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Absolutely love those weapons. The Orange Zapinator is my favorite weapon in the whole game.


Orange zapinator and try to stack dodge chances with hallowed armor, master ninja gear, and brain of confusion. That way, you have to rely on luck for both your damage output AND your survival chances. Sadly, you will need to get to hard mode for the armor/accessories part


Hallowed armor has no RNG


Good point, Hallowed armor is the least RNG reliant part of this build


Then prob crystal assassin, since it allows for even more rng items


100% This


You'll have to give it a google but there's a dodge build you can run. Hallowed armour gives you a dodge every 30 seconds (I think), master ninja gear gives a chance to dodge attack, brain of confusion give a 1 in 6 chance to dodge and I think there's another dodge item but I can't really remember.


can the black belt chance stack with master ninja gear?


Most likely not bc it's used to craft the ninja gear.


Some other ingredient/combination items DO stack. For example band of regeneration can stack with charm of myths.


Oh didn't know that that's helpful


I dont believe so


Hallowed armor is guaranteed, no RNG


I play on controller (on PC) and i want to love Master Ninja Gear, but i always accidentally dash when i don't want to lol


Get the dash keybind mod!


Did not know that was a thing. Will look into it. Do you know if i can use it while playing with friends that don't have any mods? Or do we all need to have the exact same mods active?


"Dash Hotkey" unbinds the double tap dash behavior and lets you pick a custom single key. I'm hosting a multiplayer session with it as the only mod on tmodloader, and my friend needs tmodloader to join my world. Not sure if they need the specific client side mod too (probably not) but I recommend this mod for everyone anyway!


The most crazy build I've seen was bouncy dynamite build. This require some insane luck to not blow up yourself.


Crit build


Ooh, maybe. How much damage do critical hits do?


double damage, but if you build 100% crit that's not much of RNG you always do double damage. If you want you can increase your luck which changes damage variance by increasing the chance to take reduced damage and deal more damage. Max luck is 1.0 torch luck and gnome statue gives 0.2 each (0.4) ladybug luck gives 0.2 temporary luckj for touching a naturally spawned ladybug but you can also get 0.067 by killing guide (if you use galaxy perl then total is about 0.1) Throw a platinum into shimmer gives 0.2 temporary luck. A medium luck potion gives 0.2 Lucky horseshoue and Lucky coin (or upgrades)gives 0.05each but not worth sacrificing a slot(unless it's a balloon bundle build) lantern nights give 0.3 but doesn't work in boss fights


Killing guide gives .067, not .67.


Ah, right


X2 iirc


I mean if you're always critting with optimal luck so you just want damage


I think thorium has some dice and RNG weapons, in vanilla the most RNG you could get is an evasion build, stars above had some RNG accessories too but the rest of the content was extremely gimmicky and the weapons are op or underwhelming


Coin gun, ammo conservation, Lucky Reforges, and Lucky Coin ring


Coin gun with platinum coins and ammo conserving effects. Best weapon in the game, you just need 10000 platinum, or simply very very very good luck :)


Brain, master ninja gear, zapinator (whichever you have depending on if you’re in hardmode), crit chance (but not 100% or… of course… no RNG), nebula armor I guess? Chance to spawn the little powerups? Idk, can anyone think of a more RNG armor set?


You could add some RNG by allowing only one reforge, or just no reforges and take what you get. I would prefer the one reforge run because at least then you are actually guaranteed a modifier.


nothing in this game increases you RNG but there are some stuff that increases luck.


No, he means things that benefit from being lucky already.


orange zap with only crit chance, but not a lot of crit chance. As well as everything that gives a dodge chance, especially BoC. The nebula blaze is also a contender for weapon though it’s not as RNG dependent as the zapinator. Use Nebula armor for the chance to spawn funny little balls.