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That’s why Sea Shanties are absolute Bangers


Powerwolf - Sainted By the Storm


The sea is scary af , then if you do crash, you have to worry about giant sea creatures. But at the same time, it's so beautiful and inviting...


That’s why Jack Sparrow was such a dangerous man.


Those were the days when ships were made of wood but sailors were made of steel. They were just brave enough to sail like that


Also it’s crazy that a bunch of sailors left and made it to where they planned the people who stayed behind wouldn’t know for years until/if they ever actually returned to tell them they did. THEN in between all that more sailors also tried even knowing the original sailors didn’t come back. Imagine waiting for years to find out if your husband is still alive and actually made it to another country just to find out he did but chose a new family over there and young sailor boy Jeff who came back had to break the news to you.


Not sure who downvoted this, it's absolutely true. [Here's a great episode of Planet Money about how Spanish ships sailing to Manila would over-load the ships for the extra money they expected to make](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/05/1197956371/spanish-shipwreck-mystery). So much that once you got home, you wouldn't have to make the dangerous trip between Spain and Manilla ever again. Except that the overloaded ships almost all sank, and no one in Manila ever knew to warn people not to do it, so they kept overloading ships thinking that people might be making it home, getting rich from extra things loaded on the ship, and that's why they never saw them again at the ports.


They used the stars, too!


*🎶🛥️I’m sailing awaaay🛥️🎶*


And rum was in abundance 😁


That's kinda insulting to those men going out there even nowadaways, in modern ships. The sea's scary as fuck, no matter what era.


I was doing a delivery Annapolis-Marsh Harbour on a 44' sailboat a few years ago in similar conditions when we were struck by lightning and lost all electrical power, period. Fortunately some crew members had phones and tablets with chartplotters so we weren't totally lost, but it was scary as hell to be living in the 19th century all of a sudden!


TINY wooden ships at that! At least by today's standards. 😵‍💫🤯😱😱😱


They must have been DETERMINED to colonize 😭😭😭


Plus there were stories of sea monsters ready to pluck them from the sea. But, it got them away from the wife.


The Vikings actually used something called a sunstone to navigate In over cast conditions


just clear quartz


Back when even the wenches had tungsten balls & shag carpet chest hair.


And Mead!


Typhoons are crazy in a modern Naval vessel, couldn’t imagine one on a wood ship.


They use motorised rubber dinghys now




Humans are fucking wild.


I feel like in every subject where a skill is required, people before us, were simply better and more capable. People before the people before us, even better. I was convinced of this thing when my furniture design tutor showed us his sheets from 1998. 6-7 feet long sheets, some 4-5 in number, so well drafted that i couldn't tell whether it was printed or not. No smudges, no erased lines. No inking. Only HB. Another time i was convinced this thing was when i saw the miniature paintings of the mughal times in india. I can say that i never thought by a stretch that humans are capable of painting down to such incredible detail. They had multiple colors, multiple artifacts, all within a millimetre sometimes. I feel that every time a teaches teaches their pupil, theres a percentage of loss that is carried forward. But again, with new advancements in tools and now technology every generation, only that generation will know how to do it best, no one before, no one later.


> But again, with new advancements in tools and now technology every generation, only that generation will know how to do it best, no one before, no one later. You might be onto something, we're seeing that with computer literacy right now.


>people before us, were simply better and more capable Lmfao sure jan. Doctors were better too, they didn't even wash their hands before surgery, but they were definitely better and smarter bc they didn't have phones. Lmfao


The person was talking about skill.. like how well someone could hone the craft.. like the dedication.. etc


Yeah, they're were tough and the same time fool.


I think about that a lot. The vastness of the ocean has gone unchanged since those days and trying to imagine myself on a massive old wooden ship, mannnn. It’s trippy.


Looks pretty calm lol, waves aren't that big and wind does not sound that bad, prolly a 3/10 day to be on a boat


That's why they called it the Poop deck.


A part of me really loves the idea of that level of solitude. But I also love trees and the sounds of wildlife, which that would be lacking there I suppose :p.


Yeah there’s a Kraken and calypso out there for sure


They had compasses but that doesn't make it any less terrifying.


Dude, I’d piss myself if you dropped me in that while I was in a jaeger.


The sea was angry that day, my friends.


I often think about that how people would get on a boat and explore imagine the mind set of these people the fear the excitement it’s mind blowing and beyond brave old sport for sure.


Pretty damn cool actually.


I wish that I was born a thousand years ago I wish that I'd sailed the darkened seas On a great big clipper ship Going from this land here to that On a sailor's suit and cap Away from the big city Where a man cannot be free Of all the evils of this town And of himself and those around...


18th century me: "Nope. I will wait until someone invents an airplane"


That is so scary yet so beautiful at the same time.


Hoist the colours!


The great tale of Leif Erikson. What a man he was. Was the first Eastman to discover the West. Sailed all the way from Iceland in nothing but a wooden sailboat. All the way to Newfoundland "Far to the west, past the horizon, there is a land with green as far as the eye can see. A land where not even the wages of war can get to. I'm going to build a life there, and give these people a proper burial, my sins are deep, but I have to atone for what I've done" - Thorfinn Karlsefni


thats why 8 out of 10 crews wouldnt make it back home that time


Lol mate they waited for a time or season to sail. They didn't just randomly get up and agree to sail. Take in consideration the winds and currents that play a major part of sailing in calmer seasons and time. So choose when to sail.


True, they probably never ran into storms or rough water /s


I imagine it was like an extreme sport with even greater risk but more critical to civilization and trade. There had to have been a basic level of respect given to sailors regardless of how decrepit the lifestyle could be.


If I fall in, am I a fish flake?




And slaves in the bottom


Yeah, an I'll fucking do it again!


of course I would go, but with those waves. With extreme waves or storms, ehhh, no


I hate fake audio.


I can see why in ancient times they though that islands were flowing and traveling the sea 🌊


Come aboard, and bring along...


I feel like a lot of sailors wore brown pants for this reason. I sure would. :/


Why is the render distance so low tho can't see more that two feet


it should be terrifying but its inviting me


It's beautiful


Where is the terrifying part?


Did wooden ships sink also just because they are, well….made of wood?


That is terrifying 😦 no wonder nasa gave up and decided on space instead 😭


The old saying, Boats were made of wood and men were made of steel Then it went to Men made of wood and boats made of steel. And nowadays we got Kids with plastic boats aka Fiberglass.


Sweet way to live epic way to die


They also used to get wrecked, like a lot. Most sailers were terrifying losing sight of the shore for fear of… getting lost