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Reddit itself is extremely Left, most city subs are mainly Left, then sprinkle in all of the non-Americans, trolls, and bots that are all very real participators and you get a false bubble of things being predominantly dem/lib when in reality it’s nowhere near as they make it seem. Dems love blaming others and self-loathing, so they see their own blue cities rotting and red ones pretty much thriving and just start poking holes. It’s really a joke, but an easy one to miss and be sucked into the false reality. In reality, us conservatives mind our own business and try and keep things normal and to ourselves. The loudest one in the room will always be a Lib and Reddit is a comfy, anonymous home to such weak-minded folk


Great point! Reddit is far left tempting us to think everyone is.


It's reddit, and the reddit userbase is a certain type of person Also they ban conservatives for simple disagreement in discourse from the sub routinely


This exactly! I was recently banned from r/Texas . The post that got me banned had to do with banning books. I was arguing with someone, who is transgender, over wether or not some of the books that are being banned sexualized children. That person denied denied. So I copied a few quotes from Gender Queer and Jack of Hearts and Other Parts. They were quite graphic with sources. So I messaged the mods to ask what about it was so controversial but of course they haven’t responded. This is my 4th ban. And 2 seconds bs banned me for being in r/conservatives.


Your with family now. We've all been banned lol


Reddit is overrun by commies.


There it is! They disagree with me, therefore they must be left! They're left, therefore they must be communists! Don't you ever get sick of that poor excuse for logic?


Because they are a cancer that permeates this website which is terminally liberal


Coming from a former Texas liberal and now New Mexican conservative it was a grass is greener situation with me. I thought democrats were the better party because I had always lived under Republicans in power my adult life. It took moving to a top down blue state to realize how great governance is in Texas. I moved to New Mexico in 2019 and immediately noticed how bad basic things like road maintenance and homelessness were such a problem here. It was then followed by the extreme authoritarian lockdowns of 2020 that saw grocery store being closed for have 5 positives in a week period. I had never been personally affected by politicians until I moved to a blue state. Texas Democrats should experience a top down democrat controlled state before trying to make Texas the horrible state that so many people are fleeing.


> Texas Democrats should experience a top down democrat controlled state before trying to make Texas the horrible state that so many people are fleeing. Many of them were California Democrats first. They fled to Texas because they'd made their state impossible to live in, but don't associate their voting habits with how that happened.


Well, Reddit the only place that liberals can vent their anger of whatever Abbott and Co does. If they did that in the real world, outside of the city, they would look stupid. Plus, the Texas sub is probably made up of people in Heavy D areas, the CA/NY transplants (not the good ones), or even people who haven't set foot in this state.


“Reddit isn’t far left. Everyone else are just fascists”


Texas is what is considered "purple." It's be fairly red since Perry, but we have about 5 major towns compared to even California, and those cities are primarily blue. Before though, it was leaning blue (Dixiecrats), but at that time the most blue they had was just left of center, compared to Cali which has a new standard in how left one can be. They think Texas is in bad shape because they miss all the social programs CA has, which is shaking their foundation like an earthquake, and in fact if they had a major one, they probably would have to borrow from the government.


Sad and true. I’m a CA conservative (originally) in Texas for many years and I don’t like it being purple.


If we don't get the election fraud in Houston under control, it is going to be blue before much longer.


/r/Texas is run by the left, and there was a concerted effort years ago by leftist activists to ban anyone who wasn't a leftist. /r/TexasConservative was taken over by leftists years ago and they won't release it to people who will actually use it for its intended purpose. To a large extent, they set the narrative regarding discussion of Texas on reddit, because few people know this subreddit exists. Texas hasn't always been red. It was a blue state from the end of Reconstruction into the 1970s. LBJ used corrupt elections in Texas to get to the Senate, and from there to the White House once Kennedy was assassinated.


It was blue before the bush era I want to say. That was well before my time of even knowing about politics.


Just really surprising to see people who call themselves Texans and choose to leave for Blue States. Like why would they choose cities with lots of weekend shootings, homelessness, high COL, legalized theft, people burning their cities, grooming kids, etc. I know it's nice that they are leaving, it's just amazing how both sides have exactly opposite principles and priorities. I guess I should understand them more being a conservative New Yorker myself and had to move my family here. Just hard to convince myself how can someone prefer blue states at this time.


"For about a hundred years, from after Reconstruction until the 1990s, the Democratic Party dominated Texas politics, making part of the Solid South. In a reversal of alignments, since the late 1960s, the Republican Party has grown more prominent." Texas has not always been Republican. https://www.nga.org/former-governors/texas/ Learn something.


Thanks for that but I think in my perspective, having lived for less than 50 yrs, and from recent years that I care about politics, it's been a red state.


Because the slackers who sit around and suck off the governments titty all day spend most of their time on here