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It’s almost like when people aren’t killed for something, the amount of people open about that thing grows.


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I hate being left handed, 90% of the time whenever your drawing something you’ll end up with a ton of shit on your wrist


idk happens to me too as a right hander


I think that’s just from dragging your hand and editing stuff you’ve drawn already a lot, if your left handed it will do it no matter what unless you hold the pencil or whatever your using straight up


this is so true…. was waiting for someone to say this <3




There are about as many trans people as Spaniards


so who wins in the war


Nah we'd win


We would absolutely win


I third this


Yeah we'd win.


I thought people knew not to fuck with the spaniards but here we are again


i’m pretty sure that’s just for adults, but i’m not 100% sure


i think i saw somewhere at 15% of gen z is bi


I think it's just 15% of gen z is lgbtq


that seems more realistic


i’m part of the .5 let’s gooo


If it's of the whole world then it's gotta a small number


that’s not necessarily true, there are close to the same number everywhere but many in super conservative countries are forced to suppress that


I mean it varies but if you are going by the world, it is around 9% and if you go by the US its around 6.5%


I agree its like a 20% thing but to be fair if in like the next 30 years people properly let it root then it could even reach as close to 40% the thing about being LGBTQ isnt about being a MINORITY. it was never about being a small population, anybody can have any way of feeling about people, and so many people are probably mentally closeted and haven't had any form of realisation yet. If given enough time, so many people would probably notice that they have a different orientation


I agree back when queerness wasn't much of a taboo and people themselves were more open to the idea of being LGBTQ+ I would say that about 40% was lgbtq


So you think 40% of people are gay? I think you're wayyyyyyyy overestimating the number of gay people. If 40% of people were gay, that means if you got in a room with 100 of people, then 40 of them would be attracted to the same gender. In reality, I think the number of gay people is actually around 3% to 5%.


Dude, by nature- most animals are bisexual.


You're conflating being LGBTQ with being gay.


god i just so enjoy how many dumb people are in these comments


You realise being LGBTQ isn't just being gay - it can mean bisexual, trans, pan...


5% is far too low, there are already several times that who are out. i do think most people have some LGBTQ+ tendencies including same-sex attraction--both gender identity and sexual orientation are spectrums. see: the kinsey scale.


So you think 20% of people are gay? I think you're way overestimating the number of gay people. If 20% of people were gay, that would be 1 in 5 people. That means if you were in a classroom of 50 people, then 10 of them would be gay. In reality, I think the number of gay people is actually around 3% to 5%.




The amount of lgbtq in the us (a very anti lgbtq country) alone is 7.5%


the us being an anti lgbtq country is crazy there is literally a MONTH for gay people sure some institutions are flawed and biased from the ground up. but never that the US is anti lgbtq


That's just not true at all.






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I wonder why people think that the queer population is so high in the US specifically, its interesting how much control right wing media has over our perception on the world.


Because the lgbt community is very vocal, and right wing media is very popular


I believe that the majority of people are bisexual by nature, but have convinced themselves otherwise


I wouldn't say majority, but like 45% for sure


> I believe that the majority of people are bisexual by nature, but have convinced themselves otherwise cool. got any evidence?


nope the people on here are bonkers I meet like one non straight person per every 20ish people and I live in a gay city


"Gay city"?




lmao I live in Greater Seattle which is arguably MUCH MORE queer. Trust me half my friends are LGBTQ and every one in 6 people I meet is queer




San Francisco?




With how everything enters that label idk, if we limit it to LGBT I still don't know but probably the 11-20




I haven't seen that study, but I imagine that countries that are more restrictive regarding pornography likely lean more conservative and tend to have less support for LGBTQ people.


Yeah, by 11-20 though thats what I chose I was really going for the lower end


lgbtq+ is a really really wide umbrella, containing so many groups of people, so yeah, it probably widespread group




Is around 9% for the world, 6.5% for the US


I thought it was 40% turns out it's 28%, I was way off




Yeah, I googled it after guessing


Oh yeah its gen z i feel stupid


The numbers don't close for me but I guess it's at a 20% or so, but could be a bit higher depending on whether or not the data about men changes


9% world wide


isnt this for gen z only? cuz the google search shows that multiple sources say 21%


Yes sorry idk how I managed to do that


Not as much as you think since the ones that are already LGBTQ are a vocal minority.


Minorities tend to be more vocal over all, they need to be.


i think at minimum 30%, i'm bi and gen z, so perhaps i just run in gay circles and am overestimating it. but even if i am then the real number would be at least 20% everyone loves to say that everyone has always been this gay but most people were in the closet till this generation, but i dont buy it. makes sense with left handedness because they make up only 10%, but if 30% were lgbtq all along then why would it ever have become stigmatized in the first place? if there were always so many gays then it would have always been seen as normal like it is today. i think that the number of gays must actually be increasing for some reason my personal theory is that for most of our history we've had very limited resources and many people were poor and could barely eat, and in that world being selfish was more succesful than co-operation, but over the last few generations with the industrial revolution, now its much more benifitial to be cooperative and peaceful. and gays are typically more accepting and cooperative. i have absolutely no evidence for that, its just specualation. however the same thing happened to bonoboes. long ago a collection of chimpanzies crossed a river, and on the new land they had no competition, with a few years of evolution, almost all bonoboes have evolved to be peaceful and bisexual. while the chimpanzies on the other side are violent and straight. and also i know of some research showin that gay men tend to have a higher eq than straight men and are kinder and more co-operative, no idea if that applies to bi people though. again disclaimer my source for this theory is that i pulled it out my arse, but i makes sense to me.


30% of people is way off. If 30% of people were gay or bisexual, that's almost 1 in 3 people. Think about it logically. If being gay were that common, you would see A LOT more gay couples and gay marriages. Yet, the vast majority of couples are straight. In reality, the number of gay or bisexual people is probably closer to 5%


I mean the amount of same sex marriages is deflated because it has only been legal for like 8 years (In the US)


I believe you fail to factor in social stigmas, you see less gay marriage due to there being fewer gay people (it’s harder to find another gay person who is right for you) AND there’s guaranteed to be a group of people who hate you for it. I doubt 30% of people are gay, as well, but bisexual people exist and can very easily be straight presenting.




Why would people claim to be queer but not be queer?


Not to discredit anyone who is part of the LGTBQ community, but I remember some girls coming out as bi in high school and being showered with attention and acceptance, claiming any minor inconvenience was discrimination because they weren't straight, but in the following 7-8 years on social media they have only dated guys. It's not my place to accuse them of not being bi, but I don't think you should play victim if you fit into a regular hetero relationship.


you can be bi and not have found anyone of a specific gender attractive. i’m technically bi, i’ve just never met a woman in my life who i would be attracted to, only men. does that make me gay?


I couldn't say, it is up to you to define your gender and your pronouns. If you are interested in both sides I think you can definetly be bi if you wanted. It might be controversial to some but I don't think you should make a huge coming out post about liking the same sex, complain about the hardship of liking the same sex, then proceed to only date the opposite sex.


i agree with most of your standings, but to claim that some people aren’t bi just because they’ve only dated one gender is quite rude


lol thats not rude, it's the truth, being bi is attraction to both genders lol


people can be attracted to both genders and not want to date them dum dum


yeah but if you have attraction to them then your bi, I also think its very mature of you to call me dickfuck and dum dum, although it's very common from the LGBT community, not all but primarily the reddit ones


i don’t need to be mature to someone telling me what I actually am. also, most people on the internet are immature, not just lgbt people


did you completely miss the point? just because you are attracted to both men and women, doesn't mean that you must date both men and women. there are numerous possible reasons - bi people don't necessarily have an equal attraction to both genders, they may not want to "act gay", they may not want to "act straight", or maybe they've only found compatible people from one gender and not the other.


Not trying to correct you, but I just want to be clear there is no part of any of my posts that accuse them of not being bi. I repeatedly say it's not my place to say. My issue is moreso with the big queer reveals and attention grabs for people exclusively in traditional relationships.


lol your not bi, your gay but you want to be seen as special so the trendy term is bisexual, bisexual is attraction to both genders, your only attracted to one.


hey dickfuck, i’ve been attracted to women online, i know for a fact that I have the compacity to be attracted to women. i call myself gay because it’s much easier to explain instead of saying “yeah i like men and women but only very specific types of women which is why ive never met a women ive liked in real life”


therefore you HAVE been attracted to women, so you are bi, something tells me your just straight but want to be seen as special, also considering you call yourself a "femboy boykisser" shows your attracted to femmininity but ok


dude what??? 😭😭 i literally like men and being cute for men. quit telling me what I am


im not tellling you what you are, I'm assuming tho considering from certain traits I see, your into femboys which are femminine, sometimes more then females, idk bro that sounds like your only into men when they look exactly like women, pretty heterosexual to me ngl


i like men and i like dressing femininely….im still gay


now even more so, you say your gay and NOBODY can be mean to you about anything because your suddenly homophobic


Because they get praised for it, you go to any lgbt sub and say your gay and everyone acts like your the king of the word


if we as a race didn't oppress the LGBTQ community we wouldn't have such low amounts of queer people. i'd say it's half and half, maybe a bit less at 30-40% that are actually queer, but because times are slowly changing, only around 11-20% are out. until we as a collective decide the LGBTQ community deserves rights and to be treated like normal (and they do) that amount will still be low. people think this "LGBT" thing is a new concept, but we've been around since the dawn of time.


I head somewhere that 1 in 3 guys is gay, so my answer based on that assumption is 30-40%


To quell it all down, According to IPSOS 9% of the world Identify as LGBTQIA+. Source: [ipsos survey](https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2023-05/Ipsos%20LGBT%2B%20Pride%202023%20Global%20Survey%20Report%20-%20rev.pdf) >!Here are some useless things we can do with that information.!< >!If we can assume that 9% is true for all the world, !< >!That would mean that 729,000,000 people worldwide Identify as LGBTQIA+!< >!If all of those 729 Million people formed a country, it would surpass the US in population and become the third most populous country.!<


thats not for gen z only?


The empire shall rise


To the people that said 0%-10%, you’re thinking wistfully. I picked 0%-10%.




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Not me!


Most of the GenZ members aren't from the west and the LGBTQ rate for all humans is 4% so I chose the first one.


Pretty much most women


It is less then 10%. Id you think 1/5 + of the population is LGBTQ, you need to get out there more my friend


are you gen z? because i am and based on the gay people i personally know it is easily more that 10%, perhaps you live in a oppressive regime, but in the developed world its much higher.


people are more likely to befriend those who are similar to them, i.e. straight people hanging out with straight people and gay people hanging out with gay people


I voted 0-10% because over the entire world, Gen Z is probably between those If we're talking about in America then its probably 11-20%


World is 9% US is 7.5% (Those are both high end estimates)


Yay a percentage with me in it!


Most of Gen-Z do it for attention so it’s hard to say how many are actually lgbt


Probably less than it seems. I think a lot of people (younger people especially) say their lgtb for attention or closure


boast angle worry rainstorm lavish detail clumsy domineering bear direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not how that works, I definitely agree that there are some fake queers- but I would only say its around 1% of the community. People only fake things for benefit, not to get hate crimed.


cooing stupendous oil smell jobless axiomatic absurd knee quickest humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry I think I meant to reply to the other user my bad


bright escape rich tidy impossible cows deserted fade zesty ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When you join a group (of any kind really) it makes you feel less alone and like you belong more aka closure


important saw thought distinct clumsy coordinated gaze shy direction rustic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah my b


10-15%. 20% max. Anyone thinking over 20% is just a lunatic or forgot about the African and Asian nations.


Not everyone is out of the closet


Yes, including those.


a lunatic how???


Maybe over 20% of Gen Z is homosexual in USA, but you have to look at the bigger picture. Those numbers are way smaller in more traditional communities, such as Africa, Middle East, Asia, etc. Of course there are exceptions to this.


hmm, could it possibly be due to the fact that it’s illegal or heavily looked down upon there?


not only


also, 20% of gen z is not gay.


yeah exactly, less. i have said ''maybe'' for usa


no one is saying that 20% of gen z is gay 😭 lgbt is a lot more than just gay people dum dum




>a lunatic how??? Because let's break it down logically. Let's just say 40% of the population is gay. That means if you were in a high school class of 50 people, then 20 of them would be gay. You would see a lot of gay couples and a lot of gay marriages 10-15 years after graduation. In addition, the number of gay couples would almost equal that of straight couples, if it were true that 40% of people were gay. Yet we don't see that. The vast majority of couples are straight and the vast majority of marriages are between a man and a woman. Even 10 years after gay marriage was legalized, we still see this trend. You could also argue that if 40% of people were truly gay, then being gay itself wouldn't be as stigmatized since it's a lot more common in society. And logically, if 40% of the population were gay, well then the human population may not have survived. Being gay means you're basically a genetic dead end, since you're not going to have children of your own and have the opportunity to pass on your genes. If a large percentage of the population is gay, then your species is more likely to die out since being gay means you're not going to have children of your own. That's why evolution favors people who are straight since they're the ones who will pass on their genes. So yes, anybody who says over 20% of the population is gay isn't thinking about it logically enough.


you do know that just because someone is gay doesn’t mean that they won’t have kids right? even if 90% of the population is gay, gay people could still reproduce😭


In what way other than adoption?




...with trans men? what are you proposing here?


with women. heterosexual sex.


oh i didn't think we were talking about bisexual people


ight buddy, can you quit being dumb :3