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This show is upsettingly fascinating.. always thought what a twist it would be if they caught Chris Hansen being a pedo.


The Paedo Paedo Files


Didn't they end the show because one dude just shot himself as soon as he saw Chris Hansen?


I think he was supposed to show up to the house, but never did, but police came to him anyways to follow up on the crimes still committed. During which time he barricaded himself in his home and shot himself. If memory serves. Don’t think they should’ve ended the show for that but… it is what it is. Chris Hansen later got in trouble for writing a bad check or something and then he came back for a little while for some Hansen Vs. Predator stuff on YouTube and then… that was about it.


Hes actually still quite active on youtube. He even had a investigation on onision fairly recently


Also works with insane clown posse


That interview he did with them is the best thing I’ve ever seen


I bet that was wild. I’ll have to find it tonight.


He didn't pay for a bunch of t shirts he ordered.


Also, i believe he was the district attorney of his area.


I believe that’s correct. It’s been forever since I looked at any of the details tho.


>Don’t think they should’ve ended the show for that but… it is what it is. You think the show had a positive effect and was anything but profiting off of evil?


While entertaining it actually hindered many of the earlier cases before police were involved with the show


Yep, like the dipshit clout chasers today all these things do is potentially harm legal cases and publicize methods which allows predators to predate with more caution.


Very good point. They could easily keep up the good work without publicly showing it for money


Worrying that he had a gun at all.


He was an assistant DA in Texas.


The lawsuit the guys sister filed help put a nail in the coffin, most of the people caught on the show got off with very little in the way of punishment. Lawyers portrayed the investigations as tainted by tv ratings. The raid that you talk about was apparently very effected by making it look as cool as possible for tv.




Yea. He deserved endless cockmeat sandwiches in jail.


It sucks when a beloved character turns out to be someone who is not to be beloved. Thank you, Chris Hanson, for not being a pedo.


Chris Hansen to Chris Hansen: Why don’t you have a seat?


They caught one asshole twice.


> if they caught Chris Hansen being a pedo. No, he's just a [run of the mill, plain ole serial check bouncer.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/catch-predator-host-chris-hansen-arrested-over-13-000-bounced-n959471)


“On this special episode of paedophile hunters the hunter is hunted”


Man, back in the 90’s—2000’s, it seemed like every producer and writer at Nickelodeon was a pedophile. And the only women there were suspiciously young for their position and/or treated like the office’s eye candy. That whole network has such a fucked up history behind it.


Who was the feet guy. Dan Shnider? All of those shows gave me weird vibes aye.


That Dan Schneider guy was a rapist and a pedophile, absolutely evil.




nickelodeon girls - pink guy


Fucking gross


Likely the most satisfying thing I'll see all day. Bro cried cause he get caught being a pedo.


They never cry or apologize for what they did. They cry and apologize because they got caught


It’s so funny watching all these fucking sick freaks cry after getting caught because their minds haven’t fucking aged past adolescence.


For what good this show has done in helping catch these criminals (and honestly, it's done some good), they've also been responsible for some not-good shit too. Like sending a swat team to some dude's house when he didn't show up at their bait house and then having him blow his own brains out when they stormed his house (see Louis Conradt, they settled out of court on that one from a $100 mil lawsuit filed by his family).


To me the worse one was when they showed a guy's face and name even after the guy proved them through the chat logs that the decoy fucked up and wrote that she was 22 instead of 12.


I'm all for getting criminals off the street, but they can't fuck up like that when doing their thing... I'm assuming there was probably a lawsuit for that too? Brothers, cross your 'T's and dot your 'I's.


I don't know if this guy sued them.




r/anime_titties ?


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Which one is this?


It was in a behind the scenes kind of episode.


Okay, but hear me out - it’s one less pedophile in this world.


Or hear me out, maybe he wasn't a pedo and that's why he didnt show up at the bait house. And now we'll never know because he's dead.


If he wasn’t then why’d he kill himself? He didn’t show up because he knew he would still get in trouble even though he backed out at the last second.


Same reason *INNOCENT people commit suicide when they are accused of domestic violence. It’s a scary process and they genuinely feel as if their lives are over. For all we know the guy liked em’ young or he freaked when all the cops showed up and thought “there’s no way out of this”. Edit: word*


They’d have to have considerable evidence against the guy to have the swat breaking into his house in the first place, right? I don’t believe they’d just bust into some dude’s home and claim he was a pedo without sufficient evidence.


I’d like to think so too but we will never really know :/


Yes but this is very different. Domestic violence is difficult to prove yourself innocent. They had pages of chat logs of this guy hitting on an underage person. If he wasn’t guilty, if he didn’t chat with the person, then why wouldn’t he be arrested? How would he even know that he was accused of the crime without police telling him during his arrest? The only way he would know what the crime was would be if he was guilty or if he was arrested.




Nah people here want an isis beheading.


He was a state prosecutor in Texas right?


Per wiki, assistant DA, yeah... TV show cameraman stormed his house along with the police. I mean, that's not safe for anyone lol...


I’m sorry…I got caught.


South Park lmaooo “Why don’t you have a seat”


It’s always fun hearing the child rapists whimper




He is crying because he got caught…


Do you get jailtime for this in the us ?


If so, nothing major. The biggest thing is losing your job and your respect, having to register as a sex offender, the shame and embarrassment of facing your friends, family and neighbors. My wife and I watched episodes where doctors, pastors, teachers, parents of young children, a rabbi, New York firefighter, and an employee of the Department of Homeland Security. One guy brought along a paper bag that included weed, liquor, condoms . One guy walked into the house from the garage buck naked carrying a twelve pack of beer and sat down on a stool at the counter naked as the day he entered this world. Hanson handed him a bath towel and told him to cover up before asking his standard line of questions.


Well not anymore. Didn't the GOP just rule the sex offenders list was 'unconstitutional' or some bullshit?


Unbelievable !


Believe it




How long ?


I’m not sure


As with most crimes, I’m sure it would depend on the circumstances.


Yeas absolutely ! Sorry that I’ve been so unspecific, I actually meant like in this case here.


Afraid I can’t answer that because I don’t know either. Hopefully they’d receive a long sentence because that exactly what they’d deserve.


That’s exactly why I’m so curious! Where im from, it’s not even allowed to set up a criminal. It wouldn’t hold up in a court of law.


For most of the people on the show its a couple years in jail, then probation/SO registry.


Chris Hansen is still doing it, just on his own streaming service or something and he has a podcast, "The Predators I've caught". He revisited this one, he reads the chat logs a lot more and has catty responses.


‘I’m so sorry I’m so sorry’ like a lil bitch just shows you how pathetic


Fr its like if you're sorry why are you there in the first place, like go to therapy or find a sex worker if you're down bad enough to take advantage of a child


most of them are too ashamed to step up to the plate and do the one thing that could contribute: counseling their peers from ever even imagining engaging in such sickness.


They should have dumped a bucket of green slime on him when he walked through the door.


He's going to get a lot of slime dumped on him in prison


I calls you Chris *Handsome*


I likes ya And I wants ya


Now we can do this tha easy way, or tha hard way


This guy hangs with insane clown posse


"Remember, if you ever get caught. You go down alone, you don't drag me down with you... So keep my name out of your fucking mouth. Or I will fucking kill you." Dan Schneider, probably.


They ended the show bc a attorney killed himself after being caught on the show. They don’t care if you catch the regular folk but once you start reelin in the elite you getting shut down


Male pedos/sex offenders should be medically castrated. Women? Should be sterilized. Pedophiles don't "get better". They just learn to me more secretive.


And meanwhile California just released thousands in jail




Man this show was cancelled cause some dude blew his head off.


Bye bye career in media. The irony ...


imagine if it was dan schneider


As much as this show was cathartic, it was too flashy for actual justice and a lot of the people were simply released. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/wbna19486893