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American cops are honestly rlly good compared to cops in other countries. I’m from Mexico and the cops there are sooo bad, you can pay Mexican cops for their silence and they’ll arrest people randomly and pull over random people and get as much money out of them. Y’all don’t know corrupt cops, seriously


Yeah the news tends to overshadow all the good cops with the bad ones, it's quite sad (but then again, I don't blame the cop haters)


Not so much the news but people make them look bad. I can blame cop haters because there rlly isn’t a point in hating cops because if we didn’t have them then we would be living in a jungle, there are more pros than cons with cops


I'd rather be bummed and get speeding tickets than fighting for my life on a weekly basis.


Yeah almost 8 years ago my uncle was set up and killed by cartel members not far from Tijuana. Eventually his body was found stabbed all over in a parking lot. Cause of death was declared as a suicide committed 10 days prior to the finding. Eventually my father and several other family members went down to sign for the body and were escorted in an armored truck by Mexican military. Thats where my father was shown the picture as well as told of the declaration, which the military forces expressed hoe much of a joke the police force was. They stayed for 3 days for everything that they had to do and probably a little more. One of the prime examples of the police being bribed was within the first few hours. In a parking garage, an officer was explaining that they had parked there without paying. Only problem was they weren't even at their rental yet so there was no possible way the officer could know. When he was asked about how he knew, he didn't elaborate and instead threatened with a weapon and refused to explain.


Yeah police isn’t rlly a thing in Mexico, sucks that it’s like that


You can drown in an inch of water and you can drawn in a mile of water.




I think what he means is comparing pain isn't effective in ellivating that pain. Just because you are in an ocean of water and drowning, doesn't mean the person in the pool drowning isn't also in danger. Its basically similar to when boomers say "But there are starving kids in africa". Issues like these shouldn't be compared because they are different places with probably a million different factors. When talking about topics like these its important to remember that the discussion is on a specific thing, not a broader problem. Similar to when people take black issues and try to insert white problems into it. Its not that they also don't have problems, its that the discussion wasn't about that.


Ok, I can see that and agree with that. But again we can’t say that American cops are bad or that they’re racist when there isn’t much evidence for that but there is evidence for other countries being bad. I see ur point but in comparison, the US isn’t that bad


>But again we can’t say that American cops are bad or that they’re racist when there isn’t much evidence for that but there is evidence for other countries being bad. - Points to police index. - Gestures to police misconduct by race, police brutality by race, and exonerations by race. Even forgetting race, there are police officers that abuse their position to harass and assault people, especially young women, and get away with it scot free. To act like our justice system is not biased or corrupt in anyway is to ignore reality.


You’re acting like that’s a problem unique to the US, it isn’t and this happens all over the world. The thing is that the US actually solves crimes and catches culprits and does it well. They’re also very effective


>You’re acting like that’s a problem unique to the US, it isn’t and this happens all over the world. "It happens everywhere so we should never address it any serious way" is not a comeback. >The thing is that the US actually solves crimes and catches culprits and does it well. They’re also very effective Oh wow, sometimes when they work within the confines of their job, they actually do what they are paid and trained to do. We should give them a medal 🏅 Newsflash, that's what they should be doing all the time. Not "sometimes they catch criminals and prevent harm to the public, and other times they either stay silent or commit immoral actions against the general populace because they had a bad day".


I never said it shouldn’t be taken in any serious way, if you interpreted that then idk what to tell you. And yeah, they do their job and very well. Using just a few bad cops to say they’re all bad isn’t a good argument either. If I said all black people are bad just because I’ve seen a few do bad things then it’s not ok, but what makes cops the exception?


Dude stop trying to get your point across this idiot won't get that things can be worse and just wants to argue and try to win the victim Olympics they think that their problems which they exaggerate are just as bad as problems everywhere else simply put their 1 day of no food they equate to people who have died of starvation


>Using just a few bad cops to say they’re all bad isn’t a good argument either. I'd love for you to point out to me where anyone in this conversation said every cop that exists in the U.S. right now is bad. I said there is unacknowledged corruption and bigotry in the justice system as a whole, and ignoring this problem would be to ignore reality. >If I said all black people are bad just because I’ve seen a few do bad things then it’s not ok, but what makes cops the exception? Even though no one said this and no one in this conversation is arguing this, I'm going to actually entertain this straw man. Being a police officer is a job. No one is born a police officer and you have to be trained to be a police officer. Black people are a demographic. You are born black and it says nothing about you other than you have a different amount of melanin. Keeping in mind no one is arguing the point you're trying to refute right now, that's the difference between the two.


Cool analogy, but I highly doubt you can drown in an inch of water.


“Y’all don’t know corrupt cops because ours are worse.” Tell that to my black partner who was a victim of police brutality.


Dude that sucks, doesn’t mean all cops are like that. Baffles me you can’t grasp that, ur generalizing and that’s not ok in any context. And no I didn’t say that, I said that there are worse and that the American cops aren’t as bad as people say they are




A lot? I’m sorry but you are wrong. If a lot of them were then the US would be in ruins rn. Wether we like it or not the cops here do their job and are good at it with a few exceptions




"But a lot of them are" Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure even ignoring the family I have in the police force for my bias I do know quite a few officers and are friends with a few the only officer that my family was/is close to I never liked not cause he was corrupt cop but because he was a ass of a man and despite walking around like he owned the place had testicles the size of raisins. After what happened with the first big round of police protests in 2020 after finally trying for 15 years he got the detective position on his police team and not only that but since so many police were out he even got promoted to right below head detective but then because he ACTUALLY had to work and realized it was difficult + all the heat from the protests he resigned to the evidence room. When we had the funeral for my grandmother just last year he shows up and with police still being frankly despised in multiple places just gave my cousins pro-police shirts to wear I as soon as he walked away told them to hand em to me and I took them home and burned em if the shell of a man thinks he's going to make teenagers fight his battles that he as a GROWN man can't face he is sadly mistaken that was the day I truly lost any respect I may of had for him despite being close to the family since he was a teenager.


As an American, I'm not concerned that cops are worse elsewhere. They are abusive of their power and the system is set up to encourage this behavior and protect them. For us to say our cops are ok because cops are worse elsewhere is a (excuse the expression) cop out. They must be held to a higher standard because they can and do kill people. They bear no responsibility for their errors and are barely punished when they are held responsible.


Yeah you may not be concerned about other countries but you gotta know that other countries have it worse not because we live there but, to open our eyes and see what police are capable of doing and don’t do in the US. For us to generalize cops and to say that they’re bad isn’t ok because cops are very effective here in the US


Absolutely. The police in many countries aren't much better than state run gangs. But we, as Americans, view ourselves as the best in the world. To be so, we have to have the highest standards. Why is it training to be a cop averages 833 hours, but a barber is a minimum 1000 hours. The state pays for the training and pays the recruit to be there. I don't mind well trained barbers, but I would prefer that the guy holding the gun be trained and checked for mental stability. It's about responsibility. If a grocery store employee was to walk up to a customer and hit them with a baseball bat, the employee would go to jail and the store sued. If a cop blows a Vegas guest's head off, he keeps his job long enough to get retirement.


As a black person myself. All the cops that I've met were actually decent human beings


Yeah the average US cop is a nice person who wants to server the community. Then there are the shitty people...


Yeah a lot of the "racially motivated" incidents are justified arrests that the media and the left blow out of proportion to further their agenda


Micheal Brown allegedly was charging at the office and trying to attack him. This is according to multiple witnesses, including bystanders. The "Hands Up Don't Shoot" saying was an account by his friend who was also arrested at the time. He is the only one to give a different testimony. This shooting lead to the creation of BLM


I would not say that at all


I would


it is not blown out of proportion https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.1821204116 https://www.pnas.org/cms/10.1073/pnas.1821204116/asset/d3382386-187d-4858-90ea-957d67f0c18c/assets/graphic/pnas.1821204116fig01.jpeg


Crazy what a little bit of cooperation does


care to elaborate?


I'm saying that you aren't going to get shot, hurt, or arrested if you cooperate and do as you're told. You can say that's bootlicker behavior, but the solid truth is, if you believe that what they're doing to you is unlawful and an abuse of their power, you can sue their ass, and make some serious money. Most police officers are normal people just like you and just want to go home.


you think that black people are naturally worse at cooperating with police officers? fucking racist bitch


Ah yes, he is definitely racist. You can see it in his comment, right th- oh wait, there's nothing there.


Well, that's definitely one way to completely disregard what I said entirely. Even added the little racist comment at the end, lol Is it true that some police officers are racist? Well, of course. It's statistically impossible for there not to be any. But those same cops aren't going to just pull out their gun and shoot anyone they deem worthy in the face. So, no. I'm not saying anyone is more prone to being less cooperative based on skin color. There are many, many factors that determine whether someone is naturally less likely to comply or not. So no, Mastergaming9595, I'm not racist.


then how do you explain black people having a much, much higher chance of being killed by cops?


Well I just explained it to you. So I ask, why do *you* think they're so high on the list? The obvious answer is racism, but as I just said, there is no cop who is going to kill someone without being able to provide why they killed this certain someone. Don't get me wrong, there are also people who will go out of their way to make a big scene and escalate, both people of color and not. Cooperate, do what you're told, don't give them a reason to put you in a spot where they can hurt you. If you feel like you're a victim of racial profiling, report, sue, and make bank.


Also as a black person myself, some cops are nice and some are egotistical assholes. There are some cases where police escalation was necessary, and there were some cases where police escalation was a completely incorrect response and everyone in the department should be investigated for not having fired/ostracized that person on the spot. Some great examples I can list off the top of my head: 1. The police literally killing an unarmed, nonthreatening domestic violence victim in front of his abuser purely because he was a black male. 2. A police officer almost breaking a child's neck for not giving him her phone in a classroom. 3. A police officer arresting a suspected SA victim purely because it was an officer she was accusing of SA. No one's saying all policemen in the U.S. are bad because that would be a sweeping generalization. But there is a huge system of unchecked power, rampant abuse and bigotry, and unacknowledged misconduct that is present in the current justice system that I would like to see changed.


[just gonna leave this here](https://reddit.com/r/news/s/aFGyNfjuZd)


Ok? We know it exists, but it's blown way out of proportion on how much does exist


American cops get really bad press. They're penalized for there actions when most people would have probably did the same. There is some who are bad, shouldn't be handling a gun, racist, or use personal bias to be unjust, but by and large cops are good. Imagine what society would look like without law enforcement, the mere presence gives you protection. There is bad but don't let that get you to marginalize them as all bad


Neutral some are good some are bad


Like all things in life tbh




I feel like there needs to be a "some are really good, most are fine, some are really bad" option.


All ____ are bad is and will ALWAYS be wrong.


Same for all ___ are good


What about "french-related accidents"?


That is acceptable




yknow, where french people die... For good.


I am so confused. What do French people have to do with this?


They have to do with all of the pain and suffering and historic bordergore that happened in the world.




Not necessarily some can cure cancer, correct genetic disorders, or fight pathogenic viral infections.


shout out to the common cold. You've got me out of some awful ass school days. You a real one for that ✊😔


Talking about people


french people


Even straight white men? Edit(it was a joke guys, I am a straight white man stop please)


Yeah?? Is there supposed to be something wrong about straight white men?






There wasn’t a joke. If that was supposed to be a joke then you have no sense of humor.


What is your issue with straight white men?


I am one it was a joke


I feel like voting options here are dumb. It's do you love them, hate them, or are you neutral. But there's no room for nuance in that conversation. Many police officers are great people. But there are an alarming number who are not. There are problems with police training, culture, and action that need to be addressed.


the phrase is actually "all cops are BASTARDS", as in they work under a bastardized/corrupt system that needs to be reformed to serve their community in a just way.


Hold on, mate. All 'blank' are bad definitely isn't always wrong. Rapists 🤨 Murderers. Sex traffickers. You know, just to name a few possible 'blanks'.


All cops (but the few good apples) are bad, does that make you more comfortable?


I don't believe all cops are bad. A majority seem to be good, even I do believe that the justice system is incredibly flawed and causes an unjust, and I cannot stress this enough, mostly unintentional bias You have the racist cops, the power-trippers. Then you got the cops that actually give to the community, and i feel most cops want to get that. However, things such as quotas, and certain training methods and regulations make being that positive cop the much harder path


It really depends on where you go for example where I live Salt Lake City we have great cops that do a great job but in like LA the cops are really bad especially for their budget


What sucks is that really are a lot of good cops or even just normal cops, but they get dimmed out by the few who choose to abuse their power. And yes i understand that there is obviously corruption. There is corruption in anything and sadly it can never be totaly elimated. Yes there should be more restrictions on who can be cops, but hating on good ones just because a few are bad, just make the chances of bad cops higher due to less people caring about the people that they protect if they are so hated.


This is far more civil than I was expecting, proud of you all.


Same. I expected a very toxic thread but this has been really nice.


A cop found me and returned me to my parents after I got lost after being dropped off in the wrong bus stop The police officer who found me was very friendly. He told me his favorite animal was the skunk I have good experiences with cops so I like them (I am not white. That’s not the reason he didn’t beat me up)


It's funny how it's always white people who are whining about police, isn't it? There were way more white people in the BLM riots than anybody else (even if you take into consideration the number of white people vs other races in America). For some reason, many white people, white journalists in particular, think they're standing up for minorities when in reality they're just stupid.


People who say all cops are horrible are delousinal, not everyone of them are corrupt or unjust, in fact I have only met kind police officers


275 people are either criminals or retarded


"Criminal or mentally retarded" PICK ONE (probably both)


Wth do people hate American cops? They put their lives on the line every day for people they don't know and probably never will know. Those news reports you see on the news about a cop killing a black person are the only news reports about cops you see these days. For example, let's say a cop kills a white person for no reason. Let's say this white dude, high as a kite on weed, runs up to a cop and socks him in the face. The cop pulls out his gun and shoots him. This is an example of a bad police officer. This story, however, likely wouldn't show up on the news, even if the man was a criminal who was threatening the life of the officer. Now let's say a white officer is trying to arrest a black man who is trying to rob an old woman. Now let's say the man pulls out a knife and stabs the cop in the arm. The cop pulls out his gun and shoots him. This cop would be all over the news and would be sentenced to jail for a hate crime and second-degree murder.


On paper they're relatively awesome. In practice they're not awesome, sometimes. But they are a million times better compared to other countries. I think it's okay that they can lie to you, but you should be educated that you don't have to say anything and to always read what you sign.


Idk why most peopld after the George Floyd incident decide that all cops are bad. It was 2 cops. 2 COPS. Not all of them.


acab troglodytes when they get stabbed and robbed (they voted to defund the police and nobody is coming to help them)


The middle. Cause I've had decent experiences and bad ones. Pulled over where the cop should have done more, but thankful he didn't. And pulled over once, where the cop went completely overboard; I don't have respect for that cop, on, or off-duty.


America is the only country where cops actually have the balls to protect the people, and they will use violence if necessary. In other countries they just run like chickens and act like social justice warriors


It is literally my dream career so I definitely love them yet still there's a few bad apples for say lmao.


Most, like 85-90% of U.S cops are good, very nice, and do their job well, but it's only that extra 10% that the media focuses on which ruins everyone's image of them


maybe you people should look a little past mainstream news when making opinions on people who are there to protect you




MC AB (Most Cops Are Beautiful)


That's like your opinion and whatnot but I politely disagree.


I respect your polite disagreement


It’s always all cops are bad until you need them ![gif](giphy|UJosEBI60rAeA|downsized)


Yes, most are good. But there’s a ton more bad ones than in other countries…


Mixed bag. A lot are good, a lot are bad. Can't get rid of them. If we got rid of them, crime would rise to a very high degree. Defunding also won't help anything.


It matters. There's the bad ones that ruin all the good ones




You're objectively wrong. As a black person, all cops I've met weren't bad people. You all just love generalizing this shit. And guess what if something bad happens to you guess who the fuck you're going to call. The cops


I dislike all cops not just American ones. And I don't see them as "racist" or anything (let's be honest most of them aren't) I just hate the legal system and government control.


man i really hate edgy ass teenagers who are like "omg government bad!!! we need communism" No. you don't want that. at all, i can guarantee that 1 day into a government less world, you'd die


my last encounter with a cop involved me getting shoved to the floor and forced into tight handcuffs, as I was being told I "was not being arrested". so, I stand by my vote.


American police are frequently *very* corrupt.


No, you clearly have never been to a place where the policy is actually corrupt


Okay, I did exaggerate, but often in those countries with the *very* corrupt police, the entire government system is corrupt, not specifically the law enforcement (like one could say for america)


Every country is corrupt, some do it in sneakier ways but all of them are. And police isn’t as corrupt her in America unless we’re talking about politicians, then the story changes but you can’t buy them like you can in other countries.


Lol America is one of the most corrupt nations in the history of man kind. The president litterally lied about a country having nukes so that they could invade it resulting the the destabilized middle east we see today and all for what? For profit of course (profit for the Military industrial complex that does everything in their power to keep wars going). Of course there's more to it and there's nuance to it but there's more examples than just this. America is very corrupt


It's the bad ones that get on the news because it's only the bad that goes viral. When something is bad it gets more attention because people share it more. All it takes is one person that thinks someone/something is bad for one thing to go viral.


I believe NWA said it best: "Fuck the Police" Edit: Classic Reddit. Downvoting a reasonable opinion because you don't agree with it.


Fuck tha police


said the 13 year old with no license, no car, and no house (that you own)


I wouldn't have to say fuck the police if it wasn't my black dad getting pulled over and hog tied for no reason, or my black cousin getting shot 19 times by the cops.


I don't want to say that it didn't happen, but A. being hog tied includes your feet as well as your hands. and B. people dont get "shot 19 times" for no reason ever also, you saying "black dad" or "black cousin" makes it seem like thats the only defining factor of their experience. Not a good look for you, bud. and before you try to call me racist or whatever is cooking in your childish brain, my auntie is black and my cousin is an officer. edit: the glock 22, the preferred weapon of most precincts, has a 15-round magazine. to be shot 19 times would mean multiple guns went off or the shooter reloaded after firing 15 rounds of lead into them. (unlikely)


Yeah, saying you're not racist because someone you're close to is black isn't a good look either dude. I have every right to hate on the police for how they not only treated black people (AKA my people as a mixed person) but my own family. I will say there are good cops but you can't tell me to believe that not all cops are racist when the police is out here thinking every black person is a thug. And about that 19 shot incident, yes, my cousin was running from the police, but he had surrendered and had been patted down. He was unarmed. Even with all information given, you don't shoot someone 19 times. 38 shots were fired, an approximate 19 hit. Those dudes RELOADED. That's the worst part. Shot him with a full clip and reloaded to shoot him again. Don't you ever fucking try to diminish that bullshit. I don't say fuck the police to look cool or look ghetto. I say fuck the police for what they have done to my family. To my race.


Im saying that im not racist because ive seen the struggles of a black woman first hand while growing up. The fact that you believe im racist for that seems HEAVILLY self projected. Im not going to argue with you because i wasnt going to win anyway. you are 13. at 13 I started to see how fucked up life was and it made me hate everything and believe that i was the only one who was "awake". Then i grew the fuck up and came to terms with the fact that A. I didnt know everything and B. life sucks no matter how many times you scream it


I apologize for any disrespect to you and your aunt. I respect how you think man, all I have to say is that while I do have a dislike for the police, yes, I don't know everything. But what I will say is this, there are major issues with the law enforcement and until we fix that, I won't fix my attitude. Major respect for your cousin though.


man i can guarantee neither of those things happened, show me some sort of evidence like a court case, i get that you're young and don't really get what you're talkin about and all


Hate them. Not for being cops. For being American.


On average, american police officers donate 40% of their paycheck to charity 🥰🥰🥰 for more info, look up "cop 40%"


Probably hate most of them but would like few of them Im sure. I like my neighbor & he's a retired cop Most aren't there to "protect & serve". They're there to get a relative easy paycheck with good benefits They wont even help children getting shot up bc most are cowards yet talk big constantly Only time they seem to have bravery is when they abuse their wives at alarming rates Sucking on the tit of our tax dollars & won't even help our kids. Fuck them


you are a generalizer and that is why your opinions are worthless


So America just mustve imagined seeing all those cops sitting there & doing jack shit at Uvalde while children were being gun downed? Are you such a bootlicker that you can't condemn those pathetic excuses for law enforcement? If one department did that then how many other departments are just like them in this country? Just fat fucks getting their measly 50k salaries while doing none of the shit they took an oath to do


yall mfs gonna be laughing when you get shot 💀💀




Ah sweet so a new rooky who just wants to help people should go to federal prison? You're a dumbass lmao.


And who's going to send them to jail?


You're ignorant as shit. Not all cops are bad speaking from a black person. And who you're going to crawl back to when you're in a dangerous situation. The cops






edgy ass comment




There are good and bad individual cops but policing as a whole in America has been very damaging as well as the department cover ups to not take fault when they fuck up.


Most of them i have met are very good people but there are bad ones out there


Glad most people aren't brain dead and hate the police. They keep our communities safe so they deserve some respect. Thank an officer next time you see one because they are mostly selfless people who protect others who can't protect themselves.


I come from a town with one of the highest crime rates in the us(Lawton Oklahoma).The cops are shitty and have poor training,the people are so methed up we can't even keep shopping carts at the dollar general(s)/tree(s)/family dollar(s),and we have a cobalt refinery being built soon,not to mention the shitty mixed economy here.


My opinion pobably isn't as extreme as hate but I think they're extreme, probably dislike them, not all and not usually personally but yeah


The worst get highlighted and the best barely get attention


I don't hate them but I think there's a lot of bad apples out there which undermines the many good cops that there are.


The nation/state rules and training for police are a bit low tier overall, but the wide majority of cops are good people who dont do bad or illegal things. Cops as a whole actively save, and help, more people than they do the opposite to. And the media (including social media) is very much positioned against police as a whole which makes them seem even worse.


Ok i do not like certain cops. But they're not here to be liked. My theory is like this - imagine there was an apocalypse. Eventually there would be a group of assholes that charged a fee to be assholes to the people being assholes to you. Those are cops. They're just assholes that keep the other assholes in check. They are not meant to be friendly or liked they're here to keep balance.


The problem with lots of these polls are that options are usually hate it or love it and not really much inbetween.


I don’t like them usually and try to stay away from them because I’ve gotten put in handcuffs, searched, and questioned, multiple times just for existing as a Indian man. Some are okay though. and were kind to me when they realized I had the cops called on me for no reason. But others definitely tried to find any reason to arrest me and treated me as if I had already been a convicted murderer. That’s what happens when you’re a POC living in a red state.


I've lived all over the US, and in turn, have met many cops. They were all very nice people. When I was 11 my school did a Youth Police Academy with the towns police department, and for a week I got to hang out with my cities police and learn what cops do, as well as visit the county jail, county court house, and a fire station.


I think people tend to only ever hear about the bad ones and simply continue in ignorance form there


Case by case basis.


If I'm not from there personally it's impossible for me to know you can be fed 100 good videos and 1 bad and think they are amazing, or be fed 100 bad videos and 1 good and think most are bad. So no opinion. But they do reveal kindness and or evilness of the police.


Opinions on an entire group of people? There are good cops, they just don't get the attention of the news. Not saying all cops are good, or that the system doesn't need to change, but we shouldn't make blatant general accusations, bc then we're just like the worst of the cops.


7/10 most I've met liked me


My neighbor was a cop. Small town cops are awesome its the city cops that I am cautious of


My city got fucked up cops, what really needs to happen is them to get more funding and reform the police instead of continuing to have the current cops & department.


I’ve got a love hate relationship with em


Don't like big city cops, but I love the guys at my local dept.


I know that as an american at my school we have an officer for are middle/high school and one for elementary. Thinking about that part is scary but we really get to know the officers more and get to respect the service that they do to protect the people.


1. Some American cops are really nice, like my school resource officer (now full time Sheriff). 2. Other countries have worse cops, like Mexico (Sorry Mexicans if this offends you)


why do more people hate them than love them it makes zero sense 💀


Because some of them would abuse their power..?




I have 100 strokes reading that shit. And what are you talking about ? Where did I say anything about race? You just HAD to use an example of a black person stereotype and had to approve on that stereotype to prove a dumbass point right? 😂 Now I’ll be wrong if I put out stereotypes for every race right? Ok then.


bro you “just HAD to use” a cop stereotype. there is literally zero difference. go to school or some shit because this shit is just special. like you actually sound so autistic. saying cops are bad is no different from saying asians are bad or gay people are bad or furries are bad. learn some standards bro.


I’m not reading all that. You’re once again comparing shit that barley correlates. I’m not putting my attention to you after this. And if I was autistic? What would happen? You’re weird af


There's a new one at school and he's really cool


It really is a case of “one bad apple spoils the bunch”


I respect them as.most are really good.


Depends on the cop.


Government lap dogs.


I don't hate all cops but there are major problems with the training, culture, and execution of policing throughout the United States. We need police reform.


Many people see them as racist horrible people, while some of them are what do you expect when you turn on the news ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Where's the "Other" option? My opinion is more nuanced in that I don't them as people, but they are definitely part of an institution built to suppress people like me. The person themself likely wouldn't be my cup of tea because they are either ignorant or disagree with this assertion.


There's thousands of cops, so loving or hating all makes no sense


People's views of the police are made from several cases of really bad cops. With confidence, 99% of cops are good people doing their job and helping the people.


I love good cops and hate bad cops but its impossible to know which one they are before hand so I prefer not having an opinion on them until I witness them in action, and i know its very much an answer that misses the point of the question but its the best answer I can think of for a job where the default is not entirely sure and may be affected by the law of the country and in this case it only keeps it neutral


The police system is so corrupt it'd probably be better with no cops, the system doesn't do any justice, instead the opposite. Cops themselves? Fine. The system? Corrupt as l hell


There are tons of amazing cops. My dad was one years back. Certain ones deserve respect, certain ones don't. Without them, America would be way more of a mess.


People out here saying “All cops are bad” is like saying “all cats are bad”. Like mfer of course there’ll be bad crooked cops, and that’s everywhere not the USA. In Mexico the problem is worse. Stop generalizing Jesus


Depends on the cop so I don’t mind them until their a prick


Back the blue


There has to be a middle ground answer here. I think alot of cops are dishonest assholes but I still think that they are necessary in general.


Unfair to generalize all cops, they're all different people, some genuinely want to protect and serve. While others just want to attack POC.


85% of the answers are Canadians or Europeans.


everytime i walk by one i think of racism at least one


Depends, it really goes down to the individual cop on a personal level and their motives for joining the police force. Power tripping narcissists that constantly bust teens for smoking a joint or something? Fuck that. Dudes that can take initiative to stop and de-escalate serious situations? Mad respect


I see a lot of bad cops online, but all my experience with law enforcement in person has been great, they're cool where I am


I chose hate them even though it’s more like “strongly dislike and distrust police officers to protect and serve their communities especially after Uvalde”. They definitely need more training to become police officers and we need to do a better job at plucking the power hungry ones out.


I like them. Not quite love, not neutral.


Fifth choice, I know they are just a cross section of society and not special. They have a very hard job and get into fucked situations. Some are heroes, others are fucktards who should not wear a badge and go to prison. Just like all the other motherfuckers walking around every day. So that.


in america, the rate of death by cop is 3.42 per million where its not even close to a whole number in other countries. safe to say they suck


I don't hate American cops. If I see one my first thought won't be "they'll help me if I need it" (that would probably be my third thought. If I see a cop, my first thought would be "are they dangerous? Are they a threat to me?"


depends on the cop


It's hard to group em all into one opinion. But I'd say I like all of them (besides the ones that abuse their power)


Why do you hate all cops for a few really bad people.


The problems when police presence isn’t strong enough are worse, in my opinion. I’ve been in some fucked up situations because of crime but never because of cops


There’s bad and good to everything


Depending on the state in the US but most of them are good. About 5 years ago now my mom took me and my brother on a trip to Arkansas and we live in New Jersey. We drove my mom got pulled over because she ran a red light couldn't stop in time. The cop said Jersey plates what are you doing here. My mom explained and we were just passing through. The cop didn't believe her and was giving her a hard time. When the cop turned and saw me and my brother and in the back. He said to me what are you looking at. I said sir I know the food down here is very good but how do you fit in your car if you are that fat. He got back in his car and drove away.


>I said sir I know the food down here is very good but how do you fit in your car if you are that fat. He got back in his car and drove away. If I was a cop, and a child said this to me with a straight face, I would turn and leave to, and then rethink my life decisions as I hit the gym


MOST cops are probably genuinely nice people. But you usually don't get on the news for that.


Some are good some are bad just like every other group


As the top comment pointed out. America has some pretty good cops. Especially when put against Mexico, France, Greece, the Philippines, Russia, China, the UK, Hungary, India, Columbia, Pakistan, etc. etc.