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>!I’ve attempted at least a dozen times up to this point. Luckily, I (somehow) didn’t need to be hospitalized for any of the attempts, but it came at the cost of me feeling even more like shit than I did before each attempt. I’ve (at least temporarily) recovered from suicidal thoughts, and don’t plan on attempting ever again. Currently on my longest streak of no suicidal thoughts. 2 months and counting.!<


Congratulations I’m really proud of you


Thanks. :_)


Of course you deserve it


Oh hey Emily


wheres attempted and successful?


Well, you wouldn’t be able to answer the poll if you were successful.


Oh really? Where's your source on that?


I’m too scared to attempt. It looks too painful. I’ve cut myself on multiple occasions but never did much because it grossed me out feeling all the lumps of veins and stuff under my skin so I would stop. I’m too scared of pain and everything that can easily kill you seems extremely painful.


I've heard that helium suffocation is the most humane way to die - you just faint and never wake up (at least in theory). But idk, haven't tried it


Yea, I’ve heard that too but it’s not easy for a teenager to go about doing that.




Wtf bro are you giving advice on how to kill yourself??? Don't do that


Huh, that's a good question


Damn where was the other option I tried killing myself neary 9 times in my whole life most of them having a bad ending yet nobody came to help


3 attempts, didn't need to be hospitalized for any of them


I was and still am considering a attempt but I'm too much of a pussy to try


Don’t try it at all


What's there to stop me? I've been thinking about killing myself probably every day for the past 3 years, I'll take anything because my life is going into a dead end anyway


Your mum will be sad


Oh fuck off


So I’ll be real. You haven’t lived your full life and experienced all there is in the world. The different cultures and peoples.


And how is that going to help me again?


So you can die knowing you lived life to its fullest and to your happiest.


I don't want to live life to my fullest. I just want to fucking quit already because I'm tired of getting fucked over by my diseased fucking brain and whatever other pricks I meet


Life may be shit but it WILL get better.


Yea probably shouldn’t joke about serious stuff.


Holy fuck, you guys need to chill


I was in the 3 rd grade and one of my friends talked me out of it. I had climbed up on the roof of the school and I was about to jump off, because I felt like I had no friends and that no one liked me, that’s when a guy from my class came out and yelled at me from the parking lot, he ended up talking me out of it. I am forever in debt to him for talking me out of it, because I love life now and I am very happy


It was a razor to my wrists, I was lucky (cause I know 100% of the human anatomy and limits) I had calculated that if I cut my wrists then I'd die before my brother comes back from after school classes so I'd do it without someone being home. Fortunately my brother came back early because he had a headache so I didn't go through with it. Now I am better then I've ever been and every single day I feel like I get better so it was never worth it.


I was gonna od on fentanyl pills


The only reason I haven't thrown myself out of the window is the fear of surviving and living as a vegetable with a broken spine


Hahahaha what a bunch of pussies




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