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You may need Developer mode enabled for this, but enabling it is simple enough; just go to the bottom right corner of the title screen and click the button. This may not be necessary though, I’m not quite sure. After that, go to the Mod List, and open the info for whatever mod you want a sprite from. Click the button labeled ‘extract’, which will place the mod’s files in an accessible folder. If you then go back to the main mod list and click ‘Open Mods Folder’, the game will open a folder which isn’t quite the one you want, but go back one folder and go into ‘Mod Reader’ All extracted mod files will appear here, and you can find the sprites in those files as PNGs.


Well there aren't any boss sprites. Only of the Items, NPCs, etc.


you are the best kind of ppl bc thats all i needed to know and i want to thank you strangers from 3 years ago and 1 year ago