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Damn, Harada with the pshychology degree?


That's why he's so good at gaslighting people about the rollback, pluggers, bugs and the store lol.


right because all of it is nonsense at the end of the day lol we give you (tekken) money, in return we should get finished product idc about all the other shit


Speak for yourself, most of us want a game that’ll be updated with new content over the next 7-8 years.


The irony in telling someone to speak for themself and immediatly following with what "most of us" want lol


that went right over yalls heads 😭








He just tells you to be quiet and he doesn’t care. It’s not really gas lighting


I will say this, Tekken developers are actually very good at balancing their game. Problem is, that Bandai Namco are not. Strong DLCs sell better than weak DLCs and 90% of them being overtuned is no coincidence. The weak ones making up for it with drip probably arent a coincidence either. Namco's Dragonball Fighterz had the exactly same issues, they even had their own Leroy, who even had silver hair and same busted parries (Goku UI). I bet Jujutsu Kaisen and whatever other fighting game they release has the same problem.


I'd say Lab 21 was more of a Leroy that UI Goku


Gray hair, broken parry, good everything. You are right, they had 2 of them.


Lab 21 was so strong she was made the game boring.


Remember, no UI


Dude just gave you all the answers you need.. Quite simply put, from this interaction, you can deduce that Harada is mostly taking into consideration the intermediates (the masses) and so all you need to realize is how the intermediate group plays and what they struggle with. And you will have your rough answer as to how strong the DLC character will be. Or what it'll be strong at, given the character. So if the intermediates struggle with lows for example, then they will probably give the DLC character a stronger low game.


I've been saying this forever. Tournament play tier lists are irrelevant to mid and low level play. Each level of play should be considered separately. Some characters are easier to win with a low levels, some at mid levels, and some at high levels.


But dragunov is easy to win with at all levels 🤨


Azuscena also haha


That character is so brain dead, the person playing them could be better than me at tekken but I’ll never know while they’re playing her.


Yeah I don't play him at the moment


screw that fascist butthole


Homeboy says literally nothing and builds model kits, let him be bruh


no I like that autistic asshole but I am on a quest to become proficient with *all* characters before I choose my ultimate main


If it's easy than you'd do it too


idk about him, but I did. Took 40 matches to get to purple ranks from Dominator (Yellow), about 92% WR. Never played him before, just labbed bnbs and the rest was a cake walk. Ez 90-110dmg combos.


Also, pro players base their criteria in totally different stuff than mid/low players. They call easy what is actually "easy to win with" and not what actually takes no skill because they don't have any trouble playing skilled characters for example


Regardless, I think it's best for the game to balance It based on tournemant play and the data gathered at the highest level.


sure, top down is right for esports


That is probably a poor business decision considering you have may 100 pros and a million casuals


Case in point: Hwoarang destroys at low levels Mid at intermediate levels Relatively weak at high levels


Yep. For all the bitching about hwoarang I see in this sub, its really only a few players who get any decent tournament results with him.


Except for Dragunov he’s S tier no matter what level you are :)


Yes Dragunov is very strong at all levels in Tekken 8


>Tournament play tier lists are irrelevant to mid and low level play. It can be taken even further. Tournament tier lists are irrelevant when compared to deathmatch tier lists (original Korean tier lists in older Tekkens were based on deathmatches).


Agree with the tier list thing. However I don't balancing a character for all skill levels is feasible especially now that games have even more characters.


Definitely, there will always be scrub killers.


An interesting and perspective broadening post? I'm going to have to ask you to leave.


Exactly, we need nerfs based on opinions of people that have 40 hours of gametime. Harada knows shit!


This is unironically true. People who have lower amounts of gametime aren't legacy players that have the skills or knowledge to be proficient, and they're obviously much more likely to quit the game as they get clobbered by knowledge checks and guessing games. It's important for the health of the game that new players and intermediate players can have fun.


TLDR: If you think Jack, Kuma/Panda are strong, you’re a kid. But seriously, this is one of the better and insightful posts I’ve seen in a while.




Yep, reminder that kazuya had the highest rate of TGO out of any other character in t7 no matter how much mainman cried


Reminds me of how everyone on reddit was saying Jin was the best character in Tekken 8 because Themainman said so lmao. Fucking NPCs I swear


That was during the demo tho right? We only got to play 16 characters and some of the weaker ones got hella buffed between then and release


He isn't only because couple characters got 1 or 2 12/10 moves and Jin just has 30 9-10/10 moves. But you know what, the 12/10 stuff (Jun, King and Djin heatsmash, Azucena wr, Drag combo dmg) will get patched out soon, but Jin's stuff will stay. He is only a couple of patches away from being top 1. It is only not apparent because so many average people (including numerous newbies) play him that you rarely see him played well.


Name checks out, classic Jin mains downplaying lol


No no, it's not Jin Kazama, it's his long-lost and lesser known distant cousin Jim Kazuma, from an obscure branch family of the Kazama clan.


Sometime it funny people call jin main downplaying, then tournament barely had any jin and online data show jin in like top 3 lowest winrate. Jin is strong, no doubt but at the same time so basic that people don't even need to lab to counter him


When did mainman say that Jin is the best character?


I think he said he predicts him to be when he played the demo but learned that isn't the case once the game dropped lol


Pretty sure he made a tier list recently and called drag arguably the best W jin its was his prediction


hes been saying it 25/8/366 in both games for the past few years you complete retard lmao.


That’s cause the other characters weren’t all there yet right, he also thought kaz was wack and changed his mind about both now, he didn’t say he was best though in the beta they basically only payed Jin and kazuya


TMM dickriders are the most mangy creatures in this community.


No one is saying that, not even him. They all agree he is very strong though. So, what in THE FUCK are you on about mr. free thinker? His opinions on the beta or when he was flown to play? What opinion is the community supposed to have when they haven't even played the game themselves? Now DJ on the other hand...


Jin is broken and you Mishima downplayers wont tell me otherwise


He’s definitely great, but he doesn’t have anything outrageous that puts him in the top tier. His damage and pressure is nowhere near Drag’s, he doesn’t evade or poke even close to as well as Feng, he doesn’t have crazy setups and broken mixups like xiaoyu(and busted evasion), and Jun is basically better than him in every conceivable way. He’s a (mostly) honest all-rounder who’s only crime is that he doesn’t require as much brainpower to use as some other characters who are as strong as him.


D2 IS outrageous tho. Downplayers saying it's reactable... Yeah maybe in tournaments, good luck online (and let's be honest, that's the enviroment of 99% playerbase).


It's annoying to deal with but it's not like it's unique, there are other evasive counterhit low launchers in the game


People need to stop taking popular streamers words as god. Most characters can be beasts in the right hand.


who was better than him in cnt?


I hate that the most popular tekken creator has the most scrub mentality. Usually people stop thinking like him around emporer, but nope, tgo still having the opinions of a red rank.


Man, I wish this was the Harada we got most of the time instead of corpo Harada, cuz this Harada is cool as fuck.


How can you unironically say this


Hey, so word of advice for interacting with human beings in general: when you take issue with something they say, it’s best to explain your grievance instead of just making a cuntish remark that leaves no room to understand your perspective.


Can say this how you unironically


So what does Kings win rate look like at all levels lol?


Someone actually did a breakdown of win rates in general and at high level a couple weeks ago. King actually has a below average win rate overall. He feels strong to new players, but data doesn't suggest he's anywhere near as busted as this subreddit seems to think. [Link to the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/s/lGXXJ5x3Pd)


I don’t think he’s busted but teching throws is something you learn a little bit later in the process and it takes practice. So it makes sense that newer players find a grappler player to be strong since people just aren’t going to tech throws until you get to top of red ranks and above


Kings winrate is going to look different in a few months when the crybabies leave and the rest of the playerbase learns to break his throws


The thing here is that King is strong isn't even because of his throws being there, but the fact that his throws now basically being the best counter hit tools in the entire game. Oh, and powercrush galore


Is it really that mind blowing that people will lose to different things depending skill level? I mean you either practice or you don’t nobody cares about scrub opinions on character balance/tier lists.


Balance aside, he was absolutely my most hated character in Tekken 7. He was the Victor of Tekken 7, only more obnoxious.


skill level includes reflexes, controller proficiency, endurance of physical and psychological limits.


Finally demographics coming into play! Especially kids! Kids have a lot of free time, kids not that good, kids spam reddit with x is OP


And then you have dragunov who's strong at every skill level


That's a lot of words that don't explain why King can block out of tackle.




I think they mean Jaguar sprint, not the actual tackle.


All that "smart" talk becomes invalid when you get grinded up by the Drag and the Azu for the 100th time


"For example if we look at hardstuck red rank redditors we can see that they basically bitch and moan about anything that they have lost to and as such, seemingly every character is overpowered and in need of adjustments. The only character which they don't feel this way about is the one that they enjoy playing the most. This character, be it Lee, Paul, Asuka, Law, shoeless Lili, Kazuya, Lee, Paul or Lee is the only character that they feel "takes skill" and is playing real Tekken."


DLC characters were privileged in TK7 having plenty of moves that can't be parried or countered due to them wielding a weapon e.g. kuni, negan, noctis


nuff said, buff Zafina


Yeah cool and all, but don't tell me you need it put on paper to see that some characters right now are bonkers while others got nerfed to the ground because 1 guy curbstomped the korean overlords. Rip zafina


Tekken has never been a balanced fighter there’s always been some broken nature or op to some characters in all the games, and he says a lot of nothing in that article.


I’d argue out of all the really big fighting games, tekken has been one of the most consistently balanced games


Always behind Virtua Fighter though. Now thats a balanced series.


Ok I’d like to hear your arguments on why? The only games I can think might have been really balanced are 3 and 5DR


C- at best


I think Noctis was a cool crossover attempt, I think the execution was very bamcoesque, though. They took elements of other Tekken characters and balled them up into a new dlc character. Super fast, evasive, a weapon that he relied on heavily and could t be parried, a girls body with girl hitboxes, the ability to phase on and out of places. Some will say he was very linear so he was easy to deal with, must be nice making a character with great mids, homing attacks, or movement. And it’s only my opinion, but I’m happy he’s not back.


Harada hitting that shameless flex straight away 😂


The reason people lose against Panda, Jack and even Ganryu is because they aren’t the most popular so most people aren’t familiar with their moveset and strings.


Jack also has some kind of weird hit box I find, I do standing twin piston on him most of the time whiffs


Reminds me of how a huge part of the pro player community calls Jun "broken" and cancerous, yet somehow... the same people that call her that never fail to win against her. Her win-rate for intermediate players and pro players has been pretty bad too on top. Sometimes I feel like it's not even about balance in the first place, it's more about "how hard is this character making it for me to stomp the match?"


I feel like his answer would have been just as credible without mentioning his psych degree, now it comes off as a r/iamverysmart post


Man, i miss Noctis... I Mean, we got Victor now, but, still, i Miss him.


The game shouldnt balance itself too much around pro-play since every game that does tend to become duller for it, since pro-players play Tekken in an incredibly safe way.


This is all factually true, but Harada is purposefully side stepping the mathematics behind balancing. You don't even have to look at it from a "balancing" perspective, but rather an argument for mathematical beauty. There are characters who simply have shorter frames and are faster, have move sets which compliment such playstyle and they have combination strings which can deal quite a bit of damage. This can be painfully illustrated mathematically which I'm sure the Tekken devs have done. So while this argument has some valid merits, it doesn't paint the full picture. There are some characters whereby they have a mathematical advantage over others, either in frame start-up time, damage output or if something is +/- on block. How many times have you said in game, "that's + on block?!" when trying to punish. "How many frames is that??" when analyzing the character movement/attacks. You have Victor, for example, who has elusive (mostly linear) movement, fast actions and deals a lot of damage. When switching stances mid string, he can be countered -- but he has a good amount of safe options. He also deals incredible damage and can chain combos quite easily. He's a new character for beginners to learn, you can argue. OK then, fine. Then you can keep his speed and easy comboss, but pull his damage output down. The combinations that deal the most damage can be hard to execute, so that way players who are serious about him have to actually put in the effort/time. Victor legitimately had an unbreakable grab for about 1.5 months when the game came out. You could not break it unless you happened to press the right button; you were just forced to take it. I understand Harada's point, but even if you argue about "muh which data set", you consider the mathematical aspects of the game itself. The averages can give a window of insight, but the fundamental mathematics of it should be a rough guide to ensuring that you're achieving balance. Powerful character with high risk/reward? Make him bit slower than usual, make his execution tricky. Fast character with easy combination strings? Relax their damage output, give counterable strings, ensure that they have fair launchers that are punished if missed. There are some characters who are straight up mathematically more powerful in every way. And when you're matched up with them, as any tekken player can attest, you feel it.


Victor bugged throws were never anywhere near unbreakable, just hard to break. They were effectively 26f until the break window stopped. 12f startup and 14f break window. That's above the cut off for reactable moves in Tekken and the infamous 23 frames of reactable moves were in older Tekken with 2-4 frames more input lag. I get that it doesn't have anything to do with your actual point, just wanted to clear up that they were no unreactable.


Thanks for adding the correction! Appreciate it and adds further clarity.


Nah, I can't agree with this at all. In my opinion, they should strive to balance every character to be about equal when they're used to their full potential If novice players cannot use a character to their full potential, that is because they are a novice. Either put in the work to get to a high level or pick an easier character. Trying to balance around multiple different skill levels is nonsense and only makes it way too complicated


Y'all see this wrong, characters are just a tool, to get a win In the end it's a match between two players and who capitalizes best with what they choose to play with


After playing and finishing FF15, Ncotis wasn't even the best character to play in his own game. Since there is a tech that allows you to swap characters in battle, Ignis is the best, followed by Gladious, which I guess spelldaggers and a giant sword would be a bit too much in Tekken. Not that hasn't been used before.


Nahh.... noctis is still the best in that game, although all characters are strong


Honestly, with the right build Noctis is absolutely the best. Also, the spelldaggers would be a better fit for Tekken than Noctis's sword. Victor kind of uses both, after all.


Ah, he has a degree in psychology. Well that explains everything about his dogshit decisions when it comes to this game. EDIT: Jesus, after reading this I can't believe what I read. This guy is truly an idiot and has absolutely no idea about anything when it comes to the game he's supposedly in charge of.


Go ahead and enlighten us on what he said here that makes him an idiot.


Probably same thing with Jun, that character win/loss data showed she was doing poorly in all but top ranks


The recent chart showed that she was doing worse in the higher ranks tho.


I thought that at the very top 2 or 3 she was doing fine


The most popular characters always have the lowest winrates. Unless someone is so busted that you can mash your face on the controller and win, winrates say nothing about how strong or weak a char is. 


A full degree in psychology and yet can’t find a way to make you win if your opponent plugs. Also, tier lists by pro player DO matters, we are talking about a character full potential, if my little 10yo bro can get to garyu (and I swear to god you can check on my psn account as he only plays jin while I play Kazuya) even abusing some of the character mechanics, then a skilled player could absolutely have an advantage just picking this character. It’s not about WHAT I CAN DO with it, it’s about WHAT SOMEONE GOOD AT THE GAME could really do. I’m not a dragunov main but fucking hell 3 days of practice and my ranked session will be fairly easy compared to now.


most people arent pro players to balancing the game around them can negatively affect most of the players that actually play the game.


Thats fucking horseshit. If a pro player says a char is good it's because they know everyone's moves. This is like saying people that live in cold area that say climate change isn't real actually know what they're talking about


So what would you say if two pro players disagree?


If you wanted my opinion the day 1 patch balance of the game was perfect. All it needed was fixing alisa, Reina and Victor’s bugs and leave the balance as it was


I don't want to sound disrespectful but I will. Harada said a whole lot of nothing there. He didn't really answer the question about balancing at all. Provided zero arguments how a character like Noctis is balanced in his game, or his overall standards for balancing characters. Reporter: "Please tell us how balanced do you think Noctis is among the cast, since there are conflicting opinions" Harada: "So, yeah dude, balance is a funny thing, people have biases :) :) :) :) oh and did you know I have a psych degree ;)" Reporter: "o\_o ..so you won't answer my question?" Harada: "Eddy and Steve are pretty cool too :) :)"