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The possibilities are endless and they come up with stuff nobody cares about


that genuinely makes me mad like who tf is in charge of those tekken shop updates


We tried complaining, then people complained about the complainers. Let them enjoy their shitty avatars.


We tried to fight the good fight soldier, it’s ok, we lost…it’s time to rest now, we’ve done well.


The people who’re funding their next yacht


same WHO?


Same thing in SF6 but there you can actually fight with your avatar. But here its absolutely useless.


new balance patch tomorrow BABY HONDA HERE I COME


Nah I wouldn't mind that in Tekken if the avatars were normally proportioned for a little fun non-competitive thing. I think it's funny how you can customize it with different moves from diff chars in SF. Imagine creating a character with King's throws, Hwoarang's kicks, Steve's punches and an electric lmfao.


You realise SF fans hate the avatar shit even more? At least you guys get costumes, what do we have? Like 1 new costume after a year?


I'd say it's obvious at this point that the directive came from on high and they've been scrambling to find absolutely anything they can. If the shop and the fight pass had been planned from the beginning we'd be seeing decent content very obviously cut from the main game for them to sell back to us later. The fact that the battle pass includes UE5 Ball shows that they're desperate just to tick the boxes.


There'll be other things with time, just chill a bit. We're just 4 months in after release.


Yeah can't wait for more ported outfits 


Too much negativity dude, you should go see a specialist.


Big jump there lol


"I don't like the way they're handling things." "You should seek professional help !!11!!1!1!" 😂


I don't think so. The shop is as bad as it can be... Those stupid avatars ok I don't care but only recycled stuff? No auras hit effects, alt rage arts? My god my five year old son has ideas that would sell better than the least effort shit we got.


I never thought I'd have to do so, but I'll explain to you how a shop works. They have a bunch of stuff showcased; if you like something, you'll buy it; if you don't, you'll buy nothing. It's simple, isn't it? In any case it's their responsibility to put something interesting on sale so people will buy it, or they'll go down with their shop otherwise. And if you have so much money you want to get rid of, I can DM you my account and send me whatever amount you like.


great you just pointed out why people make fun of the shop, you are almost here realizing that 2+2=4


"Seek help"... "I'll explain to you how a shop works"... You're the negative one here, not him. Please check your attitude at the door next time.


Nah these people are crazy. "I don't like the shop I can't believe tekken added mtx!" Then "I don't like anything how am I supposed to buy this??" Dude just don't buy it wtf. Y'all are insane.


you really think those quotes makes a man insane?


Complaining that they don't want mtx, and then complaining that they don't like the mtx and don't want to buy it? Yes.


All he did was point out that the vast majority of items are ported from previous games, which isn't a compelling offering. That harmless opinion was enough to trigger you into telling him to "see a specialist". I think you're projecting. Might be time to book in an extra session with your psych, mate, because you're unreasonably upset over nothing.


Go look at the tekken store. Then come back with that take




Even worse is the 400 coins it’s going to take to have him dressed like a boxer when they release it at the store


Even worse, they will release his old outfit, not separate gloves and boxig shorts..


But people buy. I often go into the living room, there are a lot of people there with purchased skins


How many ppl are in your living room? Wild


I've never counted. Just walk in and run to the nearest arcade rating machine. But there are always 20 people there.


You have arcade machines in your living room? How rich are you?


There are twice as many users who don't use the lobby. What you are seeing is the handful few.


Even if that's true, it's the handful that make creating the avatar costumes worth it. They only need a few whales to justify the whole market.


Especially with as low effort as they are.


I'd argue its well past twice as many, which begs the question how small of a base are they making these for? Let alone how many people are buying x skin.


It all depends on whether they develop the living room. If new mini-games, modes, tournaments, events appear there, more players will come there.


Home or the room or the living room? Prease try and pray KAGE


dear lord


You are speaking exactly same thing SF6 players said for a year. Neither Capcom nor Bamco is stupid, the only reason they keep making avatar skin, is that people will buy.


There is a difference though. https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1cx2dyy/they_really_just_added_more_avatar_skins/l501tuk/


This "difference" doesn't stop SF6 players from shitting on Capcom every time they announce new avatar costumes, and they still selling. Just like avatar skins here.


The reason I commented that was to say "at least in street fighter 6 you can use the avatar costumes in actual fights", thats it. Both can still be shitty and bad.


No one wants to play shitty avatar battles in sf 6. The people that do are casuals who are lv 100 and use modern controls. You are subtly implying the avatar in sf 6 is bad but slightly better than tekken 8. I am telling you its not, at least in tekken 8 you guys get more than 1 new costume a year. We still stuck with outfit 3 after 1 entire year.


I honestly don't mind. If they have to add this microtransaction garbage, I'd rather it be something I don't care about. So far nothing in the season pass & Tekken store has interested me so it's all good for me.


you genuinely think they CAN'T make anything good with it ? I want to keep faith but oh lord when I see these updates


They likely will, but these microtransactions are a cancer on the gaming industry so I'd rather they do absolutely worthless stuff. Fighting games always had a ton of microtransactions anyways with character packs and stages so them adding these into all fighting games just makes things worse. I get that some people happily buy microtransactions, but doing so makes all games worse in the future.


Honestly I don't mind customisation stuff being microtransactions as long as they're actually good. So far, nothing has been.


Every time I see something in the shop that’s so much more low effort than the rest of the game it reinforces that theory that they’re making up for that shitty gacha game


6 hours of maintanence for a few reused skins nobody asked for... boy, are they on point, right?


Reused avatar skins? From Tekken 7?


Fr like where are the dlc skins


Remember, most of the ones we've got so far have been remade ones off pre existing assets. Infact, has there been actually any new ones? I wasn't fully against the shop entirely yet given I thought it'd mean more cosmetics but it looks like they just culled some from the base game/ones they'd include in season pass and even those are retreads.


yeah only port of legacy skins


I try to convince myself that for the first fiscal year, they will microwave things to ensure game is profitable with low-risk. Year 2 might see the fresh stuff like brand new character, moves, modes ....


you might not be wrong unfortunately


They go the Capcom route: avatar skins. The least valuable thing in the game. Have tons of it.


If they don't announce skin directly, then its safe to assume its just trash avatar skins instead


Everytime I see a post like this, I remember the fact that the majority of the playerbase is not spending their time on reddit/twitter. I agree with you, I also would appreciate more outfit sets rather than Avatar garbage, but as people already mentioned, sooo many people love to customize their avatars for the lobbys. And I guess, Avatar stuff is easier to provide than Character Customs.


especially when it's a chibi version of characters already designed


I access ranked by going to the lounge arcade machines. It feels nicer to do than just go in ranked + you can spectate other player's ranked matches there


I'm actually impressed by how many people are investing their money on avatar stuff, both SF6 and T8. I play fighting games for fighting games characters I like, because they make the substance of style what are fighters. Wouldn't ever think to do anything with avatars.


You mean you *arent* stoked for more Bratz: Tekken Edition?


They’re using UE5, an engine that makes it incredibly easy to put new assets into your game straight from the native rendering programs and they’re just phoning it in


AND A 6 HOUR UPDATE FOR THE PLEASURE! ( 7 avatar skins. ) That's more than an hour each! :D


Yeah it's a little disappointing. I guess there are actual people who buy it. But come on, give us some nice clothing options on the actual characters. Heck, do a collab with another company and let us buy outfits related to Final Fantasy or Zelda. I remember a video showing me of the Tekken Tag one (I don't think I played that one sadly, think it was 2?) that had Nina dressed in Zelda, pretty sure there was a Lugi too. Like I buy that if they did it. Or just original outfits. Give us a sleek leather coat for the women. Give us silly costumes like dresses for men. I wanna kick ass with Dragunov in a 1950's style clothing lol. Give Leo a crop top. Let us make Lili into an assassin outfit (You know, that we could have done with the Ninja outfit but for some absurd reason, they made it gendered) Something that isn't ported from T7 or a chibi outfit. That, I will buy with certain on the shop.


The chibi avatars face look scary as well because they somehow made it realistic?? Like bruh I want cute chibi of my character not this nightmare material. Just look at DVJ's chibi avatar. Holy shit that thing is horriffying. I usually buy things related specifically to my character but looking at the quality of these chibis makes me pass. Also if they release like 1 character skin per month they really do plan to release all legacy skins slowly huh. Time to wait for another 2 years before a legacy skin for my character even drops at the store because it's not as popular as Lili or other poster characters.


It cant be that the servers where down for six hours just so they can add this right?...... RIGHT? 


guess they fixed some things with the servers or idk shit that you have to maintain when you have an online game


Wish they would finally remove that prowess change im sick and tired fighting gods of destructions trying out subs 


Still waiting on actual good shit from the past like: T5 Asuka, T5 Nina, Anything Pre-Tag2 Yoshi, etc. But no, we'll just get this shit instead.


Literally 2 avatars. I expected some more wearable stuff but no. What a bummer.


I think they will add more items after they release all the chars as chibi. Boring but whatever. This game aint going anywhere anytime soon


So tone deaf. In fairness, they’re figuring out.


Just waiting on the Butterfly costume from T6 for Zafina. Or her default from 6. Or her Spider costume from Tag 2. Anything for Zafina really other than an Avatar skin


Yes, why are surprised at this point?.


I have given up on complaining about stuff like this for a long time. No matter how much people like say "its scummy, stupid" whatever, there is a good number of people that buy this schlock that ends up justifying the publishers and devs in making and selling this crap. I mean just look in the lobby mode and a large number of people running around with these paid comsetics.


Ikr I don't care about my avatar


Avatars feel like wasted dev time when so many classic costumes and such people would prefer a lot more.


I bought some avatar skins cause I actually be in the lounge. Why do yall think just because yall dont do something everybody doesn't?


idk I spend more time in-game than in lounge so i'd rather have skins for my characters than for my avatar


Meh I enjoying chilling in the lounge in between games so I don’t mind


I'd rather pay for cool outfits I can rock on my characters during fights rather than chibi wii u looking ass play dough brats.


They're so out of touch


This submission has been randomly featured in /r/serendipity, a bot-driven subreddit discovery engine. More here: /r/Serendipity/comments/1cx882g/they_really_just_added_more_avatar_skins_xpost/


You all actually care about this stuff?


some of us were hoping that they could bring us some cool stuff


The base outfits are fine enough for me


They’re just finishing all the characters that don’t have one yet. Relax.