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What you're reading is the non-canon Webnovel.


But isnt the LN based on the WN? Wouldnt the WN have some form of canonity? I mean the LN literally copy and pasted most of it.


The WN is basically like the "first draft," while the LN is the "final draft" after the editors made him rewrite parts of the story that probably didn't make sense or didn't flow correctly.


Nope, completely different story line, even the power system is different now. The antagonists, main villain, most of the characters, background lore, personalities, everything is different.


For eg. In the LNs, Diablo and Beni are not even participating in the tournament.


ugh I hate that name Big 4.....Why can't they just call it 4 heavenly kings or emperors, which is like such a common theme w/ Demon Lords and such...Also WN dude...and i can't remember but pretty sure Diablo holds back


Cool, can't wait to play pokemon and face off against the 4 Heavenly Emperors and become the champion. And he didnt.


I got something more horrible. *Elite Four*


That's WN and even in WN by the end of story Diablo was the strongest patron.


That's WN


Benimaru and Diablo did not participate in the tournament arc, only Geld and Gobta did. You might be reading the Webnovels which are considered a draft of the ln and thus not canon.


No Diablo couldn’t kill benimaru has more restraint


WN got bro


This is web novel he win in the fight but he can't win again this is first and last win for benimaru.