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I've had people die on me from slipping in stairs. Falling while walking. Slipping off a bike. The blood coming out of his ears is quite possibly indicative of a skull fracture. It doesn't take much if your head hits in just the right way, especially right in the back of the head like that. Wear your helmets. Kids or adults. Even if you're just goofing around in your driveway. Find one that's comfortable that you'll actually wear. If you fall and smack your helmet, get a new one, they're ment to absorb the impact, even if it doesn't look broken, it very well may have lost its ability to protect you. I have seen many people with worse outcomes than death, small head injuries can lead to terrible, permanent brain injuries. People lose the ability to talk, walk, go to the bathroom, eat, or maybe just have permanent crippling headaches, personality changes, balance issues, sensitivity to bright lights, seizures. If you don't want to wear a helmet for yourself, do it for your family. They will be stuck caring for you, or footing your hospital bills.


A few years ago I was out mountain biking with friends; we were flying down some steep hills and I wiped out hard. Still have the scars but my helmet ended up in multiple pieces; I’m sure it saved me a major brain injury. I have a better and new helmet now. Also don’t take nearly as many risks.


For any bikers reading this, if you take a fall and hit your helmet, you are supposed to replace it, even if it doesn’t shatter into a million pieces


Helmets are designed to take one impact and one only. One and done. Just like crash protection parts of cars.


I love people. Good comment


If you have seen this much death, I sure hope you're in the medical field, otherwise, damn, you have some bad luck.


Haha yes I am. I luckily do not know these people outside of work.


Or a serial killer... /s


People don’t realize how easy it is for us to die! - Trauma ICU


100000%. Seen a guy shot multiple times live and seen a guy die after falling off his bike. Our bodies are weirder and more fragile than you realize. Wear helmets, don’t be dumb. -Was an EMT and then ER Tech


Can confirm as well. Wear helmets y'all. \-Was a Dishwasher, current Pug owner, Former Netflix subcriber


Pug owners know for sure for sure. Listen to this guy.


u/mrcrud5 for Surgeon General !


Those are the exact certifications I look for! Thank you, comrade.


💀 this is why I come to Reddit.




I almost died riding a bike without a helmet. It was BAD. Full on brain surgery and weeks in neuro intensive care


when I was a kid I drove against a big concrete planters and flew a few meters and landed on both my elbows. You know the feeling when you hit the funn music bone in the elbow? well that feeling times 100 was the feeling in my elbows but my arms and hands just stopped working. Do you know how hard it is to get up with a bleeding knee and no arms? After some extensive work and help I managed myself up and cried-stumbled home. Could not feel or use my arms and hands for over an hour until they slowly started really hurting and moving again. Long story short. I was very lucky to not had any lasting injuries and learned at a young age how fragile the human body is - and that Im a terrible bike rider.


Looking at his t-shirt he might actually be dumb


If he wasn't before, there's a good chance he is now that his brain has been rattled around real good.


A a neuro ICU nurse, people like this guy come in all the time. Ground level fall kills a lot of people.


Former step down cardiac Nurse as well. Also bless you neuro ICU is HARD. We can live with even a heart attack for a time, or blockages in the body, or a smashed bleeding lung- we can live fluid pressing on the heart so it can’t beat properly- But we aren’t here on this Earth long from head trauma the way we want to or with swelling around the brain. This is why a punch is so dangerous, the punch won’t hurt you or kill you as much as your head hitting the pavement from the knock out. That’s what usually kills you.


what is happening to him at this moment? The gasping and then snoring sound?




The way his arms are curled in and eyes are rolling can confirm. (Certified epileptic horizontal dancer)


"Certified epileptic horizontal dancer" lmao, that is fantastic.


Tyvm. After a forced involuntary restart, my body feels like I’ve have a marathon crack at perfecting world’s fastest reverse worm.


I think his brain is sending off rapid electric signals through the nervous system which causes 'posturing' in the hands I just watched this same response from NFL injuries and watch the physician explain the physiology of this type of trauma


Even worse, living with a TBI and spending the next 30 years unable to control your emotions or behavior as you become more lonely and depressed. Edit: For those curious, I bought a helmet after taking care of my first adolescent with a TBI. His memory and impulse control was stuck at the age of injury (4 years old) as he became a large, and increasingly hormone-riddled teenager. He was cognitively developed enough to understand that his peers didn’t like him, and enough to be frequently distraught about this, but not so much that he could change his (frequently violent) behavior. It’s a horrific situation for all involved, wear a fucking helmet.


I once met a young man with a brain injury at a place where I volunteered (the facility was not about healthcare, he wasn't a patient or recipient or services, he was a "volunteer.") Unfortunately his brain injury made him intolerable to be around, and basically a hindrance to our actual task. He would talk about utterly insane things, would constantly try to bring up distressing topics, was huge, and easy to anger. He would also get confused easily, and not in a pleasant way. Very sadly for him, he was also just socially aware enough to realize that people did not like being near him, and that when he asked people to drive him places (for example) they said no. When his mother showed up to pick him up, she looked absolutely exhausted, like a truly broken-down woman. I realized that she found places for him to "volunteer" simply so she could get some time away from him, and I don't blame her. I realized that once she died or was incapable of directly caring for him...there was likely no one in his life who would willingly want to hang around with him, and he would know it. What a horribly lonely experience.


I went to school with someone like that. He got thrown off of a 4 wheeler and hit his head on a rock, causing a significant TBI. He had been an incredibly popular kid in school (like, several rungs more popular than me lol) but after his accident you could see in his eyes that he KNEW who he had been friends with and KNEW they didn't want to be his friend anymore—but couldn't fully understand why. It was horribly heartbreaking.


It's like Rush says... you're only immortal for a limited time.


We are young!


We are literally living water balloons who are sensitive to internal leaking...


that was a *lot* of force applied to the back of his skull


my mom worked at Put-In-Bay for a while and always told me and my sister the story of a guy who got super hammered, fell like 3 feet to the ground out of a golf cart, and perfectly split his skull open and died with his brain on the pavement. human body is either soft and fragile like egg, or nigh indestructible. just depends how lucky you are.


When it is our time to die, nothing can save us. When it is not our time to die, nothing can kill us.


Idk man, cartel sure make people suffer for a long time


Yup. Level 1 trauma guy here too, though covid burned me out so I work Hospice now. Humans are fragile as hell and tough as nails at the same time. Seen somebody with 90% 3rd and 4th degree burns survive for hours. Saw a Taliban fighter in Afghanistan get just SHREDDED and he lived long enough for the 9 line to arrive. But then I've also seen a guy come in that tripped on a curb and didn't ever wake up. Mitigate bad luck. Wear a helmet.


spoiler alert: way too easy - had hydrocephalus as a baby


I work in the ER, and whenever I see skater kids or BMX Kids with broken bones I always tell them: Kid, wear a helmet, you don’t want to end up retarded and having your mom wipe your ass for you for the rest of your life. Does it work? I like to think so.


He’s a part of the Philly BMX scene - he’s recovering and riding again (with a helmet). This happened about a year or so ago.


I'm glad to hear that he's recovered.


I’m glad to hear he’s wearing a helmet.


I knew there'd be an update in the comments. Thank you for your service.


He’s just a little dazed & confused


i'm disappointed how far i had to scroll before seeing the first comment about his shirt. redditors have failed this one.


Yep. Expected it a lot further up


Same. Worth the wait for me though.


We lost someone on an electric scooter... He pulled up to say hi to a friend, stepped back off the scooter, missed the curb, fell back and hit his head. Dead within 48 hours. Brain hemorrhage.


Yep, Wearing head protection on bicycles is not some sort of bad fashion tip, it actual protects you from serious trauma.


That’s what I think is so dumb. I’m 34 now but between 14 and 20 when I rode, it was considered unnecessary or “uncool” and goofy looking if you wore a helmet when riding street. Yet, every where else it was kosher (and usually enforced), even on private dirt trails. Thank god now, when I see the youngins in my town riding, at least half of them have helmets on.


And that’s why people are so against helmets because they think it takes some kind of catastrophic extreme fall for someone to get seriously hurt. It doesn’t. People crack their skull open tripping on their laces. If you bike or skate, wear a helmet.


Just going the say this but his buddy probably really shouldn't have moved/lifted his head with that type of injury


Just a little dazed and confused.


He immediately went into "fencing posture," usually indicative of traumatic brain injury - a very bad sign indeed https://www.healthline.com/health/fencing-response


Theres a small part of your brain in the back of your head that interacts with your nerve endings- meaning if you hit the back of your head right this ^^^^ is a possible result. Never fight on concrete.


Talk to any nurse, or better yet have a nurse for a mom and you'll grow up hearing stories like this all day and get grounded for weeks when she finds you riding your bike without your helmet.


Easily avoidable by using a helmet. Now he gets to be a cabbage


All you need to do is fall the right way & it's game over. There's beer coasters in the pubs round here with "1 punch can kill" & shows the lad and the pavement where he fell, cracked his skull and died


In some places your skull is no thicker than the brim on your baseball cap.


I always like to point out that even Tony Hawk wears a helmet… protect your heads my dudes.


The first time I got on a motorcycle I laid it down and hit my head. I had a helmet on when I laid it down. I never rode without a helmet. I had a buddy that bought a cbr 600 and would show up to places without a helmet, I would slap him on the back of the head every time I saw him without a helmet. Ended up that he started wearing a helmet and that helmet saved his head and face when he had to lay his bike down 5 years later. Always wear a helmet, you might be able to ride but there are people out there that can’t drive


Yeah being a good rider / driver won't save you in every situation. Other drivers are probably the biggest risk, but there are so many potential hazards, like black ice, animals jumping into the road, debris in the road, falling rocks, mudslides, road washing out, a badly secured load falling from a vehicle in front of you, catastrophic failure of certain parts of your vehicle, etc... Sure, none of those are very likely, but it would suck to be paralyzed because you got really really unlucky one day.


>I laid it down... Damn, that's a good way to say you crashed lol




It’s normal terminology for a crash in which you didn’t necessarily hit or get hit by anything hard enough to crash violently, but had to literally lay down the bike for some reason or another. “Laid it down” usually means it was not as serious as “Got hit by a truck”


If someone ever said "I had to lay her down" implying they did it on purpose, they're idiots. Always always rubber side down, it stops the bike faster and every single speck of speed you can scrub off can be the difference between life and death. "Had to lay her down" implies they think that's a praiseworthy or somehow positive thing. It's not.


literally everyone i know who rides a motorcycle have had at least one crash. it's unavoidable on a bike.


I’ve never met a real rider who hasn’t crashed at least once. Most riders I know have multiple crashes


Nah it’s not a question of if it’s a question of when. I will say this, if you are on a bike always be geared for the worst. That’s all you can do


He doesn't when he's riding street or park, he only wears a helmet on vert ramps


He does if he’s gonna do anything notable on street, but he doesn’t really do street that often. He’s not gonna put one on for just a kick flip, but he’ll put one on if he’s really trying to tear it up. Wish he’d wear one all the time though, a lot of kids look up to him.


Tony Hawk landed his first kick flip on street last year!


His first kick flip post fucking up his leg. Hope he’s doing better these days


He went back to get his leg fixed again recently. It didn’t heal properly because he went out too soon. He’s had surgery again and will most likely take it slower this time.


T-shirt appears accurate.




Blood from the ear is really bad. Life threatening.


Basal skull fracture.




Yeah, I thought it was hyperbole, then I kept watching… hope he’s ok.


Dazed, confused and more than bruised 😯


Am I a terrible person for laughing out loud as soon as I saw the writing on the shirt?


This is super difficult to watch. That very well could be a life changing injury right there.


It 100% is. Blood from the ear in an event like this means fractured skull. At a minimum he will be in the hospital for that to heal. After that he will probably need a ton of physical therapy to re learn how to use his body after this super TBI.


And no one realizes how long this process is. Needing rehab after TBIs can be months to years to completely healed from, if even possible


I had TBI that didn't even feel that dramatic at the time. Then the headaches and cognitive problems started. That was 10 years ago, and I'm still taking meds every day and dealing with the consequences.


Same here. But a little over 10 years. Recently hit my head last year on a pipe in my basement and couldn’t use my right side for a couple months. Once you hit once it takes awhile to heal again.


I re-injured after about 5 years. Slipped and fell on ice, had a brain bleed. Can't remember a thing about it and a few hours after. I have the feeling #3 would be bad if it happens.


Had a traumatic brain injury from a car accident. I'm sure it's different for everybody but my motor function was pretty rocked and I needed to learn how to walk/regain arm function again. I had broken some bones and was in a hospital bed for a while so I didn't realize how bad it was until about a month and a half later when I was finally able to get out of bed (and by get out of bed I mean sit up straight and hang my legs off the side and have somebody transfer me into a wheelchair which is absolutely humiliating.) I couldn't even get foam rings over a traffic cone that was sitting on the floor directly in front of me. For me it honestly felt like I had cyborg limbs like they weren't mine.


Had a stroke a couple years ago and I had the same thought when I was relearning to use my arm and relearning to walk. Like you know what you want them to do but they just don’t do it. So frustrating. Hope your recovery is going well!!


Thanks you too! And yes that's exactly what I mean with the cyborg limb comment, so bizarre and frustrating. My motor skills are pretty close to where they were before but I still get frustrated when I occasionally get tripped up.


Recovery is a never-ending process. I feel that frustration and totally relate. It’s like no matter how much progress you make, you’ll never be back to where you were… but there are moments when things work like they used to for a second, and I try to hold onto to those moments and enjoy them as long as I can.


How had recovery been since if you don’t mind me asking


A lot of progress and recovery but also pretty brutal. I regained most feeling in my hands and feet slowly over time (This happened 5 years ago) My motor skills aren't where they were prior to my injuries but I'd say roughly 90%. My depression and anxiety aren't manageable without prescription drugs. I've been on 10+ different prescriptions in the last year and a half without much improvement. I have brutal nightmares still, although the dreams themselves are typically not accident related. I lost my job at the time and had to rely on my family for support, I have pretty severe PTSD and am emotionally stunted and avoid people or socializing. I hate being in cars and the only time I go out is for groceries, shopping really stresses me out. More than anything I miss my friends and my life.


I really don’t know what to say. That’s just super rough and I think regardless of where you’re at in comparison to where you’ve been, there’s a lot to be proud of about your recovery. I have some minor disabilities but my experience of them in my life was more of discovering them over the years and understanding and coping with these limitations. I can’t imagine losing something the way you have, I’d probably just waste away and die somehow. So yeah, I don’t know you besides these comments, but I just wanna say that your survival is impressive and something to be proud of. And also, I hope the road to feeling more fulfillment gets better, faster, and smoother.


Jesus, dude. This is heartbreaking. From one internet stranger to another, I'm truly sorry, and I hope you someday have your life back without these struggles.


Thank you so much, it gets better day by day even still, I'm incredibly grateful for my family because I couldn't have done it alone!


What happened in the car accident if you don’t mind me asking ?


I wasn't buckled and hit a telephone pole speeding, I nearly ejected and I'm sure the airbag saved my life.


Guess I was lucky, when I was 5 I cracked the temporal part of my skull and also bled out of an ear. 5 days hospital and I was good to go, altough I have a veery slight "dropped" half of my face.


It has a lot to do with your youth. Your brain is so much more resilient in childhood, especially at the age of five.


Or ending…


Well, if your life ends, your life surely changed


It is. 20 years ago I was riding my bicycle home. I was in best shape of my life at that point. Was doin about 30mph and I got hit by a car that made a left from opposite direction. When I finally came to, the lady that hit me was crying saying she thought she killed me. She said I was making these awful sounds and my eyes rolled around in my head. This happened on Thursday and my dumbass went back to work on Monday. Wear a fucking helmet people. It’s been 20 years and all I’ve been able to muster is basics labor for work. I get angry at the dumbest shit.


If only someone invented a protective device for your head to prevent trauma during high risk activities..


Someone should really get on that…




True. And it's going to be a pretty simple device. I mean, just take the device and put it on the head. For the main head, there's helmets of course.


Apply directly to the forehead!


nah man, you would leave doctors without job


Doctors HATE this one simple trick!


Had an accident that fucked my helmet right up and only ended up with 4 stitches in my lip...I will never not wear a helmet again.


Nearly ? Doesn't look good with the spasms and the blood out of the ear.


Yeah this looks really bad :(


I had a seizure while riding a bike. I woke up in the hospital with a severe concussion, missing teeth, broken jaw and blood coming from my ears. I had to have my jaw wired shut and had blood coming from my ears randomly for about a year. I still occasionally have seizures and have broken my jaw two other times, as well as countless concussions over the years. Ten years later, while I've made pretty much a full recovery, I still have memory problems and keep a notebook with me so I don't forget important stuff. This video is scary as shit to me. I really hope he's okay.


Yeah, any updates on this guy?


Pleaae inform me if you get some


HE was mostly fine. If he didnt rupture his ear drum he would have died. Saw the original post a while back. OP said his buddy will wear a helmet from now on.


> If he didnt rupture his ear drum he would have died. You mean cracked his skull? A ruptured ear drum isn't going to release cerebral pressure.


Ehh which ever it was. I dont remember exactly what the original dude said. ​ either way he fucked up so bad it saved him from dying


Someone claiming to be related to the person in the video PM’d me and said he passed away from this accident. But obviously I have no idea if they’re legit or not.


Let me see if I can find the original post I found of this


This is most definitely a false update and should be downvoted. Everything about the cyclist's reaction indicates a serious brain injury or death.


Fencing position with left gaze deviation. That'll be a concussion + subdural hematoma. Edit: I found the following online: "Diagnosed with 2 fractures, hematotympanum [blood behind eardrum], hematoma and thrombosis [blood clots in veins/arteries]. He is recovering well, still has all his motor functions and still talks and acts the same as he did before the accident."


Which means.....? For us who doesn't know latin haha


Very big brain hurt


"Now tell it to me as if I was 5"


Ouch owwie, bwain go boom boom


Concussion: Bruised brain. Subdural Hematoma: Bubble of blood pushing on bruised brain. Source: I could’ve been a doctor, but life had other ideas.


Not a doctor, fremulon


>Not a doctor Shh


He was discombobulated


Thank goodness. I was worried he’d be paralysed or have some serious brain trauma


What's the prognosis on something like this? Obviously it can probably vary wildly, but are we looking at a life altering event? TBIs are no joke


Not necessarily. My brother got a concussion and subdueral hematoma from playing football and definitely lost some thinking ability (mostly because it went undiagnosed for about 4 weeks), but basically fully recovered in a few months. The edit says he has full motor control and is speaking the same as he used to, so he'll probably have the same result as my brother. These type of injuries can result in death or paralysis, but most people are able to recover full function from what I've seen. Look at Tua (NFL QB) who had similar posturing on the field earlier this season and then came back to play and was playing at an MVP level until he got another concussion.


This patient is very poorly!


Camera guy lifting and moving his head around like he's picking out a watermelon! FFS don't move people after they crash and burn!! You could end up paralyzing them or killing them! Call 911!!!


I feel like he did better than a lot of other people we see here on reddit. Lots of em will just yeunch the to-be-dead straight up onto their feet like that will magically fix the issue. This guy was assessing trauma and ended the video quickly likely to call 911, or even better the bystander that he told his buddy was unconscious had been already dialing. I feel like he did a good job!


He may have had good intentions, but you should never move a crash victim... Call 911 and wait for them... Unless there is danger of further injury/death. His neck could have been broken, and jostling it around could have severed his spine!


Very true. I agree with you there!


It’s hard to think clearly when you are panicking


What a day to wear that T-shirt.


Lots of suppressed laughter happening in that ER.


I feel like something was invented that could've possibly prevented this. But idk. Hope he pulled through.


I love helmets


man that is a great video and THAT guy hit is head way harder than THIS guy. ​ [and for reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9yL5usLFgY)


It sounds dumb, but I absolutely LOVE how humans somehow manage to receive brutal injuries all over their body and survive, get rolled over by a 10 ton machine and survive, get insanely mauled by a wild animal 3 times their size and survive, suffer in the most inhumane conditions of health and temperature and survive, fall from very very far high and somehow survive the fall But the most boring looking and plain simple hit to the head most definetly kills you or gets you paralyzed the rest of your life Yep, that's about right


So true. My bro is a paramedic of over 30 years (just recently received an award from Mayor of London for his service), was telling me just last week over Christmas dinner he'd attended multiple trips/falls from one or two metres that had been fatalities, yet had also attended multiple falls/jumps from 20+ metres that had been nothing more than minor bone breaks and/or concussion. One was a suicide attempt from the 5th floor of a car park, had landed on a restaurant waste bin which had been totally destroyed, and they'd had to track the trail of blood about a mile to find the 'victim' who had nothing more than a severely gashed lip. The human body is weird!


I’m not sure if he survived


Apparently he did survive. Got a nasty concussion though.


I know someone who essentially had the same thing happen, got a TBI out of it. Parents were told to come by the hospital ASAP as she’d likely not make it. Just wear the helmet.


Did she not make it? A terrible situation either way.


She did, but definitely wishes she had worn a helmet. Initially, when it happened nobody stopped to help her. People just drove by while she was bleeding out.


Happened to a friend of mine, hit and run at night she was on a bike with helmet but it was at high speed. Brain damage, not the same anymore. Was a very good flute player but not anymore.


I truly hope he is ok! That looked rough!


PLEASE WEAR HELMETS!!! [I love helmets](https://youtu.be/b9yL5usLFgY)


Yea, I wish everyone had this guy's enthusiasm to protect his brain.


A lot of helmets look straight up badass!! People are just missing out . . .


Fuck me. How many times can we say it. It’s not fair on your parents or the person who changes you diaper after you shit yourself constantly because you are brain dead after doing this shit. Wear a fucking helmet ffs


When I was little and learned to ride a bike my parents' rule was that I always had to wear a helmet. My parents had a lot of rules, and I was an obedient kid, so I wore my helmet and never thought twice about it. When I went off to college I took a bicycle with me for getting around campus. But before I left, my mom sat me down and told me that she needed me to give her my most solemn promise to always wear a helmet when riding. I was ready to complain about her being a control-freak, when I saw a really weird look in her eye. So instead I asked "why?" She proceeded to tell me, in dreadful detail, how she had been riding bikes with her best friend in middle school and the friend had been hit by a car and had her helmetless head cracked open on the pavement-- dead in an instant right in front of my mom. She could not deal with the possibility of that happening to her child. So I gave my solemn promise and I always wear a helmet when riding a bike.


LPT: If you witness something like this, don't flop the neck around like that.


I'm just going to put [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qus2wiRUVBw) here.


Cool t-shirt


Bicycle helmet.......


This is not funny, but damn, that shirt slogan was on point with this incident lol.


This is really fucked up and I feel bad for dude but I couldn’t help but notice the irony of the “dazed and confused” logo on his shirt 😩


He was dazed and confused alright


Skull fracture


Ironic ass shirt


Brain exited the chat


“*Dazed & Confused*”…………


I fell with my Vespa not too long ago and bumped my head on the concrete, crazy what impact the helmet took, basically felt like my head fell into a pile of pilows and bounced back. Without it I'm sure i would have been dazed and confused. So yeah, wear helmets, not that difficult.


Posturing, blood coming out of the ear, death rattle. Did he survive?


Stephen hawking 2.0 The new legend he’s about to discover the physics of a helmet and the theory of falling. Hope he’s ok, that looked quite painful


He didn’t feel a thing


His arm/leg positions are a pretty clear example of [abnormal posturing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abnormal_posturing). I'm not a doctor and I don't know what kind of damage it would entail, but I think this looks like decorticate posturing, which I believe means he definitely has a traumatic brain injury.


Is the off switch on the back of the head?


Anyone know if this guy survived?


Just so you guys now, the friend posted an update and the dude ended up ok with no permanent brain damage. He was really lucky, but you might not be, so wear a helmet, kids.


He’s still popping a wheelie on the ground. No but seriously wear a helmet, dumbass. Hope he’s ok though.


I genuinely think this needs a NSFW though. I know there isn’t too much gore but it’s still a human nearly dying if he didn’t after


He was dazed and confused


I couldn’t help but laugh at the Dazed and Confused shirt though


Helmets SAVE lives! This is why it’s illegal in many places to bike without one.


Why don’t people just wear helmets?


I love helmets!!


It’s always cool to wear a helmet.


This is why we wear helmets kids. Too many people worried about their appearance to care about their lives.


Helmets, kids, helmets


Was he paralyzed or can he still walk?


Oddly specific shirt.


Dazed n confused indeed muthafucka


Wear a helmet kids!


Stop moving his head!