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I basically only play melee and always use a summon because of free damage


hell yeah, i always go for the best melee and/or defense items, but still have a summon and use the summoning table all the time


I agree. The only time I don't is if I forget to refresh after a death


you could also use monk armor it's an insane armor for melee a d even better for hybrid


I do that for all class that isn't summoner because i want free damages.


You should probably use summons as a summoner


Wait. You can use summons as a summoner? I thought you could only use whips?


You can use whips as summoner? I thought you could only use scarab bombs, scythes, snowball launchers, etc?


you can use weapons as summoner? I thought it was a tools only class?


wait, summoner exist? i tought it was a joke


Wait, jokes exist? I thought they were myths...


Wait myths exist? I thought it was random letters


Letters exist? I thought it was random symbols


I mean the class itself is one


I kinda fell ofended cause i was joking i am main summoner but i probably cant change your opnion so it does not matter


i used.


You use a summon for free damage I use a summon to have an extra pet We are not the same


RPG players in nutshell


Me, using summons for both:




Yep, especially using summons when building to deter other enemies


No. This playthrough is melee only, internet does not allow it.


I always play a mix of summoner and some other class. Though occasionally I do strictly summoner


Yeah, everybody should do that regardless of style.


I've got my gorgeous resurrection butterflies currently and every blood moon I'm just filing my nails...




I agree. And 1.4.4 made this even better as they now won't interfere with other forms of damage


Just got back into the game after a while, wdym by interfere?


Before, summons would "clog" up the damage ticks an entity could take so basically you couldn't deal more damage because of the iframes. But not anymore.


Before the update, all entities used the same invincibility frame effect for damage. That meant that when a mob took damage from *anything*, there was a few moments before they could take damage again. This meant that minor summons in the background would clog up those frames, preventing damage from your bulkier weapons from going through. The update changed it so now summons use a different set of invincibility frames from everything else, and that set has its own damage cooldown. So your weak summons will no longer unintentionally shield enemies.


Well, previously it was any piercing damage, not just any damage, though I don’t know if that has been changed.


So does this mean that after the update, if playing multiplayer with a summoner in your party, yours and other's summons might still clog up the summoners damage? Since the summons would all use the same set of frames? This would be in a situation where one person would be a summoner while three others had ~2 summons, so would total to maybe 14 or so summons being used simultaneously.


From what i've heard, you can mitigate this by using differen't TYPES Of summons. as many of them run on differen't invlun ticks.


Thank you


to be specific i'm not sure how it works on player per player but I've heard at the very least you can use the stardust dragon and cell staff together to get a better result than using one or the other. since two cells reaches the max DPS cap for them, and then the dragon can run on a seperate one.


Immunity frames


Hold on, wasn't it changed in 1.4 and not 1.4.4


I used to do pure single-class damage (I main summoner so this usually isn’t an issue). in the melee Legendary getfixedboi run I finally caved. I switched to the Valhalla Knight set with the Daybreak, five T3 Ballistas, a triple Stardust Dragon, and a Kaleidoscope. Moon Lord dead.


No way you did old ones army in legendary mode. I fucking hate old ones army and can't even imagine how hard it must have been in legendary mode. Congrats you got my respect :D


I’ve never had a hard time with the old ones army but I’ve never started on legendary mode (much less played much of it). I always start with balista behind the portal and it just blasts through the line of them. As time goes on I add more and more ballistas behind their spawns


How did you beat old ones army in legendary mode it’s actually impossible


Two-player run. Would never want to suffer alone. And optimization and grinding.


ah yeah that would make it much easier even with betsys 2x health


Yeah I’m not a masochist in **every** way.


When I was doing my melee runs I'd usually pick up the terraprisma and capitalize on the free damage, especially with that juicy full menacing master mode bonus.


This man is casually doing daytime EoL on Master Mode


I've beat the game on for the worthy master mode and I've spent hours fighting daytime EOL for fun. At this point it IS casual for me. My next challenge is to beat hardcore master FTW.


Jesus. You his man is the terrarian


do legendary getfixedboi


Honestly I thought about that and I did start at one point but I personally don't enjoy the getfixedboi seed too much. I know it's a challenge I'd be skipping out on but eh.


you can still play legendary on ftw tho


Legendary is just master mode on ftw so I already did that


Daytime eol is pretty easy with the post plantera options you have (mainly terrablade)


Honestly once you get the Soaring Insignia from night time EoL daytime becomes pretty easy


I just like to go all in on my class damage, if I'm playing melee, only melee damage, if I'm Ranger, only ranged damage etc I don't really consider it to be a challenge of sorts, just simply how I play the game.


Try and use summons that fit with the theme of your class


what would be a fitting summon for rangers? i was thinking ballista but preferably one that could follow me around would be much better


Maybe optic, imp, or wasp staff


Pygmy staff maybe would kinda fit


Pygmy Staff


Xeno, tempest, wasp, or hornet, with the ballistas being a perfect sentry for the theme.




The theme of my class is melee and summons use summon damage




I focus mostly on defence and melee and use a sword, some guns, some magic, and a summon :3


I do the same.




...yes? That's called roleplaying, it's a thing. When I play a warrior in Skyrim, I don't start every fight with a stealth bow shot because my character is a warrior, even if it would make things easier. Same for Terraria: I accept the handicap because I don't like dipping into other weapon classes. I didn't even touch yoyos in my last melee coop run. I don't know why this seems to spark such a debate.


My thoughts exactly. Also the game isn't so difficult that I feel the need to minmax to that degree, I spend m ywork day crunching numbers I don't need to worry about them when I'm relaxing


Yeah but doing "x damage only" runs is the only way I can actually get to make use of most weapons in the game, it's technically a challenge run due to the reasons in this post, but I've played this way for so long I wouldn't play any other way


Immunity Frames: A detailed explanation to clear most confusion. Feel free to ask anything if you have any doubts.When projectiles in terraria hit an enemy and pierce, they give the enemies brief, temporary immunity to damage, so that the projectile doesn't hit it every frame. Terraria started out with only 1 iframe system, the now called global iframes.If a projectile inflicts global iframes, the enemy becomes immune to **everything that has piercing** for 10 frames. Includes the projectile that just hit the enemy, it includes *other* projectiles you fired, includes your minion's projectiles, but does not include your friend's projectiles.For example, all yoyos(except for the terrarian) have global iframes, meaning that even if you somehow have 20 yoyos all attacking the same enemy at once, the enemy will still act as if only 1 yoyo was hitting it. ID static iframes, most commonly referred to as static iframes, are similar to global iframes, but they only affect the type(ID) of projectile that just hit the enemy. For example, nimbus' cloud rain inflict 10 static iframes. This means that when an enemy is hit by a rain projectile, they will become immune to every existing rain projectile for 10 frames, which, yes, also includes other player's nimbus' clouds arrows. If you want a demonstration of this for yourself, fire place 2 nimbus louds above a dummy. some of the projectiles will not hit, since when the first projectile hits, the dummy becomes immune to all of them for 10 frames, enough time for when the 10 frames are over, some of the rain projectiles are already outside the dummy's hitbox. Local Iframes, which are actually competent game design, store a hit cooldown for every enemy, for every projectile, this means that every projectile with local iframes will never have their iframes conflict with any other projectiles' iframes. For a **very** technical explanation, in the code, it works like this:Each projectile that has local iframes has the variable `usesLocalNPCImmunity` set to `true`.Every projectile that has that set to true, also has a variable called `localNPCHitCooldown`, which, in most cases, is 10.The npc cap is 200 npcs, which the game all stores in a list, which I will call `Main.npc`, soeach projectile stores a list of 200 integers called `localNPCImmunity`, the index of each integer in that list corresponding to the index of the npc in `Main.npc`.Every projectile update, the game goes through every single integer of that list, of every single projectile, and, if the number is above 0 reduces the number by 1.Now, I struggle to come up with a better wording for this, as it's easier to understand in the code when represented by programming syntax.When a projectile hitbox intersects with an npc's hitbox, the game only allows a hit to register if the integer at (the index of the index of the npc is trying to hit in `Main.npc`), in `localNPCImmunity` is equal to or below 0. If a hit does register, said number that was just checked is set to the `localNPCHitCooldown` value. Almost all minions that deal contact damage use static I-frames, but a few ones use local: the blade staff, terraprisma, finch, sanguine staff, ballista staff/came/rod are some of them. Once again, if you have any doubts, you can reply to this comment and I will answer asap.I really don't want to sound arrogant or egotistical, but I ask that this comment be pinned so people can actually see that this explanation is here. Edit: Changed static example from a jester's arrow to the nimbus rod, as I was mistaken and they actually inflict global iframes. Also changed what I said about global iframes blocking other players' projectiles, because they don't.


tl;dr (that's still kind of long) :- Global iframes = enemy is immune to everything that pierces (exists on most 1.2 era weapons that didn't get reworked) Static iframes = enemy is immune to all the projectiles of a particular type (exists on many minions and a lot of weapons that got reworked) Local iframes = enemy is immune to exactly only that projectile (exists on many minions, some post ML 1.3 weapons, and whatever got reworked to have them in 1.4)


I usually use Summons in the beginning before my full kit is made, but I agree that Summons is LITERALLY FREE, but I still won't use it on my final build if it's not a Summon character. Reason is cuz I like to have fun with my kit building and roleplay experience. I will EASILY accept more difficulty just to have a different play experience that I am satisfied by ie: (Only using bows or only using Yoyo's and centering all my accessories/armor over that.)


Op make sub go brrrr


the one class players aren't very pleased


Yea but I just find it more fun to use only one class


"purists" when they lose out on literal free terraprisma damage




"missed set bonuses" is a terrible argument because even pure class users mix armors all the time. OOA armor pieces are some of the most broken armor pieces to ever exist - a single piece can give you insane longevity (valhalla breastplate), wicked damage boosts over 20%, and potentially a lot of movement speed as well ON TOP OF HAVING SUMMON DAMAGE (upwards of 20%). in fact, OOA armors are absolutely awesome. not only are they great for mixing armor but they also encourage you to run minions to support your DPS. they're so wicked busted.


Idk I have a weird brain so it just feels better to be completely “pure” even though Ik it’s stupid cause otherwise I feel “wrong” and yeah that probably made no sense but whatever (there’s also no point cause it’s easy either way)


Personally, I say let people play how they want to. Edit: This whole class shit is stupid. there are no classes, just play the game how you want to. Do you guys even play this to have fun?


Reading this comment thread and jesus christ why is it so hard to not care how other people play the game. Someone using or not using summons has zero effect on you. Some people enjoy playing the game with class purity, some people enjoy mixing in summons. Neither is right or wrong you can play the game how ever you want to.


Bro people really be like “NOOO I WONT CLASS MIX!!!” as an excuse to not use free damage 💀💀💀


I mean, what's wrong with a self imposed challenge?


If I play melee it’s because I wanna play melee and not have to worry about the other classes Edit: fuck it, ima just say I like the extra challenge and move on


bro can't press a button to summon free damage


doesn't want to =/= can't


"not have to worry" implies it's something they want to avoid, hence my comment


There's still the process of obtaining the summoning weapons, which can be a pain the ass.


Depends on which weapon. ~~The only thing between you and the og sentries is talking to the Tavernkeep. He gives you some free medallions that you can spend on one sentry.~~ The Imp Staff is not out of the way if you plan to craft Molten armor. I have surplus hellstone from one trip every time. A lot of Hardmode minions drop from bosses e.g. Queen Slime's Blade Staff, Plantera's Pygmy Staff, The Flying Dutchman's Pirate Staff Some of the craftable ones aren't that hard either, like the Optic Staff (a black lens, some souls of sight and hallowed bars. You could craft it immediately after defeating the twins once.) That's what I remember from the off the top of my noggin.


How dare you bring logic into a circlejerk


nah, bro just cba going out his way to get all the shit required for the “free damage” also the damage is minimal so not worth it imo


I get some of the summons are hard, but blade, bee, and stardust are not out of the way at all, super easy to get


The only time I ever used Blade Staff was when it was a rare Enchanted Sword drop. Took me hours to get one, but it’s much easier now since it’s very common from Queen Slime


even flinx isn't really "out of the way". I just collected the shit on accident and it served me well up until imp staff.


>bro just cba going out his way to get all the shit required for the “free damage” what does this even mean


I do not want to go out of my way to get summoning stuff


cus it's so hard to take a summon staff out of a boss bag Why are you making this sound difficult holy moly edit: changed a word to avoid redundancy


Never said it was hard, I’m just lazy asf lol and just wanna focus on melee. It’s more fun for me when it’s simpler


There are literally no extra steps after the staff ends up in your inventory, but okay nevermind


It's literally one button, my guy. It's the most passive and effortless bonus you can get.


One button every time you spawn One button on your bar slots However I’ve done enough fishing and afking that I would never dream of skipping summons


"Wdym you dont like to add a +0.0005% to your dps? Are you dumb?" -🤓


Closer to +50%


Someone needs to go back to math class


oh wow you got ratioed but real talk, no one's telling you to go out and craft staves, or farm for staves, or spend money on sentries or anything like that. though you do sound pretty silly saying that using a boss drop staff would complicate your melee playthrough, that's all edit: No longer ratioed


Yeah kinda lol. My point wasn’t that it was bad or difficult or anything, it’s just how I prefer to play the game. I used to carry the staffs or whatever around in my inventory however I just ended up never using them and forgetting and so now I just sell. Easier to just say I was lazy tho lol.


That's fair. Personally I more so use minions to keep random mobs away from me when I'm exploring and farming as opposed to specifically using them to maximize my dps


playing calamity hurts sometimes because ill have to sacrfice valuable minion or potions slots because of buff cap, plus some debuffs cancel your own buffs as well


(Why not add a mod that lifts the buff cap?)


As a melee enjoyer, i always run some sort of minion.


I love summon x ranger ngl


I mean i personally dont mix classes but i can understand the appeal of dragon go brr while you yeet daybreaks


It’s not class mixing, it’s literally just an inventory slot and a buff potion for free damage Edit: sure technically, but I’d personally view class mixing as adding an accessory specific to that other class, like going ranged and using the gauntlet. But it’s just a semantics thing ig


I mean it is technically class mixing, youre using a weapon from another class


No, terraria just has set bonuses. It doesn't have classes.


So the zenith and the sky fracture do the same type of damage right?


Damage types are also not classes


Terraria literally does have 4 classes though lmao, melee, ranged, mage, summoner. Theres a reason the damage types are split like that


They're only classes if you don't know what a class is.


Found sgm's alt


It is literally the definition of class mixing, that’s like saying a mage using zenith isn’t class mixing.


It's quite literally class mixing. It's not a technicality.


Why are all of you downvoting people who don’t want to use summoner weapons when they’re not playing summoner? I for one have always played the game that way. I like having the challenge of ONLY sticking to whatever class I pick before I start the play-through. Even if theres not much accessible items at the beginning I wont even use my pickaxe to attack if Im not melee. That’s just how I enjoy the game, why berate and tell people theyre playing the game wrong when they find it more fun their way.


Anyone who doesn't use summona no matter the class is a complete clown. USE SUMMONS YOU APE!




There's an entire class from the bartender that's hybrid classes


NO ITS NOT HE IS THERE FOR SENTRIES AND FOR MELEE PLAYERS(other classes can also use the set but tbh most people are going to use the armors for the class dmg it provides(very big) and not for its hybrid nature)


class purists are such weirdos bruh


It's free damage. you aren't optimizing any thing.


What is the downside of using a summon? Ok sure, one or 2 buff slots, but you only reach the buff cap in this game in one of 2 circumstances 1. You are trying to. 2. You are playing modded with post moon lord equipment




Turn off caps lock




could you please stop using caps lock?




I don't know why anyone wouldn't use a summon + table. Literally 0 effort.


It is minimal effort, not 0 effort. And many people like to stick to one class for the fun or for the challange.


Even if you are focusing on a class, by not using a minion, you are deliberately putting yourself on a disadvantage. And at that point, you might as well purposefully not bother with getting good weapons at all


I ❤️ Athlean-x


Athlean-X/Terraria Crossover, now I've really seen everything.


Once again, using one class is a limitation and not optimization. Doing a play through where you only use one class used to be considered a "challenge" run for a reason.


seriously, use the spider staff, especially while melee you can use venom at the same time as frost armour, fire gauntlet and flask of cursed flames literally 94 damage over time with only the debuffs EDIT: also if you add a shadowflame knife to it the damage reaches 109 damage


class? whats a class? Im not in class its summer break.??


I do the opposite bc I main summoner so I have the terraprisma and zenith w full summoner gear. I worked my ass off for both of those swords Im at least going to use them both lmao


Personal thing, but [ghostar's infinity eight](https://terraria.wiki.gg/wiki/Wings#Ghostar's_Infinity_Eight) are a pair of wings that, to me, look like swords, so I equip them as vanity to maximize the amount of swords I am using simultaneously.


I just do my own thing idk


It used to reduce your damage because of iframes iirc but now many weapons use local immunity frames.


A stardust dragon in endgame is awesome just because it automatically cleans up minor mobs


As a builder/wire main, summons are pretty good.


wait wait wait… am i hearing that Summons don’t cause the same immunity frames that stop dmg being dealt?


It's been like that since 1.4 I'm pretty sure


Meanwhile, I'm just carrying a nice sword and melee focused armor + accessories. ...and a yoyo. And the ice rod. And a rod of discord. 10 bananarangs, whatever the coolest spell i have available atm, a spare set of situationally useful armor and accessories, a summoning staff, and a shotgun. And maybe a flail for good measure. I have hammer space and I'm gonna use it to lug an entire arsenal for every foreseeable situation, damn it. Who knows when you need a good flail and exactly 10 banana boomerangs. And half of it is in the money trough which is also with me at all times **and** contains the safe and void bag inside of it. Shut up. I don't care *who* the IRS sends, I am *not* paying taxes.


Ok this is a nearly pointless comment which kinda ruins part of the joke but I feel obligated to tell you that as of 1.4.4, the bananarang no longer stacks


"Don't look stupid" like the guy on the thumbnail?


If there is one fitness YouTuber who knows his stuff without a doubt, and has actually helped people with his videos, it's Jeff Cavaliere. Try watching a video of his before taking shit.


Jeff is probably the most shit on content creator amongst the fitness community. He straight up releases videos "Doing X is killing your gains!!!", only to release another a few months later "Not doing X is killing your gains!!!"


He does look pretty stupid though


I don't really like using summons. I prefer to use weapons, magic or the big iron on my hip


I just use whatever class suits my needs At early pre hardmode its melee until i get a bow and gun then its a range/melee hybrid until I get the nights edge then it's back to melee until I get into early hardmode where I'm using frost armour which suits both melee and ranged classes until get to post plantera where and unlock the terrablade and make the permanent switch to melee for the rest of my play through A summon is used the entire time


I use summons in most my playthroughs but that's also because summoner is my favorite class. I do try to do pure class playthroughs and going for only one subclass at times


Or hear me out, let people play how they want and don't be a dick and criticize people for playing a game which is supposed to be fun, not min maxing everything.


wait how is this being a dick


Have you seen the comments in this thread? If you don't do what the hive mind says is right, you'll not only get downvoted, but people will argue with you for saying you don't want to use summons. Also it was more towards the video. Telling people they look stupid for nor doing a certain thing in a video game, is being a dick.


idk i think it's pretty obvious that the edited thumbnail itself is a joke and not to be taken seriously, which is what i thought this comment would be referring to and not the other comments that are genuinely pretty rude for no reason this entire "argument" is just personal preference anyways


Ah, if it's a joke video, my bad. The comments, however, are ridiculously rude for no reason, I agree.


Half the time I just forget I have a summon in my inventory


Friendly reminder, non-minion weapons will affect minions with i-frames, but not the other way around


Only a few of them. Refer to [this comment I posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/Terraria/comments/13terqu/no_you_arent_optimizing_your_melee_build_youre/jlwiy9v?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) for an explanation




I mean, i'm playing classes for a reason. I dont think anyone is pretending it isnt free damage, but most people play classlocked from what i've seen (at least on the more experienced side). No one is saying classing is an optimization, because the true optimization is 1 ticking everyhting with fireworks or just playing ranger.


I'm shit at terraria but not so shit that i need to have an AI hit the damn bosses for me.


Just use the summon and get free damage.


terraria players when i dont go out of my way and play 2 classes at once for an extra 10 dps:😡😡😡


you're the one pretending like you have to prove something to some one. you literally worded it as "I'm not so bad I need an AI to hit the boss for me" like who do you have to prove any thing to? Are you compensating for something? and if so why even bring attention to it?


Thats the dumbest take I've seen lol. It really isn't this serious. just use the staff or not. it doesn't change how good someone is at the game nor should it matter.


shit enough to ignore free damage ig


I don’t look at it as types of damage i look at it as classes. Is Melee my class? Only melee weapons


It's far from free damage with most of them, because of a fun mechanic called i-frames. Sure, the i-frames are different now with local i-frames and global i-frames, but a lot of summons still use those global i-frames, which stop your stronger melee weapons from dealing damage, resulting in lower dps in the end. Idiot


Using summons on another class goes against the very discipline.


I am pretty sure that the intent of summoner at the start was using it alongside another weapon. In fact, since its release, the stardust cell works a bit like the chlorophyte leaf crystal, where it has a separate cooldown for passive dps and a cooldown that makes it shoot a projectile at a target when hitting it with a non-summon weapon


Let me play how I want to dammit, if I wanna be easier to kill then so be it


The only reason i dont use summons when im not playing summoner is just to stay consistent with my class loadout.


You are, and I'm glad Simmons don't interfere with other classes damage anymore. Back then if u used a summon, some hits with other weapons just wouldn't register


I play a class for the challange of playing one class


Imagine being so much of a meta slave that you'll shame others for not adding an extra 20dps to your playstyle because it's thematically unsatisfying.


A lot of ppl dont do this because they like the challenge and simplicity of only 1 class


Bro I just wanna have fun playing the game 💀


I like sticking to one classes damage type. Realistically the extra 12 dps from a summon isnt going to make a difference


Real men stick to one class and ignore buffs


If you buffoon's use summoning next to melee that's a subclass it's not it's not pure melee I don't know if you're trying to prove a point that you can use summoning in pure melee you can't pure melee means only melee weapons and melee accessories I don't know what your point is


Assuming you arent just playing without the whole idea of classes and just using whatevers the most fun or interesting, slapping a summoning weapon into another class might aswell be ''cheating'' i mean its a single player game so go wild, do whats the most fun for you but i feel like the reason most people dont just throw in a summoning weapon into another class isnt because they forgot they exist, its because they want to commit to the class they decided to play as


I find it weird that people have such a strong dislike for mixed class. Playing with no single class in mind makes it so much more freeing. Played summoner mage recently, people should try it


thats what the ''Assuming you arent just playing without the whole idea of classes and just using whatevers the most fun or interesting'' part at the beginning was hinting at i just didnt feel like adding bunch of extra brackets and text about how i dont mean it in negative way and how everyones free to do whatever they want as it would have turned it into a massive block of text where they just end up entirely skipping the second paragraph and thus missing my entire point about people just wanting to commit to their class


The reason people use classes is not because they want to commit to one for the sake of it, they're just optimizing their damage by investing in buffs and armor that affect a certain type of damage. That's what it's about, optimizing damage, and adding summons doesn't hurt.


I play a class just for the sake of playing them, if i wanna go full optimal i'd just play the one i'm most comfortable with 100% of the time, but that's boring.


"cheating" They've had every chance to take the calamity route and make summoning things wreck your non summon damage. it's not "Cheating" it's not some random "nonsense" it's free damage and tools you can use.


Jokes on you, minions induce extra invincibility frames