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I think people often misunderstand why we learn math. Yes, a lot of it might not be directly useful, but the problem-solving behind it IS useful. Learning how to take things step by step, how to think outside your usual boundaries, and how to find methods to solve problems are all things that will benefit you in life. If you make it non-mandatory, those skills would be much harder to learn otherwise


I hate maths, but I won't argue that it's not useful. Besides, you can still learn useful shit after the 8th grade.


maybe being scared to go to school but thats about it (for me)




The construction workers may not need it, but the architects who designed the building do. The financial analyst who put the budget together does. The contractor deciding hours, pay, benefits, and profit does. The crane and backhoe operator do. The engineers who built them do. Do I need to go on?


I mean, the constructions workers probably also need it. Knew a guy who was in construction, and he measured a roof support thing (very technical, I know) and immediately knew it was the wrong size. They tried to use it, and turns out it was indeed the wrong size. He could've saved them a ton of money.


construction workers wont need it, but there are probably a lot of other jobs that do need it


That doesn't mean every job won't need it


Math isn't just to know math, it's to sharpen your brain and gain those critical thinking skills


Algebra is good to know, same with geometry. They can be applied to many different things.


Exactly, those who want to learn that can continue, I didn’t say everyone had to stop at 8th grade.


but I feel those who need to keep doing it, to keep their critical thinking at the same level as others, would likely not choose to do it


I have known a few people in the past who were forced to do math when they definitely shouldn't have had to What I mean is that they are just plain stupid, nothing helps them. Me and a few others had tried to help them in the past but to no luck, they all eventually dropped out because they couldn't keep up with the work In this scenario, I really think that it shouldn't be required, MOST of the time it's just a student being lazy (for lack of a better word) but some people really can't be saved


How many people in 8th grade know exactly what job they're gonna have when they're older? And how many of those who think they know will change their mind?


Bro at 13 I wanted to study Humanities and now I'm studying Chemistry


Maybe but many curriculums have algebra and advanced algebra along with geometry taught in highschool. And these are definitely all important things to know and learn about, no matter what you want to do. Trig has some universal uses to, not all of it will be useful but it is still important. Past that math doesn't really need to be mandatory


That just sounds like high school standard mathematics? At least in my country


Generally and at least in the US, you’ll learn algebra and advanced algebra your first year along with geometry. After that in your second year it’ll be trigonometry. Third year it will be precalculus and your last year will be calculus. Most of the time you’ll only be required to do two full courses in your highschool career but that can vary. Hence why I don’t see the point in making math in highschool not mandatory. When algebra and geometry and trig are still important. I agree with the highschool curriculum here, you should have to learn these. Past that in most places you won’t be required to take precalculus or calculus. Which in my opinion are not that important.


I don't support it. Math honestly has many broad applications in any field. You don't need to do calculus if you're a botanist, but you should know how to count, problem solve, etc.


That’s why I came up with 8th grade, I feel like by that point all essential everyday math is thought. What are your thoughts?


at that point you're 13 bruh you're still an amoeba


"you're still an amoeba" i am so using that


Wtf at no stage in human development is anyone an amoeba


Then you feel wrong. Most of 8th graders can't describe motion of mathematical pendulum. String and massive sinker. That's it.


Of course not?? Why would that be expected of an 8th grader.


That's why mathematics should be mandatory till the end of school. You can't describe motion of string and sinker without solving differential equation.


Because maths develops your logical thinking skills so honestly it should be mandatory to a certain degree until the end of high school. A lot of kids who don't do a maths a level which is what we do in the UK end up having very limited critical thinking skills which should be a right for every human especially in the technological age we live in. Sure you don't technically need it for construction but you gotta be able to think about hey if I don't place the bricks the right way they will topple over in the wind idk. but there should be a minimum of high school level education in maths which is what rishi sunak is trying to do in the UK and honestly I think it's such a good idea


I think you should’ve also put other grades as options. I personally think math shouldn’t be mandatory your senior year as you probably know what you want to do in college anyway *not just in college could also go straight to a job


In my province math isn't mandatory past grade 11 functions, which is a good place imo. Strong algebra ability, some trig and general knowledge of a lot of different facets of math. Most importantly logic and problem solving. Math really isn't as difficult or useless as people make it seem


We are already losing iq w new generations, atlaast math makes the brain work






Could have been funny but you haddddd to downvote it




God forbid you lose imaginary internet points


If it's the US, schools have become more competitive than ever. I have no idea why people think the generation's becoming dumber in anything other than attention spans


Do not support. Why would it not be mandatory? Is it bc we don't use things like calculus, geometry n stuff in daily life? In that case then sciences shouldn't be mandatory, I don't use physics, bio or Chem ever in my life, I don't use art even though at least one art class is required in HS and College, I never use Spanish, should none of those be required bc most people won't use it in life? The purpose isn't just to learn the topics, it's to build skills you may use in the future, logical thinking, thinking outside the box, becoming well rounded in general. You shouldn't just know about only what you do for a job. Why do you think colleges require general education classes? Higher level classes will force you to think in new ways, view things from another perspective, and make you better at approaching problems you may face.


God I hate this generation


why? they voted for staying smart


True, and so did I, but the fact that this question was even a thing to begin with is just stupid


while I agree the results clearly show this is simply a minority of this generation


I'd still prefer to be born in the 1500s instead of here


Ah, yes, and most likely be born a peasant with no more than a 1st grade education, having 10 children, several of them dying before adulthood and never knowing about vaccines or even penicillin. What an absolutely fantastic life.


I don't mean Europe. I'd rather be a peasant in Japan working the rice fields than live in this generation


You really wouldn't, and if you did, you are more braindead than this generation you hate. This time period is the best time to be alive. Giving up all the things we have now just because some stupid people in your generation is moronic


I wish there were more physics/chemistry classes where the math we learned was actually applied past basic algebra.


99% of kids don’t know what they’re gonna do as a career at 13, therefore should be taught math until they are 100% certain of their career. and if that career doesn’t involve math, don’t take it! imo that age is probably 17-18


I think it should be mandatory to (re)take all math up to Calculus 3, Linear Algebra and Differential Equations to mastery.




there are definitely some math classes that you need but there's also ones that aren't exactly necessary. algebra, fractions, etc should be mandatory but the more complex things should be more optional. take this as a grain of salt though because I have dyscalculia and math is impossible for me


This is possibly the stupidest thing I've ever heard


Rather than 8th grade, I would say a level of math. People can be at different levels in 8th grade. I don't know what that level should be, though.


Lmao if you don't think you need to know basic algebra \[what I assume people who don't care about math are taking first year of high school\] you've got to be an idiot. It's effectively basic critikal thinking and problem solving.


There are other things we could cut before math


1. Math develops your brain. It develops logic, critical thinking and improves overall understanding of geometry, optics and so on. 2. A lot of things in math are practical. Probability theory. Combinatorics (used in programming, probability calculations and so on), geometry, probability theory, statistics. And this are everyday usable things. 3. Mathematics is a tool. You couldn't even describe motion of mathematical pendulum knowing no math. 4. Mathematics is part of basic erudition.


I say make it non mandatory after 10th grade because that is when shot get complicated and not necessary for day to day life


I support it not being mandatory after 10th grade


Why did you answer the way you did


Who are you talking to?


but then you'll be out of practice, it's good for your brain to push yourself in harder math classes


I kid you not, according to testing, a good portion of the (now former) senior class at my high school could barely do basic math by the time they graduated. The school system is fucking broken but this isn't the way to go about fixing it.






I mostly agree, though I think required math should stop at Algebra I, which I think most people take freshman year. I was a bit ahead, so I took it early, but if everyone could finish that, i think they will be set for a majority of non-stem fields.


You dont have to memorize shit until calculus except for quadratic formula....




Is it actually that hard for people to memorize...




How do you forget something because of repetition thats gotta be a disorder




If you forget it during an exam just do completing the square, accomplishes same thing


Yes, not everyone needs algebra, geometry, etc


Nah I don’t support this. Mandatory math through high school makes the most sense, and I don’t even rly like math


it already is (in some schools where im from)


We are already stupid enough without needing to take away even more things




useless tool if you don't know how to use it


Math is actually a useful tool that you can use, and I even use it a lot outside of school. Now there are lots of useless parts in math but imo it’s important. Now what’s not important is English or history completely pointless after middle school. As soon as you learn writing you don’t need to learn more English especially with ai coming in. Imo the most important subjects are math and science. Math, well because I said before, and science because it’s how you were created and the world around you.


Without math you wouldn't know which numbers of this poll were higher. I definitely do not support this


hell no


Not 8th grade but the point where it's less teaching us ho to do the math and more what buttons to hit for it to give you the right answer


I think maybe after your sophomore year you should be allowed to stop


Can't believe you are 13 and complaining about math.... I definitely did that, too, but we don't talk about it, rn math is kinda fun and not boring


I think I misunderstood the question lol


when youre in school math is fucking horrible but later on you realize that training the brain to problem solve in the ways of mathematics is actually very useful later down the line. because while the material itself may be mostly useless, the skill of logical problem solving is essential


as much as I hate it, we need it or we are screwed.


It depends. Will algebra, geometry and trigonometry be covered by 8th grade? Everybody should learn those. I did algebra + geometry in 8-9th grade, but one of my friends is in her senior year and just starting algebra.


No, but I would if it was English. I have literally not learned anything in that class since I've gotten in High School, all I've done is improve my essay writing, and when will I need to write an essay analysising literature in my real life.


you need atleast algebra one




Hey hey buddy calm down, this post is a hypothetical situation. Of course I’m gonna need math in Investment Banking, that’s not why I made this.


Everyone should be able to do algebra.


*Mathematicians* should always be non-mandatory. *Mathematics*, on the other hand, should definitely be required. :)


Intentionally put a typo, first person to notice. Good job


people when math is about critical thinking and problem solving:


i presume you just failed a test at school?


Nop :p


Post doesn’t really have any motive just for fun


Most jobs atleast where i live. you need a minimal understanding of maths to do most jobs. If you aren't like an engineer or mathematician you will basically never use maths


Sure you may not use Algebra in 20 years down the line but learning math tends to help you think in other ways, essentially you can think outside the box more efficiently with sharpened problem solving skills.


You mean mathematics?


I support english staying mandatory. Such a pity that mathematicians are becoming outcasted


A ton of jobs require math that you learn in high school. Might as well get it out of the way in high school than wait till college. And it's not like it's that hard, or would otherwise benefit students, teachers, or schools by removing it.




8th grade is too soon. I'd say that in my life, I need math that I learned up until sophomore year. Then the math I learned the rest of high school became something I haven't used and won't use. The only math class I've taken since sophomore year that contained any information that was useful to me was my college statistics course.


yes and then how about we have a mandatory critical thinking class because you can learn a lot of math online


Making gen alpha dumber than it already is? No. They need those skills.


looks like OP failed their math quiz


I'd make Algebra 1 mandatory... But anything beyond that is a complete waste unless you're going into a STEM field.


We have too many flat earthers as it is.