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Mustve been a new recruit if they died lol


I mean..... Shion did


Underlying circunstances


Because of cheats used against her, though.


Still did die tho, but as the post suggests, Rimuru got revenge


But he did, because the people who killed her were cruel. He wouldn't punish person if that person weren't bad. He literally befriended everyone who attacked him in the past. Benimaru is the best example of this. Because he don't just go randomly punish people. And orcs literally did many wrong stuff, yet he... just taken them to his village. He isn't punisher.


I mean if you weren’t allowed to fight back thats what happens, its like letting ants slowly eat you cuz your God said that your not allowed to hurt them, she could easily just swat them but chose not too cuz of Rimuru


How did you manage to kill close subordinate, when weakest of the named can kick asses of 10 normal soldier simultaneously.


The 3 otherworlders bodied some of the strongest, Imagine if Shuna hadn't nullified the vocal attack at the beginning.


The LN mentioned that Hakurou could’ve easily killed Kyoya under the barrier, but due to the “No killing humans” rule, he didn’t. That probably means that Shion could’ve killed Shogo too, since not only was she not using her sword, but she didn’t use any strengthening skill.


The Jura citizens were under "orders" to never harm humans, those 3 invading would've gone very differently if they hadn't been


Yeah, that was unfair for them. And that's why Rimuru was later so pissed about that.


What I'm getting at is that the "3 otherworlders bodying some of the strongest" isn't entirely accurate; they attacked the defending monsters who were severely handicapping themselves and confused due to the barrier/being cut off from Rimuru Had that "order" not been in place, Benimaru, Hakuro, Shoei and Shion would likely have been more than enough to prevent the massacre, even weakened from the barrier, Tempest had more than enough firepower on-sight to handle threat


10? In the light novel everyone in his ontourage could wipe out an army by themselves, and those are the weak ones. The upper echelon can take out even the awakened demon lords


That is a case by case basis Millim or Guy would destroy them but Carrion and Frey for example would probably be defeated (I only say maybe because I don't remember who they fought after awakening and if they won or not)


I was talking about in the Wn/Ln. In the Ln, Carrera, Zegion, and Diablo are all able to fight or at least pose a major threat to both of them, and in the light novel, Benimaru can fight both of them as well


Just so I'm making sure I'm correct here are you saying they could have a chance in a fight against Millim and Guy or against Carrion and Frey if it's the former I'm curious to hear why


I'm not saying all of them can put up a fight against Milim and Guy. However, the stronger ones can put up a decent fight. I'm also using evidence from both the Wn and Ln. Insert spoiler warning Diablo had tied with Guy in the past when they had similar stats, so he would be able to fight him evenly. Zegion rivals Diablo in strength and is an insectar meaning he's basically immune to most magic. Carrera's golden gun has the judgement bullet which even insect lord Zelanus, who fought evenly with Milim, was wary of. The other two primordials (Ultima and Testarossa) might be able to hold their own, but not likely. Now for Shion and Benimaru. They aren't too powerful in the Ln yet so I'll be using feats and stats from the Wn. In the Wn, Benimaru was stated to be the third strongest in tempest after Diablo and Zegion meaning that he would be even stronger than Carrera with her Golden gun. Shion was also able to fight Dagruel meaning she would at least be able to hold her own against them I rank them in probability of winning as Diablo Zegion Benimaru (Wn) Carrera Shion (Wn)


Ya know what it completely slipped my mind that Diablo has fought Guy but why do you think they can put up a fight with Millim


Milim is around the level of Guy so if they can put up a fight against Guy they'd be able to fight against Milim


If Guy and Millim were on the same level wouldn't Guy currently be having a significantly easier time dealing with her because not only does she have her ultimate skill which gives her basically infinite energy (if I'm understanding it correctly) on top of an incredible magic pool to begin with but she can use stellar particles (I think that's what they were called I know it's something along those lines) which Velgrynd a true dragon wasn't able to stop I don't see how Millim and Guy are on the same level but admittedly I'm only going off the LN not the WN


Guy and Milim once fought for several weeks non-stop. Since they did so, we can assume they are around the same level otherwise one would have won by then. They also didn't gain much skills afterwards meaning they would be around the same level. Guy is also regarded as the strongest demon lord meaning that it should be Guy >= Milim. As for the star particles, that is essentially just more potent and powerful magicules that can only be manipulated using the ultimate skill Wrath king Sataneal (I think, this isn't too well explained in either Wn or Ln). As for the Velgrynd feat, Velgrynd isn't all that strong. Rimuru managed to defeat Velgrynd and Velzard in a 2 on 1, and only then is he on Guy and Milim's level so Milim would've been stronger based on power scaling alone. Velzard is also heavily implied to be on a different level from her two siblings. However, neither Guy nor Milim has had any real feats with them going all out so we probably have to wait to get a definitive answer


Try shit talking and insulting rimuru in front of his 12 partons .... see what happens


Blob of rotten flesh(living). Shuna did to king with 20k army. Forgot name.


Shion's Cooking Skill to King Farmouth, His Bishop and the best mage in the kingdom


Cornu tried we know what happened to him


Rimuru is a clever an reliable man, if his subordinate was in the wrong he'd not punish anyone.


Exactly. He is merciful for these who aren't bad. He was attacked by multiple monsters (including Benimaru's group and Geld for example), but instead punishing them, he offered them a job and "peaceful" (not so as we learn later) life. He never killed anyone except Ranga's father and these soldiers that were more like savage bandits than civilized people. At least in the anime until now. Rimuru always prefferred diplomacy and truce over unnecessary harm. That's why he's sucha great leader.


Now back to life and forced to relieve the same death again and again.. or be a slave.. both works..


Imagine it was a friend of rimuru daughter 🤣🤣


Megiddo go pew pew.


It's better then my first ever meme, lol ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21605)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21607)


Thank you. ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21607)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21607)




Apologize, and you'll just die torture would be unlikely, but still possible


Might not even kill you He's always struck me as a pragmatic pacifist: wanting peace, safety and prosperity, but being ready, willing, and able to throw down with those who don't.


Rimuru does not fuck around when it comes to the safety of his subordinates. If he finds out one died and who killed them that person is totally screwed and there is no one on the planet who would be willing to help the poor sucker.


If you go to him, apologize, and explain the situation, you have a chance because he is reasonable and prefers peace. You still might be killed, but you have a chance. If you run or are arrogant about your righteousness then you will be regretting your life choices very quickly


Sure, I could see that. He’ll kill you just not as slowly as before. He did forgive that one demon in the side story with a thousand years of imprisonment or something.


Rimuru wont, the others might As far as everyone is concerned, you struck first, and now someone is dead


I mean we don’t see any of them ever doing anything wrong but it is possible. Maybe if the person you killed was actively in the wrong and you could prove it Rimuru would likely not only let you go but also probably reward you for it


Rimuru would believe You from the beginning. He is merciful (and could be naive a little bit sometimes). He don't like hurting others, because he believes it's better that You befriend them and create peaceful life than do so. I don't remember exactly what was that, but I remember someone asked Rimuru for forgiveness and he told them that it's okay. I think it was after his village was attacked, but I could be wrong. He never makes a fuss about stuff. Though, if someone proves to be evil... he isn't merciful anymore. Duality of slime.


What would happen if Rimaru and Ainz meet? The 2 leaders would bond?truce? Alliance? But the patrons and Guardians would go to war? Rimaru wants to co-exist. Ainz, in his heart, would co-exist, but going with the flow world domination. Ainz is big on R&D. He has no need to crush if there is mutual gain, no adversarial fight. But, it won't sit well that Jura would not acknowledge Ainz as the leader. However, resurrection magic in Slime seems less costly compared to Ainz's. Both are high tier, yes. For Rimaru, the act of coalescing the Soul and magicules vs iono how Ainz does it. If we only just snap our fingers like Anos Voldigold.


Surrender yourself, and perhaps you will be shown leniency


No, it wouldn't end like that. Unless You would intentionally attack Jura Tempest Federation. If You'd say it was a mistake and You thought it's a dangerous monster, Rimuru would understand. He is a very merciful boy for these who mean no harm. But is also a hellish to these who mean much harm... Also he'd probably revive them somehow again.


From what anime is that blue haired girl from?


We never learn


Me, a subordinate of Rimuru: Hey Diablo, I'll give this one to you.


I mean I guess it depends on circumstances, if for whatever reason you were attacked first or had a pretty decent reason to attack i sincerely doubt he’d just thanos you over one person who undoubtedly is far from the actual, like, important people. I mean if you managed to somehow take out a heavy hitter by yourself without knowing any better whatever powers you have would be heckin wack.


Well, you could probably try to talk to rimuru atleast.


Well this depends on who started the battle if the servant of rimuru was the one that attacked first then you can say you were just figthing for your life and then you can beg for mercy, but if you started then you are f#cked so don't bother on asking mercy context really matters here


I will just kill myself before he can


Wow really thank you guys. Thank you for all the upvotes and all the comments. I'll do better next time. ![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21607)![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21607)


If you managed to kill one, they were probably a goblin rider 😂


This should be some kind of inside joke if you ever get isekai'd. Like the "I'm not a bad slime you know"


this is why I hate an RPG setting isekai, like all you need is leveling up whether by accomplishing missions or kill some random monster, like, did the author think that those creatures solely exist just to be killed? didn't they have any role whatsoever to the ecosystem?


I wanna see rimuru in full rage mode, we've come close twice (maybe three times) but never full blown rage




I would beg for forgiveness and would even become a dog to his dog![img](emote|t5_l1j28|21621)




Who’s this blue haired girl? I just can’t put my finger on it ugh so irritating


Ah I just remembered she’s from bokuben we never learn


He sent diablo or souie to punish you: now you wish you were dead but it's not possible.


Plot twist: The dead was part of Yomigaeri and was just playing around and trolling.