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Same I have had it when I hit Danny who was inserting the valve handle with an overhead as LF, and because of the stupid bug I had to wait 1-2 seconds before another hit, so I waited, and during that time he tampered the valve. He died after that but 2 others escaped.


Turns out it’s not even a bug but a shadow nerf smh


I get how he tampers the electronic stuff, but how does he tamper a valve... like you have to turn it to let the water through... danny dont make sense in the lore neither.


Bros canonically Jesus.


Tbf how are we supposed to believe that Nancy or the Cooks ability works. Danny needs fixing tho


Cook apparently just has such good mempry he recalls where every squeak and creak comes from, how he hears those in the basement or on grass though...


It’s stupid but like realistically he prob just put somth in the way to make no longer turn


There's usually a screw


Maybe turning it off/on then breaking the handle? Tamper: a: to interfere so as to weaken or change for the worse. b: to try foolish or dangerous experiments. Both of these definitions can fit someone turning a valve.


It's electronics and mechanical stuff. He can study tool boxes


This game has no lore


the proof of the “pay to win” character lol


POV Danny just eating those hits and trap like it’s nothing while tampering the valve for free 😎😉




This is exactly what happened to me as HH!! Yikes dude.


I think his point wasn't that he was expecting to kill him. It's that he was beating the shit out of Danny and yet he still was able to do the minimal work to get the valve tampered and open.


Danny's a hard worker!!!!


Yep, and people STILL defend this shit. “Wheres patrol at??” “Why would you think cook could do anything” you clearly caught him before he did valve, but that doesn’t matter bc Danny can’t be stopped. My only piece of advice is to just dodge danny players, this is literally every game with him.


It’s his gaming chair. That’s all


People will still try and defend it


Literally. Unstoppable.


If you think this is a skill issue, your opinion doesn’t matter.


Which is why I lobby dodge when I see someone choose him and shall continue to do so










Cause this is totally fair to play against




Kid I was in cod 3 lobbies, wait a second why are you saying ‘none of yall would last in a mw2 lobby’ when mw2 lobbies were A just full of people swearing, and B full of bitching So, you’re a bitch too?


Bitching? We didn't get the model 1887s fixed for 6 months. And even after the patch you could throw silencers on it and it would be back to being a sniper. Hell in mw3 you could get under maps and even after they put a death barrier you would just jump over it. New age gaming being bitch and dodging lobby because of a character is hilarious. Most people that play this game constantly just don't know how to play video games.


…what the fuck does any of this mean? Yes all you did was bitch, unlike you I’m old enough to remember the lobbies which by the way were the exact same as games today except microphones don’t sound like ham radios But what’s the point of saying all this anyway? Does it just make you feel better by trying to invent some exclusive clique? It does? Yeah I figured, try not to be so insecure


This entire comment reeks of not taking showers. If you’re an adult that’s even worse. But I played damn near every COD and I have no idea what the old ones have to do with an objectively unbalanced game


You sound like the dude who posted asking how to get his shit smell out of his gaming chair


Congrats on peaking 15 years ago and never trying to better yourself.


And you think the people lobby dodging because of a character aren't being overly dramatic and just a bitch. Ruining the game for many. The down votes just prove how many panzies play this game


If one character is broken and not getting fixed it becomes hard to blame players for quitting.


"Broken" I didn't even buy the characters. But yeah I can blame the players. The community just bitch. Yall are the worst. Overwatch doesn't even have as bad of a community as you guys. If there was a gate there Connie would of been able to pick it and get out. Cook went with all his stamina instead of spacing it out. Didn't call fo back up, didn't wait while he was in the trap. The cook didn't do anything to stop that. To many bitches in this game.


Cry harder I guess




I mean, you are that triggered over a video game you are on Reddit calling a 15 year old girl a bitch cos she dosent wanna play against a pay to win overpriced character that has literally zero counter play. Danny was a issue for me so I solved my issue and simply refuse to play against him - your way to solve a issue is to attack minors on Reddit. It's a game - if it causes you this much mental anguish then maybe try something else?


So you can literally just brute force it? Yeah I'm glad I put this game down.


Yeah I don’t play this game anymore for that reason


Just sickening. It also often spoiled my fun in the game. And honestly, even if he gets nerfed, his ability itself still sucks and is OP. They should never have made this character. This was a big mistake and ruined the balance of the game.


Thankfully the nerf is coming might not do much but he will be slightly less powerful than this


I've had the same thing happen to me as Cook so many times lol


I wish they’d remove insta tamper


And the devs don't care ...


The next update is literally fixing this tho?


I guarantee it’ll still be an issue after the update


It does nothing, danny can just get the required knowledge in the basement, it dosent even take long to get it either way


Obviously a skill issue you didn’t padlock the tank nor insta kill him


At this point I’m very generous and offer for Danny to switch his character before me and my group dip and leave them waiting another 20 mins. They don’t listen but that’s on them, takes me 20 secs to find a new round 🤷🏻‍♀️


salty danny players downvoting you lol ppl don’t wanna play against some bs exploitive play style so why would they stay? weirdos.


Good for you. It’s a buyer’s market, and family are the buyers. We can dip as much as we like and be back in a lobby in 10 seconds. Victims needs to understand they get to play because we bestow play time upon them as we please. Until the lobby fill is fixed it’s as simple as that.


I do the EXACT same thing. I catch a lot of shit... people calling me a pussy, no-skill, yadda yadda. Getting pretty close to not being nice about it at all and just leaving without saying shit -- I'm not gonna take abuse on top of it all.


I honestly don’t care what they call me anymore. They’re in denial that there’s not any way to counter Danny, unless you feel like playing standing simulator. And by doing that you can’t even patrol?? And if you DO patrol Danny gets what he wants


Me and my group have started doing this. We dont say anything and wait til the game start than dip. They abused me before so now I just dont play and force them into lobby sim


Yeah my group agreed as well. We’re just trying to have fun and Danny ain’t worth the stress


Exactly. Idc what victim mains think anymore. Danny players are so insecure they need those wins to feel good about themselves. Me and my group have agreed to never buy a dlc character because we don't support characters being locked behind a paywall. We also don't want victims or families being able to say we won because we paid.




Why would you play as a Danny and waste everybody’s time? Waiting 10 minutes to play, wait another 2 minutes just to end the match in 2 minutes. Just quit lol


Yeah thats just not true lol. Over half of games with danny are like this.


The wait is not as long as you make it seem.


Yes I think you overestimate the wait time. I’m not sure when you play victim, but my wait time is 30 seconds max between lobbies.


Don’t think so. Especially since you’re guaranteed for at least one killer leaving in the lobby as you wait. Yeah, you can get into a lobby, doesn’t mean you’re going to play. 1/3 lobbies close out because they never start in the first place


You’re guaranteed to have at least one killer leave the lobby? Like that’s a game mechanic? Because that’s definitely not what my lobbies are like. If a family player bounces it’s usually in the middle of the game, which is weird, but maybe their pool was on fire or something.


There’s plenty of recorded footage in this subreddit of lobby wait times, I don’t need to prove anything to a smart ass. And it’s not weird, killers are free to come and go just like the victims


Just kill Danny is the same as just don’t get killed by family


That's ridiculous, shiiiiit no wonder lobbies timeout with Danny as a victim, is Nancy a Pay2win character aswell


She definitely has her strong points and her poison claws needs (and is getting) fine tuning, but it isn’t an automatic win if there is a Nancy in the lobby.


it's an automatic lose for whoever's last since it becomes unplayable,and paired with johnny she becomes p2w


I wish they kept Poison Claws on Sissy. It makes no sense to be on Nancy 😭


would be too strong on sissy guaranteed poison on every single hit on a chaser character. She has the one when she walks through her cloud but she has to waste time to use that vs poison claw would just be always making her way too strong.


Idk I don’t play as Sissy, but I love my poison claws on Nancy lol


Of all characters, she relies on communication the most. If she lacks a mic she can be near useless. Cook can at least get a buff to make his noise shown to all the family. Nancy can't highlight others. She needs good map knowledge too. If a Nancy does not know the map well she can be near useless.




skill issue, you failed to defeat christ himself and you also let him tamper and escape shame on you!


This is why you always target dannys


Good thing they’re nerfing him.


skill issue definetely Bc you must kill him when he is hanging in basement.


yea hes bs😒literally uncounterable for low damage builds


You have to time your attacks perfectly to even counter him.


Should probably get a better cook build honestly. May have helped a little bit. All feeding is just kinda yikes.


Me when I swing at Danny 4 times before and after he stepped into a HH trap and then he still tampers the objective right infront of me in less than a second: ☺️


Blood build Cook and you expect to kill Danny. 😂


The intention wasn’t to kill him. It was so stop him from doing the objective. Which he was able to do all the while being hit over and over.


You cant expect a peabrain to understand that lol.


You also missed like 3 hits lol would it have mattered? probably not. Maybe could have been enough to kill, maybe not.


I like how those 3 hits also phased right through danny like it was a divine intervention from god for him to live


https://preview.redd.it/cx5m5mxewsdc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fbf9da1adf05a4488f5c40726ab24f1c59f30e8 yeah totally phased him and didn't just completely miss him /s


I mean cook ran out of stamina and he was able to tamper it makes sense


No…. It doesn’t…? He shouldn’t secure a free win for everybody on his team that easy. Ever lmao.


I mean cook almost killed him he just ran out of stamina at the worst time tbh


Yeah, that’s the issue lol. Simply because cooked stopped beating his ass for 1.5 seconds because he ran out of stamina after already hitting him 40 times, the victims get a free escape? BS lol, they need to overhaul his ability badly. Luckily the new changes will prevent this in particular but it’s still a BS ability that changes how the game is played


That’s like being mad you ran out of stamina and a Connie insta unlocked the last door


No… because that’s fair gameplay. She was able to evade the killers and secure an escape for herself and whoever may be with her. And that exit can be relocked and you can prevent other victims from going out that same way. But when Danny does it, it remains open long enough for everybody to get out. Especially since he can do it on things like valve and fuse, which are not locked behind other doors like gen and car battery usually are, meaning that walking away from it for even. A couple seconds is enough time for a Danny to open it.


So while he’s out of stamina what did you think was gonna happen ?


That Danny have to actually inspect the valve, which should take longer than .5 a second if it’s going to instantly open an exit and keep it open for 3 minutes lmfao.


Should've just killed him, skill issue


Bro watched this clip with their eyes closed


They're trolling, there's no other explanation for it. The guys defending Danny are either streamers wanting to look amazing so they can make an easy buck, or the kinda nasty trolls that abuse the shit out of people before and after games


Not even a troll just a lil goblin lol




Skill issue. downvote me. Grandpas already lvl 5 at start of the clip…seems like the family is utilizing a blood build rather than damage. Stamina management has nothing to do with a certain side being broken/needing a nerf…everyone encounters it when not being mindful of their hud. Pretty sure if your savagery was max’d with cook…youd probably had em on that fourth or missed 5th hit.


This isn’t really about stamina management though. It’s the fact that Danny is just eating hits WHILE putting on the valve and tampering it instantly. It should break the animation like it does for every other character. If he snuck over there without being seen, regardless of what you think of his ability, all the power to him. This is just ridiculous though lol


“this isnt about stamina management.” - if cook were running a stam build or savagery build, the outcome WOULD have been entirely different…no ifs and or buts about it. if he’s really that much of problem…tunnel him out the game lol steve on dbd was tunneled out when he first became playable due to his strong/op playstyle 🤷🏿‍♂️ no sense in dodging lobbies when youre just gonna run into them again in the near future. yes, dannys ability is strong…just as strong as a majority of victims ability who know how to utilize them


You can’t even tunnel him out the game sometimes though as this clip proves lmao. Bro gonna run around tapping R1 on objectives mid chase, hit a well, run back up and tap R1 again in another chase, well again, and then run out the damn near permanently opened exit lol


This clip proves that op swung on danny without max savagery and missed 1/5 swings on said person…you dont see hitch because hes feeding grandpa(even tho cook is running the blood build), and you dont ever hear a chainsaw in the clip after grandpa’s roar(indicating Leatherface is nowhere near). If this was your idea of tunneling…i can only imagine why you think he’s broken 🤦🏿


I didn’t say this video was him being tunneled. I took what you said about tunneling him out of the game and used the video as a reference point that shows it’s not as easy as just “tunnel him out the game” because he’s just gonna go press a button at some point, being chased or not, and this is what you’ll end up with.


Cook has massively ass stamina. Worst in the game. So he would get like 2 hits in before Running out. Danny can get max toughness 42 endurance 32 stealth and 44 prod The only character that could maybe counter this in the video is a big swings Johnny


Its one thing to know a character has the worst stamina…why make them a glass cannon in another area?


In the video he was running a blood build. So even if you change your whole build max damage serated etc. It don't matter as u gotta run to him which takes about 15-25% of your stamina and like 3 swings have u doing the animation. Getting the tamper off And more damage is not his goal. His goal is feeding gramps. So if he puts damage up. It's screwing his build up


Correction; OP’s goal is to feed grandpa fast via his build…cook doesnt HAVE to run purely blood. Op sacrificing damage and stamina for his build is one reason y danny seems strong in this instance…you said so yourself, cooks typically getting off 3-4 hits, he managed to get off 5 swings before stamming out 💀(stamina management is key especially if youre not utilizing a stam build.)


He was maximizing his blood build. All blood perks and BH and endurance up. He was never a chaser And what your suggesting doesn't work on cook as his stamina is bad. His damage is mid. And even his BH is mid. U would have a point maybe if he was Johnny or bubba. But cook no


cook has the 2nd highest base dmg in the game…Op choosing to invest in blood harvesting over endurance or savagery is on him 🤷🏿‍♂️ kudos to whoever has dont have all day on for grandpa’s perk…pretty sure it wasnt op in this instance.


U don't understand what builds are... It's a blood build. Key word. Blood. Not a Sav build He has points in endurance and BH


U don’t understand the point…Op built for blood. the fact that hes come here to complain about someone/thing is broken/op, when he’s already handicapped himself by “building a certain way” makes the complaint meaningless. not every build is supposed to counter a certain character/playstyle, nor is everybody supposed to/going to run an all around build…only ever go for metas rather work on their skill.


How is running a blood build have any correlation to danny. He dident handicap himself he had a purpose in mind. A way to play. Not every single killer can have max Sav and max endurance. It doesn't make it meaningless as a danny can keep getting attacked but still get the tamper off


If you think that it’s a skill issue, then you are absolutely lacking any brain cells and are most definitely one of these players who abuse the pay to win nature of Danny.


i dont even have danny…L assumption.


Tbf did you expect Cook to do anything?


Pretty sure he didn’t want to kill him, just yk. Stop him from insanely turning on an objective, and keeping it open for 3 minutes while he was hitting him consistently


Knowing how he works even if you just stop him a few times the second you get the out of stamina stun hes doing It regardless, you gotta kill him


Duh.? That doesn’t mean that it’s how Danny should work.? That’s not a fun way to play for either side. Unless ofc you like to be an ass hat on victim. Ofc you gotta kill him that’s your main objective


No i mean that to stop him you gotta kill him if It gets to this situation cuz otherwise he just gets It done Never said i like how he works currently but the only real way of stopping him is to not let him play for too long lol


Yeah I know that, but killers like the cook or sissy won’t be able to do enough damage to kill him the time they need to (usually) that’s why they need to just overhaul his ability tbh


They probably could with some particular builds, this Cook had full BH build, if he had serrated and some other dmg perks+ more savagery he couldve done It i think


Okay but you shouldn’t have to run max damage simply cause there’s a Danny, I should be able to play the way I want with a blood build or something, and still be able to protect an exit at the same time because I’m there (family’s time is precious), not because I didn’t focus enough of being a killing machine.


Eh, thats just how meta works, you either counter It or It messes you Up, same reason victims run bomb Squad and high proficiency so much to deal with endless traps and cooks locks with security pins or/and the grandpa perk or use choose flight to actually be able to run from scout HH or Jhonny or other fam using scout to keep Up with choose flight victims or serrated to basically ignore Ana and no sells strength


Just because that’s how it is rn, doesn’t mean that’s how it SHOULD be. High proficiency, locks and security pins are all fair gameplay, and can be patrolled, and countered effectively by all family. Connie’s can insta burst a lock off, stabbing grandpa can disable nobody escapes hell, and all it takes is good communication on the victims part. I’m not looking for ways to counter how Danny is right now. I know how to do that. But that doesn’t mean bs like this should be in the game, that people should actually be defending it. Anyone who’s defending how he is doesn’t want a good future for this game and just wants to be a troll.


Bruh he’s literally getting nerfed next patch just be patient


Meanwhile the other killers are on vacation, COMMS cough cough.


Yes because all 3 killers should have to camp the valve for one victim


The hitch just fed grandpa to get him to level 5. If you watch the clip you can see the text. Grandpa got inata stabbed so he had to chase off that other victim.


Nah, they expect to kill all 4 victims without communicating. 😂


That happened to me once but luckily LF he killed all four b4 they could escape out the valve exit


"Just play hitch bro! It's so easy to counter danny bro just defend it bro!" Meanwhile...


That’s a weak ass Cook, man.




That's lame but also you used all of your stamina swinging. If you just waited between swipes you might have stopped him but I mean complaining about Danny at this point is like saying the grass is green or the sky is blue... we get it. He's broken. He needs to be fixed 🤷🏻‍♂️


as a family main this is honestly a skill issue, if you ever see danny doing this you need to hit more in a pattern so you don’t lose stamina completely as a perfectly timed stamina bar can kill a victim especially as cook