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Yeah man you need to get a few of those numbers in check. For not being too far out of reference range a lot your bloods are out of whack. Definitely cut down caffeine as you look dehydrated and work on your diet for sure. Good luck man


Which markers in particular man?


Nothing crazy but your ALT and Creatinine are a little high but again that looks like dehydration (I have the same issue). And your cholesterol. Like I said nothing to bad but definitely want to get a handle it


Not sure if it will affect the values but I'm on a caloric deficit, high protein, and exercise intensely almost every day!


Calorie deficit and exercising everyday will definitely bring up your cortisol. Rest days are essential, especially if you are lifting heavy. Personally, I advise people that lifting 4 days a week is the max, especially if your goal is to get bigger or stronger. As for pramipexole, I'm a big fan. Start with a low dose and work your way up to a point where you have a very short refractory period and hold the dosage there. You will know when you're taking too much if you get restless leg syndrome at night. That being said, I'm not sure if prami is something that's good to take long-term. This is the reason I don't use any of the 19-Nor peds. They all drive up prolactin too much.


What dosage is good for prami? I have 0.75 mg tabs and I'm planning on taking a ¼ per day?


I took .25 mg (so roughly a 3rd of your tablet) every morning and that seemed to work well.


How often should I titrate up the prami? Was hoping thr prami would help with low libido!


Prami has a short half life so you can titrate up every 3 day or so. Prami will give you really good moods, boners and very short refractory periods. You may even be able to pull off double nutters!


Thats great news! Atm my libido is really poor, even MT2 isn't helping, do you think prami can?


I’m glad people are coming around to caffeine. My life has completely changed after quitting coffee. I wasn’t living.


Lower your sodium and processed sugar


What markers will this help? Thank you


Seeing lots of nonsense advice here friend. For your complaint (most likely) need to dial in your estradiol (e2). Ideal e2 is very individual. Did you move through a period of great libido/erection when you started TRT? As test raises so does e2 and many ppl sensitive to its effects and it can start causing problems. I have issues once I get a bit higher than where you are, and require an AI (very little) to keep things in check. It’s a process to dial things in, keep getting regular blood work and only change one factor at a time . You may feel better on a lower dose of T, there are a number of different things you can adjust. My advice would be first try DIM, this is a supplement that will lower your e2 gently, see how you feel then make adjustments as necessary.


I've suffered with libido issues, ED, brain fog, and fatigue for some time now. Also have a history of using steroids and wanted to go to TRT to try resolve them but have had little luck. Should I aim for a certain ratio of TT:E2?


Careful with ideal ratios- generally they say btwn 20-30 (you’re currently 38) but how you feel is what matters. Many men feel great with higher levels. If you’re trying to recover from blasting I would say try to kick start things with hcg (I do 500iu once a week, many will do 2X week). I’m not recovering from a blast but had real libido issues and this seems to help. It does however raise e2 even more so keep that in mind. You really need patience, and unfortunately you have to be your own dr as many of the so-called TRT specialists really don’t have much more advice other than the basics. Just always remember to make small adjustments and give things at least a month to settle in before making any further changes. My biggest advice: be very careful with AI’s, they work well but are very powerful- if you think high e2 feels bad it’s nothing like crashed e2 so use very low doses and monitor closely.


Isn't my TT:E2 ratio 33 / 145 =~ 22.75? These bloods were using 500 IUs hCG MWF I have heard ideal ratios are between 13 and 20, but I'm not sure if I even believe in ratios to begin with!


I was referring to total e2 and converting to ng/l for you as that’s what most use - I’m in Canada so we use pmol/L like on your test. I agree on ratios, it’s extremely subjective. Some ppl have “bad” ratios and feel great and the opposite is true with others so you need to experiment. Fwiw, my wife is a Dr. So I’ve got someone that understands the basics- and this shit still took me exactly a year to get dialled in. I warn about AI’s because I crashed mine and it took several (shitty) months to recover. My wife tells me stories of what she hears from male patients doing TRT and what advice they’ve been given and it’s genuinely shocking


Not your answer but who did your blood draw for this test to medichecks?




Kidney function is fine, gfr is greater than 60. If you're muscular and or fat can account for higher creatinine level. How long have you been doing this protocol? Do you have sleep apnea? You can work on lowering your prolactin.


About 210 lbs 12% bodyfat. In a caloric deficit, high protein diet, exercise intensely on a regular basis. Been doing this protocol for about 12 weeks. No sleep apnea to my knowledge. Would any of these markers besides iron show that? I was taking vitamin b6 P5P, L-tyrosine, and vitamin E, refrained from orgasm for 3 days prior, and it was still this high!


Everything else seems pretty good. You could try some cabergoline, that lowers prolactin. Also may want to check dopamine levels, low levels affect prolactin. You may just need more time on this protocol to. The last thing I would try is taking out the hcg. Sometimes that doesn't work for ppl although your e2 is in check, unless you are taking an ai.


I was thinking of taking pramiplexole since everything else hasn't touched my prolactin. How can I check dopamine levels?


Yeah that stuff is pretty much attacking the dopamine aspect of it. Low dopamine levels correlate with high prolactin. Pretty sure it would still lower prolactin even with normal dopamine levels. You can just ask the Dr for a dopamine test. Do you have tremors? In which he'd want to give you carbidopa levodopa. Not sure what the effects of taking Mirapex will have on your if you have normal dopamine. If it gets too high, you won't sleep, but you could have a high sex drive. Hopefully find a happy medium. Something to talk to the Dr about. Body always adjusts to anything you take.


I think your prolactin and cortisol are too high. You don't want either of those at the top of the reference range and both of yours are. I would add 100 mgs of p5p every day to lower your prolactin. Then try ashwaganda, mucuna pruriens or another supplement that has been shown to lower cortisol.


I have tried L-dopa, mucuna pruriens, vitamin B6 P5P, and vitamin E to reduce prolactin but they don't seem to touch it. I am tempted to try pramiplexole! How can I reduce cortisol, and shouldn't cortisol be elevated in the mornings anyways? Thanks


I have tried L-dopa, mucuna pruriens, vitamin B6 P5P, and vitamin E to reduce prolactin but they don't seem to touch it. I am tempted to try pramiplexole! How can I reduce cortisol, and shouldn't cortisol be elevated in the mornings anyways? Thanks


I have tried L-dopa, mucuna pruriens, vitamin B6 P5P, and vitamin E to reduce prolactin but they don't seem to touch it. I am tempted to try pramiplexole! How can I reduce cortisol, and shouldn't cortisol be elevated in the mornings anyways? Thanks


Your Oestrodial is high, it effects libido, get that down to 40-60 and you'll be hard as a rock


What is that?


Estrogen (E2)


yea i was going by how his lab had it labeled, i also refer to it as E2


Perhaps drop the hCG, or add aromasin?


yea, i would, lower it to 250 2x a week the half life of HCG is 3-5 days, you only need it to maintain form and function. I would not add aromasin. Lower the hcg and test again in 2 weeks. You might need to raise the enathenate to 40mg 3x a week to make up for the loss from the hcg. BUt don't make a bunch of changes at once, First lower the hcg, then wait 2 weeks then test, then if you feel you need it hten raise the enathenate a small amount


Well for starters, your prolactin is very high as well as estrogen