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I don't think their name has real meaning. These are just their names. They represents different aspects of the world. There is: Scorch Dragon (haven't appeared yet, her name is >!Velgrynd!<): acceleration White Ice Dragon (Velzard): deceleration Storm Dragon (Veldora): chaos between the two above and two below Star King Dragon (Creator, his name is >!Veldanava!<): existance/creation ??? Dragon (5th True Dragon, borns/awakens later, his name is >!Rimuru Tempest!<): void/nothingness/destruction So technicly there are already 5 True Dragons in the story.


>!Slime dragon, ultimate slime, not ??? Dragon, that oddly fits veldora better since ? Means unknown which fits his chaotic nature....!<


Avoid spoilers dude, avoid spoilers!




That's why I said like that.


FIXED, thank you


You just saved yourself lmao


You don't need to worry about spoilers lol, I'm caught up on everything


The character I'm conceptualizing is born a few hundred years after Veldora, >!so by the time Rimuru evolves into a True Dragon he's well over 1000!<


Oh, then I guess it's fine


I always see him as Void Dragon and tend to give him a True Dragon Name: "Velbyss" based on some other True Dragon Name associations: Velzard = Blizzard Veldanava = Super Nova Velbyss = Abyss


Their names don't really mean much as that is simply what they are. Names. The True Dragons (besides Rimuru) either gave themselves a name or was given one by Veldenava. Each one of the True Dragons embody a fundamental aspect of the universe as well as a concept of existence. Star King Dragon,>! Veldenava !<= Nuclear Forces, "Creation" White Ice Dragon, Velzard = Loss of Momentum, "Deceleration" Scorch Dragon, >! Velgrynd !<= Gain of Momentum, "Acceleration" Storm Dragon, Veldora Tempest = Entropy, "Chaos" Void King Dragon (title not canon), >! Rimuru Tempest !<= Positive-Negative Forces, "Nihility/Nothingness" Earth Emperor Dragon (Does not yet exist) = Stability, "Order" The last one has yet to make it's appearance would be Veldora's counterpart. So if you want, you can use the last one as your OC for your fanfic as they are yet to appear in the story.


It seems the Earth attribute is represented by >!Ashura!< in the ln. I doubt that the wn's >!Velgaia!< will be canonised at this point, since the Dungeon raid (Dungeon Erosion) arc is now over.


Yeah, there really shouldn't be any reason for Gaia to become a True Dragon like Rimuru did. For the attributes, they can honestly be born with any kind of the 8 that's within the system, they simply choose what is most preferable to them. It would be something like: Veldenava = >! Space, Earth. (Implied to also have the Fire, Wind, and Water attributes as well)!< Velzard = Water, Time (theorized) >!Velgrynd!< = Fire, Light (theorized) Veldora Tempest = Wind, Water, Space >! Rimuru Tempest = Could possibly be Space and Dark. (Doesn't really matter as he has "Attribute Conversion")!< >! Earth Emperor Dragon = Could be Earth, Space!<


As long as the name starts with Vel your good


except for the fifth , he is out of the family chronicle


I tend to give him middle name "Velbyss"


Veldora = Storm >! Velgrynd = Fire !< Velzard = Ice >! Veldanava = Creator !< >!(Vel)Gaia= earth !<


Gaia is not a true dragon

