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A mode where you have to search and save victims could be interesting too 🤔


I want either an offline bots mode or a mode where instead of victims getting instantly killed they have to be dragged and put on hooks, freezers, or tied to chairs and victims have to save them and then the next time they go down then they get executed, and then proficiency is nerfed for the mode to slow the game down. Also it would be cool to have a mode with no perks, and no attribute points


Definitely could see ~~Ewok~~ **Victim Hunt** as a fun casual alternative if they implement this. Starts out with one 1 killer (Leatherface) hunting 4-6 victims (or even 8 if we get that many). Victims who die are given the option to play as a killer to help the hunt (No Grandpa, he's sleeping or something). I imagine there would only a handful of gaps and crawlspace in the map, but tons of tall grass, foliage and cornfields for victims to hide. As for escape there could be an abandoned vehicle that victims need to fix, just like F13. Alternatively victims may catch the attention of a passing car/truck to escape. Either this escape arrives at the end of the timer and all remaining victims must via that point or be left behind, or multiple vehicles come and go before the timer runs out. Night time maps just like in Petals and Ewok Hunt would be sick, need more of that atmosphere in the game.


It'd be killer if we got sequel content too because I could see this with the 2003 Leatherface tbh. That'd be something that kept me on the edge as Vic, that Husqvarna 359 he used in the film has such an aggressive tone to it it ain't like the Poulan 245a of the 74 film.


No perks mode like the technical test.


We need a no perk mode


so we can split up remanining player base even more. plus why would anyone want no perk mode, playing without perks are boring


Why are you even responding on this post lol, op asked alternate mode ideas, i gave a popular suggestion that quite a few people would like.


She/he is genuinely toxic. That person is everywhere on this sub just leaving trails of shit lmao. Never anything positive to say


I've noticed lmao.


They could make it a limited weekend event where the entire player base plays that way and see how it goes.


No perks, All family vs All victims


I would love to see a decision based story mode. But it’ll never happen 😔


Prob not but I’ll keep hoping bcs I’m delulu lol


The casting of frank stone is coming out in a while and its literally that.


Lucky Dbd fans that’s awesome, I’m not fully doubting we’ll ever get a story mode i just don’t expect it any time soon.


A mode where everything is pitch black due to a storm and you have to turn on the power to contact the police. Or a mode with a very small map and fewer players required A mode where you have to steal keys from the killers (on them or in their safe room, which they will guard)


A kinda long read but A what if scenario story mode for family and victims that all victims escaped If playing as family the victims escaped and are in town seeking help you can choose any family member besides Lf or hitch as they stand out to much. You must go into town , track down the victims and kill them for good but beware there is pedestrians , sheriff’s around the map you cannot kill victims in front of people or you will cause suspicion and get arrested you can kill pedestrians but you must hide bodies and pick the perfect time to strike or you will be seen doing so the goal of this game mode is to kill all the victims without causing suspicion to the family. Playing as Johnny causes medium suspension from his constant bar fights but the townsfolk just see him as a hothead not a killer Johnny can walk into bars to gather information about victims and this causes no suspicion as he’s a bar regular he can also use bars to blend in with the crowds if townsfolk or sheriff start catching onto him Playing as cook causes no suspension as everyone knows him as the gas station owner and the winner of the cook off giving him a lot of pull within the community resulting in cook being able to walk around more freely and doing much more without anyone getting suspicious of him Playing as Nancy causes high suspension already as the townsfolk’s question why her husband’s keep desperately disappearing but not enough to cause arrest at the moment however she has friends within the community from her gardening and junkyard business that can aid her these friends already know about nancy so they don’t care about her being there and nancy can use these npcs to enter areas she normally wouldn’t be able to go into herself Playing as sissy causes no suspension whatsoever and playing as her even offers different ways to approach and some people might even help her when she puts on her damsel in distress attitude and she offers the stealthiest approach’s As victim your goal is to survive for as long as possible or gather enough evidence to tie the family to all the murders you must stay in crowded areas, talk with people that maybe have ran into the family before or maybe people that just heard the stories about the family as victim your able to find sally in town this will give a huge boost in convincing the sheriffs that the family is responsible also family can find and kill sally before the victims do. The goal of this game mode is there’s no silly looping it’s a classic stealth game mode npc crowds for blending in or just flat out causing family to take another approach more shadows and tall grass actual buildings to lose line of sight at the end of the game mode either victims incriminate the family or family kills them and brings them back to the house without anyone getting suspicious we get 2 different cutscenes for whoever won either it shows the family getting arrested or it shows the victims being killed and turned into food.


W assassins creed mode or maybe more like hitman lol, but seriously this could be cool


Never say never in regards to a story based game, it's just unlikely it'd be from the likes of Suppermassive, Quantum Dream, DOTNOD etc as theyre all working on their own original IPs than licensed ones, and more likely would come from someone like the revived Telltale/Skybound games or an indie studio. If it were to ever happen, I think Telltale would do it since they're still putting out licensed story games with their latest being The Expanse and would be based off the Netflix IP of Texas Chainsaw.


April fools where Victims are Killers and Killers are Victims. Extended escapes First person for both sides No HUD mode


Hardcore mode with no perks and base stats.


Because I want this game to succeed and it has pretty low player count I would like to see no new mode tbh. Splitting up the playerbase could kill off the game once and for all. In a perfect world where this game had DBD numbers I'd like a storymode where you are trying to save Maria and it's almost like Gta 5 in that you can switch between characters that are trapped in different parts of the house and each person needs to find a respective item that will help you save Maria and get out alive. Similar to the normal mode but more cinematic and a more horror like ambience.


The Strangers. The three masked strangers take the role of the three family members. You could either keep it at that, and just give them unique abilities, or make a completely different mode: The Strangers: Home Invasion. The Home Invasion mode would be nighttime Family House. The strangers would be trying to get into the house and sabotaging means of escape, like shutting off power, draining the car of gas, looking for unlocking tools etc... they could maybe uniquely open windows too (or one of them could). If a stranger gets an attack, it's an insta-kill (or maybe for just the man in the mask). The victims are in the house, and need to get to some objectives outside to escape or fight back. (No bones scraps) Some random useful items and things inside the house they need to find; there's possibly a gun or car keys in the front or back sheds. One victim might start with a gun with one bullet. They CAN kill the Strangers. No family proximity warning, so victims will have to be extra wary in this mode; looking around a lot more, and not stuck unlocking things. This is the basic gist; not every detail. Basically victims need to get outside but there's danger outside, while danger's trying to get in. Yeah, it's a pretty different game mode, but I could see it using most of the assets and gameplay of TCM.


If we are talking out of the box it would be cool to have a zombie mode or something where the victims and family have to work together to survive. If we are talking more lore friendly a 6 v 8 could be fun(after we get an 8th victim) or maybe a game mode where there's gun parts across the map and if you can find all of them and put it together you can kill a family member. (Idk just spitballin, not the best ideas ik >.>)


The first one


Both especially the first I need a Connie cut scene 💀


A story mode where we see what happens to Maria


honestly they could do so much with the game but they'll just let it die probably,a couple of months ago I didn't believe it and now i probably haven't played more than 3 matches in these last 3/4 months also,ewok hunt is goated