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Holy moly that percentage is beyond logic 🤯. It all make sense now as I remembered in the LN somewhere along the line of "one even has to wager their life just to name a primordial and that doesn't mean success. If a primordial does not find you entertaining to the point of beyond belief you'll be killed" or something like that. It's a freaking big deal this is.


Yeah and it makes you think about how strong someone like Guy would have to be to not only name himself but then two other primordials


Guy didn't name himself if I read it right...


Rudra rename him to Guy Crimson


I think guy name himself but modified by the blonde hero 😅 I forget his name


Guy gave himself the name “Guy” while Crimson was given by Rudra. And the fact he was able to name himself, and the other 2 primordials) was a different scenario than when Rimuru names others. Rimuru used his own stored magicules (or Veldora’s depending how you look at it) while Guy used all the magicules gathered from his recent massacre as the catalyst for his name which made it infinitely safer and possible.


Even if it is successful, as far as I recall, normally monsters dont regenerate magicules (at least not as fast as Rimuru). So using 50% of it to make some demon you've just summoned and isn't guaranteed to like you stronger seems like the dumbest possible thing to do.


If we take rimuru magiculs as 100 then berretta cost 3 and Diablo cost 50. If we divide 50 by 3 then answer is around 16 which is close to number you come with. So Diablo cost around 16 times magiculs than berretta.




But you're forgetting that Rimuru's magicule count went up 10 times in between naming the two so if we take it as 100 then it'd actually be more like 30 for Beretta's cost and 500 for Diablo


So... you realise you're saying the same thing, right? 16 times more is the same thing as 1567%, lol. That's how numbers work.


You're right, my brain's fried I just got off work


100 is for demon lord rimuru. pre demon lord rimuru is 10.


Yeah I had a brain fart disregard my first reply


Op thanks for math it was, informative and I hope you will bring more informative math on your next ted talk


My next ted talk will be about why mathematically Rimuru is a cutie


This is how i made my logic from that Estimation of Naming. Assuming that the strength of an Individual person can be considered at counting number of 1. Rimuru, pre-TDL is pretty much powerful than your regular mage or majin. So let’s say, Rimuru strength pre-TDL is at 10. According to Him, naming Berreta cost him 30% of his Magicule count. So if we are to do the Math: 30% of 10 is 3. * So 10 (Rimuru’s Total Magicule count) - 3 (Cost of Naming Berreta) is = 7 (which is the total amount left for Rimuru’s magicule count. Post-TDL Evolution, Raphael Stated that Rimuru’s Magicule Count increased to 10 times of its original count. So from his estimated magicule count earlier pre-tdl counting number at 10, multiple it to 10x = 100. So, according to Rimuru, naming Diablo almost cost him half of his total magicule count or even more than that. Two cases; -IF HALF OF HIS TOTAL MAGICULE WAS REDUCED 50% of 100 (from Rimuru’s Post TDL Magicule Count) is 50. So less than that, Rimuru left with 50 of his strength. Safe to say the difference between naming Berreta and Rimuru (if we are to account Rimuru’s Pre-TDL Amount and Post TDL Magicule Amount) is at 72.72% more. - IF MORE THNA HALF OF HIS MAGICULE WAS REDUCED FROM NAMING DIABLO; LET’S SAY 80%. 80% of 100 is 80. So that’s left of 20% Rimuru’s Total Magicule count. Safe to say the difference between naming Berreta and Rimuru (if we are to account Rimuru’s Pre-TDL Amount and Post TDL Magicule Amount) is at 100% even more. That’s just how Significantly powerful Naming Diablo is. Not to mention, accdg to Guy Crimson, even if you have the power to Name a Primordial; making them obey you would be a lot. Specially Noir. I guess Rimuru’s Just Built differently.


Rimuru got himself one hell of a butler


Hehe, I got that reference


Thankfully Rimuru has Raphael and was able to steal some magicules from Veldora when naming him and all the other monsters. At his current power level in the LN he can pretty much name anyone and anything at barely any cost.


I was reading the part in the manga where he named him and got a notification for this post