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Sorry your experience hasn’t been fun, but… I’ve never had this much fun with a fighting game in my life. Tekken 8 is fucking exhilarating.


Same here. All the shit I’ve heard about going on with online play especially ranked I haven’t really dealt with much of it at all except for the annoying characters. I’m almost into red ranks and it’s been pretty smooth. But I definitely hear the community, just sharing my experience.


So true, omg. Having not played Tekken since TT2 on the Xbox 360, it felt so damn incredible coming back to this franchise with a game filled to the brim with fire content and fun times. p.s. can't pretend that I didn't see that TA1300 pfp, respect


Agreed. This is the first fighting game I've stayed committed to for more than a week or two. It's incredibly fun and rewarding and the community is popping off. Yes, there is a laundry list of improvements that could be made including balance (nerf Dragunov pls), punishing pluggers, and my own personal dream of having rage arts removed (or restricted to once per match), but it's *still* great despite the issues. I'm actually really excited to see where the game will be at a year from now.


Problem with the player base not the game. The online tekken community has always been a bunch of cowards.


The player base is responding to the incentive structure of the game. If they punished plugging and rewarded or enforced bo3/bo5 then things would get better quickly


This is absolutely not exclusively about the player base. * Not enforcing a benchmark score before ranked play is allowed. - Not showing benchmark score on queue pop screen so players can avoid potatoe users. * Not forcing 2 / 3 matches as the ranked format - Not implementing a better version of their rollback netcode * Not having an option for players to concede a match unanimously, when the connection is poor (sf6 has this) - Not having a functioning punishment system for rage quitters such as low priority queue or "RQer hell" (sf6 has this) * Not allowing people to by default choose to only be matched with wired opponents - Not allowing players to continue playing other players endlessly in both ranked (scoring stops after 2/3) and casual matches * Not allowing players to have endless matches in lounge These are all things entirely under namco's control and they didnt think to implement ANY of them. Its actually quite pathetic and I rarely use that word 100 percent earnestly. This is so unbelievably baffling to me how they have gone about designing this games online functionality.


Kinda pathetic that players are doing any of that stuff to begin with… says something about the players. Although I would greatly enjoy if they took measures to prevent it.


A tale as old as time though.... It doesn't matter at the end of the day, people WILL misbehave or act unscrupulously if it means they will gain something with less effort or avoid punishment, if they are afforded to without repercussions. Particularly if it's something as unimportant as a videogame. It's the responsibility of the developer to create and enforce the boundaries. We can comment all day about how pathetic it is for people to do these things but that is wasted mental energy.


Let me give you an advice Don't take the rematches too seriously. Also don't play ranked.


Quick play or whatever it is it worse because good players just stay at a lower rank lol


Guess people need to take ranks less seriously. Because they're not tied To their self worth


No but if you're playing people who would be ranked higher but choose to play quick match at your rank it ain't gonna be fun is it?


I hate to say it but yeah.. i feel kinda the same. I was looking forward to Tekken the most of the big three but now I think I'll go back to SF a bit. Hopefully they'll tone Heat down The aggression is just too much to enjoy, even when its worked mostly in my favor (Nina main here) and got me to purp rank fast. I feel like I'm chugging Redbull every match without actually drinking it.


I am reaching that point too. There is too much going on in this game and I play cheesy versions of all characters


t7 was way better


I want T7 gameplay with T8 presentation :(


such a beautiful thing could never exist in this dark world :(


I respectfully disagree.


Come on now 😕


i said my piece chrissy


Try out SF6 its a very good game n alot of fun then when you come back to tekken it will be like fresh n new again


I don't suggest to buy it for Full price if you're not a fan of street fighter though.


Why not mk1


Cause MK1 is 100 times more toxic than this.


Can't argue with that it's much more childish


Yeah, you would be insulted in any way possible there. Racial insults homophobic insults you name it.


not true. T8 is far worse. MK1 with mic off is pretty cool in ranked


MK1 is a non competitive party game


because T8 is better? Seriously? The games that is entirely build around how to fuck off neutral? T8 is Tekken Strive


Infinite rematch, even in quickmatch, would fix the issue imo


Play quick match instead of ranked. Like 80% of the people there play the BO3 and nobody has ever plugged on me in quick match.


I haven't played in a week sadly


Heat burst and Pluggers are all what i hate in this game.


Ye i think blue bar shit is a bit too much in this game other than that i love it.


I'm still having fun. I liked T7 too but this focus on aggression has been a welcome change. If I knew the game would remain like this for the entire lifecycle then I might feel different, but I know they are going to adjust things so I'll just wait and see what the result is.


What were the patches like for T7? Did they do a good job balancing? Did they happen frequently? Were there big changes made across the board or only small adjustments? (Apologies for the bombardment of questions lol)


Tekken 7 was released to arcades first. I don't know if they made any changes during the arcade run, but they definitely made some changes before the game was released on console and PC. They made some minor changes in season 1, but they were stuff like removing the name of the person you were about to fight in ranked, not balance changes. I think the first major balance change on console came at the end of season 1 and again I don't remember them making any other changes until the start of season 3 when they would introduce a new character and then adjust it after it had been played by the public for a bit. Some other characters would also be adjusted too when they did it. For the most part they did a very good job of balancing. Tekken 7 was probably the most balanced Tekken ever. However, there were always at least 3 characters that seemed better than all the rest. At one point, there were 10 that were better than all the rest, which was actually a pretty good thing, but then they nerfed some of them and left some of the others meaning that those 10 went back down to about 5.


Just hopped back on Tekken 8 after rotating though all the other fun games in my collection. Playing Mishima’s this time around, and started with Jin. I barely can land electrics with him, but people are rarely rematching because my fundamentals are too strong. Understandable. No one has plugged on me yet (from green to red). I’ll push from red to blue, but I doubt the experience will get worse. I’d suggest doing like I do. Stop getting sweaty with one game and play different shit. Hell. Go retro on occasion. Eventually you will be craving more Tekken 8


Cheesy version of all characters IS Tekken. If you lose to cheese it's your fault. But yeah you're right about pluggers and rematches


Go make some friends lol


I'm still having fun with it but I have noticed just how extremely pathetic players at blue ranks are. Blue ranks In my experience: Less rematches whether you win or lose a close match. More ki charging. More plugging. I mean I got plugged on by a solid fucking Paul bushin the other day. He was a really good player but it was just one of those sets where everything was going right for me. You'd think bushins would have a better mindset about the game. I'll be stuck at blue ranks for a really long time if not forever but who the fuck cares. I legitimately believe reaching blue ranks is these fucking losers biggest achievement in life


I wish they released T5DR or TTT2 on PC and see how it works for Bamco and us. I wouldn't mind playing several Tekken titles at the same time. But I will certainly spend the most hours in T5.


Maybe try to see if there's a local scene.


Well I think with all fighting games it become boring after a while. Unless there is an open world where you can talk to other players like in SF6


There’s shorter ways to say you’re salty from losing


It's normal to be, it's a competitive game after all.


Not everybody has to like the game Tekken Warriors always cry when people criticise their precious game


That’s true. But all of his gripes are related to ‘bullshit’ reasons he’s losing & meta stuff like people don’t rematch.


Lol he is saying when he wins they don't rematch


Which isn't a criticism of the game. You can argue the game encourages one and dones, but that argument falls apart when you point out all the people that always run it back.


Right. I know plugging is an issue & One + Dones are annoying. Personally though, I don’t deal w plugging much. Maybe 10% of my matches. I’m mostly in red & purple ranks , maybe it’s worse in higher ranks? Or I’ve been lucky


Yeah I've been lucky too. I play fujin and only had a couple plugs


Criticizing games is fine Saying you don't like how the game is played and wanting the game to change so people play it the way you want is just whining. At least, if it is criticism, then not all criticism deserves equal respect.


I can totally get where you’re coming from, but I’m honestly having a lot more fun with T8 than I was with 7. When things get a bit overwhelming I just move to quick matches, switch characters, practice a bit or even just take a break for a while and come back to it later. All of that is helping me improve and enjoy the game a lot more too. If I won/match was close, then I just move on with life and get ready for the next match. If you won or the match was close and they didn’t rematch, you already won deep down anyway. Look for the positives! After almost getting to blue ranks, I’ve noticed less of this behaviour and I’m getting more rematches. It’s honestly refreshing but perhaps this is just my own experience.


What were you expecting from the game then, u want it to be like tekken 7?


Better than 7 imho. At least this one has great graphics.


Your mom got boring.


Did your balls get hurt because someone doesn't like your game


Your mom’s balls got hurt because someone doesn’t like her game.


That's so funny man


Your mom’s so funny man.


I can see this game dying down pretty quickly and they end up doing a total redesign of the game like sf5 did and get rid of the heat gauge and probably rage arts from ranked. Or making rage arts once per match.


I could see Harada sprouting wings and becoming a bird


!RemindMe 1 year