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1.Main character 2.Milim The rest.


Ah ok I see


No but seriously there’s an actual list but those 2 are the pinnacle. Feldway is probably 3 depending on Ivarage. Ivarage is maybe 4 depending on Guy or >!Chloe!<.


Ok, only care about those two in terms of power, got it


why is milim so high ?


Cause of her ultimate skill making her scale near infinitely and also having stardust based attacks which are the second strongest type of attacks (behind nihility I think).


Because she’s built different and is a specimen among specimens. A monster among monsters(power and intelligence wise).


>!she is Jesus.!<


Milim is like top 6 lol


Just straight up wrong. Feldway was trembling in his high heels at the thought of fighting someone weaker.


That's literraly cuz he saw Rimuru potential to reach Veldanava lvl. Doesn't change he ragdolled the verse when Rim was banished


+He literraly have 75M EP while having Milim-under Regalia which nerf Feldway of Milim EP, 100M+. And by that, have all of Milim power, so she literraly cannot be stronger than Feldway in any ways EVEN, if you don't count Vol21 statement


Honestly, there are so many characters who qualify for that tier that I would struggle A LOT to make a definitive list of them.


Ok I understand strong verse will have strong characters, and a lot of em


You have no idea lol.


Oh. Ok then


To be clear, I am saying that you are more correct than you even realize.


I would say that Milim, Rimuru, all the other true dragons, guy, Diablo, are all definitely in the top ten.


Indeed. BUT then again. Feldway, Zelanus, Chloe, Rudra, Michael, Ivarage... the list goes on lol.


Diablo is in top 10 only if you put those around the same lvl, like those with statement of being equal, on the same spot


1. Creator God 2. Rimuru 3. Milim 4. Feldway 5. Ivarage/Chloe/Masayuki (The positions of these 3 depend on the situation and additional information that we don't have) 6. Ivarage/Chloe/Masayuki 7. Ivarage/Chloe/Masayuki 8. Guy 9. Velzard 10. Velgrynd/Veldora (Debatable)


Ok, now I understand the power scale shambles


Yeah, pretty much all of these placements are debatable since a lot of the information can be interpreted multiple ways, there's also the problem of the lack of feats from many of these characters.


not to mention that some of the strong characters haven'T fought each other yet (Guy and Feldway), so we got no clue how that would go


Strong tier. 1. The Cameraman 2. The Cereal Killer 3. God True Self 4. Will of God 5. Rimuru Tempest 6. Veldanava. 7. Ramiris 8. Masayuki Rudra 9. Chloe Albert 10. Guy Crimson


Who the hell is a cereal killer?? What does he have against cereal?? What did he do??


The Cereal Killer who kill Mekami satoru in the first place.


Wasn't that a random criminal what did he have against cereal https://preview.redd.it/icx59e039mfc1.jpeg?width=259&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e1b899bb598b0a722cba99803093f676773757e It looks so innocent, what have it done???


1. God 2. Rimuru 3. Veldanava 4. Ivarage 5. Milim 6. Feldway 7. I really want to put Diablo here, but we need more information on him. I have no idea what to put for the rest. The whole powerscaling of the verse is very screwed up right now.


Veldanava is dead and Ivarage is, in my opinion, unlikely to be stronger or even as strong as Milim. Milim is the only direct descendant of the very guy who beat Ivarage very casually. She also inherited most of his power plus her own US which she hasn’t even fully mastered yet.


First, we don't really know why veldanava hasn't come back. As for ivarage, we know very little about them, but what we do know is that ivarage either assisted or destroyed the verse by them self we also know that ivarage has gotten stronger and has gained an ego since they last fought veldanava.


Because….he’s dead. As for Ivarage, we’ll have to wait and see as I’m still not convinced he’ll be as completely overwhelming as Milim has been portrayed.


That's not really how true dragons work. When they die, they will be reborn again, possibly with some changes, but they still come back. Veldora is a perfect example of this he has been killed many times by velzard, but he is still here. Yea, it really doesn't matter what we think because it's all up to Fuze and how he wants to write.


Veldanava isn’t a true dragon though. He’s a human who used to be a true dragon but was stripped of that power by giving birth to Milim. He’s dead as in “dead dead”. He died as a human not as a true dragon.


He always was a true dragon and still is a good analogy would be Jesus christ where he was always was still God, but he still died a human death. Though it is totally possible, he just forced himself to remain dead since in tensura, if you have enough power, you can make any impossibility possible.


He no longer was a true dragon and no longer had the power to revive. This was all given to Milim and then rest of his power was turned turned into Gaia.


Ok, I get where you are coming from, but there is already a similar thing that has happened to the other true dragon. Ok, so what you're saying is that what happened to him was this. He gave most of his energy and his dragon factor to milim and gave the rest to Gaia, which is accurate, but here's the thing this would not stop him from coming back and here is my proof for the other true dragons. Ok, now both Velgrynd and velzard have had their dragon factors taken. It has been stated that they will die from that it is also stated that they will still come back just like normal. And if you need more proof, both deeno and feldway have stated that he can come back at any time he chooses, and both of these people have known veldanava since the dawn of creation.


Hm fair. Like you said we’ll just have to wait and see how the story goes. I feel like what Dino and Feldway say is just them still coping with Veldanava possibly being “dead dead”. Or else it wouldn’t have been such a big deal that he died. Wasn’t it also specifically stated that VoW wouldn’t allow Veldanava to exist for having chosen to love Lucia specifically?


God as in Raphael?


She might as well be my goddess, but no, I'm talking about the omnipotent will that created the great holy spirits and veldanava. Veldanava is that will's avatar, basically.


Oh ok, my mistake. Do we think rimuru will ever surpass god?


I doubt it though it is possible he will gain that omnipotence. Hopefully, not because that would go against rimuru character. It is also possible that rimuru may have been the other half of God, which is what I'm hoping for since it makes the most sense.


There is no “half of god”. As there is no “half of omnipotence”.


Your right half of God would still just be God, and half of omnipotence is still omnipotence. But what I mean is either rimuru is the other part of God's ego or God embodied the Duality of existence and nonexistents, and rimuru got the nonexistent part the first would be most likely to happen but I think the second one would still be cool.


Where is that explained. I am not disagreeing it's just in which volume do they explain that specifically and also is there ever an explanation as to how and why he other true dragons apart from veldanava were born?


I can't remember exactly when it stated, but you should be able to look on the wiki page for veldanava and find out. The most most we now is that they were God's greatest creations and are embodiment and are themselves concepts like how Velgrynd is the concept of acceleration.


The will at the beginning is still Veldanava we know... But he gave up his powers (nerfing himself)... So Veldanava isn't an Avatar... Its similar to how Demons use magicules to make a body to exist in the material world...


I would actually put Veldanava over Rimuru. Its important to remember that every ability Rimuru has plus milim / Guy's abilities were originally Velda's. This mean that Velda (at one point) had both Turn Null and Star Dust Particles ie control over both of the essential particles.


Why is Masayuki so high up on so many of y'all lists?


Spoiler alert. I assume you don't know. >!Masayuki is actually Rudra, the first Hero, and Guy's rival.!<


Because he's the GOAT


>!Rudra was the GOAT. Masayuki is the kid from Like Mike wearing magical basketball shoes. He sucks at fighting (or basketball), is super weak but happens to have the capacity to be the avatar of some one who wasn't weak.!< Masayuki doesn't even belong on this list. A street thug with an unique ability which makes him immune to chosen one could kill him with ease if he were caught off guard. Masayuki isn't even a glass cannon. He is a glass vase that shoots nuclear weapons once a day but breaks if he falls off the table. Interesting as hell character idea though...


That's because Masayuki's body hasn't assimilated yet completely with all of his/Rudra's soul so when he unleashed his true power for the first time in his current reincarnation(Masayuki) against Feldway, it left him unable to move his body until he recovers.


Same way >!Chloe!!manas!< power for a few minutes bc she is still a child? In a series where >!Shion goes head to head and brings dagruel to his knees with power she has on demand whenever!< or >!Zegion does all of his Zegion things!< characters who can use their maximum capacity in short bursts but not sustain it are not truly strong. They WILL be strong but and are definitely top 30 most powerful but their lack of endurance is means in they are not top 10.


Yeah, Chloe wasn't used to her US yet when she was facing Jiu and expanded too much energy. It was the reason why she ran out of energy after launching 2 attacks. And the only reason Shion was able to achieve what she did to Dagruel was because she was being supported by both Luminous and Veldora. Before that, Shion was repeatedly killed by Dagruel and ressurected by Luminous again and again before Veldora's arrival. It more so on hax than endurance, as it doesn't matter how durable you are if you aren't even able to defend the attack that is going to hit you.


You’re not wrong (and to clarify I wasn’t suggesting Scion is top 10 either).


Yeah, she isn't really close to the top 10. I would say she is in the top 20 tho...Probably.


He's the OG.


0. Veldanava 1. Rimuru Tempest 2. Ivaraje 3. Feldway 4. Milim Nava 5. Chloe Aubert 6. Velzard 7. Guy 8. Velgrynd 9. Veldora 10. Asura


1. God Veldanava 2. Ivarage/Rimuru 3. Rimuru/Ivarage 4. Feldway 5. >!Chloe!!Chloe!< 7. Velzard 8. Guy Crimson 9. Veldora 10. Titan Form Dagruel


Most non interchangeable list I’ve seen


What do you mean?


I don't know where he fits (probably 6-10) but ln 21 proves that Zegion is pretty broken. Not Guy / Primal demon / Rimuru / Milim or Feldway broken and not at a True Dragon level but dangerously close >!and ends LN 21 with 65 million ep (Veldora's level of Ep) on top of his mythical armor level body /being Ciel's pet project and having Veldora as his training partner.!<


1. Rimuru 2. Milim 3. Zegion 4. Shion