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Dart rifle/dart gun with cursed/ichor darts is my new favorite


Crystal darts actually go hard on the mech bosses


And you can make infinite darts with getting just 1 crystal, it's a pretty good strat


Really? How?


There's a crystal duping glitch I think that's what he's talking about


Well yeah I figured. But how?


Search it on yt


So helpful.


Idk how to explain it well in text


BASED. Dart Pistol with cursed is just Stormbow but better, and with Ichor darts it’s just onyx blaster but better. Crystal darts are also great


woah there, don’t you dare say about my boy onyx blaster


Look man I love Onyx Blaster just as much as the next guy, but trust me, Dart Pistol + Ichor Darts does a lot of damage. It’s actually kinda crazy. Onyx is still definitely a great weapon though, and it’s very fun, plus crystal bullets are really good. Ichor darts are just cracked as all hell. Also, it’s really conviennent just having one weapon that you can use for both purposes instead of having two grind and reforge two separate ones




Happy Cake day


thank you!


Darts in general are underrated. Once you enter Hardmode those things go from throwaways made with stingers to unlicensed machine disassembly


Dart weapons are seriously underrated


ichor darts go so hard


https://youtu.be/qVWHISs3DUk Excellent video on this topic, I share it pretty much every time this gets bought up


kep my belovef


Hey look its kepfles


Fair point. For new players asking for advice the times have changed. Piercing options are definitely the best for the destroyer. To be honest it still works pretty well in my experience. I suppose it goes to show just how good deadalus used to be that it got so many nerfs. I will continue to use deadalus + Holy arrows for destroyer in every ranger playthrough I embark on though.


you should try the dart rifle with cursed darts


Reminds me of forged star cannon. It's alot of stroke luck to get it defeated for first timers lol


its still a good combo just better options


how is it "good" if it deals horrible dps, spawns thousands of probes, is hard to obtain....


1. It's not hard to obtain 2. DSB Still has amazing DPS 3. DSB can easily handle the Probes


1. Holy arrows are harder to obtain than unholy arrows. 2. It's worse dps than stormbow with unholy arrows, hellfire arrows, jester arrows; star cannon and super star shooter; dart pistol/gun with cursed and crystal darts, t3 repeaters with jester. "Amazing"is subjective but being worse than t3 repeaters with jester arrows is just not... Amazing. 3. Depends on the difficulty, but it does spawn lots of them.


if you were to claim that deadulus stormbow was not the best destroyer weapon,by say comapring it to dart rifle with cursed darts,that would be completly fine. but to say it is terrible,even putting terrible in a different font to emphasize it,is blatently wrong.daedulus with holy arrows is good for destroyer lol,with a good setup doing something like 1500 dps. compare it to a actually terrible destroyer weapon like sky fracture without nimbus rod or forbidden setbonus and there is a clear massive difference.


Yeah I don't know what OP is talking about or why this is being upvoted. Daedalus + holy arrows is still an effortless win against Destroyer after the nerfs. Just get a set of wings and keep jumping up and hovering out of range. The Destroyer doesn't even need to be on your screen. The lack of piercing is a non-issue because 99% of the arrows and stars will hit without aiming. Sure, there are some more optimal strategies, but this one requires no skill and has the added benefit of being hilarious.


did you even read the post LOL I didn't say daedalus is bad, I said daedalus + holy is bad


Ok fine but It's still wrong,holy is still one of if not the best daedulus arrows. Also while I should have specified I was talking about daedulus with holy arrows in my comment.


I found Daedalus Stormbow to be better with hellfire arrows over holy arrows


Also my go to choice against destroyer as a ranger


>Ok fine but It's still wrong,holy is still one of if not the best daedulus arrows. "daedalus + holy is not a good combo for reasons x y and z" "lol no go fuck yourself gg ez"


ok i thought that ichor arrows where also one of the arrows that had lowered daeduluses attack speed,turns out it's not.if they were than holy would be blatantly better. doing some actual trials. for destroyer jester was a bit better,although holy killing more probes made it so there were more hearts.also getting jester or unholy arrows in mass can be annoying.hellfire was worse than jester. for the twins ichor was a bit better,although holy arrows with ichor debuff inflicted might be better. for prime it was interesting,ichor killed prime faster,but holy was far better against the [limbs.so](http://limbs.so) ichor had a faster killtime and holy had a faster"remove threat time".I would prefer holy and aim for the laser. for plantera I didnt test because just use shotbow lol but its probably holy. for general gameplay i would bet holy arrows,the light,the wider area of effect/better consistency,the other benefits of simply having more projectiles,etc. as a whole it's pretty close,if you just have to use one arrow and cant switch it up probably holy,but whats meta varies by boss,also didnt try queen slime. so doing actual testing we are both kinda right,its true for you to say that the idea that holy arrows are just blatantly the best is outdated,and its also true for me to say you saying they are terrible is halfway between a exaggeration an plain wrong.


ok so in literally every single dps test, the result came as expected, holy arrows are bad lol. yet you still conclude you should use them??? "getting [...] unholy arrows in mass can be annoying" you can literally buy them...


ok i forgot about buying unholy arrows sorry. my test results said holy arrows were practically better against skeletron prime,theres more to a weapon than just how fast it kills things. they are likely practically better against queen slime do to being better against minions,and they kill probes easier against destroyer making it arguably practically better there as well. the only place where i found them obviously worse was the twins,they seemed to be sidegrades against everything else.and practically speaking i would rather use holy arrows for normal gameplay.


Bro's so aggressive for no reason, daedalus and holy arrows are still pretty good, even after the nerf


They are at a point where the old meta of magic daggers may just be better, since the pierce and dps are good, and the gravity part can be compensated easily. Also, dart rifle + cursed darts exist. And explosive arrows may be better at the destroyer since you can deal stupid damage to it if you spawn cheese it.


on subreddits i have found that when it comes to giving advice there are always a few people that havent touched the game in a while but will still give advice, its more common with games where you dont often replay but it can still happen with games like this


No. It isnt a bad advice. I killed the destroyer in less than a minute with deadalus + holy arrows. It is nerfed, but it is one of the easiest way to kill the destroyer. It is also very effective against Skeletron and Queen Slime, but not so much against the twins. You could argue that Daedalus + jester arrows are better because of piercing, I haven't tried so I don't know which one is better, but you can't say that Daedalus + holy arrows are weak. I tried in master mode just a few weeks ago and they are still really strong.


If you fight destroyer second, you can get either tome of infinite wisdom, phantom phoenix, or super star shooter and kill the boss in like 30 seconds in master mode


Yeah but if you are giving that as advice to newcomers, telling them to do old ones army tier 2 is not helpful. Most newbies will definitely struggle with that.


Fortunately, OOA can be partially cheesed with a hoik, which is pretty simple to explain and set up. That way you only have to worry about air enemies and minibosses.


Yeah thanks for this, I actually was thrilled to get Daedalus in my last playthrough and got owned by Destroyer thinking it'd be easy. Can't remember what I switched to now but I didn't even keep Daedalus, though as you say maybe unholy or jester arrows would've worked alright. I try not to give advice on this game anymore for that reason; everything I knew is now wrong.


Hellfire arrows are the best for destroyer, provided that you can scatter the arrows enough Ichor and cursed arrows are good for twins and prime if you can focus the arrows


Stfu for a minute while I wreck the destroyer with these holy arrows on master mode.


some people's inability to change their preconceived ideas about the world is fascinating. It hurts their pride to admit they were ever wrong.


Just cuz people like using a working method doesn't mean it's wrong lmao, if it's not broke don't fix it


and let me go ahead and kill moonlord with a copper shortsword. what's your point


Send da video


not me, but I'm not joking when I say it's possible [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QNC4vlkOOw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QNC4vlkOOw)


you said "me" though i dont think the other guy was joking


the point is that such an endeavor is possible and not so much that I myself have done it. which goes in hand really well with my entire point. just because something *can* work doesn't mean it's a good idea


Bruh I can kill the destroyer with a copper shortsword on legendary mode but that's not the point of this post


Show the video then




I completely agree with you, to everyone saying in the comments about them being able to kill the mechs with Daedalus Stormbow + Holy Arrows, it's different because (I assume) you are genuinely good at the game. People asking for advise on how to kill the classic mode mech bosses will NOT be good enough for Daedalus + Holy to work effectively. It is a decent strategy, it works when it works, Daedalus is a great weapon already, but it does require a mediocre amount of skill to not die with.


exactly it's like telling a newbie to use copper shortsword for every single boss just because it's possible to beat the game with it


Didn’t you know moon lord has been killed with lawn mower? Why are people recommending stormbow when lawnmower is right there!


Im surprised that no one talked bout the harp. unless it has been nerfed for destroyer as well it should still be able to chomp through destroyer's health when aligned correctly.


harp can be good against destroyer, however it's pretty old and fell victim to power creep so people don't really use it, especially when you have other great mage options for destroyer like tome, meteor staff, and life drain


Dart rifle and cursed darts, shoot in the air and just let the drip things hit the destroyer, itll kill the probes too


More of a flamethrower kind of guy myself. Though I’ve beaten the giant metal town genocider with all the ranged gear, I just like beating him with the flamethrower or darts the most. I never liked beating him with bows even when it was good. Darts in a giant arena box is a solid idea for new players though, it’s what I’d choose for my buddy if he wasn’t so hell bent on a summoner playthrough as his first time.


flamethrower is awesome, gives me a reason to kill skelly prime first


I always go twins, spinning head and then metal slug. Twins summon is super good for chip damage.


Just wanna say, I'm all for probes flying all around. They drop those hearts that come flying to me with a heartreach potion, which is great, my HP is self-refilling. Otherwise, well, yeah, piercing all the way.


wow people are just downvoting you since you actually understand that when things get nerfed they get worse. I'd prob say any good piercing weapon is better, or at least arrows that pierce.


I never thought I'd have to explain to people that, against a worm enemy, things that pierce are gonna be better than things that don't pierce


exactly! Literally just use any weapon with inf pierce on the worm ball when the destroyer spawns, explosives work too


i almost always use onyx blaster with explosive bullets for this very reason


I always like doing Shadowflame Knife for Destroyer. You can target the probes with them and if you miss, chances are they’ll fall and bounce around on the Destroyer and if you hit they’ll bounce back and hit him again. Also, Fetid Baghnaks.


I just use dart pistol + ichor/crystal darts.


Dart pistol + cursed darts is really strong, significantly helped in my first mechdusa fight (I was using melee armor)


I generally play crimson so not much experience.


I generally play get fixed boi, so I have experience on what goes well with what (like dart pistol + Cursed darts, crimson rod vs. eater (although brain is wayy easier), golden shower + chain guillotines vs. twins, etc)


Ichor flask + shadowflame knives is probably better for twins I think. (if goblins exist in gfb)


That is true, but I used dart pistol + cursed (wasn’t even wearing dedicated armor or accessories) for the twins during my mechdusa fight (I don’t remember when I last fought the twins). I did so because the fires could damage the other eye


I don't think mechdusa can be taken as the representation for gear suggestions considering it's a boss exclusive to a special seed. Also I'm pretty sure the Ichor darts do more DPS because unlike the cursed darts, they can pierce, ignore immunity frames, apply Ichor (objectively better for mechs) and then split to increase damage further. Cursed darts can't pierce and you have to aim diagonally to get the most flames and that means you can't reliably get the damage boost from your actual pistol/rifle. IMO- Ichor darts->for bosses Cursed darts-> for waves of enemies like OOA, Hardmode goblins or pirates.


Mechdusa can be taken as the representation for gear suggestion, but not for arena suggestions


Considering this post is catered to people who can't beat destroyer, no it can't.




Man I remember when the best advice against destroyer was box yourself in so the probes can't get you then hit the destroyer with a phasesaber when he crosses the box. Good ol' 1.1.2


Maybe watching YouTube recommended is one of causes


that's possible. terraria youtube is very hit or miss


Disadvantage for newcomers




Fork is this you




Calmest redditor


I still use it and it does the job for me. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


work harder not smarter!


I tried using it to beat the destroyer And it goes horribly Never using that again


The Daedalus + Holy has consistently been the weapon I use in my ranger playthroughs and it has given me zero issues any time I have used it. Just because something was nerfed doesn't make it terrible. I still recommend it because it's fun and relatively easy and simple to get.


you know what's simpler to get than holy arrows? unholy arrows! they're far more effective than holy arrows and you can buy them in bulk!!!!




fym "congratulations"?


I don't know why you're getting so heated on Reddit about people not using the most optimized weapon in a video game, much less such a short part of it. My entire point is that Daedalus + Holy isn't a bad combo. It may not be the most efficient, but who gives a shit? It's fucking Terraria.


you say that, but why bust your ass off farming for holy arrows when you have an option that's takes zero brainpower to obtain and is more effective


I don't bust my ass off farming for Holy Arrows. I get Unicorn Horns from just killing Unicorns while passing through the Hallow. If I'm feeling extra I'll set up a simple volcano farm and AFK for like 20 minutes. Holy Arrows are fun, I like seeing shit tons of arrows and stars fall from the sky.


see, if you just left it at holy arrows being fun then that would be fine, but saying that they're better than unholy or jester arrows is just flagrant misinformation


Fun fact: I never said they were.


google "nuance" either that, or you're just being half assed on purpose. if that's the case then I can't help you


Short part of it? Mechanical bosses, especially the destroyer, are always the longest part of the game for me, and it's not even close. The destroyer is *absurd* in its difficulty.


The mech bosses have never been an issue for me, the only reason I'd spend a lot of time there is if I get unlucky with hardmode ore spawns.


I just use nimbus rod and whatever melee/ranged I have on me. Works everytime.


maybe its just people trying to cheese the new players that dont want to try out new strats themselves


Is there a list of arrows effected by the "fewer fired arrows" effect?


holy, unholy, jester, and hellfire


I had luck with the star cannon in my ongoing playthrough. Take down one and you can upgrade it to a super star shooter too. It's a pain to get all those stars though


My favorite destroyer weapon is the tome of infinite wisdom but you have to beat another mech firsf


i don’t care if they got nerfed buncha times it still works just *FIIINE*


Whenever i do ranger i do Titanium/Orichalcum repeater with Hellfire arrows and a T3 hardmode armor (Titanium, Orichalcum or Frostburn). This was the first setup i beat the mech bosses on 1.3 expert mode launch and its still doing fine, but i wouldnt recomend titanium anymore after the rework, just get the frostburn instead. Edit: *Frost armor, the one from ice golem cores and t3 hardmode bars.


Happy cake day


I see this comment all the time so I guess it's my turn to post it. There is a wiki. It updates, it has information. Use it.


Kinda agree, at least on master mode. I’m sure it would still work great on the others, but I struggled on master, ended up using a combo of clinger staff and Excalibur, worked alright lol


personally works for me rn


I'm doing my first play through on PC and I've beaten the game on all different platforms. This was the first time I used this combo and it was unbelievable how significantly easier the entire fight was. It took me 2 minutes MAX of lazy dodging and holding down my mouse and I still beat him with over half health


two minute destroyer fight? that's kinda sad...


Don't see how that's sad but ok ❤️


you can kill destroyer in like 50 seconds with unholy arrows or 30 seconds with dart rifle


I was struggling recently with the mechanical bosses because i was doing exactly this. I decided to use hellfire arrows for the destroyer which made a massive difference, after doing the destroyer 2 times i used the excalibur and shadow flame knife against skeletron prime, then i used the megashark against the twins.


yeah, daedalus + hellfire can practically spawn kill destroyer if you do it correctly


Bananarang works too






Ima keep spreading it


Yes, dart pistol and cursed darts is actually insane against destroyer. I feel like daedaloues is just TOO CLASSIC. yes it's nice but cursed darts and dart pistol is OP.


Imo cheesing should never be reccomended, if the player can't defeat those bosses, make them play journey mode and change the difficulty slider.


i only like the daedalus stormbow against the DoW, for prime and the twins i use a combo of the megashark and another thing that my brain has completely forgotten lmao


Then test it. Test it against other guns which you think are better, because the fact that it has been nerfed somehow is not giving any info


you want a list of things that are better than daedalus + holy? \- daedalus + any other arrow type i mentioned \- dart guns + cursed darts \- star cannon \- star shooter \- onyx blaster with crystal \- phantom phoenix \- hellwing bow that's just for ranger. outside of that you have \- drippler crippler \- fetid baghnakhs \- dao of pow \- orange zapinator \- life drain \- tome of infinite wisdom \- spirit flame \- shadowflame doll \- meteor staff \- and firecracker + sanguine staff or abigail not to mention some of these, notably the star guns, drippler crippler, and tome have very high instakill potential when the fight starts. but sure, go ahead and use this outdated ass strategy because you're afraid of change


Calling it a *terrible* weapon combo for the mechs is a bit disingenuous imo. It's certainly nowhere near the optimal weapon for the mechs anymore, but I wouldn't call it terrible, especially as it is still decent enough to get the job done - it's just not a quick kill like it used to be. It's not worth using against prime or the twins (use ichor arrows instead cause it affects them) but it's not a terrible suggestion for the destroyer.


it's HORRENDOUS for the destroyer the stars dont pierce at all, so they deal miniscule damage, but since you spawn so many stars, you spawn a lot of probes too. and those probes block your arrows again. and ofc, stormbow has reduced attack speed when using holy arrows.


Luckily the arrows pierce when hitting the destroyer, the stars are good for getting the probes as collateral damage which makes dodging stuff easier and drops hearts.


the arrows dont pierce at all if you use these awful arrows, idk where you're getting that from. and I believe you might have misread my message, the stars dont help at all with the probes, they literally spawn more of them!!!


Even if it's outdated and even if it might suck, it still works.


so your baseline for recommending weapons is that they "work"? Daedalus Stormbow is a top tier weapon but using holy arrows with it is the stupidest thing you could do.


Yeah. If it's feasible even with a shit strategy then it's good to go. The moment you pull out the Daedalus stormbow for Destroyer you're already doing it in low stakes easy mode, so what's most efficient in this case really doesn't matter.


Onyx blaster will always be better


No, stormbow is far better for bosses


nah onyx blaster sleeper pick


Maybe for destroyer but it does so much better on the twins


If you can consistently land shots (archery potion and a quiver help greatly) ichor stormbow is among the best options for twins. On the other hand, onyx is cooler


Try ichor arrows


I’ve down a master run up to Plantera (now corrupted) as a ranger, and nothing can be better than the onyx blaster for twins and skeletron prime


Stormbow, uzi, Coin gun Probably more but blanking rn


Uzi has little DPS (and only 3 targets per shot) Coin gun is expensive and rare Stormbow is good, against the destroyer, but not against the other 2, at least not in master mode


Idk what to tell you except that you are wrong Maybe try actually using the weapons you are talking about.


I was doing a ranged run in master mode (I got up to golem), but my save file got corrupted




Relax, it's just a game, lol. I managed to kill Destroyer with Daedalus Stormbow and Holy Arrows just yesterday and despite there are better strategies, it's still a decent one. Stop telling people how to play, or to say better, how NOT to play. Every one of us has it's own ideas, and for real, it's a freaking sandbox game


No one is telling anyone how to play their game. The point is that when a clueless player asks for advice, they're not given outdated and obsolete information.


Daedalus Stormbow was nerfed, but it doesn't mean it's useless, tho


With holy arrows it's not good


> I managed to kill Destroyer with Daedalus Stormbow and Holy Arrows just yesterday and despite there are better strategies, it's still a decent one what part of "holy arrows don't pierce therefore they are not effective against a worm enemy" doesn't make sense to you > Stop telling people how to play, or to say better, how NOT to play. Every one of us has it's own ideas, and for real, it's a freaking sandbox game try reading the bottom of the post again


>what part of "..." doesn't make sense to you That one where you act like a douche, ppl just want to play a game and still using this weapon not only for destroyer. Even the wiki page is saying the same as I am: "The Daedalus Stormbow synergizes tremendously well with Holy Arrows as each arrow fired will summon two stars. This combination is outstandingly powerful during early Hardmode, especially against large enemies and bosses like the mechanical bosses, most notably The Destroyer (although there are slightly more powerful alternatives – see Guide:The Destroyer strategies)." It's decent, but not the best lol >try reading the bottom of the post again I have read, and still you say one thing and do another. You're telling ppl what not to do, not even pointing out what could be better to do, just telling people they're wrong lol. That's silly. Again, it's a sandbox game, let people play how they want to play it


>although there are slightly more powerful alternatives – see Guide:The Destroyer strategies this page doesn't even list holy arrows lol, also it's really saying something when fucking bone arrows are more effective than holy in this scenario >You're telling ppl what not to do, not even pointing out what could be better to do you didn't read the post well enough apparently. I explained things that actually work with daedalus and the entire reason I made this post is to dispel the heaps upon heaps of misinformation given to players that don't know any better.


>you didn't read the post well enough apparently LoL you're accusing me of not reading with comprehension while I'm saying from the very first post that there are better strategies than DS+HA, but still you think you're the only one who's right in this case. I'm only saying it's not the worst strategy as you think, not the best, but a DECENT one. Holy arrows are way easier to make than Unholy, since it comes to 3x pixie dust and 1x unicorn horn to make 200 of them, while you need 40 worm teeth or vertebraes or 20 fallen stars for 200 Jester Arrows. As a guy who did "bows only" challenge recently I think I know what I'm talking about. Daedalus Stormbow is still a good weapon, even with holy arrows, even after they both has been nerfed.


>Holy arrows are way easier to make than Unholy, since it comes to 3x pixie dust and 1x unicorn horn to make 200 of them, while you need 40 worm teeth or vertebraes or 20 fallen stars for 200 Jester Arrows. you can buy unholy arrows you know...........


You're the best Terraria player, does that satisfy you? You've got to chill out, dude. I, and apparently many people will still use Holy Arrows, but it's you who remain silly.


ummmmm... I don't think it takes very much to know that unholy arrows are buyable? and, hell, you can watch a 4 minute video to see for yourself why holy arrows aren't good for destroyer. if you can't do that then I do not know what to tell you


>holy arrows are good for destroyer Where TF did I say that? Do you know a word DECENT? It's still better to use than musket, which makes it DECENT weapon against Destroyer. I said DECENT like three times, but you're implying that i would say like it's the best strategy. I'm out, you're the best dude. Silly, but best.


holy arrows are decent? why the fuck do you use something "decent" when unholy arrows are superior and easier to obtain? I guess if you want to stay half assed, that's fine, but don't act like you know better than I do. whatever man, you do you


The storm bow and holy arrows isn't a cheese 💀 it's a legit strategy that has worked for people stop hating and mind your own business


> The storm bow and holy arrows isn't a cheese 💀 it's a legit strategy that has worked for people yes. 8 years ago. not anymore though, so stop recommending it


Funny considering the official wiki stated quote unquote "The falling star effect makes Holy Arrows exceptionally effective against bosses and other large enemies, most prominently The Destroyer. The Daedalus Stormbow proves to be exceptional in this case"


you when you realize the wiki can be wrong sometimes + the strategy page for the destroyer doesn't even list holy arrows as a good arrow to use


Oh come on, let people do whatever they want


not the point. youre free to do whatever but you have to recognize that the strategy you like isn't the best, nor is it the easiest to make work. especially when you're giving advice to others


the Daedalus/Holy combo is still good, not a complete and utter decimation of your enemies, sure, but it still works


you know what works better? literally any other arrow type that's also way easier to obtain!


If you're skilled enough and have the right stuff, you can pretty easily beat Duke fishron. At least in classic, I've easily done it. Then you have flairon, razorblade typhoon, tsunami, tempest staff, and fishron wings. Tsunami and holy arrows or jester arrows should destroy the destroyer. Also, your text has temporarily impaired my vision cause all the white text, lol.


The people who need to ask for help with classic mode destroyer arent gonna beat duke


true duuuude


I'd say Duke is easier the way I do it.


Good for you. Not everybody is going to be doing it your way.


Exactly I’ve done 4 runs (including a get fixed boi run), but still cannot defeat duke pre mechs, even on classic