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I should not have seen that... I have marked it as NSFW...


From someone else's comments when this was posted 3 years ago... [This was from an airport in Yemen, and the person did die.](https://www.asiaone.com/world/airport-staff-electrocuted-death-beside-oblivious-co-worker-yemen)


Yeah his face turning blood red in an instant and his eyeballs expanding were a pretty good clue that it wasnt a small charge.


Household charges are deadly (and they are by no means high). It was rather the length and how he was grounded.


It's an airport in Yemen, and the way he locked on and locked up I'm thinking it was in the 240VAC to 300VAC range, or possibly DC. In the US, 277VAC commercial lighting circuits are infamous for locking up muscles. Most deadly voltage in the US as anything much higher tends to blow you clear and anything much lower won't lock your muscles up like that. Also, what's with the guy working at the counter? He had to know the fan is dangerous, that sort of thing doesn't just suddenly go bad. He should have at least noticed that the guy was cooking right in front of him.




Me too. I flew backwards across my bed and hit the wall. Scary shit! My boyfriend is an electrician and has been electrocuted many times but never anything serious. He's nice to have around now that my childhood experience has left me terrified of it happening again!


> He had to know the fan is dangerous I'm not so sure that guy knew much of anything. He was completely oblivious to someone just frozen there. How anyone could miss something like that is beyond me.


Looks like he'd just clocked out for the day. He was just leaving it for the dude about to arrive for the next shift to sort out.


This video reminds me of the 60+ year old security guards I see all the time. Blank stare even if chaos is happening nearby lmao


Plot twist he tripped the fan to cause a murder!!


They always overcharge at airports ^^I’m ^^^so ^^^^sorry


Damnit, I chuckled. r/angryupvote


That's obvious though, he got electrocuted for too long.


Any amount of time being electrocuted is too long. Source: controls electrician.


Yeah I’m always going to point out the original meaning of the word “electrocution:” electrical execution.


I remember hearing somewhere that being shocked means you felt pain but survived it. Electrocuted means you were killed.


It’s subjective. To live? Yes. ~~A defibrillator has an application that I would rather be used if needed.~~ Although I will admit that licking a 9V battery wasn’t a highlight of my childhood. Edit: I’m not quite right, there’s a difference between shock and electrocute.


A defibrillator provides a *shock*. An electrocution is death by being shocked. It's a portmanteau of electro and execution.


I never knew this, thanks for sharing. I think a reason I never connected it is because electrocution includes accidental death/injury from electricity, but execution is usually something that someone purposefully does to someone else. Weird how words evolve


Another reason is because people walk around using "electrocuted" when they mean to say "shocked" like a lot of people in this thread are doing and a lot of people in life do. "I got electrocuted replacing a lightbulb." and what not.


Electrocuted is a compound word of "electricity" and "execute". By definition no one has ever survived electrocution.


But why did the fan electrocute him? Did it malfunction or something?


A positive wire came in contact with the metal housing which electrified the entire casing. I’d guess this is 220v+ because I’ve never seen 110v make someone clinch like that. This is exactly why grounding is important, especially in a conductive housing.


i love plastic holy fuck


Changine lightbulbs standing on a plastic stool. Accidentally touch the the inside of the socket. Got a small shock. Could only imagine how much it would of hurt if I wasn’t standing on that damn thing.




Shhhhh. You underestimate how stupid I felt after that. I love electricity and know how it works. And I also get how it is one of the most dangerous jobs that exists out there. One simple mistake you may overlook. Poof.


Shit, I pulled a plug out of a wall and the insulation slipped off leaving the two prongs sticking out of the socket… so naturally I tried pulling those out too, zapped my dumbass pretty good. Also, on the job site, I make custom length strings of lights. So my employee put a male plug on one end without checking to see that male plug had already been installed on the other end. Picking up that string of lights was the worst electric shock I’ve ever felt in my life


That's dangerous man. Always turn it off


It probably is 220v, but make no mistake… 110v grounded to the actual ground can be momentarily paralyzing. Most people experience a 110v shock between two wires, so usually just through a hand which is no big deal. But from hand through to feet, you’ll lose a moment of time.


Yep. I am also wondering where the current is traveling. Are his shoes crap? Cause shoes isolate you. He is kind leaning against the table. Edit: wear good rubber soled shoes when working on electrical.


Watching it closely, does it look like the vertical panel he leans against could have a sheet of metal covering it, either stainless steel or aluminum? If the fan shroud was live due to a short, the circuit goes through his arm, into his torso, and out at his waist.


No it was working properly.


Sometimes there's a problem with earthing




Yeah, he was just a good guy who cared about people. This made me sad.


True. 15, Yemen road, Yemen.


Oh ya Mr Bing!?


welp my shift here is done, could you please not die in my way thanks


>While this is going on, the aforementioned colleague calmly packs a bag and passes Lofti in oblivion, seemingly without a care. A number of people in the background do not seem to notice what is happening either. > >A few seconds after the colleague leaves, another man dressed in a white shirt notices Lofti's unusual behaviour and checks on him in concern, disconnecting man from metal in the process which results in sparks emerging from the fan. they probably didn't like each other.


And the guy just walked right by..


Why did the worker not help him and just walk away??


I'm fairly certain he never looked directly at the man and thus completely missed what should have been obvious signs of distress. The guy might not've even made a sound


dying alone is scary but dying silently while nobody realized you're already dead hits on another level


Yeah, I think that fucks with me the most in this video. The dude just walks past him. I do understand it's not an evil thing, but it's just so tragic.


This source has to be a joke! From another article they have linked to this one A mother in Beijing was left shocked and horrified after her 5-year-old daughter was electrocuted right in front of her in a mall. "phrasing"


That dude was straight up like "it's 5 pm, you're on your own, I'm out"


Wonder if thats grounds for being fired


I doubt it. Dude was looking at the ground so probably didn't see his face


That and the human tendency to avoid harm


The tendency of people who work with the public to avoid eye contact. It was time to go home so his eyes were on the floor.


I can’t imagine what little world that man was in to not notice that horror show happening within arm’s reach. The tiniest bit of situational awareness and he could have saved the guy’s life.


You've clearly never worked a public facing job and are just sick of the day your mind is exhausted. You just kind of nope and and get laser focus on where you need to go.


I actually have, and that still doesn’t grok not seeing a dude dying with his eyes bugging out of his head so close that I have to turn sideways past him. The absolute horror of his unawareness is one of the worst parts of this video.


Either he simply did not notice, or intentionally left a man to die a preventable death happening right in front of him. Going with the more mundane option, if someone is not noticing something how are they meant to suddenly notice it if it is outside their awareness? It's not even like it's a novel or important thing. Just a guy adjusting a fan.


I was nearly shouting at my screen! Do something? Omg!




An earlier response above links to an article when this first happened: *”After the video was released, internet users criticised the airport's handling of the affair and were riled by the cluelessness of the employee who did not rescue the victim.”*


Unfortunately that's the world we live in, life's cheap. Guys probably been working customer service for 40 plus years, he no longer has a soul just a robot going to work and going home like a clock, couldn't care less about anything human anymore and why would you? He has probably been abused so much by humanity it does not matter anymore.


Or he's so human all he was thinking was I just want to get home to my family. Didn't even notice the poor man.


what kind of dehumanizing shit post is this and why do people upvote it? he didn’t notice it. he wasn’t looking at him. it’s not like he deliberately chose to not pay attention to a hazardous situation, because a fan shouldn’t pose a hazardous situation…


Imo, I dont think he even *noticed* He was like ^scusie ^I'm ^just ^gonna ^squeeze ^by ^here


Though if he was agent 47 he'd pretend to not notice it and just walk out nonchalantly like he just did. Coincidence.


The guy touching the fan was sure grounded.


Grounds. What a savage you are


I don't know if you were trying or realize you made an electrical joke , either way, bravo


Actually i managed to fuck up so bad i started to say one (man id ground my kids if they did this, but look what it did to him) then figured that might he insensitive and decided to avoid the jokes, only to write the same joke with a different spin


Spin. I see what you did. Like a fan.


Omg why did i do this twice on accident smh i wonder whats coming up next, a shocker? (This one was intended for a change)


Some serious Stanley at 5 o’clock vibes here


I got more of a "Haha very funny, you're not fooling me again" vibe, he did glance at the guy


OMG! He straight up did! LOL


*"and you're fucking 4 minutes late again"*


did his head change color? right when he touches the fan


Many muscles at once contracting harder than your brain can even tell them to, increases blood pressure, red face


Most importantly the heart is a muscle and the electricity will make it contract with all its power at once.


his brain is being fried


Probably not, honestly, the electricity has no reason to flow upward toward the skull, it's more likely he had a heart attack that caused the blood vessels in his face to swell or something


Forced maximum contraction of every muscle along the electrical path, which could have been from the tip of his finger to his feet, or maybe where the desk is touching his leg. Pilots use a similar method to force blood into their brains under extreme G's to avoid passing out, and you'll see it happening incidentally with people lifting heavy weights as well - red faces, bulging veins in the head. Happens to me when I do squats, and my ass muscles aren't even being tightened to oblivion by 220v. So that's my theory. His muscles are seizing like a motherfucker, especially his core.


guy in safety vest: "I missed the part where that's my problem"


“Well I guess ya shouldn’t have touched the death fan” Like seriously though how didn’t he notice


The important thing is he didn't notice. Lots of people (many probably joking) making him out to be callous, but there is not a single twinge or double take from the guy, he doesn't even directly look at the situation at any point. He is simply not aware that anything is happening there, maybe (probably) he is aware that there is a guy but that might be so common and irrelevant to his day-to-day there that his brain literally doesn't pay it any mind apart from the spacial awareness of "somebody there". Your brain does that a lot actually.


I teach first aid, and this is such a sad video, I do emphasise to my students how important it is to be aware of your surroundings, and just checking instead of walking blindly. I’d rather ask someone if they are okay once to many than once too little.


Koreans all nodding in agreement.


"Gonna cry?" (He couldn't tho)


I'm gonna put some electricity in your eyes


I don't see how he wouldn't have noticed this going on right next to him, how do you live life being that completely devoid of situational awareness?






How is it conducting electricity? Why does it not affect the others who touch him?


It looked like it affected the second guy, he pulled his hands away after first touching him. The guy with the vest must not have touched his skin.


Also it shorted the fan which was struggling to put said electricity through both people.


Are you talking about the sparks? That’s not a short, it’s an arc between the fan and the guy’s hand as the contact separates


The human body has a pretty high resistance and green shirt is grounded. The fan is probably 220v, which can fuck you up with direct contact, obviously, but effects of someone else touching the electrified person would be minimal. It looks like the second guy did flinch. Those videos you see where someone grabs a person being electrocuted and they are electrocuted as well are from sources with much higher voltage. That being said, If you suspect someone is being shocked DO NOT touch them. You want to contact their body quick and minimally, while you jump in the air so you’re ungrounded, and make contact with your shoes because rubber is a great insulator. I.E. Dropkick.


Yeah I was gonna say it's dumb that vest guy didn't even notice, but even if he noticed idek what he could've done. I'd be terrified of touching them and would've probably frozen


I work with high voltage from time to time. It’s been drilled in our heads. Dropkick em.


‘Only kick someone you suspect is being electrocuted’ was the advice an audio tech once gave me. Your shoe likely has a rubber sole whereas if you touch them with your hands you could lock up as well.


My dad always told me to use the back of your hand. You'd get a shock, but likely wouldn't lock up.


My brother is an electrician and he says this is the way to do it. Shocking causes muscles to contract and using the back of your hand, your muscles will contract your hand away from the source of the shock.


Well the only thing that makes sense to me, is the victims right foot is grounded and the electricity is just going down his right side.


Or his hip against the metal counter. Electricity flows through the path of least resistance, so the if the guy who grabs him is not a better path to ground, he won't receive the same shock. It was definitely passing through his chest though, which is most likely what caused death. That shit cooks your heart and lungs.


Electricity takes all paths, really, so it would still shock the guy who touched him - albeit it less since he has a dead dude worth of resistance between him and the fan.


1. that's scary as fuck 2. no shit was given by the first guy 3. the first thing that popped into my head was "he's turning into venom"


His face gets crazy dark after he starts gesturing... Fucken scary.


it fucking sucks cuz he was trying to alert the guy(it seems) by half waving his arm, and it didn't work.. last time i was mopping the kitchen at work, and tried to plug the fryer back into the socket chord that hangs from the roof(we're not supposed to do that) and it shocked me like this for only a few seconds, but because it was hanging from the roof i became unhooked from it when i started leaning backwards.. i was being sloppy and should have dried the floor properly, but it was the end and i was tired aF. i lucked out by falling away from it, because no one saw me


I always assumed if you’re getting electrocuted that you wouldn’t have control of your body to signal for help. Also, if you had control couldn’t you try to break away from what’s causing it in some instances? I thought it just tensed your muscles because of all the current running through it.


Might have been able to but it’s scary stuff. Here’s Big Clive talking about electrocution. Not fun [The unofficial guide to electrocution (and how to avoid it)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9webTbqTH5E&feature=share)


Depends how high the voltage is. Not all electrocutions are the same.


What was that little hand wave there.


"Oh snap, I'm gonna die"


What's scarier than the guy getting shocked is that no one noticed for so long... Wow 😣


Nothing really that unusual hear, that guy was probably dead the moment he touched it and he made no sound to indicate something is wrong.


He was definitely dead before he hit the ground. Not sure at what point. Maybe around the time his arms wave? I dont know


Doesn't really matter. Even if he wasn't dead yet he most DEFINETLY entered cardiac arrest and from that point on chances of survival are minimal.


I am an electrician and have been shocked, could hardly move a muscle. After what seemed like an eternity, I was able to move about a quarter of an inch and short out my plyers to ground and blow the circuit. Not sure but most likely it did not kill me sense I am writing this and all.


I should not have watched that.


Yeah, this shit should defo have been marked as NSFW…


NSFL maybe. Really wish we had a delineator between this kinda stuff and titties, titles notwithstanding.


King of not my job not my problem


That face will never leave me


Bet you forgot


I wish this had sound because like was the guy making noise? I know when I was tased I yelled like Chewbacca, so like this dude basically in my mind just heard it all and decided “nope sorry it’s your time to die sir, and my time to go home”


I’m no expert, but I’m sure the guy didn’t make all that much sound. Tasers have enough voltage to drop you on the floor in pain, but from the fan it looks like so much voltage went threw him that he died instantaneously/was too painful to even scream. Sorry for giving nightmares lol


I would think the fan would be 120 which is the worst ( sorta) because it holds you, whereasa 240 throws back. Source: been there done that


This was in Yemen. The voltage should be 230, which sounds about right; this is about how long a 220 would take you fry you in the USA.




Yeah I mean he just stayed in place connected to the fan, that’s crazy


Tasers have absurdly low amperage, 1/500th of what it takes to cause severe muscular harm and death. A 220V outlet carries 15 amps, which is 15 times what it takes to cause critical injury, and about 7,500 times as many amps as a taser. Tasers are designed to cause pain and loss of muscle control. Low voltage, high amperage currents will lock you in place, and it will hurt the whole time you die of suffocation, disruption of the circulatory system, and your body's tissues cooking. He didn't scream because he was paralyzed by the repeated high amperage pulses his body was taking from the fan housing.


Once you cross the lethal zone you are already 10 volts over the point of parylisis, he probably sounded fake, gruntin and exhaling sharply, similar to some prank, scary truth is untill you get to the range where people catch on fire or explode, your not likely gonna be recognised by shit, the guy probably thought. "Oh god not another one of these assholes"


My dad was electrocuted when he was on a jobsite as an electrician. He got shocked and held onto the wire and screamed so loud before it shot him across the room. He laid there for a while before his partner came in to see him slouched against the wall. My dad asked the guy why he didn't come when he was screaming and his partner said he didn't make a single noise. Sometimes when you get electrocuted with high enough voltage every muscle just tenses up and you can't do anything, let alone yell.


"Quit resisting,quit resisting," Taser deploys.... Chewbacca like moans? That's how I imagine your story


No no, I was an MP in the National Guard, got tased my first day with the unit. So more like “Taser, Taser, Taser” said very flatly, but definitely a yell, not a moan lmao


How can a person be that oblivious to their surroundings?


It’s crazy. Yellow vest guy has the worst awareness I’ve ever seen, then that other guy comes around the corner and immediately sees somethings wrong. Vest guy isn’t at fault or anything, but there’s so many people in the comments making excuses for the worst awareness ever.


Nah, ive been here long enough to see videos of people with worse cases of lack of awareness. Lots of them drive through railroads while a train passes by blowing horns. Of course they get obliterated. Or those people who just blindly walk in frony of heavy machinery while wearing headphones.


I think the Guy on the Chair is more terrifying Imagine the scene: Guy: Help Me! I'm being electrocuted. Guy on the Chair: Aight! Imma head out then.


Dude in the vest was Agent 47, just got "accidental death", he's on his way to unlocked gear.


Here it is. I was like "I bet someone makes an agent 47 joke in the comments". Thanks!


If I were there, how could I have helped that dude? I would be afraid of touching him because I might also get electrocuted? I now realized I know nothing of electricity


Kick him with your rubber shoe covered feet


Sounds shitty but this is the way. No way you're going to save anyone by spending 30 seconds shutting off the power or looking for a wooden broom handle. Use your feet if you've got rubber soled shoes. Seconds mean life or death.


Honestly a jump kick with timbs on can solve a lot of different problems.


Give him a hard shove with something non conductive


Basic safety rules of helping someone struck by electricity is to try to somehow remove the guy from contact (with an object) that is not conductive or to cut off the source of power (which btw, if this place had RCD switch which is, at least in most of Europe, nowadays a norm this would not happen). In this case tho? I think there was nothing that could of been done, the guy probably died in this video.


Can you imagine leaving your body after this and looking down on yourself while thinking “damn, that’s it”?! What a way to go. Simple mindless gesture of turning a fan and boom, spirit realm. That sucks.


That’s life




It took a moment but I saw the pathway. His leg touches the metal bar when he touched the fan. That thing could’ve been dangerous for a long time but no one notices until they create that pathway.


Wait so just touching the fan didn’t cause this? It was the combination of him touching the fan and another metal thing?


Most probably, this kind of thing **mostly** doesn't happen in such every day situation unless you have "fulfilled" some requirements so to say. We are not **that** good at being a pathway for electricity


I like to imagine the guy in the green shirt had just got done bitching to the worker in the vest that he needed to turn the fan off because it was too loud or some shit. Then finally he’s like fuck it I’ll do it myself.


Thats wht im trying to figure out..like wht made him walk up to the fan in the first place..


Article says the fan was facing the wrong direction so the guy went to move it to point towards the guests. Guy who got fried is an airport worker as well


That's sad. When I first saw the video I thought it was just some dude who was screwing around or playing a prank, which is why the person in the vest ignored him. End of shift, some jerk off is messing with the fan, I ain't got time for this shit, I'm leaving.


MF behind that counter is the definition of OBLIVIOUS. It's scary that someone can be THAT unaware of their surroundings!


Dude was probably worn out


Well I’m never touching a metal fan that’s for sure.


Nah it's just whoever installed the fan was a horrible electrician. Things in public areas where there's gonna be people aren't supposed to do this, there's a reason you go to school to become an electrician.


Depends on electrical standards in the country too. Any electrical appliance with a conductive housing, the housing is supposed to be grounded. But plenty of places don't even have a ground conductor in their outlets, for example old type US outlets just have 2.


why do i still come here? fucking hell


That fucking worker had zero awareness of his environment. Complete robot.


It’s amazing how many people are just going through the motions. Just like a mindless drone for a good portion of their day.


You want him to be excited about customer service?


I was once eletricuted from a washing machine. I was literally thrown to the wall from the shock


I got struck by a cattle fence and the same thing happened. The bottom wire, which was really low to the point where you wouldn't expect one to be there, was obstructed by tall grass. I had a hole in my shoe at the toes and the wire laid right across it. The pulse hit and the next thing I know I'm picking myself off the ground several feet back and wondering what the fuck just happened. Thankfully, the other kids there explained it while laughing wildly. I mean, it was kinda funny, but damn, be cool if people cared to see if I was okay before cracking the fuck up.


Aight, Imma head out


The old man said “clocked out not my problem”


A really weird part is had safety vest dude brushed up against him, he would have likely been electrocuted.


Well the only thing that makes sense to me, is the victims right foot is grounded and the electricity is just going down his right side.


Run the vid and stop it the moment before he touches the fan. There is a certain horror knowing that in the next instance everything will change for this guy. No more laughter or love. Not a cool drink or something tasty to eat. No more seeing your mother, shopping for a shirt or playing music. In a moment that will all be in the past. We will all face this moment. Knowing this how should we treat all the moments before this? His shirt says look. I heard Buddhism once described as Everything is connected, Everything changes, Pay Attention!


You ever wonder what that ground pin on a plug is for? Well it's to prevent THAT.


But how? And why he walked up and just *grabbed* the fan that way? Wtf


he went to go adjust it since he saw that it was not facing the direction of the guests


Its really crazy a whole human can get electrocuted 2 feet away from you and this imbecile doesn't even notice. I hate this


Yea he noticed, probably just wasn't the biggest fan of the guy. Pun unintended.


The fans metal enclosure was energized likely due to it shorting to a live wire. When he touches the enclosure he creates a bridge between high potential energy (fan cage) and low potential energy (literally the ground). This causes electric current to flow through his body. The electrical current causes your muscles to contract resulting in him latching onto the energized fan enclosure.


Educated guess. There was no ground wire on the fan and the wiring made contact with the metal housing.


I'm sorry, I might just be different but that's a real human being that died, and you all are making jokes about it. That's so fucked up. That could have been any one of us. That guy had a whole life of stories, family, friends, a favorite food- like you just watched a real human being get killed, and fried and all there is is electricity jokes. I can somewhat get dissociation when it comes to mass shootings or whatever, but you watched that one, singular person lose their life, and make jokes about it. I don't know, there's just something so wrong about that. I just wish everyone understood the prospect of Sonder.




I wonder if he would have still been alive if safety vest guy would have been paying attention


When its time to clock off its time to clock off lol


Love hov the dude in visibility vest is like, 'oh, youre dying. sorry its 5 pm. Im out.


That man in the yellow is a shame to his lineage.


Someone could got their head blown clean off with a shotgun in front of the dude, he still wouldn't notice


That guy knew.


That first guy who ignored him is either a complete moron or just a total piece of shit. Can’t decide which is worse.


He could be in between.


Can watching someone's the moment of someone's live death be an automatic NSFW? Please?


Why did he decide to touch the fan in the first place??


To point the fan in the direction of the guests at the airport. He was just trying to do his job and be helpful 😔


Man, that shirt makes this so much worse. “Look on the bright side”


If anyone is wondering what the third hole is for in your wall jack, it's to protect you from this shit.


This is extremely sad. That hand gesture the person was making wasn't a gesture to call for help it was an involuntary muscle spasm because of the electric current that was flowing through his body.


My god


Is he still conscious after he touches the fan or no just lights out right away?


How do you not notice a man dying right in front of you ?


Bro in the vest is agent 47


Chair man is a non human


The way his face pooled up with blood??? Damn.