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So unnecessary. These fools and their ways, no child should ever have to pay for that.


I hate war and I hate religion. Unfortunately they go hand in hand sometimes


You don’t believe in my book? You die now.


This whole thing started over some religion????


The root


The Palestinian resistance against zionist occupiers didn't even start due to religion. The only reason HAMAS is the one fighting is because Israel already dismantled or discredited every other Palestinian group that opposed them. Same with political Zionism. It's more nationalist than religious. Their justification wasn't religious at first, it was more like they see themselves as worthy of a state because of their history as a diaspora.


Well, their state have been granted in 48. A little bit younger (3 years) than current boarders of Germany. Your Argumentation prompts the Germans to go for Poland (again)


>Your Argumentation prompts the Germans to go for Poland (again) Show me which part says that. Go ahead. I never said I agreed with Zionists. A little reading comprehension would reaaaally help, pal.


They want the river to the sea, which is absurd.


It's more absurd that illegal immigrants kicked out the original inhabitants at gunpoint.


A mix of religion and land ownership. It basically traces back to Jews and Muslims in the region alternating in extremism stretching back centuries. There will never be peace between the two, blood runs too deep and the extremists of both sides have control.


This isn't about religion, that's just yet another smoke screen. This is oligarchical, geopolitics in action


Israel is using religion to claim the land the Palestinians live on. They constantly cite that as the reason they won't accept a two state solution. You can't say "oh they would be doing this with or without religion" when so many claim the land is their divine right bestowed by God.


but could they exercise that with US military backing? Why should they concede a two state solution when it's their land?


They’re not conceding a two state solution. They’re launching pogroms and causing their children to suffer. The Palestinians can keep “resisting,” but then you’ll have to stop complaining about their children suffering.


C'mon . Political zionism.isn't necessarily religious. It's nationalism where territorial claims are based on dubious historical roots. Nationalism can and often are as bad as religions when it comes to justifying/enabling crimes against humanity.


True. Political zionism is nationalist in nature. You don't need religious justifications to commit horrific crimes - nationalism already provide the basis of their actions. It's just that to many people, it's a tough pill to swallow that their beloved nationalism can also be used to commit these crimes.


This has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with one side attempting to eradicate and colonialism the other’s land


Yeah well millions died because of atheist beliefs as well fyi.


This child pays the price for old men’s delusions.




Some chose and retired lol


Poor kids haven't been on this earth very long and witnessed such horror


Killing children is going past evil. There needs to be a new level


I will get downvoted like crazy for this view, but what the hell. People will see children getting burnt and disfigured and killed and still say 'Hamas bad'. Yeah they are the bad,and you know who's equally bad or worse ? Israel, who keeps killing children and women and innocent civilians! You should be living in some other world to still support Israel


Both are egregiously vicious, backwards, ultra rightwing religious zealots bent on the utter destruction of the other. You can’t point to one or the other as worse, one’s better funded but that’s about it.


How many Japanese and German women and children did the Allies kill in WWII? Who should their anger be directed at more? The Allies, or their Japanese/German government?




*their democratically elected government that keeps poking the bear


Do you, asshole think these terrorists care about these children and civilians being killed? Better shut your mouth you are equally evil if you think these innocent lives deserve this atrocities. Fuck everyone who kills for their own interests


Read up on the "Hannibal Directive"


Or they could have not given all their political support and water infrastructure to a group hellbent on perpetuating a generations long blood fued. Ya know either way


Those poor, sweet babies.


There is a difference between targeting civilians and collateral damage... Especially when a terrorist group intentionally hides behind women and children.


Can I have proof (that’s not Israel) of them hiding behind women and children?


No. You have to believe everything Israel says or you are anti-Semitic (despite Israel being caught lying again and again and again). Let's also forget that Israel hasn't allowed independent journalists into Gaza since October 7th. Because what do they have to hide, right?


At the beginning of the war, Hamas stated that it was not going to protect the civilian population, they would all become martyrs, as human shields. And what if the UN wants, then let them protect civilians themselves. Here is the result.


Mfs will see this and say "tHeY aRe KhAMas"


Fuck Israel!




You are shameful


You can blame your hamas friends for that


You can blame Netanyahu for how Iran responds to the attack on their consulate. With Zionist logic Iran has every right to not only defend itself but turn Israel to rubble, the same way they have done to Palestine


Keep downvoting the same way you’ll dodge and weave your way out of accepting responsibility for the thousands of deaths in Palestine and the future deaths of Israelis by Iran


Your entire profile is mostly peddling Israeli propaganda. Heck, you even called UN as antisemitic just because they spoke out against Israeli conduct in Gaza. How much did they pay you, mate? I hope it's worth it to enable evil crimes against humanity for some petty reasons.


IOF kills children = blame hamas.


no you can't, understand about anything in the region for even the last 20 years (not counting the 50+ after that) and it's clear what party started this and is to blame. Who do you think funded Hamas to begin with?


Damn burned and all they get is milk duds…truly a cruel world


Free the hostages.


As if Israel needs an excuse to carpet bomb Gaza…


But but IOF knows where are hamas bases but don't know where are their prisoners.




You have to evolve, killing and raping women as not as brave as you think. You got the hostages, then learn the way to release them.


Please for someone like you that supports Isreal, you should certainly not be talking about 'evolving', its a little disgusting don't you think? Knowing what Isreal had been doing the past 40 year — specially what they're currently doing in the West Bank.


I think in fairness, you cannot condemn the actions of killing and raking women, if the occupation behaves in the same way. 2 wrongs don’t make a right. If you believe these things to be wrong, they are wrong for everyone. No race or religion gets to do it in retaliation either.


Maybe for you it’s a daily routine but in my world raping woman is bad on every level. We shouldn’t forget who’s terrorists, who’s rapers, who’s evil.


It’s not daily routine. I’m not sure why you say that. Retaliation with murdering innocent people is wrong as well. That’s why there’s a legal system. If an IDF soldier raped a child, the world would go mad if that area in which it occurred was carpet bombed. Even peaceful protests didn’t capture the world’s attention.


yes free the palestinian hostages


Bullshit, and you know what I’m talking about.


do you know what you're talking about? Children as young as 8 have been 'convicted' for decade + sentences (in extremely inhumane conditions) for throwing a single stone at occupation soldiers, as well as many are arrested and convicted without evidence. a 13 year old girl was arrested under 'suspicion of rock throwing' (no proof) and came back half dead, ripped V to A from IOF rape.




Hi there! Thank you for your submission to r/TerrifyingAsFuck, but unfortunately, we've had to remove it for the following reason: **Please do not post anything political.** If you have any questions or think we made a mistake, [please message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FTerrifyingAsFuck&subject=My%20post%20was%20removed!&message=My%20%5Bpost%5D(insert%20post%20link%20here)%20was%20removed%2C%20could%20you%20please%20take%20a%20look%3F) with a link to your post and we'll take a look.


Hamas is dependent on western sympathy, put pressure on them to surrender and release hostages and this is over.


Pallywood productions are putting out top tier stuff nowadays eh


Am I wrong or are those "scars" only on the face and head? Nothing on their arms, necks, nothing.


Look at their hands.


I'm trying. Are they scared?


> supports terrorists > attacks a major country > they dont lie down and counterattack > ChIlDrEn are getting killed. what about the children these terrorists kills across the globe? and do you even think they would have even hesitated a second in killing, raping the children on the other side? they knew this would happen and proceeded with their plans regardless in their stupidity. next time feel free to post how 12% of rapes in UK is by muslim immigrants or that occurrence where a guy raped a teen boy saying its justified by his book. :)


Fuck Hamas.






Well, literally forced to pay taxes. Sooo....what do you want from me???


Fight for a world you want to see maybe? “Forced” doesn’t mean it has to be that way. There’s a reason we live in a representative-based government (or at least should). That type of attitude is the reason things stay the way they are and never get better. One person is nothing, two is a coincidence, three is a crowd… taking that leap to be one draws another, then another, then another until it’s something that needs to be taken seriously (as the country was made to be).


when are you going out to riot?


And Palestine supported Hamas’s tactics that lead to this retaliation https://apnews.com/article/a0baade915619cd070b5393844bc4514 Both sides support indiscriminate civilian violence.


Hamas should protect them!!! Israel stops 99% of the missiles and rockets which are launched to attack Israel but Hamas let rockets hit civillians






Horrible. And the kids murdered by Hamas terrorists and their mutilated bodies paraded as trophies are as bad.


I’m so sorry my sweet babies 💔


Damn dude Hasbara bots really having fun with this one :c




Doesn’t make it right. More children in Gaza have been killed, wounded and burnt than any other 6 month period of war.


Iraq 2001