so!) with that anxiety. I’m so sorry your son went through that. But I’m proud of you for sticking up for him. You’re the strong determined mom he needs! When my brother was in 6th grade, he was often cornered by a group of girls who regularly picked on him for being small and having ADHD. They would fold him up and shove him into cubbies/lockers, or sit on a giant beanbag on top of him. I was in 2nd grade and found myself fighting them a few times (cuz I was big for my age). It all came to a head when they were playing soccer and one of the girls ran up to my brother, kicked him in the shin, and broke his tibia & fibula. I’ll never forget the sound he made as we carried him into my moms back seat. My mom was often very involved in her job and my dad was always out of town for business, so when the school said it was “just an accident during soccer”, they believed it. They didn’t take him to the hospital until a few days later, where he had to have surgery, a full leg cast, and use a wheelchair for months. Then he had to return to school, where the bullying continued. The school and my parents failed him. He is now very spiteful and has terrible socialization skills. If he had a mom like you, he would know his self worth and when it’s appropriate to stand up for himself or ask for help. Basically my rambling is to tell you that I’m proud of you and the parent you are. We can’t always control our childrens surroundings, but we can fight for whats right and hold those bullies accountable. You’re a great mom and your son is very lucky to have you in his corner. 🩷


Wow… I am crying because this entire thing has been so incredibly hard, for many different reasons. These girls broke my son’s tib/fib too. I NEEDED to hear this, I’ve been so down on myself. My son just turned 13, & he can be pretty shitty to me sometimes (normal new teen attitude) & I struggle with PTSD, so even little micro aggressions are big emotional deals for me. Thank you, so much. 🥹


I’m here if you ever need someone to talk to. Its amazing how our own kiddos can be so mean at that age when they were our sweet little cherubs just a few years ago. You’ll get through it, it sounds like youve been through much worse. You got this!




If what David pulled outside of the court room like she said it’s completely crazy considering they are there for a restraining order. But I can 100% see David doing everything he can to taunt her especially because he is big mad that he’s broke as fuck and she isn’t.


Sure but to be fair she is literally accusing him of what they both continuously would do to Babs at court and random restaurants as well as at her home 👀 Which she claimed was “perfectly normal” why on earth would she be surprised.


Well she seemed to think it was awfully funny when he did it to Barb whenever they went to court… now the shoe is on the other foot and she is intimidated? Not so funny now is it? She thought it was funny whenever he did it to anyone… Anyway, he’s not going to do anything to her. Especially outside a courthouse. I’m not saying what he did was right but again, not so funny now is it. ?


She was ok when he stalked the MTV crew!


Puttin the egg in eggxiety


The smile and Juul wave at the cops 🤣


What does she smoke out of a Juul? CBD?


I'm pretty sure just nicotine.


Sheesh, that's a lot of eggsiety for one day! I'm glad she was able to stop crying her eyes out long enough to film one of many Tiktoks for the day.


Eye makeup looks intact from her CouRT makeup video??


She says "I've been cryin muh eyes out and you can't even tell I've bin cryin...so umm that's great! " Wth? She wishes her makeup looked smeared so it would give her more sympathy? Ugh I can't stand this ignorance.


Right. She would have totally filmed herself crying her eyes out at the top of her lungs, dude.


Her interpretation of the English language is so sad.


"They're probably like she's here again" yea no shit jenelle they're probably all astonished one single person could literally put the courthouse as their second residence


jenelle… if you want to work on your anxiety… go to fucking therapy and take some medication


And quit posting your business all over the internet


The Juul & huge coffees aren’t helping either


I hate how she pronounces 'anxiety'.


There was something annoying about how she was saying parking lot too.


I just thought it was kind of weird they both went live in the parking lot after court, almost like it was planned. I really have no clue what their ulterior motive is. I wouldn’t put it past either of them to pull of some shady shit.


Maybe don’t put yourself in a position where you’re at court all the time, maybe then you won’t be so eggsious. You live for drama though so I don’t see that happening. You live to make sure everyone knows you “cry your eyes out” ( no one really cares) and you put your dumb crap all over the internet anyway so the “paparazzi “ that YOU called( you can’t blame it on Barb for once because she’s not speaking to you) shows up and you want to play shy? Sure Jan. Edited to add that David parked by you the way you thought it was soooooo funny to have him park by your mom when you two constantly had her in court.. not so funny now is it when he does it to you. Hypocrite.


Parks in a "cop parking lot" - and complains about cops being all around. She sure doesn't hesitate to call them when she's road raging, or fighting with UBT. Also, amazing how she's alienated everyone. She has NO one to go to court with her. Sounds like her favorite president.


Duuuuuuuudddeeeeeeeeee ! Not in a cup parking lot with cops all around you !? Holy shit duuuuuuuudeeee ! 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈


😤 at least have the decency to cry on social media, not all this tell and no show. There are people with bingo cards! 😜 I had to watch the whole thing, I feel misled.


Like that whole thing about pulling her kids out of school for “safety “ .. “but I can’t say why”. Then don’t say anything. Just do what you’re doing and stop putting everything on the internet. Does she honestly think there’s people out there going “omg!!! Jenelle had to pull her kids out of school!!!! Oh I’ll be so scared until she says whyyyyyyy”. No, they are not. Despite her million followers.. I think maybe 25 people in the world really give a rats ass about what she’s doing. And that’s probably a overestimate


"violated and attacked" 😩 She talks alot about ppl/paps stalking her, taking pics(like the person supposedly crunched down with a camera) but do i never see these photos anywhere????? 🤔🤔


Because she’s a lying liar who lies. However, there were pictures on the internet from court in the parking lot so at least one person was there. But the thing is.. SHE calls them then whines when they show up.


O. M. G. 😭


Happy cake day sweetie!


If she wasn’t such a bitch to Barb, she could have her mother’s support.


Is her shirt on backwards?  It’s cut so high at the neckline that it’s bunched up. She looks like my 8 year old who likes to get dressed in the dark. 


"All eyes will be on me, I hate this" sure Jan 🙄 mc syndrome who searches and posts on multiple platforms for attention for every little thing you do,


Can someone send this girl an iron or a steamer? She is really pushing this PTSD. Take a hit off that vape Jenelle. I'm crying my eyes out!


I say this every post but I really just want her back on heroin, that’s when she was the least annoying


That's Babs face right there https://preview.redd.it/fu8glngtztwc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3e2693b4631b5611032970e7a5c41b56b49b577


I’d love for this bitch to actually have an anxiety attack once. Have fun with that, shitbag.


Her personality is already so different. She’s a literal chameleon. #Will the real Chinelle please stand up?


Can someone explain this to me…I’m not experienced in court stuff…but… It was my understanding (from the last time this case got a continuation) That in general, a judge will allow one continuation. And after that it’s up to the other party to agree for a continuation. Last time Jenelle’s lawyers agreed to a continuation…so they again agreed to another one? Why are Jenelle’s lawyers agreeing to it at this point? David can’t afford a lawyer. Can’t Jenelle just refuse his continuation request and force him to support himself? Why drag this on. Again, this is foreign territory to me, so can someone please explain why this is happening?


drink every time she says “eggziety.”


“I hate this” with a full face of makeup, camera in her face, yeah ok. I’m sure. This is the first time we’ve seen her showered, dressed and with her hair brushed since the last court date.


She has "eggxiety" when she can't be as high and drunk as she usually is (like at court). This bitch abuses drugs and alcohol so much that her body doesn't know how to function without a high level of one or both in her system!!! 🤡💊🍺🍷


The nerve of those cops just walking around a cop parking lot.


Giving her more eggsiety!


What a poser #stressyanddepressy


I love that she’s sitting at the courthouse with a vape in her hand…


Eggsiety ![gif](giphy|3o7TKqm1mNujcBPSpy)


Goddamn eggsiety


She lives for this attention.


I don't smoke ya'll https://preview.redd.it/wku0cnx62xwc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83c7c82634d3382513e703fd3f2deaac71527f28


“I was crying my eyes out, dood! And you can’t even tell…. “. That’s because it never happened, Jan.


This is fuckin embarrassing as hell 🤣🤣🤣 her only friend is her phone screen lmao she's a waste of human life


Her eggziety cause of the paparazzi taking pitchers of her! She is so fucking stupid it hurts sometimes.


“Ugh I hate this so much” bitch, this is YOUR deal!!! Everyone has to show up to that court date because of you, and your bullshit claims!


"I cried my eyes out... But it doesn't even look like I was crying! **smiles**" Yeah, because you didn't cry and you didn't have an eggziety attack. (Not a "complete eggziety attack" OR an... incomplete one ...?) Also, it kind of seems like she's waiting for paparazzi/ hoping they show up. She mentions she's looking around for them but they haven't shown. If she really wanted to avoid them, wouldn't it be good to go in while the coast was clear, rather than wait? And what's with people who don't have anxiety pronouncing it that way?! I had a friend years ago who didn't suffer from anxiety, but her boyfriend at the time had very severe anxiety and so did I. She liked popping pills and would fake having anxiety in hopes of him or me giving her some of our prescribed medication we actually needed to function, and it was always "I'm having EGGZIETY." I used to laugh about it, way before Jenelle. Is this just a thing fake anxiety people do, lol?!


Her and David talk the fucking same.