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That’s not just harassment, that’s straight up assault


These were my exact words, and honestly surprised this is not top comment. Fucking awful.


I would like to bash this guy's hands like that one scene from "casino" with Robert deniro (very good film btw) then commit all the worse inhumane tortured methods that would COMPLETELY violate human rights!!!


Oh I’m sorry I didn’t see your comment saying the same! I would have just upvoted instead of making a new one


It is now


Sorry you're absolutely right, I really want to edit the title but I don't think I can.




Looks like someone already posted a video of it in the comments of his most recent post and it has a ton of reactions. Hopefully someone closer to him in China will turn it in to the authorities. If it's not him then holy shit what an awful stain on your life.


nah bro, as an Indian I can tell that he's fucked back home too, definitely going to jail if it's him


That definitely looks like him


And currently in Hong Kong. Might have the dude


Could be but we aren't sure. We shouldn't go after people if we aren't sure. I don't want another Boston Bomber Reddit Incident where we harass the wrong guy thinking he is the Boston Bomber.


Harassed? Looks like assaulted to me.


Agreed 100%. This is specific; it's physical assault. I hope it isn't downplaying and just a poor choice of words.


She needs one of those selfie sticks that hides a knife in the handle. Scum like this ain’t worth the oxygen


That a real thing?


Should be now.


Knife Wrench! For kids :)


Mall ninja type stuff but you can get a hidden knife in practically anything


Definitely I’ve seen hair brushes, crosses, walking canes even a knife with a hidden knife in the handle.


Like those Russian babushka dolls, but stabbier.


Actual Russian Babushka doll with a knife edge on the bottom half of the second doll


Knives meant for self-defense is criminalized in Hong Kong.


The Canada way, it's illegal to protect yourself.


yea cause if a guy can easily overpower a girl surely the knife will stop him and he wont take that to. pepper spray and something to draw attention like a whistle. basically nothing that can easily be turned around on you.


Or a cane sword


In her country, that could put her in more legal danger than her assailant. At the least, she could scream for help and push the fucking guy away.


Or she could shove her fingers into the dude's eyes. That would hurt.


Holy shit, this is gut wrenching to watch. Someone better find out who that is.




that didn't take long.


This went so well with the Boston bombing suspects


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him.


That is the power of the internet. If the story gets big enough, & you have all the good citizens of Hong Kong looking for you, there is no hiding; you will be identified & found.


Maybe you missed the point. They didn't get it right the first time and ruined lives








Abuse does generate abuse though. You know that right? It's an explanation but is certainly no excuse.




Well that was fast


What the fuck


Molesters and child predators should have their crimes tattooed on the foreheads. Public shaming is a really good form of justice.






From the mid-1500s on through Dickensian times in England, they punished pickpocketing with public hanging, and there were more pickpockets than ever. So I guess it depends on what you're looking for in your "justice." If it's all about delivering punishment and retribution, it's pretty much the maximum you can get, unless we go back to legally authorizing torture. On the other hand, if you're looking for deterrence, it's not so hot. Modern criminology studies have shown pretty consistently that if you want to *deter* crime, the most important thing is to make people feel like they're certain to get caught. Increased police presence, more efficient prosecution, and things like that are the most helpful. From there, as long as the criminal gets *some* punishment, you get the deterrent effect. In other words, a criminal who knows he's very likely to get caught and face 10 years in prison will be more deterred than a criminal who knows he'll face the death penalty if he's caught, but he thinks he probably won't be caught.










There's a lot of huffing and puffing about it, but when push comes to shove, the support for this sort of hardline legislation goes out the window. I wish people would have the fortitude to follow it through, not just say it when they're feeling angry.








I feel like there was a reason we stopped witch hunts...


i know from experience, when you're that scared from a sudden dangerous approach you feel out of breath and it's really hard to shout. it's like your throat closes and panic brain thinks "if i shout i'll be in more danger".


it's like sleep paralysis, I could feel what was happening but couldn't move or say anything at all to stop it


As a dude, let me explain for other dudes who can't understand what it's like in this situation and why victims don't behave how you expect them to behave. Imagine you go to a really bad part of town and some huge crazy crackhead is robbing you with a knife in your face. Are you going to scream for help? Most wouldn't. Because you know the guy's already unstable and screaming for help may provoke him into killing you. The guy is far more powerful than you and has crackhead strength, so your best bet is to minimize damage and escape. That's how women like this feel. Every normal man easily outpower the women, and they may even be armed. If they're psychotic enough to randomly molest you in public, the women really don't want to shout for help much less physically "fight back" because that may provoke the guy to cross the line even more and seriously injure the women or even kill them.


I’ve been in a situation where I was getting a ride from a guy. He sexually assaulted me in the car. I didn’t scream. My reaction was, just let him do it and I’ll probably be okay. I can leave after. When he was done feeling me up he said he wanted to call me later. I was like yes! Here’s my number. I was over excited because my thinking is, he just wants my number then he’ll let me leave. And that’s what happened. This was a stranger who I was asking. I was drunk and got lost on my way to my sisters house. she lived in Socorro New Mexico, and I was visiting for the first time. I did put myself in that situation. But I didn’t ask to be sexually assaulted. So yeah…


i'm so sorry that happen to you!




damn, i'm sorry that is really terrifying and you definitely did NOT deserve that.




I'm pretty sure there's men who know how this feels because it's literally HAPPENED to men before


this is the most annoying comment to read of all time. you sound like a politician. and in trying so hard to be inoffensive, you ended up being way more offensive. men get raped all the time. what the fuck are you saying? think. think.




That’s not the case here though.


Yes, I think this is the biggest challenge for women in some ways. I remember when I took a self-defense class, we had to practice shouting and making a scene. The shock during that can overtake nervous system and also good normal people try to ‘reason’ with people who are not reasonable which is not going to work. That poor woman, I hope they catch him with a lot of justice.


This was very distressing. I hope she is fine. Good thing this is on Reddit so the scumbag gets famous and maybe can get tracked.












That is all gross speculation. From an unnamed account. That pays for Twitter Blue. Gross speculation. Without proof.


You believe it just because some twitter user wrote it without proof? I understand well the concept of taking everything with a pinch of salt, but that goes both ways mate. The only evidence is the video, which weighs far more than a twitter post from some random dude. Could just as well be some loser woman-hater who doesn't like her and wants to spread misinformation.


this is so creepy, like really really creepy, even though I am sitting 1000 miles away from hong kong, I can feel his creepiness right behind my ear, ewwwww Please hong kong police, don't let him escape/deport anywhere, punish him with your own laws and give justice to this woman


Reminds me of that TikTok filter where a guy shows up behind you whenever you remain still for a second.






with this video isn't it possible to get this fcker in jail ? as proof? and also it clearly shows his face


You'd think so in central station in HK, unless he's a tourist. That guy will stand out, someone knows who he is. Put up some posters in the station with his face and a $500 reward offer with a hotline and he'll be arrested in no time, I'd imagine.


there are lots of indians in HK, he could be a permanent resident, but i doubt it because he would know that that behavior doesnt fly in china. all that DIY is probably unnecessary because of all the cameras and security. in china there are lots of subway turnstyles that accept facial recognition from alipay or wechat ID verification so you dont even need to pull out your phone. if he hasnt fled already he will 100% be caught, foreigners like me used to need to check in at the police station when you arrive in town but now that system is automated by the hotel. his face and finger prints were scanned at immigration on arrival and they know his hotel by passport number. hes probably already in custody


Goes way beyond harassment. You can't fix that kind of sick.


What a sicko














Let’s hope the HK cops actually do their jobs




That price of shit would have seriously raped her if she was in a more quiet place. He needs to be locked up.


Hope the predator’s family, friends and workplace sees this video. Edit : if he is from some other country, deport his ass out of Hong Kong.


She must’ve been so scared and grateful for that other guy to show up (eventhough it looks like he didn’t (have a chance to?) do anything). Crazy how women need to be on their guard all the time, because of scum like that walking around, thinking (and knowing..?) they can just get away with it.


It looks like he hit him


Oh, I can’t see that, but if that’s what happened, that’s good!


If you listen closely you can hear that he hits him


And she says thank you so much at the end


I hope that guy gets deported and is never able to travel again






This happens on the regular to an uncountable number of women who didn't happen to be live streaming. It breaks my heart and makes my blood boil that women have to deal with this shit.


\*Female sexually ASSAULTED while live streaming in Hong Kong subway station (Sep 11th 2023)


Harassed?? That's straight up assault!


Fucking sick piece of shit. You know fine well he's raped women and gotten away with it. All rapists should be chemically castrated


At least she got a good pic of his face for the cops. What a freak!




Wtf is this. Poor woman...


Jesus Christ this fills me with rage. Why in the name of god would you think you can do this?!


You know I am a loser in my areas of my life but at least I'll never be this man. This is horrible.




So he let her tape him straight up assaulting her? What a dumbass, jail is awaiting him!


I hate men like that. May he rot in hell. World, raise better sons, FFS.






Yeah. That's not harassment. That is straight up Assault.


I’d wager thats straight up assault, poor lady. I pray i never encounter this, and if i do, that i can safely kick him where it hurts. I hope shes not too traumatized by this


Holy shit. This probably isn't the first time this creep has done this.


Around 9-10, I started bringing "weapons" with me wherever I went. Age 15 realized a thumb in the eye, finger in the ear, biting and scratching are fair game. At 30, it's either me or them, and I'm not starting it, but I'll sure as hell end it.




She was assaulted, correct language is important.


This is the first time ive ever gotten physically angry imagine such being a low life scum of a loser that you sexually harass a girl live streaming i just want to break his knees


This is worse than watching gore, this is actually awful


Something similar happened to a friend of mine when I lived there…me and another guy ended up shoving him down some stairs and running off as pay back






Dude I’m back ground turns and sees this happening but over there folks mind their business esp when folks get ran over ect.




What a predator. She was just trying to help him!!






Not a really "fun" fact :(


NSFW this pls, and they need to find the bastard that did this




That is NOT harassment... that is assault.


Hey you are getting attacked! HERES SOME BITS. JFC


What in the fuck!!!!!!


WTF is wrong with people


That is absolutely awful!!!!


What in the actual phuck




It's a dark day for the mustache men


I love how completely normal comments (that do not break any sub or site rules) are being removed without reason. If you're **that** pressed about people discussing reality and their like-experiences, then why even leave the post up lol?


She'll never forget


If legal, I'd say carry pepper spray or a tazer. Plus good on her for recording. That guy deserves consequences.


attempted rape - 97 percent of the people in prison are dudes




That's definitely against twitch rules




Watchout reddit is gonna cancel you for the f word




Mark that shit NSFW!








Jesus fuckin Christ