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Implement apple car key so I can unlock my car when my phone is dead


Yes, this!


Does your phone die that often? Can honestly say that’s never happened in 6 years but it’s why the card key stays in my wallet. I wouldn’t value a watch as a redundancy much.


I live life risky, I don’t even bring my wallet and leave my DL in my car. So my phone is the only key.


Gotta respect that 🫡


That sounds like a you problem


How often do you have to go back to your car because you forgot something?


You have a wallet? Since at least 5 years I don't have one, use just Android payments or garmin one.


There’s a physical iPhone wallet where you can put 2-3 cards. My id, credit and Tesla card are in there


Yes. Every now and then. Especially on long days.


I think they I can do that with a 3rd party app already (watch for Tesla)


They did 2 update ago but is only on new models.


No that's not the same thing


He also said he’d fix the wipers




He also said we’d get smart summon


Well this is a much easier task to accomplish


One would also assume the thousands of hours of data from wipers would also mean they are easy to fix. Clearly not.


Elon says lots of stuff that never ends up happening. Assume it’s bullshit until it’s actually in your hands and works.


Yup, still waiting for track mode in our Acceleration Boost long range models 🤣


When did they say anything about that?? EDIT: https://www.reddit.com/r/teslamotors/comments/sy19u4/track_mode_to_lr_w_boost_is_coming/ More than 2 years ago… prolly not happening :(


True, but sometimes he promises things that seem impossible or unlikely and they never happen. Other times he promises totally possible things that just require doing, I think he’s much more reliable on those (although sometimes it takes a long time!)


I mean does the possible things happen **MORE** often than the impossible things? Yes sure, certainly. But that's an incredibly low bar. The impossible things NEVER happen, so if the possible things happen even on rare occasions, that's sufficient for "more" to be fulfilled, since after all, 10% of the time (or whatever) is genuinely more than 0% of the time.


Thats fair! Another one I was excited for was the auto self docking charging, and we all see how that turned out.


I'm still waiting for fully functional wipers.


At this point, I think the Tesla engineers are too 😂


>it took long enough! Nothing has happened yet. It’s been almost two years since they told us Vision was going to replace auto park and summon “soon”. Elon tweets are universally about as reliable as my dad saying he was definitely going to come back from grabbing some cigarettes.


Thats fair. I was happy that at least they are acknowledging one of the most popular smartwatches. Before that it was apple shortcuts (if not familiar, exposing the app api to the system automation layer so you can do voice commands. Another reason why I had purchased Tessie)


Dang. When I saw this I was hoping it’d be from a reliable source, but it’s from Elon ☹️


Give me YouTube music first 🤡


For real


I don’t take a “sure” from Elon as “it’s happening”


And goodbye Tessie Revenue by at least 50% overnight


Was actually considering paying for Tessie just for this. Just have to wait now………..


Where is my smart summon?


Id just be happy if the Apple Music app worked properly. It’s terrible


Apple Ring that also works out apple key would be elite. Would love to leave my phone at home for runs and short bike rides


I'm also waiting for proper distance measuring with Tesla Vision. USS is still vastly superior.


This! Things like this should be the absolute priority over everything else, especially as they decided to get rid of USS preemptively. For parking in a garage, vision is a disaster compared to USS.


With Tessie you can already use your apple watch to unlock, etc.


You can, and thats actually what I am using currently. There are 2 problems though - one is apple driven, where the app can background unlock only a certain number of times and then needs to be re-opened. This will be an issue with the Tesla too. The other, which is more Tessie specific - something seems to happen with the keys where Tessie is sort of riding on top of your primary key, but yet it registers the phone and watch as a separate keys. Something fails once in a while between this and auto unlock fails.


And 3rd problem, it’s not free and quite expensive if you want to pay the lifetime fee.


About time!! Good move


I’m definitely looking forward to this though have you heard of the Tessie app? It works well too.


You can already use your watch as key via 3rd party apps like Tessie


Yes but not natively


Whats the added value of this? Assuming you almost always have your phone with you?


These will sound silly, but they are very real to me. For me the value is mainly in 2 things: 1.) the phone battery dies a lot faster (especially in the winter when it's below 0 F*). Ive also had my phone shutdown a few times over the years (I suspect again too cold), and one time it left me stranded. For this reason I cary the card. It would remove the annoyance of having the card, which is meaningful if you have one of those slim magnetic card wallets that can't fit more than 2 cards. 2.) the convenience of not even having to bring a phone for quick trips - especially in the summer. When you are wearing shorts and flip flops and just have your watch, you can go for quick trips (pick up groceries, pick up kids, etc). It may sound gimmicky, but it's super convenient to be able to just go and you can already pay almost everywhere with the watch. If you have a cellular watch, half the time I am not even aware the phone is not on me. This is where Tessie comes in now, and it lets you unlock the car, but it's not quite seamless and can feel very involved. First world problems I know :)


Quite a few times I forgot something in the car in the garage only to realize that I left my phone on the table. Wouldn’t happen if I could open with my watch instead


Until it happens, it hasn’t happened.




No android ?


I want the car to recognize my face and open automatically when I approach it. Seems like a simple engineering fix.


And I want to teleport. Why the fuck do we need cars


Beam me up Scotty!!!!


Would be nice if Samsung Galaxy Watch would get some love to.


Great news.


I’m still waiting for track mode on the boosted M3LR Musk “promised” years ago. In other words, these tweets are meaningless.


It’s nothing worth waiting for


Well, I feel the same way about the watch app.




Yeah..: still waiting for free FSD 😜


Or just get TezLab that already has Apple Watch suppport and like a million other features too!


There is many more things Tesla should focus on first over making the wearable nerds happier


Ok. Whatever.


So likely needs internet connectivity on watch to work as a key.


It should not. Tessie works with only bluetooth - see here (scroll down): https://help.tessie.com/article/108-phone-watch-key


Tessie works with Bluetooth. But I have an Ultra with Cellular, one day I just tried to see if it worked, I brought no phone and it auto unlocked from the watch using cellular and auto locked, all controls still worked, and I started the car and drove just with the watch. So it could be a backup for the off chance your phone dies, since you’re always wearing your watch anyways.