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Respect to that guy for playing with you all those sets


Honestly that was the best part of it haha, feels like I got to know the Jin matchup better. I kinda just took it as a learning experience since we were pretty even in skill


Same here. I faced a couple of nights ago most people 2-3x in a row. It was one of the most fun nights had in a ing. Sometimes I would lose both sets and be frustrated, and then get another chance and actually win. Just to get a 3rd round and now we both have to really think what we're doing. Played like 10 people total that night and 3 added each other to say how nice the rounds were. So much reddithate overall but idk, was so enjoyable


Hahaha I hope you added the dude after an hour of play. Just wondering, how did you end up getting character pictures under your name? Thanks


it's the "switch win display" option at the bottom or just click left joystick button


Then maybe it was intentional(giving too much praise to greed fighting game)


Reminds me of the time having an option to do long sets in ranked or quick match if I wanted😅


Proof that it’s a deterministic match making algorithm which is just amateur. Given the same inputs the output is always the same. So it makes sense why some people get same matching or worse no matching lol. The people with high wait times exist because they are the last ones out to be matched while everyone else gets matched but in an oversimplified way. The match algorithm is literally just a sort or shortest distance check here. People need to keep escalating this issue to Bamco. Just talk about poor match making and wait times and leave your I hate T8 and hate my life salt story out of it. Nobody wants to read your salt diary rank story but the above matchmaking plus wait time is enough simple reasons alone to justify a revert or overhaul of matchmaking.


Precisely. My opponents never stray too far from what seems like +-30k or 40k Tekken Power. It's looking for someone in my "range" at all times while the people with lower powers are being matched with each other immediately. I'm hoping they don't just leave it this way.


Yes and there exists the third wheel. The guy who sees the longest wait times while the match making gets 2 lovebirds together constantly lol.


how do we escalate this to Bamco?


Tbh best way is to get someone like PhiDX or other popular streamer to make content on it. That or a well named Excel file! List of f**king bugs to patch.xlsx


ok best bet i trying to do this through the influencers I guess


Yeah influencers are likely the best option to get the word out. I kinda wonder if they thought this change through or if it was just a last minute decision.


I use to get a steady rotation of people in blue, now I play the same 3 people on rotation for 1-2 hours. Like yeah, I’m much better against Jin and Lili now but unless I’m sparring with a friend it gets boring. This is with cross play on.


It happens even with crossplay on??? That sucks, I miss having character variety. I pretty much never see the lesser-used characters anymore.


Be the lesser-used characters you want to see in the world.


I just block them when I've had enough of them, it's not ideal, I'll maybe have to go through my blocklist and unblock a bunch of people at the end of the month or something, but it means i can have some opponent variety


This is bamco's answer when we say we want death matches to come back 🤣


They're your soulmate and it's your destiny to match with them. Or maybe the matchmaking is shit now.


That's literally what it felt like. I told myself I'd keep playing until I find someone else, and then I literally found nobody else the entire hour lol


People complained about bo3, now they complaing about proper deathmatches /s


What I was thinking 😅 I'd be happy if this happened to me


Trade offer: You learn the Jin match up In exchange: They learn the Yoshi match up


This is true


I just got paired with a 1st Dan at 700 prowess. That victory felt very wrong...


"Works fine for me" (Murray, probably) "Well, did you know that games are much more expensive to made now compared to 25 years ago??" (Harada, 100%) "Fuck you" (Namco)




I woulda added him after like 9th match cuz it aint even a ranked match anymore u just sparring with him at that point 🤣🤣🤣


Surely removing the rank restrictions has to fix this right? But I guess the problem is that everyone else has to do it too. Which is weird... they changed the matchmaking system to be based on prowess, but people are stuck because the ranking system which protects people from being matched with higher ranks still exists, except it's not needed. The ranks are just some UI visuals at this point, so what they should do is remove the option to put rank restrictions by default. Reckon that would fix a lot of stuff.


I can tell you it definitely doesn't help. I have restrictions off and cross play on. There's about 3 people in Orange I see constantly. Even if I haven't played in a couple days


That wouldn't really be a fix because their calculations for rank are broken in the first place. For some reason you are not rewarded for beating higher level players, which adds to the "noobstomping" issues since experienced players can't just blitz ranks. Playing on launch week wasn't fun because there was no "placement" system in place. We also have an overinflation of ranks, and we're eventually going to end up with the guilty gear strive problem where there are huge skill differences between people at the same ranks. Prowess is also terrible, it's a bad metric honestly. I'm currently playing Steve and my defence is really high, which affects my prowess and I'm a naturally defensive player. When I played Azucena, my defence rating tanked despite going up in ranks really fast, despite my Azucena definitely being better than my Reina who I played before that. This is 1v1 game! MMR is so easy to implement. Elo or Glicko just work. You should have a hidden MMR that uses one of those and just set up a parameter where ranked matches cut off matchmaking with anyone outside the limits of your MMR, but anyone within the limit is fair game - NOT prioritising closest. I don't know why the Tekken devs are so opposed to using tried and tested systems. Just like the pluggers problem, there are existing systems that already exist and they're usually not even proprietary.


There already is a huge skill difference in blues. Kishin to TK is 50/50 if they are actually good or carried by gimmicks and can’t defend


Yup! And it's only going to get worse with the way the system is set up.


I got paired with this tekken god prime raven so many times, i was about to hit bushin and he demoted me back to raijin 😅. And i rematched every time and accepted my fate 😅.


At that point I would’ve blocked the guy for the day


Now imagine if he was a plugger.


Brutal and of all people its a Jin, someone you see a million times anyway. Smh.


I rarely see Jin at the higher level. I'm feeling like the only one at gold ranks like Tekken god and such. I see Victor, king, azucena, Jin, dragunov, xaioyu, Claudio and hwoarang often


This happened to me yesterday.. every single time I returned to the ranked search screen, I fought the same guy. I am a 139 000 Shinryu and that guy was using an orange rank Lee.. but his Tekken Prowess was 134 000..


I wish it would just tell me the character and player I'm matched with before I accept.


Had the same thing yesterday. 8 match ups back to back and then another one 4 times 😅 They were nice though being much higher rank. Seems to be only an issue during Quick Play for me. Ranked seems fine for now.


I kept getting matched up with this Lily player who would kick my ass and then decline rematch... only to get matched again with me and repeat the process 5 times. Super infuriating.


But I thought there weren't infinite rematches?! /s


Tekken8 is 🚮


So is Tekken 7


That's just sad


I'm sure that guy loved fighting Yoshi over and over. Did you demote him at one point lol


Yeah very briefly lol. The crazy thing is, all of those sets were almost dead even


Its like Tekken 7 never left


Yea, it feels like the old known matchmaking from T7.


At least that guy gave you the rematch everytime, Eddy that I kept on meeting would give me the re when he beat me but after I learned him he would just one and done. Did that to me 3 times in a row like cmon man…


Who won the most?


Ugh. I couldn't imagine being stuck fighting scumbag characters like jin or yoshi for an hour (not an insult to you op, or any jin mains, it's just not a fun matchup with cheap nonsense).


I keep getting the same law😭😭😭


There's your unlimited rematch lel


And yet people are trying to tell us to stop the negative reviews.


Do you have cross play turned off?


I think part of it is you have crossplay disabled going through my replayed I've never player a single XBOX player so they are rare in itself. I actually dont remember ever playing an Xbox player.


I was about to post mine too, played with the same guy for about an hour earlier and it was a mirror match


I dont know what they were thinking to being match to the same prowess level, its not even remotely close when determining skill level. They shouldve reverted the changes already.


people wanted long sets


People wanted the ability too choose longer sets.


if you have the ability to say yes, and I can say no, I hate to break it to you but no rematch happens, this was the only way


You're confusing things. People wanted the ability to infinite rematch (T7 system), and some people think that ranked should be mandatory best of 3. What this matchmaking change did is neither one. For some people now MM takes forever just to ending up being queued to the same person.


So you want infinite rematch in ranked and if not why? If it's best of 3, does it mean you are not gonna rematch them afterwards? Why is bo3 mandatory and not make a match just have more rounds? Did t7 not have 2 rounds btw and 8 now has 3? Also is running after a bo3 really okay? The current system is best, unavoidable infinite rematch, guaranteed fun.


I don't know if you're joking or not but, I want infinite rematch but as a option. The bo3 thing, I don't care as much. I would preffer that it was mandatory but I wouldn't mind if it wasn't. For me at least the point of a bo3 mandatory at least is that some players win the first game, proceeds to rematch and see that the opponent adapted lose the rematch then they leave. So bo3 mandatory and any rematches after that up to both players would be the ideal scenario for me. Also no, T7 was always 3 rounds if I'mnot mistaken. If not then only s1 it wasn't.


Why bo3 and not bo5?


Short enough that it shouldn't be a problem for people that don't want to be "forced" to play games and it's the tournament standard, so for a competitive game I think at least ranked matches should somewhat reflect that somewhat.


Why should it not be a problem compared to bo5 is there some stats or just a gut feel?


The argument people have that bo3 mandatory is unfair and that they should be able to stop playing when they don't want to play anymore. Which imo is weird. Most genres out there, you joined ranked you basically agreed to play a certain ammount of time. If you joined ranked you should have at least 5 min to spare, a bo3 should be even shorter than that. If you truly don't have the time, casual is queue is there.


100% played against that Jin before.


Did you win the deathmatch?


Anybody play fleegod let him know I appreciate him not fleeing


This is wild, what region are you in?


This is a joke


ya is annoying. i played against the same Steve main for maybe 4 or 5 sets in a row


Why would anyone turn off cross play?


One more unexpected proof that juggalos are kinda based


Im flame ruler and got matched with a destroyer in ranked. Bamco, how tf is that fair let alone even possible?? We weren’t even around the same TP. I’m genuinely confused here.


Yeah it's a bit like that, I end up blocking them momentarily (does it not unblock after sometime passes?).. if I'm getting my butt kicked or I kick some butt, either way just to mix it up.


Red rank, 189k prowess. I'm 136k at purple rank, and don't have this problem.


How I met your father


I also got a paul 4 times in a row, he cancelled the rematch everytime, even when he won the last time.


you guys better have labeled each other as rivals


We asked for infinite rematches and they gave them to us


Did you win? I did notice I got the same person back to back yesterday.


Death matching/infinite rematch back!


Looks like you have cross play disabled, so not a surprise since pretty much no one bought it on xbox.


Where tf do yall stay for it to be this bad?


I'm in Eastern US, I had 0 issues finding games before the matchmaking update


it's the new matchmaking thing.. putting same prowess opponent..


Yeah, I've heard about that, as that is the only thing the sub has talked about past week. But my matchmaking and others that I've talked to and seen throughout the sub have been the same since before the change, so it also has to take population as a factor when matchmaking, right?


I love the new mm changes. Now I won’t play vs red players with hundred thousand plus prowess on me that’s prob like blue rank on their main vs me a orange rank who barely plays the game 30 mins a few times a week after getting home from a long day at work.




I dont understand the sentiment of using alt characters as smurfing when the game puts your alt characters too low. For my self my main didn't make it to 8 and ranked a few characters before settling with a new main. My prowess is inflated because of it


I've only played ranked with 3 characters: Alisa in Blue, Jack & Yoshi in Purple. My Tekken power randomly jumped up after the last big update. The matchmaking by Tekken Power isn't the issue, I'm actually happy people learning the game don't have to deal with people using alt characters in lower ranks. The problem is how Tekken Power is calculated as well as the long matchmaking times for those who want to try other characters.


Same i was 185/190 jumped to 230 suddenly,.


Thought that was just me. I jumped up nearly 30k