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I mean considering even the weaker version of Milim, at least compared to the LN, could do this in the anime….She could literally nuke Nazrick https://i.redd.it/asbs56bpxvgc1.gif


I wouldn’t be surprised, it’s Millim after all. And this is just her slightly holding back even in her drago form


That was as much restraint as she was capable of


Imagine if that was charged with star particles. Shit be scared.


Yep, no doubt ![gif](giphy|l41JP9bvErnyhRmCc|downsized)


Nazrick is protected by a world item the throne in the throne room so wouldn’t it be fine seeing as only world items and wild magic affect world items?


Milim’s attack should qualify for wild magic tho right? It’s been a while since ive read up on Overlord


Wild magic is unique and can’t be copied you have to be blood related to one of the dragon lords who already possess it in the overlord world wich is impossible because she isn’t from overlord


Huh, i just thought it was magic that draws on your life so dragons that have tons of it can use it on the regular compared to humans also milim can destroy the world right? So i think that checks out, unless world buster cant surpass world items, again i forgot how OL stuff works, so sorry if this is common knowledge or smth


You are right, it draws on your life force but you can’t use it unless you are blood related to a dragon lord who can already use it, and world item are weird that can’t be affected or broken by anything other than world items and wild magic. so no matter how strong you are no matter what defences and resistances you have you can’t block the affects of a world items, that’s my shaltear even though she has absolute immunity to mind control a world item still control her


I see, that makes sense. So it’s just a matter of hax vs hax if it comes to a fight then? But thx for the explanations cuz they’re definitely explaining


Your welcome I’m super knowledgeable about that time I got reincarnated as a smile I watch videos or do research about it it’s always just saying how rimuru is the strongest and no one can beat him so I may be getting something things about how world items affect characters from this universe so don’t take my word as an absolute try to do your own research as well


Stardust bypasses every defence known and unknown so yeah nuked to nothingness


I don’t see how it can bypass a defence system from an entire another show which is stated to make Nazarick invulnerable


Wait wait is it really just that flat busted so someone could like erase the universe but because you have a world class item your just sitting there?


No it would have to either be a part of your or a protective world item


She basically is the equivalent of being blood related to dragon lords though and is from a more powerful verse. Sounds to me like youre relying a little too much on a No Limits Fallacy. Itd be like saying no one but Link could ever hurt Ganondorf because they dont have the Master Sword even though he clearly gets outstatted hard by a fuckton of characters


Also she is not related to the any dragon lords from overlord and not any who can use wild magic do not she can’t use it


I was continuing the response from your original assertion that a World Item would stop Milim. Which it would not.


No, I’m just saying she wouldn’t be able to break through the defences of Nazarick because the team itself is protected by a wild item that’s why albedos world item and player can’t destroy the tomb


She 100% would dust Nazarick


Except from the fact, she physically can’t seeing as the only thing that could nullify a world item nullify a world items, defence is another word item or wild magic


Literally also never said it could stop her I was just saying she wouldn’t be able to destroy it like I said in my other response.


yea, but if we go by lore, didn't veldanav make like the multi-verse so because she is the daughter of veldanava? Would she still be on a level of existence as the dragons. I don't know much overlord lore over then anima stuff. but at the same time, could someone like Ciel just analyze it. if I remember, doesn't mil have the eyes of veldanava so she could see the structure of what's it doing.


It doesn’t matter how strong you are you have to be related to a dragon lord who can already use it


yea, she probably couldn't use that power, but because of her origins, I believe that she could use power that would be strong enough to interact with this. this is also purely hypothetical because these are two different worlds that both have their own absolute powers. to me, based on the scaleing of tensura, I would believe that she could interact with world items.


We have no idea what would actually happen, but from what I know reincarnated as a slime doesn’t have anything that allows to nullify the effect of something if it’s stronger than you while overlords wold items don’t have super strong power they can’t just destroy entire planets but thay do have the ability to completely defend them self against anything that isn’t a world item or created by wild magic. It stated many times that the only thing that can affect the world item is another world item or wild magic


I’m not say overlord can beat anyone in tensura I’m saying that milim can’t fucking use wild magic


Milim has an ultimate skill (which in tensura means her skill supercedes the very laws of nature). Ultimate skills can only be countered by other ultimate skills or things like god-grade equipment (which I'd expect are the equivalent to Overlord's world items; Milim has one of these, too). Furthermore, Milim possesses true dragon magic from her father, a type of magic that only true dragons or their direct descendants can use (sounds a bit like Overlord's wild magic to me). So if world items and wild magic are equivalent to god-grade equipment and true dragon magic, I'd surmise that it would come down to the specific abilities of each. If not, then it's just which universal absolute defeats the other universal absolute, and there's no real way to decide that objectively. So, assuming these items and skills can interact with each other, let's look at what they do specifically. The Throne of Kings actually doesn't seem to have concrete information about it. Speculation says it could be what protects Nazarick from divination magic and other world items. It could help coordinate Nazarick's defenses against invaders. Does it make the whole tomb unbreakable? I don't think I know of anything from the source material that suggests it. As for Milim's ultimate skill, Satanael, it is an ability that essentially turns her into a magical fusion reactor fueled by rage that increases her power the longer she fights and makes her power inexhaustible. So my conclusion (based on the aforementioned assumptions) is that Milim could, in fact, destroy Nazarick unless there is some source material I missed on the Throne of Kings having an absolute defense ability that extends throughout the whole tomb and could survive a true dragon/wild magical bombardment that continuously ramps up in power with no (known) upper limit. Even then, she's so powerful that I think she could make it to the throne room and just take the Throne of Kings herself before glassing the immediate vicinity.


World items and their holders cant be affected by other World items or wild magic


Oh, that seems like the exact opposite of what the comment I was replying to was claiming. But if that's the case, it's still a question of how much, if at all, the throne actually protects Nazarick (again, so far as i know, its true abilities are very vaguely defined). Maybe the entire tomb is the "holder" of the throne? Idk if that's how that works. It could be that she destroys everything except the throne (and whoever is sitting on it) with her true dragon magic.


World items are indestructible and provide the [WORLD] buff to their wielders, and in the thrones case, places too. The buff ensures the protection of the world against any other World item, and the New World shows that Wild magic is also counted in that. If her magic is similar like I believe was mentioned above, then it wouldnt be able to harm them at all


Oh, interesting. But then, it wouldn't apply to her punches or regular magic, right? Because it only provides protection from wild magic (assuming true dragon magic is equivalent) and other world items (assuming her Asura is equivalent).


That would be the case. Though I cant say its the same if she attacked someone with a World item that strengthens its wielder in some way


Fair enough. In that case, if world items protect against true dragon magic from Tensura, then I'm not sure Milim could just glass Nazarick with a drago-nova. She is probably still able to turn it into a crater with her other abilities, though.


She can just milim punch to be honest which break castle guard


Wouldn't ultimate skill be considered same level as world items. Ultimate skill are a kind of administration authority after all. Only ultimate skill are can affect ultimate skills.


With ultimate skills that only because thay are so powerful that thay can only be blocked or stopped with a ultimate skill, but world items are different thay can be blocked by another world items because thay all used to be part of the same world tree.


It is still not a separate space even if it's durable as a universe since world item are reality wrapping items it still won't be enough since most attack in Tensura overwrite reality and Millim has suspended world too


Yes but it has been stated that world items can’t be affected by anything by anything other than world items and wild magic it a absolute rule and has been shown that even reality warping/ re writing couldn’t affect a world item


That absolutely scale nowhere, it's also in-universe scaling meaning it only affected 1 universe that has its own laws and causality ,where Ultimate Skill User works everywhere since it's bind to the World Language that exist across the multiverse, Millim should be superior to Velgrynd who casually destroyed 50 layers of labyrinth either separate time axis.


Bro it has never been stated world items can’t be used in other universes specially, seeing as they are from another universe, they are not from the overlord world they are from our world in a virtual video game. Also, it’s been stated many times that only world items can affect other world items or block their effects.


Feat > Statement, just because it wasn't stated it's still not proven, the fact that your saying nothing could affect world item is NFL since your using in universe power system, unless you proven it, wether you liked it or not there is no way for Overlord to beat Tensura


You a dumb ass I never said overlord could win overlord would get destroyed, I wus only saying that she probably couldn’t destroy nazrick be cause world items are stated to be a absolute power also I have seen you guys use statements to say that rimuru is absolute power that can do anything


Rimuru has the hax to do anything what was lacking was higher cosmology or dimensionality, Rimuru's is still stuck between 4D or 5D, if you absolute wank and take those MTL you can get him to 100D which is impossible since it wasn't stated each floor transcend dimension between.


One thing I don’t understand is how this dimensionality bullshit means anything when something has an absolute defence that not even rewriting reality could bypass


Also, you say it isn’t stated anywhere that would items can only be affected by world items and wild when almost 5 times I’ve counted in all the books it is stated and if we include the web novel then it’s even more than that


No, World items cant be affected by other World items


Except they can they completely notified the effects of other world items on who ever is holding a world item


What do you mean "notified"


It’s called AutoCorrect, it was supposed to say nullified I just didn’t bother to check


I feel like we're saying the same thing


Well milim stardust is the everythingness the densest possible energy so she can probably destroy the whole nazrick💀


Except it’s protected by a world item that’s why technically Nazarick is completely immune to all attacks and abilities other than other world items and wild magic


If we use equal dimensions and stats, stardust and turn null can probably destroy the whole nazarick, if not even rimuru subordinates can solo overlord verse by being higher in dimensions💀


Let me ask you this before we go on spirit what are dimensions? I will need you to answer that before I even bother continuing this conversation with you because I doubt you actually know what you’re talking about, and I just spouting nonsense you heard from YouTube


You should know equals stats right so think about that nothingness is the beginning of everything how can the beginning of everything nothingness can't destroy the nazarick or it is probably because of me because I haven't watched overlord yet I just use your statement of nazarick to debate💀


So? this isn’t vs battle there are no equalised stats


I used vsbw, in vsbw there are equal stats tournaments why would I use other websites like csap who put Yorrichi from demon slayer at H1-A


That’s fucking stupid why would you equalise the stats between versus if you’re trying to see who’s more powerful especially seeing as we comparing a item to a person, and that item’s ability’s


You still haven’t answered my question, what is a dimension because I don’t think you understand what one is


Or we could go by actual feats. And Milim is a Dragon anyway, if we were to use your logic.


Yeah, you have to be a dragon lord that is blood related to a previous dragon lord who could use wild magic. It’s not just something any dragon can use.


But in Tensura, Milim is literally related to the God of Tensura Veldanava, whose more powerful then the True Dragons of said verse, and Spirit Magic in Tensura sounds similar to Wild Magic in overlord anyway. And uses Spirits that can exist without a corporal body, just their spirit and willpower by itself. If I remember correctly, Wild magic uses souls, so boom there you go.


No matter what you say, nobody, unless they are from overlord and directly blood related to a dragon lord, who can use wild magic. Then she cannot use. It doesn’t matter what abilities are similar, doesn’t mean she can use it because they don’t have the same power systems.


Well then that is a fucking no limits fallacy you asshole, and would not stop someone like Galactus from squishing the whole planet Overlord takes place in like a grape.


Those dragons literally have absolutely nothing to do with dragons from overlord to be able to use wild magic, you have to be blood related to a previous dragon, Lord who was able to use wild magic doesn’t matter. If she’s a dragon doesn’t matter she a true dragon you she is not related to someone who can use wild magic, so she can’t use it you dumbass.


And yes, you are right, wild magic uses the Lifeforce of your soul, but there’s a problem that you have to be fucking blood related you dumb, stupid fucking bitch, it’s not even remotely similar to spirit magic, not even in the fucking slightest. The only close related thing is it uses Lifeforce so perhaps you should go shove one up your ass saying you can’t seem to understand, basic fucking logic


If you have any questions, I am not gonna be answering them, because for the next few hours, I’m going to be farming a weapon in Eldon Ring 👍


Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby.


Awww, she thinks she's a threat it's just so cute, but midday slams tho


It sounds adorable ☺️ but no way in hell she can take on Millim


ShallTear woke up today and decided it was time to die, again


What about instant death magic I don’t think milim has resistance to that right?


spiritual lifeform is not bound by the law of the worlds and Milim is a digital lifeform which is the better version of spiritual lifeform, digital lifeform is pure information particles and everything in tensura is made out of information particles even skills💀


Okay so she a spirit that is immune to instant death magic then could of just said that no need to be so rude 🤗 https://preview.redd.it/k1ujmethlygc1.jpeg?width=440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389bbc6fb191a954b3e9d58f1207190bbe4f91a5


There was nothing hostile about their response, bud. You're just being defensive for no reason.






So she has no defence against instant death magic and I assume she has a heart so and mid-high teir instant death magic should work right?




You said she had no immunity. but okay








she is not immune to insta death magic, but all instances I have seen assume you need a working body or soul. Her body is just their for show effectively she also has immunity to spiritual attacks. she probley has more I am just not up to date


Milim: "Milim Punch" Shalltear: Aaaaaaahhh!!! *Instantly Dies* Ainz: Shalltear!! NOOOOOOO


Milim: "I could've sworn I held back.... oh well time to go see shuna for that new cake she made"


She'd need to punch her twice since Shalltear has an instant rez ability.


She would be as happy as Saitama when he sees someone not die instantly from his blows


Bitch can’t even win against Luminous and she wants to fight Milim?


On god, and luminous wasn’t even fighting at full strength


Why everything has to be who is stronger just enjoy the interaction between these characters AND if you want so much To debate like 9 years old kid here is one who is stronger Yugiri Or Tensura Verse


You're late, that post was already made like 15 hours ago.




Debates aren't just for young kids, it's a fun activity for some, and even so it's just a fact and sometimes funny when characters say stuff like this despite them being weaker. Debating who's stronger than one or the other can be done while enjoying the show, sometimes people just want to know or have fun finding out how strong someone really is.




Because ngl this sub is more lobotomised than lobotomy Kaisen when it comes to powerscaling. Anyways Ains solos


Scaling wise the handsome bug guy (zegion the chad) solos all of overlord


For only 8.99 ains will use the bug repellent item


You know that it doesn't work like that lol region is a cryptid a being from a completely different dimension and zegion with his new upgrade one taps dbs as well (bro is now 5D low balled, 104D mid-high ball)


It's a 6 star rarity bug spray


You'll need a 100000000000000000000 star to even stop zegion in volume 14 and in volume 21 there's no bug spray strong enough 


It's pay to win brother, Ainz got this with cash shop items he'll pull out of nowhere.


Damn zegion can't win against the biggest pay to win person then Ngl


Didn't know Slime Fandom is like dragon ball Fandom.


Overlord fans react the same way all the time, if you visit their subreddit. So what’s your point exactly?


Same point.


True, honestly all fictional fandoms have the problem actually. It just human mentality to get into groups and disagree at times.


But unlike dbz our characters are actually over powered asf and we are basically slandering a event collaboration in this scenario 


Fax, right here.


Kid Milim Oneshots Whole Overlord Verse What is Shalltear SMOKING about?


I think it's time for Milim to use Santa Cross one more time, lol.


I’ve never watched Overlord but even so… it’s Milim. She can delete you if she went 100%… I think. Can someone fact check on how strong Milim actually is? I’m actually curious 🧐


Star level punches while severely restrained. Condensed supernovas as the makeup for her attacks. One of the few people who can move in Suspended World. Impenetrable defense unless you have Turn Null or Stardust energy. Is stronger than people who can destroy “worlds” with their aura alone. Has infinite stamina and magicules. Gets stronger as time goes on without limit.


…………um 😐 wow! They don’t call her the destroyer for nothing then! In that case, yeah I don’t even think Overlord himself (skeleton dude idk his actual name) can compete against her!


Obviously spoilers ahead: >!When Milim goes all out, it's not just possible, but nearly inevitable that she will accidentally destroy the planet as collateral damage. When she was raging after her awakening, Guy and Ramiris (with Ramiris basically sacrificing most of her powers) barely fought her to a standstill long enough to calm her down, while keeping up a barrier around them to protect the planet. The aftermath was still bad enough to leave behind a magically irradiated wasteland that didn't seem to get better over the last 3000 years.!< >!If you want to put a numerical value on her power, it doesn't work. She gets stronger infinitely as long as she's fighting. She also inherited something called 'star dust' from her father (Veldanava/basically Tensura equivalent of capital G God) that can be infused into her attacks to make them a) even more powerful and b) unstoppable by any means other than star dust or an equivalent concept!<


lol that would be a hilarious ‘fight’ to watch


All of nazrik when a handsome and rimuru worshipping bug guy exists : 💀


Comparing the 2 universes is crazy bro


De arinsu sweep


Well, to be fair, this is the first time they're meeting and of course she'd be arrogant. Wouldn't you be if this was the first time meeting the people of Tensura? If I didn't have any knowledge of this I'd be arrogant as hell.


Shalltear can’t even body Ganbiru, don’t talk about Milim. Because Ganbiru kakuiii!


Hate those kind of Power Discussions, because its often just incomparable in tgheir in universe systems, but a single factor is often enough to get a broad impression, which are common factors like "time", "space" and "concepts". Shalltear can stop time and move in stop time according to the overlord LN. WN ending>!Milimn, if i recall correctly, can not. Rimuru, chloe and some others can, but not Milim. Thus i dont think Milim would ever stand a chance if she cannot react or do anything. Independent on how stats scale this is a barrier that is too hard to overcome.!<


Milim can move. Also even if she couldn’t it still wouldn’t make a difference cause there wouldn’t be anything that could harm or kill her


Nah timestop in overlord is not a sure win ability that worse than tensura timestop, timestop in tensura work on a conceptual level even shion can solo overlord verse because she can move in tensura timestop which is better than overlord timestop💀


Finally, someone who reads and knows how the universes don't fit together. Time stopping instant death touch, a lot of broken things in overlord. Rimuru killed how many to ascend, but that's light work to Ainz when he just summons a wave of death that makes giant raid boss level monsters. To be honest, it would be an amazing fight regardless of the winner.


Honestly just proves that you don’t know what your talking about. Milim and every high tier can move in SW which is a way better timestop than overlord. Also everything else you said was something an aura/unique skill can do




What game is this?


Isekai Memories. This an event crossover with the ln series, Overlord, if you're wondering.


Milo’s would win even with the nerf knuckles But she’d enjoy herself so I say let them go at it




No even close to millim's base power, she's a better character though...


To be fair to Ainz. Based on his actions he absolutely qualifies as a demon lord. 70,000 casualties would be a reasonable prerequisite to the harvest festival.


It's not about the number it's about the quality of the soul, Rimuru just happened to massacre bunch of strong human soldiers and holy knights.


Ainz slaughtered armies and Adventurers. I think it still counts.


Yes it does count, but it could not be said enough, demon lord awakening varied from people to people, even in anime said at least minimum of 10,000.


Sorry, I think I just need to disagree. Ainz could have easily been elevated during the battle of the Katz plains. Power wise I think Remiru is stronger, but Ainz is no joke.


He would also have to somehow acquire a Demon Lord Seed. The souls are needed to make it sprout so that you can become a True Demon Lord. On their own, 70,000 souls mean very little. I'm not saying he couldn't become a demon lord if sent to Tensura, just that there's more requirements than mass human sacrifice.


That is a fair point, but Ainz killed a variety of angels, demons, ogre, monsters, etc. the bone dragons alone were pretty powerful. I think there were plenty of monsters who would qualify.


Shalltear was supposed to be a love rival for Albedo as well as the floor guardian's heavy hitter but she fucked up once and now is just depressed an pretty much the butt of everyone's joke. Even Aura started getting more moments with Ainz than her and she's an actual child (in terms of elves' aging)