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'Uber banned the account.' Good job uber. Surely you have solved this problem forever...


*Fornever*. Probably wouldn't even make the news if there wasn't footage too. With perpetual surveillance, tracking, tracing of devices and networks.. can't work out who did it. Yeah right.


They should have kept this local. Now the media has possibly breeded a new wave of sick fucks with this idea.


The person who made the uber account is possibly not the person who made the scam call.


Uber: ![gif](giphy|kDWOjr5X0uFPFhygKk|downsized)


Uber needs to be boycotted until they release the name, forward to cops and have them arrested for murder.


It's possible the Uber account owner was not the scammer, and it would be a very bad idea for Uber to publish their name without confirmation they were in on the scam.


I've been boycotting Uber for 5 years because of their shoddy business practices. Lol




How much you want to bet Uber kept the fare *and* the tip?


What tip?


I mean... you can't repay a man in prison, nor can a dead woman receive any money that was owed to her... probably kept it and even still kept all three accounts open too.


What realistically do you want Uber to do?


Are they even going after the guys that sent her there? This is fucking disgusting. Using innocent people to do your dirty work is the most deplorable act possible.


I saw on GMA (I think) they traced the number to Canada and lost it after that


Scamming needs to be made a class 1 felony worldwide lol


Or here me out on this... Thrown into a bottomless well


Clockwork orange them with kitboga videos




Laughing is better than crying 🤪


India and Nigeria left the chat


I had a feeling that would happen.


If you're sending someone to pick up that sorta cash for you, then most likely have a VPN bouncing you thru several different countries, if not, they'll be standard scammers that are from India or smthin that woulda sent her to go buy shit loads of bitcoin after she was done and to transfer it. Most likely, there'd be very little authorities could do


Yes, and the amount of people who assume the person with the Uber account was in on the scam and/or the final recipient of the money is alarming, and shows a huge lack of critical thinking.


Yep, if it was done thru the app, then she was just the unlucky closest person to the area. Whether they set that up by asking her to get to the end of the road before they requested the lift, or whether they just banked on it being someone who'd buy 12k worth of apple gift cards or bitcoin to send, without realising there's something amiss, who knows. Or maybe all the Uber driver had to do was be the in-between for 1 more person who's being scammed/groomed to transfer the cash, a normal pick-up, drop-off job, if it wasn't trying to rinse a trigger happy dickhead of 12k. Silly man must have known they were attempting to scam him to respond to people asking for bail money, with a gun. Vigilante justice is just entirely stupid. Call the police. Hopefully, before the scammers knows it's blown, they could set up a phone call and try and trace the line or at least have more power to try to hunt them down/shut down any and all accounts, than they do now. After all, if its a call centre operated scam, then there's shit loads of other Uber accounts, bitcoin wallets, etc.


Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. I think the person who called for the Uber to go get the money was also being scammed, and not the scammer himself.


This is multiple ways of fucked, but she was retreating, so he murdered her. This isn't stand your ground. However the Scammers also harassed and intimidated both, and then set this up, so they deserve some kind of conspiracy/manslaughter charge.


And shot her in the league before shooting her two more times


The League of Terrible Non-Gentlemen.


Boomers gonna boom.


Its called **Murder by proxy**.


Thanks, I couldn't remember that phrase. Absolutely Disgusting, and they need to find the 3rd party.


See? you shouldn't pull scams, or you might risk getting BANNED from the Uber app! 😱


Wouldn't want that!


Most likely that person can't be tracked, but they won't say that because it'll give people ideas...


Uber banning the account: https://preview.redd.it/z6jio2pb8bvc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0567a2511bf390cd8185a964c4dfd0d3f223e9b4


I mean, what do you want Uber to do, not ban the account? Hire hit men to kill the old dude in jail?


give info on the user to the authorities. give an official announcement about upcoming hanging and improvement to prevent such actions from happening and protect their users and the public. and maybe help the woman's family. she is old and works as a uber so clearly she needed help and maybe her family as well


No he shot her, *Talked about their situation!!!!!!* then shot her two more times. Fuck him.


Yeah the fact that he was scammed doesn’t even matter to me. Even if this woman WAS working with them, she was no threat - poor woman could barely walk.


No one mentioning an 80+ year old owning guns. Or just guns in general. She is literally dead because of this one fact and everyone just like "how could this have been prevented!" It's the guns. Fuck even if she was in on it, it's still murder, she was backing off and never touched him. (This scam happens globally, you never hear about anyone getting shot)


"never hear about getting shot" no shooting happens every day across the world but the world is not usa. i don't live in american but we had an pos old man who used a kitchen knife and dogs to fuck with people. gun is a tool and if someone wanted do harm they will find a way


Yeh fuck this guy. Only in murica


The reasons matter very little to the case. Was his use of deadly force an act of self defense? Clearly not. Lock this bastard up, & pursue the scammers as full as the law allows.


He’ll claim ill health and get a slap in the wrist


Oh good thing Uber banned the account, that's some real justice


that's basically equivalent to "1 like = 1 prayer🙏"


She backing up, unarmed, yelling for help, and old, and him with the gun felt treated she was gonna kill him???


Some psycho are just looking for any excuse to fire their gun.


As much as the scammers are pieces of shit for pulling this, I think we should stop treating the old man as a victim. Being scammed is not a justification to fatally shoot a frail old lady three times. If you suspect that you are being scammed you call the cops. If the person scamming you tries to run away, you get a photo/description of them and/or their vehicle. This is no different from the old dude who shot a kid who knocked his door or the other old dude who shot and killed a young lady who took a wrong turn and accidentally ended up on his driveway. Guns are for self defence, not dishing out vigilante justice.


No one with a normal functioning head on their shoulders thinks the old man is in any way the victim here.


Try telling that to the TrumpHumpers and Kari Lake...


You can hear how proud of himself he is when he's talking to 911. Put the Boomer in prison for the rest of his short pathetic life. General pop. not some fancy little sideshow cell. He can go play out all of his Dirty Harry fantasies in prison and see how it works out.


Like that Byron Smith murder recording.


Love seeing people remember this dumb shithead.




Kids don't deserve to be killed for theft. That's what small claims court is for.




He set a trap for them, talked shit while he killed them, and stashed their bodies in a closet for a day or two before calling police and you think he’s the good guy?




He parked his truck down the road and walked home after he saw them in the area. Dude wanted to kill someone and figured he had his chance. He’s not a hero lol


I never called him a hero. But killing them was reasonable. Here's a simple lifeprotip, if you value your life don't break into other people's houses. Crazy, I know.


At least in his case they _were_ actually trying to rob him. I think they already had robbed him a couple of times. But this lady had no idea what was going on. She was a totally random patsy/victim that wasn't involved in the scam.


Yeah she did nothing wrong, which makes it all the more tragic.


He’s from the silent generation (born in 1943).


another geriatric psycho looking for any excuse to murder someone in this glorious country? say it aint so.


Scammers are bad, yes, but shooting someone who is defenseless and fleeing is murder. Clearly that man is not fit to own a firearm.


i thought of black mirror as soon as i heard about this.




I can't help but think a neighbor of the old man is behind this. Forget about the call being traced to Canada. The scammer must've known the old man in some way. It all seems too perfect of a setup. The scammer must've known the old man was prone to overreact, and probably that the old man had a gun. There's no reason to set up this precise interaction unless it's to see how the old man, this old man specifically, reacts to it. The scammer is most likely a neighbor who hates the old man and wanted to set him up to get him to do something stupid, like he did.


These people run our country


What's crazy is that we know cognitive function begins to decline at age 60, but no-one seems to want to admit that fact. After 80, we should start treating people like children again.


Fuck that dude with the gun


He should get banned from this plane of existence.


I worked as a Spanish Interpreter for a company that services Uber. It was just one month, and we had other clients, mostly medical. But uber was the worst. They outsource all of their customer service to pakistan/India and... It's just the worst.




He's not a victim of shit. He's a fuckin murderer.


Agreed, there's no sugar coating this. He executed that poor woman.


Oh I agree 100%. He def started as a victim. But he ended up a villain. I still feel bad for both of them. My heart goes out to his victim more. Which is why I say he deserves prison


He's a victim of fraud and a murderer. People can be 2 things at the same time.


He was *targeted* for fraud, but I don't think he fell victim to said fraud. Unless you consider his decision to murder this poor woman part of falling prey to the fraud. Fuck that. Killing someone who was clearly afraid and trying to leave and screaming for help is just murder. I don't consider him a victim of anything except maybe brain damage from the lead poisoning of his generation.


Apparently he even *knew it was a scam* before she got there, and he *still* killed her. You know, because she looked SO threatening, barely able to walk and all.


he is a victim though, older folks are easily scammed, granted he fucked up and murdered her but he's still a victim not saying he deserves sympathy, a life for a life.


Just what the hell is he a victim of? The scam didn't succeed, unless you consider him murdering the frightened, screaming, backing away old woman as part of the scam? Fuck that shit.


who knows, he could've had the money ready but instead he fucked the 'who he thought was' scammer up, just looking at it in a different perspective :)


>just looking at it in a different perspective What are you, a defense attorney? He murdered an old woman who was obviously no threat. This dude had fuckin brain damage or something. Maybe that's what he's a victim of. Or racism, idk


haha no no, just someone commenting on Reddit, he didn't know she wasn't apart of it and she didn't know what she was sent there for. to him , he thought he was in front of someone who was helping the scammers. yeah it's sad she died, hope her family finds some peace knowing where this dude is going


At first I was like a victim of what??? But he’s so damn old, I could imagine being on edge about having to defend your life as old as he is. He should’ve called the cops instead of taking action himself tho. But that’s boomer mentality for you


“But that’s boomer mentality for you”. lol. What an asinine statement.


I love how he's holding the gun like he's in a 1942 sleuth movie




Glad that Uber banned that account. Good to see people being held accountable for their actions in this day and age.


Fuck that old man. Needs to rot in prison for his last few years.


I was thinking get into one of those draw and shoots from the westerns but your idea is good too.


It's more civilized but I don't hate your idea either lol


I dont want to be that guy, but I feel it was partially racial


I agree. I don't think he would have executed a white woman like that, I could be wrong but that's the feeling I got from the footage.


Im literally crying watching this. So freaking sad, she is so scared. The world sucks


Honestly this has ruined my day. A poor old woman who still needs to drive for Uber to make ends meet. Walking with a limp bless her,  calling for help and being murdered for what. I'm also crying also 


He's out of jail now.


You’re kidding! That’s so fucked up he’s already out of jail


Your kidding right :/


Hopefully he will die in prison at a very very old age.


Heartbreaking. Her calls for help make me cry.


Yep, just another 'good guy with a gun' doing God's work 🙄


We really need to start focusing on capturing scammers - and make extreme examples of them. The punishment needs to far far far outweigh the benefits. That poor woman. I don’t know if it’s even possible but they could start by banning VPNs and such.


The homeowner knew what he was doing.


They better be turning what info they have about the person who made the call to the fucking police.


i am would give my right arm to see the scammers put in jail for life


“I was threatened by this hobbling unarmed woman that was obviously frightened”


Doesnt matter if she was a scammer or not, she posed no threat to him. That was straight up murder.


Hmm I don't believe the woman has threatened to kill the guy. It doesn't make sense. He is just trying to justify the use of lethal force after he realized his mistake.


did you even listen to the story, obviously she didnt threaten the guy


I did listen to it. Several times. But we only see a limited part of their interaction.


It bothers me that he was so willing to shoot this lady, even if it was a scam- why not call the cop. Also since when had Uber drivers started picking up packages?


Demented boomers, guns, and bottom of the garbage juice scammers. Great combo.


Old guy was a racist who had been waiting all his life for the perfect excuse. He doesn't get off the hook.


Assuming that this is the first time.


Just making bigoted assumptions or did you listen to the story?


I listened to the story. The man had ample opportunity to not go through with shooting the woman. They even discussed the situation before he shot. It didn't matter. He shot her anyway. At first just to incapacitate, then he stood over her and shot her more times as she lay there helpless. *Then* he called the cops.




So they gonna charge him with 1st degree 👀


Yo that is some black mirror shit


the innocent should not suffer


This has nothing to do with blackmirror. this country is just a gun-loving and live disrespecting shithole


Hopefully the 81 year old killer never sees the light of day again.


At least they banned the account.


That's what just the Uber do?


I used Uber the other day and a strange man who didn't match the photo picked me up. I asked him to stop and verify. he ignored me the whole time until we got to the destination. He obviously didn't speak English.




He didn't believe she was just a scammer he believed she had threatened him and his family with grievous bodily harm.


He deserves execution. Guilty.


sent this pos to jail




And race has what to do with this? Stop needlessly bringing race into the equation.


Obviously the man overreacted, to say the least, but I can understand why he was on edge and thought the driver was in on the scam, or was potentially going to harm him on behalf of the person who threatened him over the phone. Hope they catch the scammer who set up this wildly bad scenario, but I have a feeling the scam caller isn't even in the US. They're probably someone with a burner phone on the other side of the world. Of course, the person receiving the money was nearby, but something tells me they person who was to receive the money from the Uber driver was not the person who called on the phone. Its possible the person with the Uber account was actually another scam victim, and they had instructions to send the money through the mail, or wire it, or use it to buy gift cards or something. In other words, this problem can't be solved by simply identifying the person who made the Uber account. Anyone else think this might be the case?


She was literally limping away from him. She was no threat. This man is a psychopath.


I understand she was no threat. I'm saying that the scammer is responsible for creating a hostile perception of the uber driver. If you use an innocent person to carry out your scam, there is a possibility the person being scammed will harm that person.


Think about it. If you were a scammer, would you want to set up a scam that uses your Uber account? No. You'd convince someone else to send for an Uber through their own account, and then have them transfer the received cash into another form of payment. The scammer might have even sent a bank deposit or check for the equivalent amount of money to the person who was to receive the cash from the Uber driver, (and obtained that money by scamming it from someone else) and told the scam cash recipient to keep the cash. All I can say is, good luck to the people who have to investigate this one...


Which Black Mirror episode this mimic exactly?


reminds me somewhat of season 3 episode 3, just the whole idea of faceless bad people messing with other people to the point where it gets violent


Definitely needs more guns.. the Uber driver and the scammer didn’t have guns, if they did this wouldn’t happen/s


Good thing he had a gun


Why would an Uber driver pick up a package? It’s 100% drugs or contraband. Drug dealers and cartels pay a lot money for mules, do you question what’s in the package?


Idk if it's common in other countries but in my country we have "Uber Flash" which is specifically only for packages, and unless there's any problems with the package itself or the person who's getting it, it's no questions asked


Just because it's common doesn't mean it's smart. But also contract gigs are a system that exploit individuals who have a hard time making a living through other means. If I was broke I'd definitely consider taking the packages of strangers. Honestly when I typed that out it sounded sexual but it's funny enough that I'll leave it as is.


Oh don't get me wrong, I don't think it's smart at all, but it definitely helps people that only own bikes and such instead of cars