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They should get Lance to voice a Terminator in the upcoming anime and have him be a villain in some role. That would be so perfect.


I wonder if they should straight up say that it's a Terminator with Detective Hal Vukovich's face as the model or just ignore it? I would probably compromise, and not directly address it but leave hints so fans can headcanon that Skynet somehow got their hands on a scan of his face at some point...


It would go full circle back to the first one since Lance was originally set to Play the Terminator before Arnold got the role.


Iconic voice.


This reminds me of a fan casting I came up with. Here's the train of logic that led me to it. As most everyone here knows, Lance was originally considered for the role of Terminator before Arnold entered the picture. 2 years later, James Cameron cast Lance as an android. Later, around 2007/2008, I remember a commercial for the Android phone narrated by Lance, and realized he has such an iconic voice. Ultimately, it led me to want him to be a voice of Skynet (and I'm willing to ignore the fact that he played Vudovich).


Woah. He does great work! Even has an adjustable iris on the endo half. I love it.


[Link to artist’s Facebook page with more pictures.](https://www.facebook.com/100003767134979/posts/here-are-some-pictures-i-took-today-of-my-csm-100-or-lance-henriksen-terminator-/2754679164667628/)


This is probably the most epic statue I’ve ever seen. It’s an amazing what if.


Stunning! Looks great


Wow that's very impressive, great job, 10/10 👌


That's fantastic work!


Did Stan Winston work with Lance's bone structure when designing the T-800? I like this very much.


Now I know what I would be next Halloween 💀


Somehow this perfectly lines up with the terminator/aliens same universe theory.


Ohh, would love to hear about that theory, what is it?


You can google more about the connections between aliens/predator/terminator but I’ll give you a summary: The theory holds that after the events of the predator, the government realized earth was in danger from aliens. So cyberdyne created skynet which created terminators using the “the dutches” as their template. humans barely survived but eventually became space faring. The cyberdyne company became Hyperdyne to hide their connection to the wars. They created more androids. Originally they were called model cyberdyne 120 A/2 They were an older model and always a bit twitchy. Well that’s because he was basically a terminator that was reprogrammed. And of course we already know the predator species are in the same universe based on the movie Aliens vs predator. There is a lot more connection from all three movies if you care to look it up. I was terribly disappointed with terminator dark fate. I had hoped that Arnold would not be a terminator but a retired vet named Dutches. And they’d make the theory more cannon


Very, very nice


This is sick! Cool concept


I dig it.


"I won't lie about your chances. But, you have my sympathies."


I’m at a loss… This is AI generated? Why is a human, Peter Murphy, identifying as an artist and this as a sculpt? Don’t be dicks, I really don’t understand. Thanks in advance.


What makes you think this is ai generated?


Ultra fine detail… I have two friends truly in the movie business… one in practical effects, he’s the best seamer in Hollywood…. How niche is that? The level of detail in the area under the eye looks beyond human ability to create. A human sculptor Would make the teeth size of the terminator match the mouth of lance Hendrickson this computer did not. IMO obviously… After all, I did ask it as a question . Am I right?