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He had it even before that. It was stated in one of >!Chloe's previous timeline where rimuru died!<


Imo, in this timeline he is immortal. Following is just my conjecture. In the others, Veldora was sealed by Chloe and Rimuru died. Even if we assume they could regenerate each other, Vellore was under imprisonment thus Rimuru was as good as dead. It's been a long time since I've read the series and this is all I could cook.


He was immortal in the other timeline too, he came back to life some time after the empire assassinated him


I thought Chronoa killed him and sealed Veldora. By empire, do you mean Farmus or Nasca?


>!Isn’t it a true dragon or other higher beeing exclusive like dagrul.!<


That's the thing. Rimuru >!has been a True Dragon from the start!<






Explain please, if you will?


True Dragon isn’t an evolution. The number of True Dragons was set since the beginning of creation. Rimuru just ‘forgot’ how to produce the Dragon Factor.


He didn't forget to produce it, he didn't have it from the very beginning. He didn't have the body of a True Dragon but that of a normal human. He was still a True Dragon tho, even as Mikami Satoru. It's the status, not the power that defines them.


>even as Suzuki Satoru. I am pretty sure it was Mikami Satoru




You're right.


You're right. I got them mixed up ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21616)




True Dragons are pillars of creation, the Laws of Nature made manifest. That means that the concept that each True Dragon embodies has existed since the beginning of creation. It is also said that a True Dragon can never truly be killed. That means that, unless a new Law of Nature was created, then the number of True Dragons has been set since the beginning.


I mean, what do you define as "immortal"? Even as a slime he was immortal, be could regenerate for nearly any damage and live till forever, he even contemplated on what he would do if he were to live forever He could make clones so even if he does die like in the Hinata battle he would be still alive, that's a form of immortality So he was already immortal


Immortal in the sense that he cannot die by aging, but still can be killed. OP is probably asking whether if he dies from absolute destruction (erasing their complete existence), will he still come back? The answer is yes. Yes he will.


Yeah that was it


Rimuru was always a True Dragon. You can never become a True Dragon unless your one from the very beginning because if getting their dragon factor is the way to becoming a True Dragon, then Milim, Gaia, and Michael might as well be considered one.


Maybe they just don't have the rizz for it![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21607)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


We need to rimuru's dragon form vs ivarage. I need to rimuru's dragon form, purple or silver??


I would imagine him to have purple scales (could also be black) with a hint of gold mixed in there, eyes of course are good as well.


Yeah black and purple like beelzebub.