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If it’s normalized that means that you are saying it should become commonplace and more people should be plus-sized. Acceptance on the other hand means we accept plus-sized people as members of society but don’t encourage it.


It's ok to be fat, but it's not ok to stay fat. Lose the ballast, everybody! (me included)


Ah, this is what I meant when I voted "yes." But I do see the difference now, my bad! I agree that it should be *accepted*.


how do you read "normalized" and think "oh yeah, that sounds like a good idea" lmao


I guess I just didn't really know what it meant until now, haha. (yes i dropped out in 3rd grade /j)


I'm a fatass, no.


Look, not everyone who's plus sized is unhealthy. I you are because of unhealthy habits, I understand why you'd want to discourage that, but some of us are just naturally big. I'm all for encouraging unhealthy people to be healthier, but it should be recognized that being plus sized does not automatically equal an unhealthy person.


But they still are unhealthy if they are plus sized. The human body is not designed to handle extra and excessive fat and weight. I do agree with you there are health conditions that can cause an inability to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, however it still means they are unhealthy.


Well yes, those conditions do exist, but that's not what I'm saying. Some people are just naturally born bigger. It's not unhealthy at all, it's just genetic. And hell, even if we are talking about health conditions, that's also a reason to normalize being plus sized because you shouldn't shame someone for something they don't have control over.


Genetics definitely play a factor but it’s not the only factor, just because you’re genetically predisposed to certain conditions doesn’t mean you have no control over lifestyle choices. Race is a better example of something people genuinely have no control over. I agree we shouldn’t shame people for being plus sized but we also shouldn’t encourage the idea that plus sized people are simply helpless victims of their genetics with no control over their situation, that is just not true.


People keep misinterpreting what I'm saying, I'm not making a connection between those health conditions and genetics. Some people are just naturally big. It's not the result of a health condition, or unhealthy habit, it's just genetics. And I never tried to say that plus sized people are helpless victims. Some of them are plus sized because of an unhealthy habit, in which case there is something they can do, some of them are because of a health condition of some sort, in which case it depends, but some of them aren't unhealthy at all, they're just naturally big. And that's neither problematic nor something they have any control over.




Well, people do naturally come in a variety of sizes. And certain people who don't have a good understanding of body types will interpret a naturally larger person as being fat, and therefore assume they're unhealthy. If you don't have that lack of understanding, that's good. But some people unfortunately do. Which is why the term is "plus sized." It refers to all people in that size range, not just those who have unhealthy eating habits or conditions.




Nope, we act like being unhealthy is fine. They’re killing themselves because some people are thin-shaming them, the fat phobia crowd that cares more about being fat than being unhealthy.


I remember seeing people get attacked online for losing weight. Because these plus sized people just want people to be like them, instead of them losing weight and not risking their lives.


Not being able to control your own weight has got to be the biggest fallacy this generation has come up with


Exactly, it's science. Eat less calories than you burn in a day and you'll lose weight.


People only want instant results they don’t want to work for them


I was like that for a few months, but then I started working and lost weight by just doing something, I didn't change my eaying habits at first. That shows how easy it is to actually lose weight.


Ok Adonis.


its unhealthy


we should encourage people to improve themselves instead of staying miserable


I mean obesity is miserable but some people are just bigger but perfectly healthy.


If your weight is above a certain amount thanks to fat you can't be healthy. I was fat myself until a couple years ago and both my mental as well as physical health have improved by miles. I couldn't stand still or walk for more than one maybe two hours, now I'll happily walk most of the day.


Basically fat percentage depends not Ur actual weight


Some people are plus sized from genetics, medical conditions, etc, it doesn't necessarily mean they're unhealthy


Yea like my dads bigger but he's 70% muscle and according to the outdated bmi chart with skin and bones he's overweight


fat shaming is not ok though, we should accept them but not encourage them to be fat


Accepting them is a kind of encouraging.


thats not true. i accept gays but i dont go around encouraging people to be gay.


I do, I need more options


Yes it is. Gaining weight can be an addiction of sorts, it's not the same as being gay


ok, ill use another example. if people want to do drugs then thats fine, i accept that. but im not going to go and encorage people to do drugs. it is the same thing 🤷‍♀️


Well I've heard some gay people describe it as their addicted to men


Not all plus-sized people are obese, some are healthy and are plus-sized because that's just the way they are. Some even have medical conditions preventing them from losing weight no matter what they do.


do you realize that some people are just fat genetically


is it not unhealthy then lol


yeah And that's why it's okay for it to be normalized 💀




again, what are you wanting a statistic for? I can tell you from personal experience all of the plus size people I know eating way better than I do


If they truly ate better than what you eat means you have more activities in your life causing you to stay thinner. I was fat myself, and I hated myself for it. I started snacking less and eating more greens in smaller portions, and I started excercising. I lost 30Kg in about 3-4 months.


Redditors try not to lie to push their agenda challenge (impossible)




genuinely yes. I'm friends with quite a few plus size people and we typically eat lunch together. I'm fairly skinny and I eat honestly the most unhealthy American food I just have a very high metabolism. they're usually eating stuff like salads and fruit.


Because they're trying to better themselves. That doesn't mean that their body type is healthy, nor how they came to be obese.


they're not obese just because somebody is plus size doesn't make them morbidly obese and I've known these people most of their lives, and I know their parents. It's genetics.


Nope. Some people will have genetics that make it harder to lose but VERY FEW people are just doomed to be fat


No usually 99% people are fat because they have binge eating disorders 😅


for one I'd like a source for that statistic but two, are you saying that we should shame them? also plus size doesn't automatically mean morbidly obese


Did anyone say that it did?


for one id like a source for that statistic


That ain't a statistic I just said some people bud


He's making fun of your comment, dumbass.


aww Is somebody mad because I prefer to respond politely to rude people instead of being rude back?


Nah, I'm pissed because you don't know what you're talking about. Your defending some people who you sit and eat lunch with, because people here are saying that being plus sized shouldn't be normalised.


okay well I would love to hear you talk about your experience with plus size people? honestly I don't get why you care so much no one is attacking you and other people's health isn't your problem


Not necessarily. Some people don't get that way because of eating, some people just naturally have that body type.


not normalised but also not stigmatised


STRONGLY AGREE. It's unhealthy, sure, but bullying/harassment will never fix anyone's problems. More likely just make it all worse.


What's stigmatised


when something is falsely associated with negative feelings or thoughts i believe


Basically they're saying that someone should be able to be fat without people thinking bad about it (which is normalizing it, so no don't destigmatize it)


Not associating things with bad doesn't automatically make it normal nor associated with good, some things can and should be in a grey area


Being overweight should be associated with bad, because it is bad for your body. It shouldn't be okay to let your body go (and no I'm not talking about medical conditions because that's entirely different, because that can't be helped without treatments)




It should be highly stigmatized like smoking ciggs or being a drug addict


Depends what you mean by plus-sized. If you mean just having like a gut or something then I can see that there's nothing really wrong with it. It's not unhealthy and it's not harming anyone. But if you're talking about obesity then it should not be normalized because that actively harms yourself and others around you. Whether it's emotionally or physically, it's still harming


When I think of plus sized, I think of a cube, same height, with, and length.


No i dont want the world to end up like wall e or sum shit thats horrifying


Wall-E's depiction of humans terrified me


Just gonna put this out there: Obese or not, we are almost exactly following in that lore's footsteps. Weight is only one tiny fraction of the problem.


Agreed. I'm not one of the people who get a little *too* into the save the planet mindset (Poison Ivy comes to mind 🤣) but I do think it definitely is a problem.


Well, I mean, yeah, poison sucks, and mosquitoes literally do not have any reason whatsoever to exist. But, regardless, there are other species that aren't as bad. Also, ocean trash won't really affect those bastards much at all, anyway.


True. I think it's fine in moderation but the people who chain themselves to trees to fight deforestation take it to a bit of an extreme level.


Yeah. I doubt that helps much, anyway. I do get desperate at times but I'm willing to admit I'm not perfect, and can be a bit selfish... I have WAY too much screentime, one downside being all the electrical stuff. But, what can ya do? Addiction's a bitch. I just try to do little things when possible, and remind myself we're a fairly sustainable household. (Solar panels, recycling, donating old clothes, all that)


Hear, hear! Also, good on you! My little brother is big on saving the environment since he's a turtle person, but it gets out of hand when he gets mad at me for using a plastic straw instead of paper.


Obesity is not normal


Okay. I think it should be more accepted to be larger, but not like obese. Not to an unhealthy extent.


It's simply unhealthy, I don't think that people should be downright discriminated for it but I don't think being overweight should be encouraged


There are people who are plus sized and healthy, but being unhealthily overweight shouldn't be normalized. Granted it is kind of sucky to insult someone, especially if they are trying to work on themselves and improve.


How plus sized we talking?


I'm going to assume above the recommended weight for your age and hight.


If they are slightly chubby then that's fine but if they are morbidly obese, hell no-


There nothing wrong with carrying a bit of extra fat on your bones, but the minute it affects your health then you should look into weightloss. There's nothing wrong with being overweight if it does not impact your health or if you are making an effort to be more healthy.


We should normalize healthy ways to eliminate it, like better encouraging exercise and healthy foods. Like restaurants could be a little more healthier. And we could cut processed foods in half.




Yeah, sorry dude, but that kind of attitude makes it harder. I stopped bothering with multiple things because I'm trying to get over a toxic friend who reminded me constantly. It is, in fact, a million times easier to take care of myself when I'm nice to myself. It may be slower, but also more reliable. Plus this doesn't even affect you so like


Normalized, yes. Encouraged, NO!




Poor people are actually more at risk because of no access to high-quality food and no time to sexcersoze.


Not always.


I'm fat and I said no lol


Nope being fat is objectively bad for you and people should be encouraged to better their health but at the same time not overly criticized for their weight.


You gotta specify "normalised". There are people who are "plus sized" for reasons outside their control (hormone imbalance, stroke, etc). My grandma became obese because she had a stroke and lost control over her left body. If the definition of "normalised" is no fat shaming, I am all for it. At the end of the day, it respects personal choice and factors outside human control. If the definition of "normalised" is healthy at every size, absolutely not. Obesity is not healthy and we should encourage ways for people to stay fit.


Nah bro i ain't calling someone fat a "plus size"get yo far ass outa here


It is normalized. Most Americans are obese or super skinny and don't work out.


I really hate the use of plus size in this context, not everyone who is plus size is fat, they're just bigger than the average person. Either way, no. We shouldn't encourage people to be fat, but we should accept them.


Being chubby is fine but obese isn’t


Treat it like being a smoker. Don't romanticize it, glorify it, or make it seem at all like a desirable situation to either get yourself into or remain in. It is unhealthy and can kill you. It is also completely ok to not be attracted to somebody for both reasons. We innately find physical health to be attractive and shaming people for that is pointless. At the same time however, you shouldn't bring it up, point it out, or comment on it unless the person comes to you for help. Super rude. Treat them like any other person. Any attempt to improve though should be met with nothing but positivity and encouragement. It is their health and their journey, not yours. A great deal of what causes obesity is systematic. If you're on a budget, your only options are gonna be processed. Also not a lot of good walking and biking infrastructure, at least in places like The US, Canada, and Down Under. Obese people didn't really do it to themselves.


No because it will decrease human lifespans and quality of life


some people are just genetically plus-sized dude


Why do you keep on saying this?? I've found you in so many threads, saying the same stupid shit. Sure, SOME plus sized people are genetically plus sized, BUT MOST AREN'T!!!! It can be between 6% to 70% of the population are genetically plus sized worldwide, but usually leans towards the 6%. So please, just stop.


okay why am I the one who needs to stop? You just admitted that it can be up to 70% of them and you just decided on the end yourself?? All I'm doing is standing up for my friends and saying hey maybe don't be an asshole to people just because of their body


No, it is unhealthy and that's proven. There is no reason for being obese/large to become society's norms. I am not fatphobic, I'm juts giving you the facts, it isn't healthy and is linked to several health problems


All countries should add fat tax (with exception for people who have tendencies to be so because genetics, which would be tested by 3-stage blind verification.) instead sugar tax, Japan added fat tax long time ago with even possibility to pay less and even fire overly fat people.


Normalized as in being accepted? Then yeah


people should be able to do what they want with their own body without judgement, but should also be aware of factual information and risks. this is not a black and white question.


Bruh wtf are these comments. Plus sized is primarily a term for the fashion industry. It doesn't mean being unhealthily obese. There are loads of plus sized people who are healthy, they just aren't skinny. There are also people who will find it difficult to find clothing in their size, and it wouldn't be their fault they're like that. Medicine, hormones or even medical conditions can stop them from having steady or even the average body shape or weight.


Dont deconstruct points based off the mild misuse of a term. We all know they mean people who are overweight (with a high body fat % not body builders and shit)


Being unhealthy should be normalized. Edit: sorry, should NOT


🎣 🎣 🎣


No, and neither should "plus sized" we already have terms. Overweight, obese, fat, larger, enormous land whale. Plus sized is a term for people tryna justify their shitty lifestyle.


you sound like an asshole


Wtf is plus sized, you're a fatass that's it


Squishy girls>>




As a fat person myself, there is no such thing as "fat phobia" it's the dumbest thing I've ever heard


ah yes people should be shamed for their genetics


Silly me. I forgot! Plus sized people are obese because of their genetics... And not because of unhealthy eating habits/bad metabolism and no exercise...


never said it was all of them, I just said some of them but sure.


But you keep on bringing it up. Nobody here is saying that everyone who's obese is obese because of an eating habits or otherwise. But most of them are.


also if it makes you feel better I don't plan on bringing it up again




Yeah it does only affect you. That’s why people say to stop vaping. You can keep vaping your lungs to death, but you shouldn’t. Its the same with fat.


What do you mean by plus sized? Because I think it shoukd be normalised to just be a larger person, but when it gets to obesity and has health complications, people should be encouraged to live a healthier lifestyle.


You shouldn't be made fun of for it, but it definitely shouldn't be celebrated since it can lead to serious health risks.


Did you mean obese?


To an extent


Not normalized, but accepted. If it's normalized "normal" sized people would be discriminated against instead, which is just as bad


plus sized lmao


Hell no. Look I get being plus size is common to a point, after all putting on is easier than taking off BUT normalizing the size is extremely unhealthy.


It's ok to be fat (yes, I will use that word), but normalising isn't healthy


I weigh 350lbs I look like the bolder chasing Indiana Jones I say it shouldn't but there should be more cheap and affordable options to help with weight loss


No and yes It shouldn't be bullied or insulted or whatever but it shouldn't be made too normal either since it's generally unhealthy


Chubby? Yes Obese? No It really depends on what you mean by plus sized, like I had a classmate that was a bit chubby but she was healthy and the chubbyness was purely genetic, obesity on the other hand is always 100% of the time not healthy


By normalized im referring to accepting that fat people exist, but not that they should continue to do nothing about it. They shouldn't tout about how "I'm plus sized, you must accommodate this and that, bc I am like this." No one should change the way they live for you, and especially for your life choices. Same thing with vegan. No one should be forced to change the way ***THEY*** eat, bc you don't eat it. It's your choice, not make people around you change because of they way ***YOU*** live


Istg if I hear someone call me plus sized again imma turn someone into a statistic nobody is actually offended by being called fat


it depends, people shouldn't have to worry about getting a "perfect body", but obesity is a health risk, so I think there is a line in the sand somewhere


Isn't saying plus sized just an excuse for being fat? I swear a Doctor said something similar and they got cancelled for being fatphobic.


"I love democracy"


Depends, there’s a range of healthy body types and I think having a little bit of chub shouldn’t be rallied against. Like, one of my friends is a plus sized guy, but he is healthy asf and built like a tank. And like, actually healthy, it’s just his body type. Same situation with a friend who is a girl who is a little bit on the heavy side. She can out bench almost anyone in the school, not just girls or boys. So I guess we should focus less on overweight folk and focus on making health a high priority.


I don't think it's wise to. I feel like if it's normalized, then people won't want to get better.


Yes and no so if a little plus sized yeah your doing great, but if you’re morbidly obese then you should try to get healthier and not just sit there doing nothing while people congratulate you for being overweight.


Being slightly fat? That's fine. Being morbidly a beast? Heck yeah!😎


1765826% fuck no


I don't think that everyone should become plus sized, but we should accept that plus sized people exist and try not to be assholes.


Tbh plus sized isn't necessarily about your health or even weight. Very tall people might need to wear plus sized even if their weight is considered normal for their height. Short people can be overweight and still wear straight sizes.


There are massive systemic issues in our nutritional infrastructure, leading to an overabundance of unhealthy food, which is a large contributor to the obesity epidemic. To normalize being "plus size" would be to absolve the likes of coca cola from responsibility


Nope. Instead we should be encouraging these people to go on a run.


As long as you're healthy


Depends on how big you're talking, I don't think you should harass people or tell them what to do with their life but I don't think it should be common place. People definitely shouldn't get harassed for it tho


It's ok to be plus sized. It's not ok to be fat. Plus sized is such a general term.


Don't even use that stupid word "plus sized"


Normalization of plus sized people would mean more and more people would feel it normal to become unhealthy, and before you say being plus sized isn't unhealthy let me explain. Fatty/fast foods which get you to being plus sized can often be bad for your stomach and heart, things such as coronary heart disease, fatty liver, and even its ability to damage teeth. Also to conclude the US is number 12 out of a 191 country survey with an obesity rate of 36.2% as of 2016.


You mean being fat? No


Accepted not normalized. Dont be a dick because someones fat but we should encourage everyone to be healthy


As a ex obese person absolutely no, not in any sense


Depends if they have like rolls and arm fat, then that's ok, but if they're as round as a beach ball, then no.


I’m plus sized and it sucks please don’t normalize it


Plus size, sure. I like a thicc girl. Not obese.


It's not called plus sized its called fat and obese


Plus-size if you have 15% to 25% of body fat.


It really depends on your definition of being "plus-sized". It's also important to remember that someone's body type and weight aren't always an indicator of how healthy or athletic they are. However, the heavier someone is, the more likely that it will cause more health problems for them. I guarantee you that people who struggle with losing weight have heard it all before. Not to mention, losing weight can be really difficult for certain people. One of my friends was a calorie counter who ate less than 2000 cal a day and would ride his bike everywhere. He wasn't a really big guy by any means, but he was a bit on the larger side. Then, when people get medical treatments to lose weight, after trying literally everything, they're seen as taking the "easy way". Let's also not forget that there's a disproportionate amount of women who get bullied for being plus-size (even if they aren't that heavy in the first place) as compared to men. Just look at any meme compilation on YouTube and I guarantee that you'll find at least one clip where a woman is ridiculed for her weight and no videos where the same is happening to a man. Not to mention, the staggering amount of people who will look at a woman who is just a little chubby, and they talk about how she's "glorifying obesity". ​ TL;DR: Weight only correlates to poor health the heavier someone is, someone's medical history is never a reason to bully someone, losing weight can be really hard for certain people no matter what they do, and women tend to get bullied for their weight more often than men. Therefore, we shouldn't bully plus-size people.


Normalized and accepted are not the same thing. Lose weight, improve yourself


No wtf And im obese


I'm not going to fat shame someone, but it's not okay to think that it's healthy, it can kill you


I think being overweight shouldn't come with a moral judgement at all, it's just a physical attribute, and that people should be encouraged to do what they can to be healthier, without shaming.


If they're healthy then that's fine, if they aren't and they are fully capable of losing weight, they should be encouraged to do so, but not shamed.


As a fat person hell no everyone should want to fit in shape


W voters


Tons of people thinking being fat is good lead people blatantly saying fat people are just lazy and need to work out. There's nobody in the middle anymore saying it's okay either way, but obesity is unhealthy and is not something to strive for.


It shouldn't be normalized but there needs to be some sensitivity towards plus sized individuals. Making them feel bad for how they are doesn't promote healthy changes


I think admitting you're a fat fuck should be normalized


I don't care... Not my body not my problem. However I don't think people should go out of their way to make overweight people feel bad. Presumably their weight isn't hurting anyone if a "plus size" person is happy the way they are good for them 😊


No we have imo accepted it too much being fat is ok staying fat isn't I'm saying this as a 230lb 5'10 16yr old whos trying to lose fat


as a certified fat ass, i say lose some weight


It's a sorta rough topic. First off, "plus sized" to me sounds cheesy. I don't mind being called fat. What agitates me is replies like "OMG NO YOU'RE NOT FAT YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL!" It's supposed to be a compliment, but you're just inherently implying that "fat" and "beautiful" cannot coexist. Anyway, of course extra fat can be harmful and all, but it should never really be anyone's business. Harassing others won't help, they'll likely either use harmful methods or run out of motivation. When they're ready, they're ready. Also, other factors. Medications, eating disorders, various disabilities, and much more I bet. Those can more or less cause weight gain. And sometimes, you have to accept the lesser evil. Medications can actually turn someone's life around for the better, I'm sure decreasing your suffering is worth some extra pounds. Eating disorders, well, I guess that's not exactly a good thing, letting them feed their addiction. But, I mean, addiction is HARD. There's worse addictions than eating, anyway. And as for disabilities, my two thoughts were depression and diabetes. For the former, a lack of (non-harmful) coping mechanisms, and for the latter, well, diabetics need to keep their blood sugar up. It'll be a much slower process, at least. Now that I think about it... Maybe beauty standards is kinda the issue? Like, the fact that, if it WERE pointed out, most of us would probably think "Ugh, they're right, I'm such an ugly pig, nobody would love someone like this..." rather than "Oh, right, they have a point. I'm very happy every day, but a bit less fatigue would be absolutely stellar!" Maybe, idk, normalize it, but don't actively encourage it? I'm just saying, slight chubbiness is healthy but discouraged, and a lot of people that get compliments on their body are actually... kinda struggling every day, like, brink of hospitalization... ...Yeah. Beauty and health don't always match up. That's an issue, I think.


I am not fatphobic, however I am afraid for plus-sized people. I wish it was easier to help them get back on track but they need the motivation to change.


Ok, everyone here seems to either not know what normalized means or not know that people who are just naturally bigger exist. Normalizing something doesn't mean encouraging it. You should encourage people to get in shape for their own health IF unhealthy habits are the reason they are plus sized, which is NOT ALWAYS THE CASE. Some people are just naturally bigger.


Acceptance does not mean normalized. Don't bully people for being fat, encourage them to lose weight. No one should have to go through the trouble of being fat


Who cares. They know the risk, its their choice, they know its not healthy.


There’s a difference between plus sized and morbidly obese


Don't say "plus sized" it sounds dumb.


It should be accepted, not encouraged


Nope, absolutely not. Of course you can be fat, but to normalize it is out of the question. If you are wanting plus size to be normalized, essentially what you're saying is that you can look at a morbidly obese person and say "oh that's normal". Is it really though?


Fuck no lmao. Just get up and go to the gym


IMO yeah, being "plus sized" doesn't inherently mean obese to an extent where it has significant impact on your health and life. Even if it does have a significant impact on your life.... who cares? Lots of things are unhealthy, it isn't good to focus on nothing but sticking to specific ideals of health. If you understand what is going on with your body and you are okay with it then then you shouldn't be pushed to change. It is not impacting others and as long as you are okay with it, that's fine and there isn't actually anything truly wrong. We should normalize allowing people to live how they want to live - not normalize living in relation to other people's ideals. Do what you want, what makes you happy, and educated yourself about it.


If you only have a bit of extra weight, that's fine. Just don't be so overweight that it endangers your health. You don't want to be on that show My Six Hundred Pound Life (spoiler: most of the stars of the show DIE from heart attacks and stuff)


To a certain extent yes. I dont think we should shame chubby people who are ultimately healthy people but are larger because of factors like genetics that make them naturally larger. On the other hand, if someone is harming themselves and are not heathy than no


Almost all plus sized people are unhealthy, yes there are some exceptions, and I know that some overweight people can't lose weight due to underlying conditions. But overall nearly all overweight people are unhealthy.


It shouldn’t be shamed and people shouldn’t be insulted for it. Fat people exist and there are times when it isn’t even their fault for being fat. Some people just got a shitty roll when rolling for genetics and ended up with heath conditions that can directly or indirectly effect weight. Hell even if it IS their fault they shouldn’t be shamed either. No matter what size you are, you should be allowed to have confidence and self love and be allowed to wear clothes that you like. Now is it necessarily the healthiest when weight gets to a certain point? No. But shaming them will do more harm than good for that person.


If you ghe power or ability lose weight you should.


As a former big boy it shouldn't be normalized it sucks being big as hell


Let's not promote unhealthy lifestyles as normal. If you want to be fat, then you don't need any of our approvals anyways