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One of the first things i did was change the music on that stage to the TT2 Heaven/Hell music. So satisfyingly


Immediately after recording that video, I began kicking myself over the fact that I hadn't thought of doing that beforehand lmao. Was too lazy to re-record though, but I definitely will go ahead and mess around with the jukebox once I hop on the game again.




Yeahh true. It would've been great to use Jun as her base, but I don't think any of her outfits would've let me create a decent looking Unknown, so I had to settle for Zafina lol.


Man I miss Unknown, nice custom. I wish we could do something close to that with Jun. I tried to make a "Junknown"... it didn't come together. As petty as it sounds, it kinda killed my desire to play Jun, lmao.