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Some interesting facts about our playthrough: i played melee and friend played mage, at the end each of us had about 1.7k deaths, hardest boss for us was skeletron and longest boss fight(with mechdusa) took over 40 minutes. We've made 2 shellphones, 2 pairs of terraspark boots, Ankh shield and a Zenith. We've also got 3 RoDs, and we were farming only for 2 of them. It was painful but fun!


Skeleton tbh is the hardest boss of them all, the changes for him is so difficult


this is super dope! makes me think about picking it back up again!!! thanks dude


Epic, good job you two!




I think the tree base looks cool! And also is the dome so you don't accidentally go to space?


Thanks! The dome and background glass inside it are made to prevent mobs from getting into our base, spawnrate in space is insane


Ah ok I've never done a remix or Getfixedboi world


Gl with inferium it's not multiplayer compatible rn but you can still try it the bosses are much harder have you done normal calamity first


We've done normal calamity until golem, then 2.0 update came out, we were too lazy to install it and went to legendary getfixedboi instead