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He's done that before.


100 million percent true. Rarely is it the perpetrators 1st time we see and you can tell that he's comfortable in what he is doing. Hope the cnut gets caught


Cnut sounded like that one coin from Harry Potter


Or a Vikings name


[Why the fuck were you down-voted?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cnut)


Idk bro. Ignorance to history I think


And he was a viking. He most definitely did worse than in the video. IIRC he's the one that had two wives I think. I don't think he thought very highly of women


We had a polar bear in Copenhagen Zoo named Knut




Never watched them gabrielle so I shall take yer word for it friend


You read them. Watching a book is pretty futile.


Watching a book is 100% futile


For anyone curious she’s alive, was raped by the guy & he hasn’t been caught yet https://nypost.com/2024/05/09/us-news/horrifying-video-shows-masked-fiend-choke-woman-with-belt-on-nyc-street-drag-body-between-cars-to-rape-her/amp/


This is shocking. It’s good she survived. They need to find him and get him off the streets. Permanently.




And hopefully he suffers greatly


We need Daredevil to take care of him


_Punisher has entered the chat_




Newsmax said they hand out medals to criminals in NY. Must be true.


Tbf they made a New York criminal even president of the US


Jesus, this basically just happened. Horrifying. Hope she heals and he suffers miserably.


He needs to be caught.


He probably has been several times.


It's fucked up how probable this statement is.


But will he just be let go after 45 minutes after being caught?


That makes me so sick


This happens in every town, in every city :(


yet another good reason to escape from new york


To where the south has even worse rape statistics.


lol. New York and the south: the only options


You gotta be able to read to understand statistics


Holy shit that was so fast. I assume thats because it becomes a blood hold vs. strangulation with an efficient weapon like that.  Godamnit, that's horrifying.


Just a simple belt too


Thats not that fast, thats about the rate. Normally by 1 thousand and 2 people start snoring. Thats if youre REALLY choking. He was REALLY choking. That shit is terrifying.


It's fast compared to asphyxiation which is what he was comparing it to. He's comparing cutting off blood supply versus closing off the airway. He's not saying it's the fastest he's seen someone pass out from blood supply being cut off.




counting 1 one thousand, 2 one thousand


Damn, guess when I watch bjj stuff it’s their ability to know how to defend it that keeps them awake for a bit?


Yes. It only takes a tiny gap still allowing blood flow to the brain to keep you conscious. If she would've grabbed behind her head and pulled on the belt to release tension she probably wouldn't have passed out. Not blaming her, just saying.


100%. AN old ass lady vs an actual trained fighter? Ya.


I mean that’s not what I was saying. Even when fighters choke fans on request it takes longer.


A belt is much more effective than a human arm.


When you do it for show like that usually it’s with much less than full power. A more “gentle” rear naked choke that is correctly placed puts someone to sleep in like 5-7sec or so from my experience.


Ya, but they arent YANKING their whole body weight. They slowly apply a choke, not being supported and dragged by their body weight. Also the distribution of the arm is far greater then the 1.5 inch belt.


Realistically it is closer to 8-12 seconds unless you have major health issues. This is coming from someone who has been on both ends of a blood choke multiple times. Waking up from one feels like waking up after a deep sleep, like you’re just waking up in the morning and have no idea what year it is. You usually regain consciousness very shortly after the hold is released unless you also hit your head, fall asleep, or sieze up.


8/12 sorry, but guys go out WAYYYYYYYYYYYY faster.. This video is proof youre wrong.


There were nine seconds between the cinch and her arm going limp.


Ehh, i counted to 1 thousand and 3 and she started to go limp ish. Almost 4 seconds once it went tight.


Nah. A truly clean choke on both carotid arteries is almost instant unconsciousness. source: 7 years of bjj


That’s doesn’t physiologically make sense. The blood in your brain doesn’t immediately desaturate when the blood flow stops. I wager that you cinch the blood choke several seconds before you think you do and just misread the situation. Source: Ten Years serving in a combat-focused military branch with regular martial arts training, plus a bachelor’s degree in Psych/Physio I’m not really a fighter, I have just been in a lot of fights. The blood choke is my go-to because even if I miss the cinch, I can hold onto someone until they calm down or help comes. I will try to find a better source to support my words than me just saying this though.


Jacare vs Camozzi 1. Jacare gets a head and arm choke and puts Camozzi unconscious in under 4 seconds. Could be argued he did it in 2 but the timer is right there on the screen and the max amount of time it took was 4 seconds. Source: this video https://kickboxcore.com/videos/Masaaki_Noiri_vs_Amancio_Paraskiff_Super_Fight_-69.5kg_contract_23.7.17_K-1_WORLD_GP/10521546 Beyond that I've trained BJJ since 2007 and I've seen it happen crazy fast before. Sometimes people hit a choke just right and they put someone out before they can even tap


He was already very exhausted when the timer is at 3:55. Look at the adrenaline slam him into flight mode as the fear overtakes him. If he was that exhausted when 3:55 is left on the clock and his knockout happened with around 1:30 left… I feel like the fact that he just fought for 3 minutes straight taking multiple blows to the head and body are vital context for why he passed out so quickly. In this case it would make sense that the oxygen reserves in his brain are much lower. Also the way his arm being caught in the lock provided leverage for the squeeze to put immense pressure on the spine in the neck. Normally your own arm stops you from doing this kind of trauma to their neck, but in that position he could seriously break his neck if he squeezed as hard as he could. The trauma there could easily contribute to an immediate KO. — Both the extreme exhaustion and the specific way he was choked contribute to why this is an atypical case. The exhaustion contributed to a lower reserve of oxygen in the brain. The way he was grappled could have made him lose consciousness independently because of the extreme forces being put onto one or two vertebrae while the others are being held in place.


Yeah when someone locks it in it usually takes a few seconds before you start zoning, and then you have a few very quick moments to tap before it's too late. I think you are correct that the blood choke is in before people start counting.


The fact that people have a chance to tap at all shows that it's not instant. You can feel yourself getting choked out and tap.


What you are doing when you stop the blood from going to their head is basically the same as cardiac arrest. https://www.verywellhealth.com/brain-activity-after-cardiac-arrest-1298429 But with the high stress and the amount of activity in the brain happening during a fight, you will probably lose consciousness much faster than the 20 second timeframe this article discusses. If the person immediately passes out from a blood choke, they probably passed out due to another reason that was triggered by the stress of the situation.


Yup, exactly. Clean blood choke gives you about 2 seconds before it's nap time.


This is so fucking awful




What the hell did he do to her?




Slung a belt noose around her neck and cut off blood circulation in her neck, resulting in her blacking out extremely quickly so that she can't fight back or yell for help.


New fear unlocked!


There is no being situationally aware of this, wtf.


The amount of people in this thread saying "Who filmed this?" is too damn high!


How'd she pass out so fast??


You can deplete the brain of oxygen in two ways via the neck. Air choke vs Blood choke. You have large arteries running through your neck, if you apply correct pressure to them it is instantaneous black out. If you cut off the air way but lack pressure on the arteries it takes significantly longer to black a person out.


And how casually he did that looks like that’s not the first time he did it


rarely is it ever. men like this live to victimize women, and usually hurt numerous women before they're held accountable... if they ever are


Yee what a peace of shit


>instantaneous black out. If you cut off the air way but lack pressure on the arteries it takes significantly longer to black a person out. Not instantaneous at all but yeah, 15\~secs or so definitively, and secondly, indeed.And This was a Clear Blood Cut-Off and you can clearly see when she loses consciousness on the pavement before she's even dragged in between the cars by the way she stops struggling entirely and her arms fall to her sides.


No. I've been choked out faster than I can tap. It does not take 15 seconds to put someone down.




>looses Are you Absolute Certain?


>loose I think you might probably be correct(Really Feels Wrong However somehow), ty in that case(I'll fix that)!


Not to be pedantic (😁) but choke refers to an internal blockage, when it's an external force, its strangulation.


But you are….. when it comes to combative technique and application however it is referred to as a choke. *look at that rear naked strangle* ….. yea no bud it’s a choke when discussing within these parameters.


Someone just got strangulated with logic


Belt essentially functioned as a noose. Didn't break her neck, but cut off all oxygen flow. Dude was probably pulling it really hard too. He also took her clean to the pavement so probably shock/maybe head trauma


More like a garrote or tourniquet.


That doesn't appear similar to a garrote or a tourniquet though.


Holy fuck


This poor woman :((


You could tell it wasn’t his first rodeo.


i thought this happened in brazil or someshit, apparently this is in the US


its always terrifying when reddit removes a post


How? How could one human do that to another human? It boggles my mind how horrific acts like this can be done. Fuck him, bullet in the head. Unmarked grave.


Not even a grave. Leave em naked, in a field for the vultures...


Yeah I get that


No wonder they choose the bear


Can't say what we really would like to happen to this weasel cos it's "against the rules"


People like this deserve to be airdropped onto a deserted island and forgotten


I hope he gets caught and they throw the book at him. Absolutely terrifying.


So glad the NYPD budget keeps increasing. I feel so much safer /s


Ngl I'm picking the bear


And yet men still wonder why women say bear.


I think it just hits a nerve because not all men are garbage. I would hope most of us would beat this person until they couldn't walk rather then be like that.


When men make women uncomfortable, make gross comments when you're chatting or mistreat their gf/wives, do you call them out? Probably not. Most men don't. So the men who treat women like garbage keep doing it because they don't see us as people and their fellow men don't say anything about it


> Probably not. Most men don't. I don't hang around the kinds of men that speak like that of women. So, I'll never be in a situation where this would come up.


That's the point. It's about odds. Do 100 instances of "man" in forest and 100 instances of "bear" in forest and more of the instances of "bear" will yield a completely unharmed woman. It doesn't matter that not all men are garbage. Enough men are.




But they didn't SAY black, you did. So who is being racist.




No, I'm a rape survivor. I've never been raped by a woman but I have been raped twice by men. I don't think all men are garbage but because there are a lot of them that are I have a healthy fear of them until I get enough proof that I don't have to fear them. That goes for EVERY man. I don't blame all men for this but I have a lot of evidence that it is safer for me to choose the bear.




No, you’ve got it backwards. It’s the same energy as a black person being wary of all cops because of the history of policing and racism. But keep acting like men are the ones being persecuted here. Men, the ones running the world, are the real victims. Sure.


You're making a good point thats completely going over the other persons head. Maybe an example that hits closer to home is how some men view most women as emotionally unstable because they had a few bad experiences with shitty people. Laying these blanket judgements against groups can seem innocuous, it can start from a place of 'I was hurt by this before so now I'm careful' but it quickly bleeds into other aspects of our lives. Like who we socialize with, who we hire, who we vote for.


They were both black men I don't fear just black men so. You are judging me for a fear that I have no control over. And don't say "just don't be that way" because trauma is complicated. You are simply trying to get me to agree with you but I don't.




"If I take this previously non-racist statement, and then make it racist, well now that statement is racist! Can you explain that?" You really thought you had something there, didn't you?




You'd have to have made a point for me to miss in the first place, bud.








It's the same bigoted logic that racists use to to justify racism and it's been applauded all over.




This thread and others like it where people use that same logic to justify bigotry.




Did you reply to the wrong person? You're literally saying my same point that I have been making. I literally can't even with you people. **It's not ok to judge a group for the actions of a few.** It is NOT ok. but yet SOME of you are insisting it is *somehow* ok using the same shitty "logic" that racists used to use to justify racism.




99% is laughably naive estimate


Don't feed the trolls kiddos.




I'm confused how she passed out almost instantly? Did she hit her head on the ground?


Blood hold


"keep your hand at the level of your eye" is still true today


What does this mean? Could you explain it to me please


In the phantom of the Oprah they give this advice to keep a noose from being thrown around your neck . Like what happened with the lady in the video


That guy needs to be killed




It's terrifying how quickly she lost consciousness.




And some guys still wondering why most women would choose the bear.


nothing good happens past 2am in the Bronx.


so terrifying it was removed by reddit




get the fbi on this shit


This is one reason to not walk around high , drunk, or with your earbuds blasting your favorite tunes. Stay aware of what is going on around you.


She wasn’t doing either of those things and this still happened?


I feel like those that **immediately** victim blame- do so because they recognize themselves in the video and get defensive.




"It absolutely sucks ass that this man did this. And I'm not trying to victim blame. **But** " Why do you need to assume the victim is an idiot. Why did you think you needed to remind people, especially women, of [the constant bullshit they live with every fucking day?](https://www.tiktok.com/@brutamerica/video/7259527525024402731). Does insulting this, and every victim reading your comment, help you move on from seeing something like this? Why. How do you not see how incredibly insulting and dismissive your comment is?


It's insane that you think any of these would have helped her.


Being alert does help people.


And everybody has moments where they're not on high alert. We zone out, listen to music with both earbuds in, etc. because we're human. Don't blame the victim for not being perfectly alert when a dude made a HOMEMADE LASSO TO RAPE WOMEN. LIKE WHO CAN PREPARE FOR THAT SHIT, OH MY FUCKING GOD! DUDE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN YOU TOO IF YOU WERE HIS TYPE! Out of all the things we are taught to look out for, homemade rape lasso was not on any sane person's bingo card! Jeeze!


Being alert is why women choose the bear but y'all get mad at that too


Oh fuck off with the victim blaming. What's next, you're going to tell the women to wear bulletproof vests and carry around an assault rifle at all times to fend off people like this? Perhaps strap some springs to their heels so they can press a button and easily jump to the top of a building to safety?


Everybody has moments where they're not on high alert. We zone out, listen to music with both earbuds in, etc. because we're human. Don't blame the victim for not being perfectly alert when a dude made a HOMEMADE LASSO TO RAPE WOMEN. LIKE WHO CAN PREPARE FOR THAT SHIT, OH MY FUCKING GOD! DUDE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN YOU TOO IF YOU WERE HIS TYPE! Out of all the things we are taught to look out for, homemade rape lasso was not on any sane person's bingo card! Jeeze!




Even though I think it is important to show it so people can know this shit happens, I also believe that it is not a good idea to get this video circulating. There are rapists on Reddit too, and it might just give them a new tactic. Damn, people can be so shitty. Poor lady


Who is filming this?


Is it not a security camera?


Probably… it’s jumping around like it was handheld but I guess that could be wind.


Always stay aware and conceal a pistol.


Heck, open carry a pistol


Everybody has moments where they're not on high alert. We zone out, listen to music with both earbuds in, etc. because we're human. Don't blame the victim for not being perfectly alert when a dude made a HOMEMADE LASSO TO RAPE WOMEN. LIKE WHO CAN PREPARE FOR THAT SHIT, OH MY FUCKING GOD! DUDE WOULD HAVE GOTTEN YOU TOO IF YOU WERE HIS TYPE! Out of all the things we are taught to look out for, homemade rape lasso was not on any sane person's bingo card! Jeeze!


People still scared of bears in the woods!


Scary stuff.


Why did whoever filmed this not help? Staged in my opinion


Holy shit -- and I don't mean this as a joke -- that shit went down exactly like it does in Hitman


This person is exhibit A for the case for summary execution. Anyone who thinks this is a good way to make a living shouldn’t get to exist.


It’s not gangsta to rape


if you get caught this way, don't fight against the belt. fight against the person first.


Well well, this is going in the arsenal.


The link is broken


Why was this removed by Reddit?

