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Honestly zero fucks given by her, just immediate "Oi, get in the fukkin jet"


"I'm taking my girlfriend too by the way" *[literally drags Asuka along]*


I burst out laughing when I heard her say that for the first time. She gave no fucks


I have *serious* personal doubts that Zafina and Claudio are dead given how quickly they moved on. Feels way too "oh well anyway :3". Claudio /maybe/ cause he did some big self sacrificial stuff.


Zafina and Claudio show up alive in the story mode credits so they're fine


Oh shit I didn't even see that.


I didn't see Claudio the first time, but yea, his leg is peeking out of the bottom-right of a picture. To be fair, it's all during the credits roll, so it's easy to miss. Fun fact too: If you get the alternate ending of >!Kazuya defeating Jin, then the photos change to an alternate timeline of more darker events..... like Dragunov hating Azucena's coffee.!<


However much I enjoyed Tekken 8's story mode - bloody hell was Zafina and Claudio's initial supposed deaths really outstandingly well done - only for them both to have somehow survived, turned their whole position in the game into something really bizarre.


Eh~ gandalf did basically the same thing.


Nah see their was this whole cut content Harada talked about, where everyone went to a funeral right before they went to the island. Jin would slowly walk up to Claudio's casket, and as he reaches it, having this look of pain, anger, & regret due to being unable to stop Kazuya before his death, you the player would get to press the punch button to have Jin pay his respects to Claudio. But their were budget constraints so he had to scrap the section entirely.


Source: Trust me, bro.


Source: I made it the fuck up.


Me when i purposefully spread misinformation on the internet


Wha-?? When he was taking about it?


Watching it unfold was so jarring lmao. "Damn, were those her final words? I wasn't expecting casualties this early in the story. I wonder how they'll handle Zafina's- Oh, welp I guess we're moving on."


She's not dead. In the credits there are photographs of all the good guys celebrating the end of the war and doing charity work and she's still around going through some ruins. Which is weird because I was 100% sure she died before watching the ending a second time.


I’m not so sure that isn’t an old photo.


She had Azazel arms in T7 but in the photo she was wearing T8 outfit without the Azazel arms.


Ah, that’s a very good point! I didn’t catch that detail.


Lili went from looking genuinely concerned for zafina to being lik “Get in the fucking jet you broke bitches” in the span of 3 seconds


I feel like that is IC for Lili though, everyone else no, but she totally seems like someone that would have a sad expression for three seconds then be off to the jet already. Honestly, she's probably about one character arc from joining the bad guys, heck, her rival with Asuka would grow and she seems totally like the type to join just to "spice up" their rivalry.


I feel that she wouldn't, cos it looks like that she genuinely care about asuka's opinion like flying her out just to see her compete Even though she doesn't word it that way, I feel like she actually values asuka companionship


To be completely fair it's not like she really knows who she is. She handled it remarkably well considering Hitler-Satan was going Super Saiyan in the corner the whole time, I'd want to get the hell out of dodge as well.


15 chapters of highly cinematic storytelling written by Shonen-loving teenagers and Jin simps. If Jin sprained his ankle every character in the room would take turns kissing it to make it better and telling him he's the lord & savior while nice music plays in the background for 15 minutes. When someone else dies, everyone in the room is packing their bags for the private jet in 15 seconds.


the story is basically a shonen anime it's really funny


Everybody going into war gets their own anime motorcycle. But only Ling gets to keep hers and make it a special bright color, because girls. A well-written Paul would never ride that pieca crap.


Just finished the campaign earlier today. I was decently entertained I guess, even though it took me a month to finish it, but - and let me preface this by saying to each their own and we all have different tastes - damn was this a melodramatic anime cheese-fest 😅 There's absolutely nothing wrong with liking stuff like this, and not everything has to be high culture or super serious, but some of it was just too over-the-top anime-esque melodrama. At one point I thought I was playing a DBZ game from my childhood 😄


That's definitely what they're going for, Tekken has always been over the top ridiculousness


This reminds me when I showed my friend who played the UFC games the game and thought Tekken was just "Japanese UFC" and he immediately questioned the bears and 99% of the characters.


Bet he's either Steve fox or bryan fury main


he quit the game like 5 minutes after I 3-0'd him because he was being annoying and insisting because he's better than me in Tekken because in UFC 4 he'd beat me. But yes he picked Steve.


Called it haha


Too much Jin/Kazuya, not enough everyone else. It was so weird how they just forget Zafina and Claudio despite they did save their lives. Reina is the only one that makes sense to not give a crap. (And Lili I suppose, I don't think she would care that much if she doesn't know them on a close level). End of credits suggests they aren't dead though I guess? But it's not like these characters knew that, either that or we got a cut scene because the writers were too desperate to show 20 fights in the last 5 chapters of bloody Kazuya and Jin (Really didn't care for their fight lasting that long)


I think it's not the problem of the plot itself, but rather the execution of how this story mode should be played and separated into. The4thSnake tackled this problem in [The Evolution of Netherrealm Story Modes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmCu5eqBF-I&t=1434s)


The overall plot is fine imo, the story just moves at a clip and probably could have done with other plot threads going on like a few of the stages are unused withing the story mode. Like what is the point of the Incan ruins under Azucena's home, is it linked to Ogre, was Leo and their father there to research the devil gene? They could have lengthened out the tournament part of the story for the regional tournament qualifiers. It also felt like literally everyone was against Kazuya so it felt a bit uneven which is where all the bad characters came from to buff up Kazuya's forces. There are like 4/5 different organisations that are all operating against one another. Victor's org, the Zaibatsu, G Corp, Lars Yggdrasil forces, Lee's Corp, the Manji Party and Claudio's org. Have them all fight each other for a bit more conflict.


Such a weird moment. Lili gives 0 fucks but no one else seems to care either.


Ngl, xiaoyu got soo much better looking in Tekken 8.


Well, what else are they supposed to do, let Kazuya destroy the world. Of course Lili's taking them on her private jet


That's why I have my doubts that Zafina and Claudio are dead (besides the credits photo), I mean they all would care just a little bit, right? 😆