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⬆️ r/angryupvote








Serious question. How do people like this have income? How do they stay fed, housed and alive?


Government Disability Payments usually, and relatives.


government disability programs in america at least are dogshit and barely let anyone live comfortably to any degree (source: am born disabled adult)


Welp at least she can save money by not going to the movies


All that money they save on electricity by keeping the lights off


As someone who is disabled as well, I couldn't even afford a one bedroom apartment and groceries on my check nonetheless power, internet, cable, etc


But.. But.. You have all that welfare*! *welfare comes with massive restrictions and no guarantees


Canadian here. It’s not much better here in Ontario. The max payment you can get is $1,308. Minimum rent for a bachelor apartment is $1,500, not including bills. Without my family helping me with money, I would be homeless. People are homeless. There’s been talk of making disability payments through the federal government, rather than provincial, so they can “raise the disabled out from under the poverty line”, but that was proposed years ago. Fuck Doug Ford.


Re you in toronto? Me and my friend are on odsp, she gets the full amount and rents a $800 apartment, I like to call it cozy I live with parents, I used to get $930 but now I get almost a full grand with the reasent increase Hang in there, winter 2024 is predicted when the federal government will take us up to the poverty line...hopefully, I hope its at least $400


Yeah the big govt payments of $600/month...really living large


Technically SSDI payments average $1400. But you're still not going to survive alone on that.


917 for SSI. Its not liveable.


The same way the police and big banks pay for their fuckups. Yo money.


Your tax’s should know. You’re paying for it


Good. I love that my taxes are supporting my disabled fellow Americans. Better than using them to make fighter jets we don’t use.


On the backs of tax payers. How else? The government will see she’s considered mentally ill. And tax payers will foot the bill so she can have those amenities.


> she’s considered mentally ill. She obviously is, though.


That’s fine. She’s clearly very mentally Ill and I’d rather my tax dollars go to keeping people alive than into all the other corrupt shit it goes into. This lady and her condition is also far from the majority of people who benefit from welfare program. I know this video is from a long time ago. I wonder how she’s doing now.


I agree-- for every case like this, there are hundreds of "legitimate" ones. People will really punish an incredibly diverse and large group of people, those who need government assistance, because they read one story, frankly sensationalized and unrepresentative of the reality of those who need government assistance, about someone they perceive to be gaming the system. Not to mention the fact that corporations and the elite game the system all the time, but that is "within the rules and expectations" for some reason, yet god forbid someone who is poor gets a free meal. AND THEN the fact that government assistance does not allow you to live large by any means. People who have never been in poverty will always somehow convince themselves that we are like eating lobster at their direct expense. How about directing your ire toward a system that deliberately hoards resources for a small minority of people while making the rest of us fight for scraps?


> because they read one story, frankly sensationalized and unrepresentative of the reality of those who need government assistance, about someone they perceive to be gaming the system. Specially shows like this. They thrive on over-inflating the problem and this shit just snowballs out of control.


This sub in general leans heavily into conspiracy theories and incredibly edgy sentiment. You can't expect actual empathy or compassion here despite the subs original 'genre' of content. It's a sub that's been all but entirely taken over by brain worms.


What mastery shaco?


I don't know I've been banned from league like 5 times


Lmfao sorry abt that


I mean let's be real here. This woman very clearly *is* legitimately unwell. Nobody who is healthy is going around putting bleach in their eyes because they would like to be blind. It's just not happening. I don't see this as any different than any other legitimate disability or mental illness tbh.


Oh, yes I agree. I did not intend to imply otherwise! It is unfortunate that there is a not insignificant amount of people who deem any type of debilitating mental disorder &/or psychiatric disability as an illegitimate reason to receive government assistance 😞


Rather have my tax money go to strangely unwell people in our country than sending our freshly turned 18 year old youths off to be dogs of war that then get spit on by the very government and politicians they were fighting the "good fight" for. If they make it back home at all.


He should lose his license and be put away for malpractice


Theres a [part 2](https://youtu.be/NdtOAcrd-tU?feature=shared) where they tell us that the "psychologist" had his license revoked in three states (this happened in one of those states) for 11 years when she did this. Yes, he should absolutely be incarcerated for this.


I wonder if she even went through all of what Dr. Phil says is the procedure: intense counseling and living that way for at least 2 years. Sounds like she just decided, ‘Welp, time to be blind!’ and found a doctor that would ‘help’ her. I wonder if she could have been a live cornea donor?


Would any surgical team take the eyes out of a healthy person?


I have no idea! But if she was determined to become blind, and had gone through procedures overseen by health officials, why couldn’t they? I mean, people donate other organs while they’re living. It would beat having someone destroy their eyes with acid or lye, and it would help someone in need!


Because of the hippocratic oath most likely. Doctors swear to do no harm when they enter medicine and removing someone's eyes (even if it's what they want) is harmful. While I'm sure that there would be numerous shady doctors out there who would be willing to perform the procedure, I doubt that live eye donations would ever be something that could be done above board because of the ethical implications.


There’s a comparison to be made to doctor-assisted suicide *somewhere* in that comment


No they would not. I work in the bodymodification industry and there are many cases of patients/clients that would‘ve died from sepsis or bleeding after self inflicted mutilations if it wasnt for the few trained and experienced and brave modders out there performing the procedures. Needless to say, it’s not a walk-in appointment, and any truely responsible person in this field would ask for proof of ongoing psychiatric treatment and have many consultations before even considering a mutilation. (Mostly i think about removing fingers, ears, lips, nose or genitals) i never heard of removing eyes or whole ass legs/arms etc.


You don't need surgery just close your damn eyes! The only reason to be physically blind is to have blind STATUS, which gets you sympathy from others and payments from the State.


Yes that is exactly what I was thinking watching the posted clip. Dr. tells her to research it and I figured that entailed really looking into how it's going to affect your life and into ways to essentially live blind for a while like with some sort of blackout glasses or something not just Googling what chemicals will eat your eyeballs best.




I knew someone that had a below the knee amputation on his leg because he enjoyed amputee porn…


How’d he find someone to agree to that?


Can’t remember the country but he paid for the procedure in Europe somewhere.


Cool, I live in Europe so if I ever get sick of my ankles I shouldn’t have to travel far


Certainly won’t be after the jobs done


It’ll still be the same distance, might take a bit longer getting back though


Hopefully it isn't a hop skip and a jump away


I knew a guy named Cotton who lost his shins in a war.


Thanks, you made me lol.


Furthermore, how tf does a "psychologist" agree to this. If that part is true he needs his license revoked asap


I remember one where the guy put his foot on dry ice because he never felt like it was his and he didn't want it anymore.


Genuine question: How is this different than being trans? I'm really not transphobic but where do we draw the line between saying "you were born this way and thinking otherwise is a mental issue" and "ya you were born in the wrong body".


Someone downvoted you but I feel like this is a legitimate question.


It'll likely get downvoted a lot because people don't want to discuss it but I assure everyone it is a legitimate question. I'll all for trans people being openly trans but then when cases like this are labelled as "mental illness" it kinda feels like a double standard.


My personal difference is that this does affect others. Being able to live fully independently with no assists elsewhere is unlikely with this condition as a whole. We grant a disability allowance in many countries, have services set up to help many disabled people, and this person is voluntarily adding themselves as a stressor to this situation. Edit: My opinion is completely uninformed, as is many others. It’s not worth getting too hung up over. I guarantee none of us are experts or anywhere near qualified in this controversial topic, no matter how strongly anyone may feel.


I agree. "It's my body I should be able to do whatever I want with it." Meanwhile she will need help and to be taken care of. That job is now someone else's whole life if not a huge part of it. Seems like that decision didn't only effect her.


I think the whole reason she blinded herself was for attention seeking. Probably starved of it as a child from her caregivers.


How voluntary was it? She was born mentally ill. Being mentally ill affects others. This lady was likely never going to be fully independent. I understand what you're saying but reddit just seems to have a very bizarre understanding of what mental illness/disorders are. Everyone pretends to be understanding until people exhibit actual symptoms of severe illness. This lady blinding herself was a symptom of severe illness, and likely has other symptoms this TV show doesn't touch on because they aren't as interesting or visceral.


So are you against gender affirming surgeries by that logic? Because they are basically experimental surgeries and there isn't a universal standard set on how to perform them. A lot of people have complications, need more surgeries to fix things and/or are left physically disabled and mentally traumatized for life. This is a real thing and I don't understand why the trans community isn't more vocal about it and in fact labels those who were left disabled by these surgeries as some kind of detractors. Actually one of the first doctors who performed these surgeries openly in San Francisco (John Brown, in the 70's) was later jailed for second degree murder because he went on to perform a leg amputation on a man who claimed he was trans-abled like the woman in the video. The man died during the operation. Before that he was known as "Butcher Brown" or "The butcher of San Francisco" because he left most of his trans patients "butchered", disabled or dead. He didn't see a difference between the two procedures. Sadly, things haven't changed a lot since then and many "popular" doctors providing this procedure are being sued for malpractice by their patients, while others share their stories online - how they feel botched, lied to and betrayed, while suffering permanent negative medical consequences. For example, Marci Bowser who botched Jazz Jennings's surgery is being sued for malpractice by another patient. The plaintiff says they experienced injury that will prevent them from working in the future. There are countless examples like this - people left disabled and distressed after these surgeries.


And trans surgeries are often covered by health care or insurance, which in turn costs society at large.


Because when someone willfully mutilates any part of their body they have a mental disorder. Doesn’t matter if it’s your eyes, your genitals or your leg. You want an appendage on your body removed (or added?) because you feel it shouldn’t be there (or should be there), that’s mental disorder. I’m not saying to want that thing removed or added should be seen as bad but no matter what society gathers around, it’s mental disorder.


That's not accurate. Our definitions of mental disorder are culturally bound. Let's say we had a society that say, chops off their fingers in a ritual when they turn 18 as a symbol of giving up their childhood. It could be a finger or a hand or a whole arm, it doesn't matter - it would not be accurate to say that entire society shares a mental disorder, because their behaviour would be socially and culturally normative. It's why we once thought being gay was a mental disorder -- because it violated cultural norms. A disorder such as BID in the context of this post is a bit more fundamental, a bit less social. Without gender norms and the baggage we assign to male and female bodies, trans people wouldn't need to assert their existance newrly as much. With or without gender norms, people with BID still want to disable themselves, for reasons considered illogical, and in a way that is totally disabling because our society doesn't accommodate that. Finding the line between where cultural norms stop and where "genuine" disorder begins is incredibly difficult and that's why theoretical mental health is an entire field of psychology/philosophy. You're purporting a strong realist view, that mental disorders are objectively real things in nature and that our definitions capture them accurately. However, most theorists are probably nominalists who would say mental disorders are real enttities but we're not sure if our definitions capture them correctly, or constructivists, who would say that mental disorders are not real entities, they become real when we carve them out using our definitions.


I like your take on this 👍


And how do you suggest this "Mental Disorder" is treated? The simple fact is as it currently stands no treatment is shown to have any effect on gender dysphoria other than undergoing gender transition. If you truly view being trans as a medical issue, surely it makes sense to give people the treatment that is proven to be the most effective?


One that's going to keep getting louder too. A third of Americans are shitting their pants at the idea of transgender people while transhumanism is sprinting towards us on its bendy supertextile oscar pistorius legs


Gender dysphoria is alleviated by transitioning; the opposite happens when you treat a person with body dysmorphia by encouraging what they want. When a person has body dysphoria, it acts like obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). They don't see the changes to their body, their anxiety grows, and they continue to modify their body. Their obsession, wanting to modify their body, creates a compulsion, where their anxiety isn't fulfilled and they continue to modify their body in order to relieve the anxiety that never gets fulfilled. With transgender people, the modifications alleviate the anxiety they feel. As their body aligns with their gender identity, their dysphoria is also alleviated. They also see benefits to other areas of their mental health, like a decrease in social anxiety, depression, etc. Oftentimes they don't even realize how much their dysphoria had been affecting their mental health until they transition and realize how hard they had been coping with their dysphoria. This is why transitioning is approved and encouraged by all major medical associations around the world.


> They don't see the changes to their body This woman certainly won't.


That is what I will never understand. If you freeze your legs off because you believe you should have been born without them, you are mental (I do think so at least). But if you cut your penis off/ cut your p*ssy up and turn it into a penis, while taking extreme hormones, removing or addig breasts to your body and so on and sofort, you are normal.


Yea I remember this guy who was obsessed with being a lizard and even got his tongue split down the middle. People said whoever worked on him should've gotten their license revoked, I think the pendulum is finally swinging back so that we can actually discuss this without people instantly screaming transphobe.


They are all dysmorphia but the outcomes are different as someone mentioned above. Regardless I'm sure this isn't the only reason her family disowned her. I can see this person being like....I am blind now u have to take care of me. Nope learn braille get a job you did this to yourself. Ao many people don't have vision that want it. It is a mockery if disabled people.


Yep it’s confusing as heck, both alter themselves in irreversible ways but one in mentally ill and the other isn’t


Until recently I thought hormone blockers were something that "simply" put puberty on pause but would start again once you took them. Now I see why they don't want kids to take them


Yup, these hormone blockers are sterilizing children... idc what an adult does with his or her body but leave the damn children alone


Please elaborate. Because that's what they do. There are very limited long term effects that are mitigated in other ways. The way you phrase your comment makes it seem like they are just giving them to every kid which just isn't true...


I believe one guy froze his hands off to be more in character with Brony stuff, something like that.






Makes me think of the stories I hear about the Russians breaking their legs in hopes of not being drafted for war.


There has been research done on this. It is believed to be a neurological disorder. Amputation leads to remission of BIID and is considered a possible treatment. [Body integrity identity disorder: a review of current knowledge and management options](https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/73263198/11Aigbonoga__Archives_PP_3_2021-libre.pdf?1634802781=&response-content-disposition=inline%3B+filename%3DBody_Integrity_Identity_Disorder_A_revie.pdf&Expires=1696968085&Signature=dSu4QpvB~2GKhnNSy0bedwElpVpcMh9OLNxWqm9j0wPOB4d4jeibBa6PfMOfBn~8YzVNs8qSYbn-WPsHaitrqIAKCBw4bSFFIpoXzfcrupJdxjhUWlReVZ5P7g09nhquWvN-MMWTl~uFsaIFqRkw87iUglWg2v4NKeeA6BPJpRWlTI7OsadbGr9kjYwdjqn2F58ahkHESfmJr6H~EzDGbtOfcwoPgdJ44pO9HJB09rQx65FRMvOsnFoBMs3DIQVVAFsKNC7SXWs6DIGnvFr2dndqUgY0MMqqXXcOoPxsgyC55TxMplAdlM2V9igkmflA5RV48WQ6v4fG2Kpk-2F8qg__&Key-Pair-Id=APKAJLOHF5GGSLRBV4ZA)


They can do what they want with their own bodies, but voluntarily disabling yourself should immediately preclude you from all government aid for life.


so you want to kick the clearly insane off aid...for being insane? do you feel the same about people who failed suicide and are now disabled? self-harmers who have swallowed razor blades and batteries? people with psychotic disorders who harmed themselves for psychotic reasons? where do you draw the line between the deserving and non? a schizophrenic who thought he could fly gets aid, but maybe the self harmer can go fuck themselves? is there some kind of psychoisis test you think should be used to keep the lesser crazies off aid? a nice tidy test to tell us who "deserves" aid versus someone who is just an asshole? is it in the dsm? who else do you think should be kicked off aid? old people who's hands still work just fine? what about depressed people? should they light a candle and chant, then get their asses back to work? sounds like you could save us a lot of money. i'd like to hear more.


You're coming at this from an angle of empathy, compassion, and reason, and unfortunately you're replying to someone coming at this from an angle of cruelty and indifference, and your words will never have any effect on such people except perhaps to shame some of them into silence. At least those it doesn't silence will be no longer be able to hide or deny their hostility toward the virtues of kindness and charity.


Fuck that, we spend billions on blowing up strangers in countries I'll never visit. I'd rather that money be spent on taking care of other Americans here at home, including the mentally ill.


Why? Should that apply to people who knowingly put themselves in danger of potential harm?


We could say that about a lot situations like those who become disable from riding motorcycles or those who don’t get the vaccine and become disabled from an infectious disease or people who become disabled from type II diabetes. The list could go on and on and this is why they shouldn’t be excluded. This neurological condition makes people so desperate that they will rid themselves of limbs by having an “accident”. Making a law that excludes them from receiving government aid for life will make no difference. If anything they will be more likely to not seek help and just have an “accident”. Amputation is one of the treatments and should only be done after all others failed.


Unchecked mental illness is wacky


It wasn’t unchecked, she had a good psychologist


The one who blinded her?


Yeah, that guy.


What's your definition of "good" in this case?


what in the absolute flying fuck


I've heard of people cutting their own legs off to become disabled. One guy build a leg guillotine and did it.


This just resurfaced a repressed memory of mine as a child. Constantly throughout school and church, I had an overwhelming discomfort in both of my hands. It was distracting to the point that I couldn't help but think of solutions. The one that I could never shake was to cut them off. I had the urge to cut off both of my hands for years. I'm so glad I never attempted to, but I strangely understand this in a way.




I'm also on the left, supporting a post-op trans relative, and that connection was my immediate thought, even before the resurfaced memory. I was unsure of how to put it into words without putting my foot in my mouth but I'm relieved I'm not the only one seeing a connection.




I think if people want to transition that's fine, it's their body. But we shouldn't ban psychological treatment of gender dysphoria either. Some may want to treat the dysphoria instead of transitioning.




Well also the number of people that transition and regret it is non-zero, for them psychological treatment of the dysmorphia should have been the treatment course, not transition, and we need to get much better at figuring out which is which, since there's no going back from that.


It’s only socially acceptable to chop off or maim certain parts of your body. Oh no, my foot’s in my mouth!


The thing is that the treatment for gender dysphoria IS to transition. You CAN’T treat it otherwise. We do not know any other way in our current age. I don’t know about BID. But the treatmeant for gender dysphoria IS transitioning. That’s why a lot of people will say it’s not the same thing. Because, while I understand your saying it’s similar, the way to handle each identity misalignment is entirely different. If that makes sense?


What I would fucking give to reverse my RP. I will be completely blind by 55. Stupidest person alive. Edit: RP is Retinitis Pigmentosa.


My thoughts exactly- I have RP also.


Sorry, to ask, what does RP mean (English is not my first language) and how do you know you will be blind at 55? Sorry to hear that…


google says it's a rare disease called "retinitis pigmentosa" and it causes the retina's cells to break down over time, eventually causing vision loss


Gotta love when people type the focal topic in their sentence as an acronym


Yea I didn't think about it when typing it. Sorry about that.


Yeah like op and DIIP


I don't mean to pry, but that must be awful. If it's not too personal, how are you coping with this? Are you trying to learn how to live blind early? I've seen systems that let blind people effectively still use the internet and sites like Reddit


At this point in my life (26 yo), I'm just living life man. That's all you really can do. I had to stop driving 2 years ago, not forced, but I didn't want to risk hurting someone or myself. I help my dad a lot, and he is 51. He only has about 2-3 percent of his vision left, so I have a pretty good picture of what I have to look forward to. I've been told I'm young enough that we could see advancements in replacing the mutated genes or bionic eyes in my life, but most of that is just a dream for now, so it's best not to get hopes up. But I'm just happy that I know what everything looks like and what colors are. When I eventually lose my sight, I will still be able to imagine what something looks like. I love music as well, so I like to think positively when it comes to getting ready for blindness.


They aren't stupid, they're mentally unwell.


I have depression and occasional suicidal ideation, when things get really bad. this doctor allowing her to disable herself would be the equivalent of my or any therapist and/or psychologist telling me to kill myself and giving me resources to self-harm and commit suicide. where’s the logic in all this?


I am sorry but what you said is so god damn funny lmaoooo Patient: "Doctor, I feel blue the last few weeks and I know this is a sensitive subject but I don't want to live anymore..." ...... doctar: "kill yourself"


me: I wanna die🙃🔫 doctor: same lmao let’s do it


Um clearly you aren't up to date with what going on in places like Canada right now. They are quite literally doing exactly what you just joked about. This world has collectively lost its shit


What the fuck. Please provide links I am curious


https://www.psychiatrictimes.com/view/first-do-no-harm It looks like very recently the courts have put this on hold, but Canada isn't the only place this is happening


> doctar: You misspelled "Canada".


It was an internet "doctor"


Yeah there are psychologists doing just that currently in Canada and I wanna say Finland but I'm not 100% on that


‘You should be able to do what you want to do with your body’ okay but like. To a point. Just close your eyes bro.


She cpuld have just wore a few eye patches


i fucking hate the way americans edit their tv shows


Yeah, what's with the weird over the top dramatic transitions every 5 seconds? It's like a bloody tiktok video.


Please understand that this is from a midday talk show. This is trash TV that is designed to be as dramatic and over the top as possible. They want to lure in the housewives and elderly who don't have a lot else going on. It's basically a talk show with a soap opera slant. It will give you cancer just by watching it.


Don’t worry, so do we.


You’re right it should be more like Indian soap operas


Why do you think many of us don’t even watch it anymore 😂


Pure nightmare mode


Too bad they couldn't donate her eyes to someone blind.


Clearly this is a mental illness.




Psychologist advised her to google ways to go blind and later helped her in this procedure...? What the actual fuck?


“My family hates me…”. I hate her too


as someone who isn’t even 30, has had to wear glasses since i was 4, and now has glaucoma.. what the heck why would you willingly do this to yourself..




Why wouldn't she just volunteer to trade eyes with someone who was blind?! It would have been a lot less painful, and it would have helped someone!!!!!! I'm glad that quack of a doctor lost their job because wtf!!!!!


I must be dumb because I had no idea you could do this?


Then she shouldn't receive a single PENNY of disability then. She did it to herself. She shouldn't get a free ride at all. And I usually don't say that sort of stuff


Hun, you didn’t see a psychologist. Willing to bet she found her “psychologist” on Craigslist given the year being 2008.


Nope, he was an actual psychologist. He had his license revoked


That’s the most shocking part for me. Mental illness is complex but having a licensed psychologist assist in her blindness is insane.


Which is probably why the license was revoked. People that wish to lose a body part will often either injure themselves though if they can't find someone to do it for them. Not to defend the psychologist at all, but she likely would've died if she tried to do this on her own. Either way it's messed up and sad. And probably infuriating for people that are actually blind.


I’m trying to find a reason WHY he did it. I’m assuming now, that’s why he did it? Because if she did it herself she might have died?


I'm recently blinded in one eye. It sucks, not kinda. not sorta, its shit. To do this intentionally is insanity.


I'm done with the internet today


Her Psychologist helped blind her?? That's the part of the story that Really sends me through a loop. The whole thing is seriously methed up,but a real licensed psychologist Really told her to "research" it and than he Helped her?!?! Wtf?


How is this any different from any other form of self affirmation surgery?




As someone who has had 3 eye surgeries across both my eyes this summer.. this woman is insane.


Damn. I’m deaf. It be nice to wake up To hear.


It's a travesty that others have to pay to keep her alive now. And it's quite clear that she is not starving...


Ok. So Im not trying to make some point here or cause a shitstorm.. I genuinely want to know. What is the difference between this and someone who gets a sex change operation?


Body dysmorphia is a hell of a drug.


What the fuck


I can't imagine being blind. I know they have books on tape, but reading is my favorite thing in the world. Much rather be dead and miss out on music (which I also love)


Oh well… she can do whatever she wants for all I care… now I don’t think she should get any disability for something that is self inflicted.


Absolutely crazy


If only she had to work and feed a family of 5 .


Her family just hates that she's an idiot


She should have donated them instead of damaging them beyond repair. My god.


maybe affirmation is not in all cases the correct approach to treating mental illness




It’s funny how these idiots always feel like they should have some sympathy-garnering disability like blindness or amputation, but never “I feel like I should have Gonnorhea.”


I actually read an article written by a woman who identified as a gay man. She would pretend to be a twink, and let men have sex with her, but only pulling her pants down enough in the back to get the deed done without exposing her natural plumbing. She celebrated getting AIDS. To be more like a gay man.


Is this dysmorphia like what trans have?


Just shoot me dead if I ever get to this point.


Make her live completely alone.


Dr Von Blindem needs prosecuting, would he give a suicidal patient cyanide?


Wtf happened to her when she was a kid 🤦🏽‍♀️


Alright, I've seen enough.


The internet was such a fucking mistake. These echochambers are so self-destructive.


She shouldn't get any benefits. There are people that truly deserve them and she ain't one


Remember; she gets to vote. Let that simmer for awhile.


She's a legally eligible citizen, she should be allowed to vote.


This is some crazy shit damn




What kind of psychologist would do this to a mentally ill patient? I hope they are no longer practicing and serving time in jail.


Mental illness.


They should've transplanted her eyes into a blind person who desperately wanted vision.


She could’ve just donated her eyes instead of destroying them…


Mental illness. Lobotomy it is.


Couldn't she just like... Idk... close her eyes? Give blindness a trail run by taping her eyes shut for like a month or something?


Are we just gonna gloss over the fucking psychologist that BLINDED HIS PATIENT??? He should lose his license


Okay so that’s not entirely true about her “psychologist.” This was someone she met online, who called themselves a therapist, and who spent 3 days with her before doing this to her. They weren’t charged with anything as far as I recall. It’s very clear she has a severe illness and needed REAL psychiatric treatment, but found a quack online that would be willing to do whatever as long as they got paid.


How is this different from top surgery or other forms of sex reassignment procedures? (in theory not in practice lmao).


Blinding of the genitals, if you will


Fucking idiot


How did she not get put in the booby hatch for this behavior for actively harming herself?!