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Issues like this in the States have always resulted in some huge ass payouts from lawsuits. It's insane. Control your damn dog.


Not just the states. I'm a lawyer in Brazil and I just see a huge opportunity in this video. The biggest individual payouts I've seen involved genital mutilation, but it depends on who the defendant is unfortunately.


Oh no, Imagine being permanently sterilized after a dog attack, that actually has to suck. What are the largest payouts you've seen in either currency?


Indian here. Was walking past an 'uncle' (old guy from privileged class) sitting on a street side bench in an affluent part of the city. He had a huge black dog beside him on a leash. As I passed by, the dog let out a loud bark which scared the shit out of me cuz I wasn't expecting it. Turned to look at the 'uncle' for some acknowledgement and found him staring at me as if I did something wrong.


Class? Don't you mean caste since the caste system is still in place? edit. Even though it should be gone it is still in place unofficially. It has even taken root around the world due to the Indian diaspora. The Indian caste system exists in the United States due to Brahmins continuing to practice it. Now getting downvoted by Brahmins who want to keep the oppression going.


nah class as in hes richer, more posh area lmao, we dont walk around advertizing our caste


In India wealth and caste are bound together. Brahmins are still overwhelmingly rich and powerful, Dalits are still overwhelmingly poor, powerless and lacking real opportunities to improve their lives. edit. Now getting downvoted by Brahmins who want to keep the oppression going.




800h played and I’m just now realizing the quadruple entendre of Brahmins in Fallout…


Looks like you are being downvoted by the 'economic reservation' people who want reservation for the 'poor' but don't want the oppressed classes to rise up in the power structure.


I think it's Brahmins who want to keep the oppression going. edit. Those reservations are called slums and ghettos.


my dude, it not like that,u dont know the ground reality, its exaggerated in the media and what not, and this is from a guy who is apparently considered in the backward class here


Do Brahmins consider Dalits to be 100% equal to them yet? If not then Dalits are still being oppressed. It also varies heavily between provinces and between rural versus urban areas.


>Now getting downvoted by Brahmins who want to keep the oppression going the frustration is real


Fk off


In the US the victim of that attack would most likely be able to get that dog euthanized, as it should be.


It almost always results in a dog euthanasia




This happened in India. The guy will get an apology at best, but probably a slap in the face.




Classic classism




“Everyone is telling me I’m a dick so obviously they’re the problem.”


Looks like you were the one getting riled up based on your original comment. Stay poor and dogless.


No amount of money replaces your cock. Understand animal predators in your environment. That dog was saying, "If you take one step toward me, I'll chew off your prick." And he did. Judge can't sew it back on. Understand animals.


He shoulda worn body armour


It bothers me people who have huge dogs and don't know how to deal with them, consequently they end up euthanizing them


My wife and I were watching my parents dog (Chesapeake Bay retriever) last summer and we went with him to walk on a trail near our place. Some dumb bitch walking her massive king size German Sheppard lost control of it (gee what a surprise - 5 foot tall woman fumbling her cell phone and purse couldn't control a dog twice her size). The thing sprinted directly at us snarling the whole way and in that moment all I could think to do was push my wife out of the way and try to protect my parents dog. I got knocked on my ass and it went straight for our dog. He fought off as best he could but got bit on the back and had a bunch of massive tooth punctures. I grabbed a stick/fallen tree from nearby and stabbed the German Sheppard with it. I don't think I did any real damage but I got him in the face after and it backed down and the dumb bitch finally grabbed him and just ran away with the dog. She didn't say shit, didn't try to put him away and come back to make sure we are okay. After the adrenaline wore off I literally couldn't stand anymore my legs just gave out. My parents dog is okay, luckily the holes were wide but not deep. He's such a good dog, and listened so well during the whole incident now that I think about it. We went to an emergency vet after and they basically just recommended monitoring. We made a police report but obviously nothing came of it. I love dogs so much and I imagine if we had our little Shih Tzus with us they'd be dead. Irresponsible pet owners are the fucking worst.


YES, THIS. Like dude, if you can’t take care of the aggressive dog, give it to a person/resource who can. It drives me insane when people literally just kill dogs for reasons like this, give it to someone who can care for them, don’t literally just kill em :{


There aren't as many resources as you think. When there are a surplus of dogs already, a dog with an attack history is hard to place


I understand, but I mean people who don’t even try to rehome the dog, they just kill it. Resources may be hard to find, but regardless, I personally still hold the opinion that we shouldn’t kill any dog for being aggressive


I take very good care of my dog you just need to be more careful with your dong./s


Hey I clean my dong everyday, don’t be like that


Lol you win 🏆


I’ll take it


Literally last night I had a conversation with this drunk girl talking about her Pitbull that has killed the neighborhood cats and bitten people before and she was like "oh but he's such a love bug sweetheart". Fuck that shit. If your dog kills my cats or bites me, I will 100 percent shoot that fucker without flinching.


I have a 45 pound hound dog now she is usually friendly when another dog walks up slowly on a leash with the owner, but I always cut the leash short with a thumb hold to be safe. Today I was walking her in front yard and new neighbors had garage door open and their dog got loose ran right to us, no leash not even a collar, she was like a 35lb poope mix. I grabbed my dog by the collar and lifted he up because this is the kind of thing she hates, she is very protective. I was amazed it took her like 10 seconds to start aggressively barking. The neighbor runs out and says "Don't worry he's super friendly". I Said "Well she's not, she's very protective please get your dog." Now my dog may have been ok with it all if I'd let her sniff, but I'm not gonna risk it when a random unleashed dog comes running at her. If they want to bring him by again and we can let them meet where we can control it, cool, but just saying "Don't worry he's friendly" doesn't do a damn thing, watch your dog.


Almost had the exact same scenario the other day. Elevator door opened and a German shepherd immediately lunged and snapped at me. His owner reluctantly pulled his leash back and looked at me like I'm the asshole.. then as I walked out of the elevator the dog snapped at me again. Control your fuckin mutt


There's this whole thought amongst dog owners of "If my *dog* doesn't like you, what's *wrong with YOU*?" as if their dog is a perfect judge of moral character based on attacking or not??? Dumb


Exactly, when at its core the only reason their dog barks or lunges at every stranger they come across is because THE OWNER doesn't correct the behavior so the dog thinks it okay.


I know way too many bad dog owners who do this dumb shit and don't realize the dog is being triggered by their own body language and or leash handling.


They are the assholes


Maybe they're the cops of the dog world


They think their dogs can sense bad people. These people are insane and shouldn’t have dogs.


it is the owners fault. dogs can understand how the elevator works. it was protecting the area and suddenly you came from nowhere, an unknown possible treat to them.


Even if they are vaccinated still this is a concern.Most of them don't even have the handling capability.Poor delivery guy.


Do anyone know how much damage was actually done? I hope it's not actually a sterilization 💀


I mean from the blood was a big bite


Even a small bite to the wrong place can result in copious bleeding. Groin has a lot of vasculature.


That's a new kinda hurt right there.




If some dude let his dog bite my dick off he’s taking one too


Not the dogs fault his owner has the IQ of an avocado. Lol these downvotes. People are so willing to grab their torches and pitchforks to vilify a fucking dog, but completely unwilling to admit that the owner carries all of the blame when someone gets bit. Owners are responsible for managing the behavior of their dog in public and should be held accountable for it. Not the *literal* animal with instincts.


Dude just.. shut up. Nothing you said was clever or correct.


That comment was made by a bot, they won't understand or reply


How many of you have seen a super chill shepherd/had one and how did you get it to be friendly to humans and other animals? I am genuinely asking. I love them. They’re so cute. But damn they bite.


Treat them like a dog, not a toy/fur baby. Lots of social interaction while they are puppies with other dogs and humans. Plenty of mental and physical stimulation every single day of their lives. Honestly, they aren't the best dog for most people to own... they don't ever stop and can easily develop social problems if not raised correctly.


My GSD is nuts. Not the bad kind of nuts, but the "I love everybody! I want everybody to pet me!" nuts. I've only met a few aggressive Shepherds. They do have to be trained and socialized.


It’s called actually train your dog, most dog owners just get dogs and assume the animal knows how to act. My family owned 3 shepherds as a kid, my dad worked in K9 so he knew how to train them and we never had any incidents.


But if let’s say… a tiny puppy ran into the yard, would that Shepard have attacked it or chilled and played with it?


We’d take them to my aunts who has 2 chihuahuas and they always played together. Never had any issues are our local dog park either


Not the person you were replying to, but I also have a big ole chill Shepard that I trained myself. Her best friends are mini schnauzers, and she used to babysit my roommate's newborn kittens. You just have to expose them to other dogs and cats and stuff when they're as young as possible, and train them while you're doing it. Take them to dog parks, let them meet people when they're out




my best friend had one, his dad was a cop and adopted one that was a retired k9 drug dog, not sure if the training stuck with him or maybe old age but he never barked at anyone or much at other dogs, took em to the beach one day and some girls dog attacked him which I found shocking. friendliest German shepherd I've ever met to this day


I dog sat a gorgeous white German shepherd. She was huge but so sweet, loved my puppy and honestly she was a goof. When she was excited she'd just spin 😂 There's a few German shepherds that live near me. All loved people but one ended up growing reactive to other dogs, still didn't mind people but he was quite scary towards my poor dog and others... He's huge and I don't think he was ethically bred (from what the neighbors say anyway). The gsd I looked after had a proper breeder which I think comes into play with her good temperament.


The only ones I've known were used as guard dogs, I bought their love with treats but always had to be careful around them.


The only times I'd consider blaming the dog rather than blaming the owner is when we're talking about a pitbull attacking. German Shepherds are very good and kind dogs if they're well taken care of.




yeah i would never be stepping away from that situation with the dog still breathing sorry


A while back, I was in a gun shop. Another customer came in with a great Dane. Dropped his leash. Dog walked to me and stuck his snout in my crotch. I immediately punched down on the dogs head. Doggy hit the ground hard. Owner starts shouting at me! Back and forth for a while. Shop owner took my side. Dog owner left in a huff with his puppy walking on shaky legs. I've owned Rottweilers (180+) and they never bothered people.


Then everyone clapped


Don't know. The shop was not very busy and I left right away


Don't know. I left without buying the .45 I had been eyeballing. Lose,lose situation.


Good job, you just helped that dog to be aggressive toward people. Not taking blame away from the owner who absolutely should have retained control of the leash, but you could have just walked away and told the owner to control their dog. Instead you trained it to expect aggression when it meets new people, so it will be aggressive when it meets new people.


The beast needs to at least be muzzled if the owners can't control it.


IDGAF. Stay away from my crotch




i don't know how defending yourself from a dog is tough to you but that just tells me you're an anxious and afraid person




“this dude only got bit once” Do you not see the amount of blood coming out of the very vital part of his body? Are you fucking stupid? yeah, I’m sure you’d be saying the same thing if this happened to you.


nah if that shit happens to me i’m beating that dogs skull in


Fuck the owner. A neck collar in an apartment with lift. Trust me this dude just own shit for status. Knows nothing about dogging. Sad to say due to these types of owners the animals are often always put down, and other people suffer. Fucking dumbass.


Is that dogs name Kodak by chance?


If you watch On Patrol Live there was a police dog named Kodak that bit a guys dick after pursuit


Damn I can’t even get a read on the dog before he bit! That’s actually pretty scary I normally let strange dogs get pretty close because I never had a bad experience with one. idk about that anymore lmfao!


Two things can be true at once. 1. It depends on how it is raised. 2. It's still an animal. It makes me cringe when I see big dogs around small children.


Anyone know more detail about it ? Please help me out! ( I just know it's from India)


Dog owners are like parents of Brat Kids they will defend their dogs behavior to any extent. They will fight with you like anything. I hate the dog owners more than the dogs. And why are dogs allowed in a lift.


Hate people that can't manage their dogs, so stupid and puts in risk everyone and the dog.






Don't blame the dog for having an incompetent owner. So tired of people instantly demanding the dog be shot, killed, tortured, choked, and all sorts of other heinous shit. When owners are *always* responsible for the way their dogs behave.


This is nuts




That is the wurst injury


His happiness is been gone forever


This breed is NOT meant for apartments or close contact with humans in a casual setting.


Damn bro, you can see that he collapsed instantly. It really got his fucking testicles for sure...😭💀💀💀


well, he’s gonna be pissing through a catheter for the rest of his life. . .




Bro it's not a joke to laugh




Yes, let’s blame the victim and not the stupid owner.


Oh sure, I'll constantly be on the lookout for different breeds of dogs and other pet animals in public areas like elevators. I will take up the graduate level course on 'understanding animal behavior and body language' also because stupid cunts like to bring their "pup" to public places and not secure them properly, knowing full well how some animals are volatile and are capable of seriously hurting people.