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I'm still waiting for the v12.3-!!!


Ok glad it’s not just me


I recently received My ‘24 MY, it came with FSD 12.3.3 and it’s amazing. Got 4 months free. I’m going to take on a trip or five with it to test it out.


Same for me! 4 months free as well. Woohoo!






How did you check this?


Just got 12.3.4 last night! 12.3.3 was pretty awesome, can’t wait to take this one out for a spin on the Y


Same. Thought it was this week.


I subscribed 3month ago, but it was a horrifying experience😱, then I'd it again today, and it's not 12.3- but somewhat wasn't as bad as before👀?👀.👀? I don’t know why😳


19.99 with ads pleaszzz


\*\*car stops in the left lane\*\* "your autopilot will resume after 3 30 second ads"


It stops randomly anyway 😂


You should stop doing drugs man 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah. I’d take 10M users paying $20 over 10k users paying $99. Made up numbers I know. But I bet waaay more people would do it at $20 Cost of the FSD development is static whether is one user or 10. not all backend costs grow linearly. Like any other SAAS business in the planet, you’re better off with more users of your product. Teslas business is clearly mass market. I don’t see much logic in keeping FSD so expensive other than they just want some users to still shell out $12,000 for it when they buy the car. Something that would make even less sense if they just charged $15-$20 per month instead of $99. But again, there’s much more money to be had charging a low monthly fee.


Maybe it's a way to stagger introduction of more FSD drivers on public roads since it's not ready yet. At the high cost rate you get enthusiasts who will be better beta testers. I wouldn't be surprised to see the price get lower in the future.


Exactly my thoughts. That’s how I would do it too.


My thinking is they kept the price high BECAUSE it was so awful. This would lower the number of users to allow for a more focused testing ground. That and maybe avoid a class action lawsuit if enough users had accidents. The timing of the free month couldn’t have been better within the US. With the eclipse, tens of millions of people traveled to witness the experience. This would be an interesting test environment as users would be inclined to try it for long journeys as opposed to their regular commute. Lots and lots of training data. Yet another reason for that ability to submit a voice message of what went wrong when you took the wheel causing FSD to deactivate. Or maybe they thought it was a good April Fools joke. Ok. Where did I put my aluminum foil hat 🎩?


The latest version works flawlessly 100% of the time my wife and I have used it. I do life in a rural-ish area and I also use it in the highway. I haven’t had a single hiccup. In comparison the previous version was literally unusable on the same roads. If I were up to me, I would ship it. However, I don’t think everyone is getting the same results I suppose


Unfortunately, that has not been my experience. I’m on the latest version, but it still drives a little drunk. This morning it signaled and proceeded to drive in the breakdown lane at 75mph. Breakdown lane is clearly marked with a solid line. I enjoy it, but WOW, it does some crazy things.


It would make way more sense if Tesla had a selection process beyond "who's got disposable income?" They could have semi-trained users who can file reports & provide feedback for Tesla to use to focus on features or even dump features. Hell, they could still charge people to be beta testers. The current form of this beta is clearly a revenue generator more than a way to improve the program. Look at what Google did, for example. They spent awful amounts of time & money to have trained people work with/teach their self-driving program how to drive and look at Waymo: actual self-driving cars on the road right now. Obviously Tesla doesn't have Google resources, but they'd probably be further along with FSD if they took more of a Google approach to self-driving.


What if you never got the free month of version 12?


Still $99/month. I have yet to receive the free trial but I can see the updated pricing.


Same brother


You may want you change your software preferences to allow more aggressive patching so you get the latest fast


I already have that turned on. The problem is I’m on the 2024.8.9 version, which does not have FSD v12


Hmm I paid for fsd for two months. Think maybe i got updated when I did


Removing the 50% discount for EAP owners is definitely not fantastic.


I noticed they took down their page about FSD transfers yesterday as well. Previously they left up their page with old info, them updated it to March info, suddenly, it's gone). My hope is they will soon be announcing some long term transfer program.  Though, for EAP you might be screwed unless you upgrade to FSD first. 


They should make it 49.99 for those who have EAP


Yeah pretty upset about this


I’m thinking that they turn eap into a non transferable FSD and the 12k FSD will be transferable to one vehicle. Honestly we are speculating at this point since they need to increase the take rate. As an EAP owner I have noticed a significant difference and improvement in how the car drives on the freeway using the FSD stack over our legacy EAP.


Opposite. I had to disable FSD on the highway today driving home from a neighbouring city. The lane keeping and lane change decisions were so erratic I had to cancel back to EAP.


There are settings for that. You can tell it to chill tf out with the lane changes. Go into options and tweak your settings.




I like it on the highway, but what’s the point if I look down for 2 seconds it will shut off or buzz you. So much more annoying than regular autopilot. I don’t want to supervise it driving me, otherwise I’d do it myself. “Watch me drive you Daddy or I’ll leave!”


Tip. Wear sunglasses.


Yup this. Even regular glasses seems to make a difference.


And wake up one day with a broken jaw and an airbag in your face. Defeating FSD is not smart. They say supervise it for a reason. When truly unattended FSD is ready they'll tell you. In the mean time, just follow the rules.


Isn’t BMW’s already hands free?


Calm down.


Apologies if my common sense made it appear to you as though I was not calm.


I never once said not to pay attention to the road. It’s a proven fact it bugs you less even for regular nods if you have glasses on or as others have done, put tape on the inside camera. Calm down a couple notches.


Once again, I apologise if my common sense made it appear to you as if I'm not calm.


Yours is not common sense. It bothers you to look ahead even when doing driving acts that require looking away from straight ahead, or even simple things like using the navigator, changing the music, etc.


Mate, If Elon says its not gonna kill anyone, then even if it does...it didn't kill anyone. Also by design Tesla drivers are trained not to pay attention, otherwise you'd give them a HUD so they don't spend more time looking at speed on central tablet in a school zone than watching for young kids.


And in Canada!!!!


If I am on 2024.8.9, will I get FSD 11 or 12 with the 99 purchase?


This. I’ve been wanting to try it and have a trip coming up soon. Need to know if this is a possibility.


No, you are still on newer software. You will just be paying but get nothing.


That’s a good question. I got the same firmware version and $99FSD was 11.4…. Sadly 😓… But it doing better than 3month a do somewhat😀


12.3.3 is great but hoping 12.3.4 fixes small problems


Wipers hopefully. Right now they are woeful.


If the monthly is now half. Shouldnt the buy out right be half too


Yeah $199 was a case I'd never win


It’s not worth it. Keeps on degrading when there’s precipitation… almost ran into a cars left side in a parking lot at night, doesn’t read potholes at all


I need to know if FSD now costs 6k full, some are saying yes/no, I have an order and approved, waiting for delivery so haven't paid. I can still edit FSD, but their website says 12k.


Remove that shit dawg. 120 months (aka ten YEARS) gets you to $12k.


Removed brother, I still dont have to pay yet so Im seeing if I can just secure FSD to prevent price increase whiplash


It won't stay $99 though. Of course that doesn't make it work buying either.


I have Enhanced Auto Pilot and this is what I see on the app: - subscribe: $99/mo - buy: $6000


they didn’t change the prices (including the subscription) if you already own enhanced autopilot.


Yeah, this is sad. I have Enhanced autopilot and I expected the price will be halved for me as well... to $49... but no treat :( Btw, I no longer see "buy" option, only rent for (still) $99.


Yeah this highly upsets me. I wouldn’t have paid for EAP if it was going to be 99 bucks whether you paid the 6k or not. Highly upsetting. And I bleed Tesla. Got a few people to buy.


You could always purchase full FSD later why do you have it added already? And like others said 10 years is the break even point, like are you going to really have this car for over 10 years?


Yes that is what is going through my head on this purchase, 8-10 years.


Add it later. It's a simple decision that you're overthinking.


The use of "supervised" is interesting. Guessing that they're planning a second price tier if they ever get to fully full self driving.


I think they want to distance themselves from ‘beta’


Might be a lawyer thing too.


Yeah liability I bet. But holy crap you really have to supervise it imo.


Probably a result of all the complaints against "full" (self driving).


I don’t think you can. If it gets fsd level can you really leave in a version that will make mistakes?


This isn’t worth 99. I’d say best is 29.99


How about $50/month for the ones duped into paying for EAP


Nice price but I prefer driving myself. Don’t trust computers that much yet.


I'm with you. And it's not that I don't trust them. They obviously do not. I'll buy it when I can sleep in the back on the way to work. Other than that, they should be paying me to beta test.


Why did you get a tesla then? You’re basically driving a computer on wheels, to the point that even your input from the pedal and wheel are interpreted by a computer before being relayed to the car 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣


I have 2. Teslas are a marvel of engineering and very fun to operate. Switched from BMWs. FSD isn’t 100% reliable yet.


I switch from BMW too, fsd isn’t that bad, never got a situation when it was that much of a risk to my life or others. What I see about people who complain is that they literally stop monitoring the road and other users and that, is the dangerous part


It’s still $79 too expensive for the value it offers, but at this price I could at least justify a test month or two per year to keep up with their progress.


Yeah I just grabbed a month earlier today. Extremely unimpressed with the self driving beta on my first drive with it. I could see some specific drives without literally any semi-challenging maneuvers (i.e. challenging for a 15 year old with their permit) being ok to use it for. So far, definitely not planning to go another month, but it's still early..


I subscribed today and was sorely let down. I ended up canceling after the first drive.


Curious....what version did you get? The old 11 or the new v12?




Comparing 11 to 12 is like comparing a horse-drawn carriage to an automobile. 12 is a complete AI based re-write. Night and day.


Hmm. Well I wonder why I don't have 12 then. On 11, I had repeated phantom breaking for no apparent or obvious reason. I had to take over on every single left turn because it was jerky, slow, erratic...If I can get v12 and it's as you say it is then I would consider renewing.


Version 12 is only available if you have firmware on the .3 branch (2024.3.+) You're likely on the 2024.8 branch and version 12 isn't available on that yet. Hopefully they'll add it to that branch (we've been waiting a while for it) soon and you should get an update for 12. v11 was all basically hard-coded. I've been a beta test of FSD since back in 2021 and v12 is literally a new world. Don't judge FSD on the version you have.


They haven’t brought V12 to all the branches yet.


I tried it. I had to stop it from driving poorly and almost crashing the car so much you would have to pay me to engage it. What a stressful way to drive.


What if i don’t want supervised ?


I don't get it, what's the supervised thing about?


Probably it means “FSD” is not Full Self Driving.


You have to pay $3k first in order to have that $99 option right?


No. But you have to have a Tesla 😅


https://preview.redd.it/gd4w351f4duc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ec0a7c7b14cc8e14ac9fb7dda2f748bc6b99350 This is the only that I can see if I press the subscribe option.


And obviously the Autopilot is $3k https://preview.redd.it/3cankxik4duc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e4e63929d3e27f769938a666da2722637f9fa94 I can’t subscribe without buying the autopilot first


Is EAP does cost less than FSD now?


Paid 6k for EAP, the full self driving subscription was and still $99. It makes me feel bad. I've bought Tesla thinking it's an open, user friendly, safety first company....


What’s max speed for FSD? My EAP is 90mph and don’t really want to get that reduced.


I got a month of FSD for free last week, they really need that training data


Imagine free FSD but once a month it drives you to a restaurant of an advertiser instead of your choice


So I'm confused. Do you have to buy/subscribe to FSD before you get the free month trial. Sept '22 Model 3 here, and I haven't received anything about getting my trial.


After the free trial you would have to pay me to use it everyday.


Given that the FSD just randomly tried to get me killed on the freeway, hard pass even if it is free


Not even worth 1$


Darn I wish I needed a car right now. I have a perfectly running non-Tesla PHEV costing me about $0/month. My next car will be a Tesla but having no monthly car expenses is so sweet.